<br />
<br />83- 006784
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />THIS GRANT OF A CONSERVATION EASEMENT is made by and between the
<br />
<br />
<br />(sometimes known as "The Platte River Whooping Crane Habitat Maintenance
<br />
<br />Trust), Richard E. Spelts, Jr., William L. Guy, and John J. Cavanaugh
<br />
<br />(hereinafter the "Trust"), and THE NATURE CONSERVANCY (hereinafter the
<br />
<br />"Conservancy") .
<br />
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Trust was established in thst settlement dated December
<br />
<br />4, 1978, of the litigation styled Nebraska, et a1. v. Ray and Nebraska, et a1.
<br />
<br />v. REA, et al., Case Nos. CV 78-L-90 and CV 78-L-242, respectively, in the
<br />
<br />United States District Court for the District of Nebraska (Nebraska, et a1. v.
<br />
<br />REA, et al., No. 78-1775, and Nebraska, et al. v. Ray, et al., No. 78-1778,
<br />
<br />respectively, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit)
<br />
<br />and exists by virtue of a trust declaration styled THE PLATTE RIVER WHOOPING
<br />
<br />CRANE HABITAT MAINTENANCE TRUST (hereinafter the "Trust Declaration"); and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the purpose of the Trust, as more fully set out in the Trust
<br />
<br />Declaration, is to protect and maintain the migt'atory bird habitat in the
<br />
<br />so-called Big Bend area for the protection and preservat.iou of the whooping
<br />
<br />c.-rane, and the sandhill cranes; iiUd
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Couser'lancy, a non-profit corporation, organized alld
<br />
<br />existi~ under the laws of the District of Columbia, is dedicated to the
<br />
<br />preservation of ecological di'lersity and guided by the followi~ objectives:
<br />
<br />a) to preserve biological diversity through the protectiOn and maintenance of
<br />
<br />habitat for flora, fauna ;'Ind biotic communities,
<br />
<br />b) to promote the
<br />
<br />conservation and proper use of natural resources, and c) to advance the
<br />
<br />foregoil1S objectives in cooperation with other organizations having similar
<br />
<br />aud relsted objectives; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, having pre'liously acquired title from the Conservancy, the
<br />
<br />Tr.Jst currently owns that real property (as defined 1.u Neb.. Reva Stat. 76-201j
<br />
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />Parcel I:
<br />
<br />f
<br />
<br />Lot On. (1) in the NonhweGt Quarter (l>I1oI lf4) of Section Four (4),
<br />and L9t four. (4) on Island in Section Five (5), all being in Townslup
<br />Hille (9) North, Range Ten (10) \lut of the 6th P.M.: also Lots Six
<br />(6), .Seven (7), Ten (1Q), Eleven (11), T"dve (12), Bnd Thirteen (13)
<br />on lalawl In. Secli,,,, Thirty Thr<le (.33), '1180, the North Half of the
<br />Northe!lllt Q\I;l,rte.r (Ni/Z HE 1/4), ",,<I th.. Northeast QU{l.rter of the.
<br />North"'-*t Quarter (NE 1/4 nil 1/4) Md "18,, the Northwest Quaner of
<br />the Npnl\"'e"t Ql.;aner 0.11' 1/4 NW 114) (:>aid 1>101 1/4 NW J!4 aho know"
<br />lill l.<!t 1 on I"land) all i.o S.'<;t1on illLHy l'ovt (,)4), <tll'b.".J.l\j?, in
<br />i'<l"'nlll!il' 'tilH} (10) North, ".aO&" ,e" (10) \0H-t.."", the 6th P.M. j n Hall
<br />Count y, ~..brll",i<Il. ~'.
<br />