<br />83- tJlj6780
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 20th
<br />be and between:
<br />(A) M:1:chael J. and Bonna B. Wanek
<br />
<br />aay of
<br />
<br />December
<br />
<br />,19 83
<br />
<br />, whether one or more, herein-
<br />
<br />after called "Trustor" whosemalllng address Is
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />?I.J 9 'J9~t ('\:l~rlll"
<br />
<br />(B) John A Wolf
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />and
<br />
<br />address Is PO. Box 428. Gr..no T" 1 ..no, NF. fiRRO?
<br />
<br />(0)
<br />
<br />Thp ~ir~r.N~rinnAl R~n~ of
<br />?O? ~PQr Thirn ~rr~pr~ p n
<br />
<br />Gr..no T Ql anA as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is
<br />~nv 176Rr ~r~nd T~l~nrl NF. hRHn?
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged. grants, conveys. sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale,the
<br />followlog described property, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homesteadaod
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belooging; and all of the
<br />foregoIng, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performaoce of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein CtJ Hained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of FTVF 1'HOI1<;ANn 1. NO ----Dollars ($ ~ onnnn ),
<br />as evIdenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of Interest thereoo which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under thetems of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate In writing, the final payment of principal and Interest, If not soooer
<br />pald,shallbedueandpayableonthe Hlrh day of April ,1984
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1 WaR'HiJ' ~ no.. Tflnlt~ 1..1......fully ~ of lhe Property, It .hil:S gOQ\1 11I1M and
<br />I&.tul authority fO M>> and convey l~ Ptt\JleI1y; the Pt~rty \5 tree ..nd CtHf of aU
<br />j~ and ~ ..<<PI lien, f\OW 0' r~ .nd Trl.l$toO<l' ;aI,1! ..naflt anG
<br />~ l~ ttttt- -to tr. ~ unto In. 1ru", aM Its Suceeuo1'l .no auig.ns
<br />fOFft4lf, ao.mat~ cta!"" 01 ali P<<r?nl. TlUstOt, at I~ .qA)n;M. will millniam ana
<br />pr.....tM lien ofllQ Trust Deedu.a,,.n up(ln the Trust P'l'opllUty sub}<<:t only to
<br />~ ..tsttng at 01 1M 0.1. _.. will caU$tt ttliS Trust [)Md,.~ .ach
<br />~t or su~t ti'lerato, to bt> "ked and !"KOfoed as .. mortoag. of II1a
<br />Trvat PtQrMrty in aw:h mann..- and in touCh pl~, and __II take $\jeh other aclion as
<br />In 1M ot2fniQn of IN... \'hay M f~ed by any pteSenl Ol 'ulUlll law in order to
<br />~,~m and pmtRt the l'-n of 1M!; TI1.iSI Deed. as the a&mit fNIIY bit from
<br />l~tQ~~Ot'~"","lea^
<br />
<br />z. ...,.... Of ~ a8d'~ Trustor -ahaU OUnt:l\l.al'y pay the prlnt;lpal ,0.1,
<br />~ ~ Oft, Hkf Femiuorr _ROle ~ ."'1' .ovancea thereJo .$ P<</"ideO
<br />hWtlft 0fI, $a.... aM at ttHi ~ and m the rnaMer provided -thef~n- and wllf
<br />~.uy1*fOnnal'l~... condttions- and ptO'ri_~_ol.ny other MCutU'I
<br />~otwen ~ CQftMCtion wttn um IrattHdion..
<br />
<br />3.. ~-... ..............._of~. TNSI'Qr wijl n.ot commit Imy W"l&-
<br />\lPQft-tM ~ and wUl at.1t 11","- rn.lnlaifl ft1e nme irr Oood ordltt and
<br />~ andwm tnIlQ,.-~ UtMIO '!me. ai-l- ~ feMW.I~, f~me...t.s..
