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<br />83.-.~ <br /> <br />and. witnout demal1d.snall~lmlMmalelydu~aMPiI.!.aDle by Trustor and shalt <br />bear ~nlereSI.ilt tto'! maxHflum allowable leg/ll fine pro...ldoo. however. 1>1:! <II Ine <br />oj)!lon of Bth'l.elll;:lary or Truslee ~wct! SlJms may ....e addea 10 the prlnClpall:lalanl''!I <br />of any indsbteclnSll$ secured ntlr"by and shall bear lh~ same Intere!.! illS such <br />indebtedneM .nd shall be ~a,!,abi$ ralably over the remam'ng term thereof <br /> <br />10. Autgnm.nt of R""'''. Ben",tic<ary shall have !!-w rlghl. powltr il....d a..J1l1ortty <br />during the comlnuance lollhlS Trust Deed 10 collect the rei\-ls, ,ssues and prollts ot <br />the Property ana of any petsonlll propEl-rly located tnerecm wllh Dr witMut t"klng <br />poe.s.eulon of the prooerty IifftJcled h(lreby, and Tll/slar h@reby abSo1J16~Y and <br />uncdndlTlonally assigns atl SIJCh ren1s, JSW@S aM proflls 10 Beneficiary <br />8eneflclary, however, hereby consents to the TruSlOr',; collection and ralent!ol' 01 <br />$Ueh rent$. issuel'l ant! proms al!o they accrue aTld becolm! payable l'iO long as <br />TN2rtor IS not, at such times, in delault ....1111 respect to paymenl 01 an.,. <br />indebtedness secured hereby or !f1 the perfo'mance Oi any agre:emen! t:er~mde' <br />Upon any stich-deftl1.ill, Beneficiary may OIl any t~me. I!:lthel in person. by agftnl, or by <br />a recelvee 10 be appointed by a COU'I, w'thou: notice and wlltlOUl regard 10 the <br />adeQuacy of any sltCtlrity IQr the Indebtedness hereby ,ec\lreO. (al enter UpOI" and <br />take posseMiOI'l of tl'le- Prope' ''lor any part !herMI, and 1,., lIS Qwn name sue lor or <br />oU'IetWiae eollect such rent1!l. IS$UE!I$ and prolHs. ll)cluOlng those pasl due and <br />unpaid. ar<<:I apI'ly the same, less costs ana e~pen5e5 01 operaliQn and collectIOn. <br />in-cludlflQ r&lls-of4ll~ etloroe-y lees. vwn any mde-bterlnass secmEKl tiereDy. and In <br />:!Iuch order as Ben~liCla.ry milY delermme: ibl pt!ffonn such 3C:S 01 r"'p.ttir 0' <br />prtrteetlo-n.s may De: necessary or oroper Ie, conserve the ~af\je 01 tr>B Ploverty; (C) <br />lease tt'le same or any part fhereof lOr f;\,Ich !;:,r>lai, te-rm, .;;iO liPOll Slici"I <:ondltlOnz <br />as Its ludgem&!1t maY' -dIctate, Ur'lIeS!!I T'USlor and Ben~ficiary a9ree otherw~se In <br />wrltH'I9. any apphcallon 01 rent:!, !S5ueS or p'C!its 10 <'my Indebtedness securoo <br />l'1weby Sh8J1 no! eltend Of pO:!lpOlle the d'je date 01 :he ,ns!allme,n payments as <br />provided l/'I '\Sa(d promIssory tlO!e Of change the amoun! 01 suct1 tflslaJl'l'l&n:s. The <br />entering upon and talo;lnQ posseSSIOn 01 '''e Plop.erll'. :ne (:f.'HeCI'O(' 01 such renls <br />!