<br />Page Two
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<br />83..;;.. ()(J 6 784
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<br />Parcel II:
<br />
<br />Lots One (1), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), and
<br />Nine (9), and the South Half (S 112) of the Southwest Quarter (SW
<br />1/4) and the South Half (5 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SR 1/4) all
<br />in Section Twenty Six (26),. Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11),
<br />and Twelve (12), and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of tl:e Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE 1/4), all in SEction Twenty Seven (27); and Lots Three
<br />(3), Four (4), and Five (5), and Six (6), and the South Half (5 1/2)
<br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) and the South Half (5 1/2 of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4), all in SEction Thirty Four (34), and Lots
<br />One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), and the Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW 1/4) snd the North Ralf (N 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4)
<br />all in Section Thirty Five (35), all in Township Ten (10) North,
<br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with all accretions to the abo"e described premises
<br />
<br />(herinafter the "Property"); and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Property provides important habitst for whooping cranes,
<br />
<br />and sandhill cranes, and other migratory birds; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the continued protection of this habit:at is essential too
<br />
<br />maintain and preserve the whooping crane and sandhill crane; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Trust and the Conservancy have been cooperatively
<br />
<br />maintaining the Property to preaerve and maintain it as such habitat; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Trust and t:he Conservancy desire to have the Property
<br />
<br />continually maintained to protect such habitat; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Trust and conservancy believe that their continued
<br />
<br />cooperative involvement in the maintenance of the property will be beneficial
<br />
<br />in the continued protection of the Property as set forth above, and;
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, t:he value 6f the property as such habitat is not likely to
<br />
<br />be adveraely affected to any substantIal extent by the Use of the Property
<br />
<br />permitted herein or by the continued maintenance in their present condition of
<br />
<br />those structures and facilities as presently exist On the propert:y, or by the
<br />
<br />future repair, replacement, c0l1atructlo11, or maintenance of such addition..l
<br />
<br />structures or facilities as may be pemitted herein; snd
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, This Conservation Easement: is granted under and pursuant to
<br />
<br />the laws of the State of Nebraska, includiQg but not limited to the provisions
<br />
<br />of the Nebraska Conservatlon a.ud Pre.servatlon Ease",ents Act, Section 76-2,1.11
<br />
<br />et seq,. !l.Il.S. 1943;
<br />
<br />IIOV. T~FQRE, tbe Trust, for ana in consideration of the facu
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />.bq.. n>dte<l all4 lis an absolute and uQCJ>ndit1ona). l;;Ut does hereby give.,
<br />
<br />&I1\Dt, 111l4. C<lDVtty Wlto the Cooservl!lncy, its successors and assigns forever, a
<br />
<br />CoQ_...ttOQ &aU_At io perp,u;u1ty over thel'ropeny, COIUlhtins of the
<br />
<br />ioU!iM.ill8;
<br />