-'sues aT'ld profits. aM the- applica!1Drl !her-eollls afc'eosll.lC1. ~t1all nr:t .....aNe or cw@ <br />any del.u1t or n01Jce 01 delault hereun..-1er 0' 'l"yit'ICl31l;' an)" aCI done (Iurs\JanllO <br />such AOllee. Trustor e!!lQ assigns to 8enellcla'~. as hlllner !>>;}cut,ly lor (~a <br />perform.nee 01 the obl;gOltlons l'iecu'~(l. .,,,,,,eb)', al\ p'epa'd rents and alt rnome:i <br />whIch m.lty have ";.ettn or mJiy n-tHtafle' lJ.e aep-Qs,!~d w.!11 S801d fruslol b~ an~ lessee <br />of !hI! PrOD$-flY. 10 SIKute !~e Oily1'l'len1 ;)1 an\, rent. <lntl upon aehlUtl ,,.., the <br />P'trlormanC1J of an1 01 t"le p'O~IS'On$ hlHeo! ! ('.lSlor <lqre..:; 10 ael<\r~r ~ucl'1 ranIS <br />..nd deposits to the :'"neflc'lvV Oell"'~'" 0' Mlnan n,; c,t the Banej,c,ary's <br />1l'lt1trCi5e of the rigMs granted rte'~'" ~o a")" tenant ocra)pYIf1q saId premIses SMall <br />be sufhclenl to re<:luH8 said ten,WI I;> par $,,'0 rent !o ~lle gen",fl('.,an; vnhl !unner <br />nOll~8 <br /> <br />11 l..ucJP~ WJthln '0 ".Y'll aitet oemll(>c, TrucStOI s1\8!i furnfsl'llo Tru5100 <br />a ~hed!,jfe C1I'rt!116d to I)e nu"" i'J"'ltlng lanl'l aH leas&s of space In Inll T'uSI <br />Property th4Jn In ellacl. inClvamg, I" case, H'I6 flame 01 the 18nllntS anO <br />occupant., II dihCrlptton Of tl'le' space O<:~\Jp'8d by 'ivcn lenarH aM OCCl.l;nnl, Hltl <br />r&nUiI payacM> 101' sucl'l s?aCe ,.."!(i !t",cr> 01N>< 'nforfT!;lt~(>f'I and docum"nt'" ....'11'1 <br />re:tpecllO f1uch leaHllllrn1l&nancles lJS l!1e T rust6t! mal' requesl <br /> <br />Without !M pOOr Wf'IItMl COffael"1: o. rn,llIl_. Trustor sl'lall nO!. alret:tiy 01 <br />!ndtreclly. with rupe.cl1D alW ~~a:ae o' ~C1!l in the deSCribed pr,:m''llM, ...",etl'ler <br />such Ie&u ie. nDW or neceaft6r In 6)ljlJtence, Ill) ilCcapl or ~,mj! any orepayment <br />diaco\mt or advance ,.,.,t wyabl. !MfeUI'ldt!I; (Ol t.anc.' or lerminate tn. lame. or <br />acceot an.,. canceii.tIOf1, letfr.JnatlOll 0' 5un"nde< IheJeo( or any e,,~jfTt 10 <br />occur wh-iCh 'Il/outd &nUtlo the lessee lr\ereIJOd.r to tltfrT'inate OJ !:;8ncel Il'lll slime: IC; <br />.",.nd Of moal1y I....e same !Ie .s to ro:M1\lce In. le-rm lh,,'~ot. ll'lf! remal piiyattt-e <br />tllefttunO.8f. or to cnang_ .ny ",n.",al ptt1VilfQ'15 meteln CQfIlaloed; ldl Wal.... any <br />detault Iht>tevnder or brHet' lhfNeof; Ie! gllrfl tl'lY consenl. ~'~"j~" or approval <br />t"-'euf\det Of lalle any ott'lll!r KltOn In COflf'\eCIIO/1 th8nt'Wlrlth, or witt< a INaH <br />:heleundeor. wNet! would M...~ the ",flOKt 01 .mpaln"'.1 ~l"ItI ~a!Lle >:It l&S&OI'S lfll&l"e"l <br />~~, Ol'l tt,e Pr-operly $ubtect tneflltt-O, (;., Of 'mpaif!f\!',i Ihe posittcn Of "\teteat <br />~ lr.. Trvat_ Of 8t>ne'lCl.,..,: 01 \Ii !Oell, A,sIMQ'n, p-'~e, mor;;..;., or otherwlM <br />dlspolle-ol, Of ancumbe'. its inlerest l~ any ,,,el'l 1f""M 01" ."y ''''l'Ils. ;~Ulte!!l O' prollls <br />iuulng or .rlelng lr..teunt:Wf <br /> <br />12.. ~aon. II mle '0 .fly P.llfl ol 1M Propefl)' llon;\l; be laKI," If! cOfloemnaUQfl <br />~inQS, by r1ot;t ot emlnen! oom.i". or "mila' acuon, O. sl'l.al1 De sold under <br />tPll'Mt of (;onoemnatlon, at[ .......rcta, o.~ arnj Pfoceeds are M.eby U$lgrntd <br />.M ."-If bee v-.ld to aeMilictll/)' wOO !ohlin -loot,. 1iU(;1'l ..a'ds. aafllagfl ano <br />ptOOH(t~ kl tn. $UfM secufeo by In. r'U$t De.o, with the e~. ,I .tiy. fUild to tM <br />TrustOf. Trustor _Iii promptly, "rid """l~h \1ue dlltg.l'ICe. r&p&i'_ ~Iter aM resloUJ the <br />r'$'lfl&Il'l~ part ot ttw Trust ~ty !O HI !orme\' conditlQn- $ub&t.nllally to to. <br />Iilll'tent that the ,ame ma., be '''Slb~.1'I(j .0 .$10 CCll!~H!ule "complt!!. "nd uiNlble <br />...nlt <br /> <br />13. futunl AdM~ U~ r~ue51 c! T'U-8tQt. 6-en.tIlCiary, lit Beneficl./)' -S ~Uon. <br />prlO!' t\'l reco!wey.ncs 01 lhi;! Pr()pt!I!"t;< WIn., rr,.j;l!Of. m.~ r>ltll<l!I lutvUI .."....rn:;.$ 10 <br />the Trustor. Suet! futufe a(han<:tM. wlttl lnIelflost 1'16'''''''. 5"IlU be .~...f80 by- lh.$ <br />TrUllI Otted wn.n ~~id9l1l.::ed t>,. PfO."?l'3SlXy notes tlt8-Wll: 11'1.1 $&10 nol.~ ;lI,e <br />~u~ I"!.feb)-; p'tl~iQeO tha1 81 "0 Hmtt $".H \<'\<El !lKI.r!~ llrmClj:UIl. !vlulIlI <br />.ov.nc1l&. 00.1 mC!iKling sum!! ad"anCed \~ (FOi8C: !!">to ~l1nh. 6~C~ O'>e <br />!'>'.mdfl'd P&fcetl: i l00~"'11)11!\e ongj""llnnc'P8! Ilfl'"lO!J!'1!$ ~l.I!6\l n.<.C) <br /> <br />1.. ......... C""*'-..........ll !.~ prOY'1H<l H., thiS TrU$t 0Md are d\slU'tCI aNI <br />cumuh.t~ to any otMr tJ9h1 01 ,.~ ,,~ lhls T 'list o..a Of iltlorded by law or <br />~lty..Ad ma,.bol.'ltl'e-lsed COf'lCuffll!fttly, l'Idept,no.nU-,. or succ.8&1~I)' <br /> <br />l~. ~Iioft; ~ SaIL UPOn deiault by TrUSIO' In th., paymeot of "flY <br />l~~ secured hcr.oy 01 lr1 the pl!H'tOffl\anca 01 any agreemenl h.,eundet <br />~tciar; mar a.cilt6 all sums aecur-.d he'eby lmmecJ"tely JAa and jM:)'&ble by <br />~ to TrUS,lee ei 'WHItten declaratIOn i;lt ""teu!! The Tf\isllN &hal' h....e tho <br />~ 01..14 0' 1M ~r and If h""t!C~ry 4...,.,a th-ll Pt~y to ~ sotd, It <br />:tAali~1t wIt'" Trult..I,,"$ Tr.Jst Deed end.!! promlU~ ~".nt100el,lmerns <br />Mk'MInc~ ~~te.\ aecv'~ he.!'eb,!" a!'ld 5~.U deliwer to TI\Jat.., >I Wf"lttWl <br />Muc. of o.faun and ~hon to 1M Pfopefty to be aC'lld. and fN Tru~t.. In <br />tum.n.u pr~ a aimfta1 Notte. in t,.., tontl ~;fed by (aw. which shall C. Quly <br />mea lot I$C:OId by- TtV$t" <br /> <br />~ Aft..- tM lap.'te o! SIKh tune ,,:. ffI;i;1 be ftKPoiriKl: D1 \"'.. I9Ih:IvI'l'.Q the 1er'.QfC' <br />a~fQr! of YtO Mtb OI4th&\..ll. ",nd 11-0H(;8 cf Mfaul! &00 noue. .;)1 ute\fo <br />bMn g:1vwn.. r~\iired by law, Tn:~ .lITl(xd demand en rn..atOf, sell <br />tM Pfaptrty Q(ll~ d5t. .00 at ttl9 u~ 1M place aealgn&lltd in sale notic41 of <br />~. at pubtfc .uctton to t~ hlOh-t biOC@':. the putCflaH !)flce p&y.abl. In <br />ta.ful ~ 01 ,"- Uf\iIOlJ Sl.i&S at In. l'-'Nt of "I.. 1'1'0& pOfa<)(! con4uctll'lQ <br />IN". may, il,.lf ./1-; C;a.uM n. ~ 611pOQiEloflt, paslpon5 the ""' Irom <br />10 tm..W'ltii l11hallc. oarn~ af\I:t. ,<'! ~ well CASe, 1lQ(;U 01 poalpon. <br />f"'fWlt. thaJI be Gn.t\ tl'!, ~K: 0e,c......1k)r; thet~ b,. Sud'l ~$On lit the time <br />ao-"lOl il-Iac& l-a-.l .llppYlilt<<l l~ ;hII uit!; ptO'lldt4. O! !~ ~ '. ~1Pi'.lned lor <br />~ lhan pt "'" ~ tfle !lall .o.Slg"",t.a 11'1 the tlOtl-ce of \tal., r;olicll <br />t'*<<Jf.~ ~ gt't8i\ ffl tn. >>me- ~rm.t .illrte OtlgUl&l notlCe of &ate <br /> <br />T~ ~ .l(~l. &tl4 d&#'<'&f ;0 i~ iM'eNlWo' l'!,,. Deed COlWe'r~nv lhe <br />Praottt:,- &Ota b-ui *ftOO<.ll any ('~1 Ot warranl'j, ~~p-r":l, Of 'moHed. l'htl <br />~~ tf'; '.M o..d 01 V!f ""-tIW~ or fa<<s .n.JI bIi t:01'Ctvei-". proof of In. <br />u~ ~f Any ""40(<. -in(:1<,idiJ19 e.~ltf>>C,at)', may pw'cila.. .~ t'- <br />- <br /> <br />0), ~ -r~1otMR llWW*"llo I~ ~ "'~n, tt'la i~U"-st.. ;tonaU ilpp1't :ne <br />~. ~ t~ s. 10 ~~ 01 ",--ea.f. a-Ad ..petlU1; 0-1 e:r;eI".:"ing I~ <br />pO.... l;d ~ aM of tt\tI ~. i~Wlt\1/; In. PA1mult vi lh. TrU$l"'. Fen <br />~.~t'IOI tG..~,~__,-._._. _,,"_.,. % iJ~ t" tH'icII. tl-!ld then l~ <br />m.~ln~.NIh\i;ft"ttw~~.tlltill4 <br /> <br />Ki ~ _int m.*'tR/lt ..-:1,*4\~flQf~tUll-! fhe IUlifll:t ~ !'W!l_, or <br />~~ t<N;lrt~.~ ~.o' fqf~~..-.d;Nl6;f tn.~ifi p......uant <br />lQ~IOf~.,~~~ ...tM~oe4PP#ljtnj~!;H~ .11I'ed' <br />14 h pe;ym4lnl r:fI <br /> <br />:<, eo.tot.,.~ai)l t~~oa ~ ~Me~ w-!th ..olt:h "Ie aM n' <br />~~~; <br /> <br />i!" .M~tMi't-.......,~~.,; <br /> <br />f~ 'r~~-,ll..~,~~~~"",l~~lt~~~fjHt' <br /> <br />r <br />006780 <br /> <br />16. DuO.. and Obligation. 01 Tru.t_. laj fhe dutrlts and obligations of Trustee <br />shall be oel&rmined sOll!lly by the 6J:press lJIovisions Of the Trust Deed and Truslee <br />snail 1'101 be Habla e~cepl for Ihe performance of such duties and Obligations 011'" are <br />!ipt!Clflca!ly !liI1 forth herem, and no unpiled co...enantti or obHgations shall be <br />lmpos~ upon Trustlile; (b) No provision ollhls Trust Deed shall require Trustee to <br />6ICpend or riSk his own funds. or otherwise incur aoy financIal obllgatioo In the <br />performance of any <)1 ilS dulles hereunder, or in the exercise of tiny of Its riGht or <br />powers. If it sll.Ul1al'e grouMs lOf believlt1U thet the repayment of 8Ul;:h f\Jnds or <br />adequate Indemnity against such rISk or ilablllly Is not eeasonably lissured to II; Ie) <br />Tmsl9El mllY l';ot'!surt ....ith counsel 01 t:is own C~OO81ng and the ed'!!:e of sucl'l <br />couotl81 shall be lull and complele <:H1ltlorilation and protection in the eespec1 01 <br />aoy action laken Of sufler8d by it t'lereunder in gOOd faith and reliance thereon; (d) <br />Trustttfl shall not be liable for eny action taken by him In gOOd faith and <br />believed by hIm to be Buthorlzed or within the discretion or rIghts ot powers <br />conflmed upon tl Oy thiS Trllst O&ed <br /> <br />17. Addltlonal$eUflfy In.trum.nts. Truslor, at Its e)/.jH!nS8, will execute and denver <br />10 the Trustee, promptly upOn demand. such security instruments aa may be <br />required by Truslee, In form and SlJbsle-nce satIsfactory to Trustee, C<3....rlng any of <br />lhe Peoperty conveyed by Ihls Trust Deed, which securUy inslrumeots shall be <br />additional security lor Trustor's faithful performance of aU 01 tile torrnt:, covenants <br />and conditIons of 11'115 Trust Deed. 1M promissory notes secured hereby, and any <br />other secu,ity in-'trumenls e~8cu!ed in connection with this transacUon. Suoh <br />Instruments shall be rffCorded or Wed, lind re-rocoe(2ed and retlled, at Trustor'a <br />~;l(pense <br /> <br />t8. Mm:.Ilanaoua. <br /> <br />illj In the e..enl anyone or more of the provisions conlalned In this Truat Deed or <br />lhe promlssorf note Of any other !-8Cl,lelly ""strument given In connection with <br />Ihl9 !rans8cllon shall lor Ilnl' reaaon be held to be In....Ud. Illegal oe <br />unenforceable in llny respect, such In'lalidlty, illlIO.llty, or unenforcublllty <br />shaH, alltle oDllon ot Beneficiary, not eneet any other provlelon of this Trust <br />Deed. but tl'!la Trust 0&6d 5h.1I be construed as If such Invalid, Illegal. or <br />/.inenlorcee-Dle I-Iro...I5'1On hSd "eyel tx;en contained herein Of therein. <br /> <br />(bl This Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of the Stat. of <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />je) Tills Trusl D&ed snail Inure to and bInd the heirs, legatees, devlaeea, <br />adminIstrators, exe-cutors, Buccessors and assigns at the parties hereto. <br /> <br />(dl Trustor shaH pay aU taxes le..led upon this: Trust 0Md Of the debt secured <br />hereOy. together wilt! any oll'ler or assessmeots whIch may be k!...led <br />ilg8lf'\St the Trustae or BentJIlclacy 01 the legal holoer of saId promlsaory note <br />on account al the 1I\d6btednesl e..-Idenced thereby. <br /> <br />leI Whenever u~ed herein, the 511'1gUI.r number shall Include the plural, the <br />S1f1gular. Ihe use 01 any gandef IIl'1all tie applicable to all gendors. and the term <br />'Bef'liltflclarv" snail Include any pay" of the Indebtedness hereby s:ocuntd or <br />any Iransferlnereol. whether by ooer.tlon of law Of otherwise. <br /> <br />19 SuceM.. Tru.t_. Beneficiary may trom IllTHt to 11m. s:ubttitute . 'uct:.aaor Of <br />successOfS to any Trustee nam.d tleeeln or acllng hereunder to execute th-11I Trust <br />Dead. !Jpon Ivert !lopolntmenl and wlthout con...eyance to the !lucca.Of TlUst.., <br />tn. lanet" Shall be ...ested with all tltle. pow.r., .nd dut'- conferred Upon any <br />Trust" htH.!l'I named Of ftcllng ra.reunder. -!luch apPQlnt~nt and <br />substitutlon ,hall be by written Instrument by BeM'kllary, containing <br />rlffterence 10 fhls T<usl Deed and lI8 place of record, whlch when ~ In the <br />olflce of the Reglatar 01 O4HIda at tho county Of counties In which, Hid propll1y'llI <br />IIltU.tac an.1i be coocluslve proof of proper ~polntment of the aucceaaor Tru.tM. <br />Tnl!l loregolng pow.r 01 substltutlon .1'10 the orocedure therefore ah., be <br />exclUli'le 01 lhe pow.r elld procedue8 ptOYlded fOl by i.w fOf the SUMtlt..t" I at . <br />Trustee or TrustlMl!! In tl'\. place oj tne Trust... <br /> <br />20. Forharanc. by 1I1tM11clar, Of TnRtH Not a W.Iwtr. Any forebu.rance by <br />Be~fici.ry or Trust... 10 exerclslng any right or ~ tJeteUncter, or Other'wIH <br />.flolde<! by aoPUCllltlle l<zw, an.1I not be a w8iYM ot Of pteclude the Derel,. 01 any <br />righ-t Of' remeuy heleontHr, lIkewllMI, tn. Wll.I~ by- e.,..t1dary-Of TruatH of an:.- <br />aat."n ot Ttl..'ll-to> uf'ldof thIS Trust De-&d ahall not be deemed to be a wai'lfH' of any <br />otner or almll.r d.faulls sybsequently occulting. <br /> <br />2', TnMlof Not RelMMd. htonslon of the Urn. tor paym.tlt 04' modltlcatlon oe <br />amortflallon 01 lhtl aums M'C1Jr8d by 11'11$ Trusl Deed grantad by 86nelk:lary to any <br />$uc.::..-or In 1t'\1.,.sl oi Truatof shalf nol op.etate to relea.e, 1n al'ly manner, the <br />liabllity 01 t,,~ ollginal l't1,/!lIOI or Tfllslor'a suCCltSSOl' In tnt.,e.t. B.neflcia:ry ah.1I <br />f'>-ot ~ r1M:!liired te cQ/ntflfJflce ploceedlngs against $uch. $UCCflll301 or refup to <br />'Uland II~ !Of payment or otherwl.. modUy amortlzaUon 01 tne suma secured by <br />mls Trust 080d by leMon Of an., demand made by tl16 Oflginal Trustor and True.tOI'& <br />!IuCCt:llljor, in wtelest <br /> <br />22 o.tautt. H tl1.,e etl&ll oe a d.lsul! under tnl. Deed of Trulll Ot under any prloc <br />mortgag*. lhtt BoneHel.ry ma" Colle such dllt.Ult, aOd the .mounta ar:tv.nCAMi by, <br />snd other COIta and ell;Pf'nsolS of lhe benellcl.ary. in curing .uch default, with <br />Int&r8S1 .1 tn_ d.fauft rale contamed In the Note secured h.rttby from the ttma of <br />u.... .dvllJlcea or paym8"flts aneM be.rn:led to the Indebtednu.a &&cured b)' thl. Tru.t <br />Deed .nd 1'118)' be c-ollfl;ted h.(,",nOel ., any time after the !fm. of ,uch ed~.l1Qs <br />Ol' payments and .nall be dtterMd to be secured heftlby. <br /> <br />23. Optton to F~ Upon tne occur.nce 01 any default htr.und.', Beneficiary: <br />sNill nJ:...e tile option to torecJo&e this Trust 0Md In the m.nn.r prOY!ded by law IOf <br />\he toreclQ6ure of mort"aQeIl on IHI proport.,. <br /> <br />24. Tnn-fCM", RIQMa. Abawtt Dtttauh, Unt1l any d.f.ull In tho pa)'rtMKlt of <br />I!";O<!lOlaa\'leU 1'I0leby secured or unttl the breaJ;h of any cO'Ienant hef-.ln contained, <br />ll'll!l Trustor, its ~cenor$ and asai"ns, shall pot..u and entoy tile pfOpQrty, and <br />recel...e the fents and profits theflllffOfn. Upon paymeot of all aum. MCU~ by 1tll. <br />Trulll Deod. BlI!fteflclary ,h-all requ"l Tru.!ee to reeon.,.y the property- and $hall <br />5fJfrend6l' mts lrust ~ 11\"\0 .Ii notes eVidenclog IndebtednaM secured by thla <br />frust Deed 10 Trust". Trust.. snali r&COnvey tl'\e property without warranty and <br />wtthout Ch.fQ1l. to lh-e perSOtltl leg;aily entHled tF\efe-to. The GeantH In any <br />fl!K::bn~y."Ci1 tNly be ~,Ibed a-s '"the person OJ' pers(Jt\$ enUtI-ed tbanto," and <br />th. , lhe-tem of Clhy matle-fs OJ Ie-cts 3haJI b& cOflcl~V8 pfoot of the <br />lru!hl!,iln8$& It'ltlfeot, SUCh ~!tr50n or DeJaorlS al\all pay all ~t.. of teCOfdlng, II an)', <br /> <br />~, AccttI<<alion m 1M i...ent of Tt,nal<<.ln the e-...enttl1tl tlUe 10 rQlltst.ttll!l <br />trllnetllntl(i~ 0' con!raClttfj 10 be tra"$ferred, Irom fl\e \joo:i8rafoneej for 4flY re.son or <br />t:>y any rnelrwQ wh:aI~I'el. tn\!t entIre pnnclpal au," and accrued inttl(~ 'ShaH at <br />once become due and payable...t In. tile<:t101'r 01 the B&nttflcl-ary. Fallur.lo 811.,clae <br />tnls optlOll tIOCauS6 o111.",ler of Nle as &bo.... ISt.ted ln one lnstatlc' sl\.1I f'\Qt <br />constitute ~ 1Ilr8,"tIf at the rlghl to e.-lsICI-s& IMllafl'\e In the e...ent Of a/'ly subMlqUClt'lt <br />Htlnt,.r <br /> <br />2e. Thlt.... Of truat 1-, junior 10 ona O.111d <br /> <br />.IIKUI4'd by lr1J1l10! III <br /> <br />. Tru.t.., <br /> <br />M(;.,tflnv. pr.tI(:l~' oot~ to-< <br /> <br />()oilar-a and !tied 10( !.lXXd ."Un tt.. ~I'('" 0'1 PHd..o.1 ~tlIlH.. 'otkJwq; <br />