<br />~ afI:I ~ts wt\lch we f'~ r~ 10 pteYettt .ute,
<br />~t. Of cMti(kwti'lOn of Nkf PfQperty, No butidlftO Of" i~t now or
<br />~ ~ \lPOI\ the PToHnl_ shafl be .tt~ !ttftlOYeQ- Of d~
<br />~""prior-~conuntof....tleiaty_
<br />
<br />~- ~.~.:Ince#ot-Art;~ \0. Of dQ:l\ICt,iot.:V:, U-rij bI.lUill~,
<br />
<br />~;-~_~.=:::n":'~f~=::~~~:r:::~~::-~:
<br />......... plQII'Ip(fJ-~. rep,tli1', ~ ~ f'eOvilij tlM ~... rlUfly at;
<br />~.toU;.~~..,.-priQr~Itl$J;lChevtl--oe()fdfttf"C(!OIJOIWttl't
<br />SlI(:ir ~ -ami- ~~.. Tt~(l! m.,..oe.m ~00fi." J)t(lllldecl 'aU'l;h
<br />~ aM ~tcla4 do -1'\0( maltJIi.Mly~...-n 1_ ~ "Ad ul~ity 01 ~
<br />~,~anc:Ii ~ fwm t~ ..if;lIDQ Immtldi.1!ety priOt lQ
<br />1II!Idt~-Qf ~ l~Qr f,~", .,wttold_lill' '~""'et'tt born lhe
<br />T...__....._flf-n.lIotIlAIIU(~~~ toy Tnn.''', but Qon.y to
<br />h~qJtM_Ul'~~WAfMf.WI~kn't
<br />-5. ~ r.... M TNat.ot ~ .. ~..iOI\, 11 will Qtt. alf 1~9S 1"lK.aMf'j to
<br />~--~~,f~P4Ori~JevM.UflMt tMIjj.~Qftn.fohlt-eQ~
<br />..-.
<br />
<br />t. ~ r~,,~ .ib- ..,~ lIIifi,~'*"U\ Ilf,lit !~_.s ioDP!o..u by
<br />~,~~~toU)t"~-'f.<d~f.mw~~y,
<br />~~,~,y,~ __tlf fq, k~,ttw~. arM (,<tl_p$tit.
<br />~lllf"~'_"""'~~,i"VI*~t~tlO(lt
<br />~-"'~~fJf n. ~~..~ l:~. ._I'!'d ~.f'ol:1r
<br />~--~~~.m.~~"l$-;;',,*~.~,~f.!"o.,t:hrniltfS
<br />-,-~,-~"-~-~ ~ ,'*- ~'f ,~ ~<<f~'" tQ!' 'lh:
<br />~,-l~_-~'''~_~~~Hi~lI~~r
<br />~-~fo~~~__~ilI,If!-~f~~.l;ltfl14-\~~<:,! I~
<br />
<br />fftSPt<1!1I0 partles_ AlllnsufanC4 policin mainlailUlCl pUft\uant 10 this Trusl Deed
<br />$hall nllfnCl Tni$l" and B.neficlary as iMutfJ(iS, a. theIr fGtpeCtiYe Intefests- mily
<br />ll.p~r, and Pf01lIOo lhat ther. &hall be no c.nlallaUOn ot modlhcaUon without
<br />!flteen cta" p,tor w,'U.n noUfIc.Uon to Trulll.. and B~ic~ry. In the event any
<br />polley hereunder Is nol r~wed on or befor-e li1l"0 day, priGr to ItS oxplraUOf!
<br />date, Trust.. Of aen.fk:liary may prOC1.ite such insurance and lne CO$-t tMreof ,hili
<br />c. aco.d tl) lhe lotin '~U(ed by thlt TrUll Deed .and thall bear Inte,."t al the
<br />great. ot the int.,..t "if; SIMOIfIed tJ'leraln or the- hlghett inter..t fate &utholJ:l:ed
<br />try th4t ~wa of the Stale 01 Nebruka. Trus1()( shall deliver to BeneUclaoo lhilt-Orlglnal
<br />pollet.. of Insurance and f~ail thereof (II' I'Mmo eop~ ot SUch poliOi.. ana
<br />r~.it thereo:l', Falture to lurrn$h Iflaur&nee by TMltor, or fl)neWa'- IS reQUired
<br />tlereundtr &hajj, at the option of Benltlicia'Y, t'onaUlute a def.utl, AU UnMf11fiI
<br />premiums.... hereby anioned to Tru,t..s adQiHOnal .ecurU)' llf'd. lale and
<br />con.,.-,anCfl of the Property by the TNshte $MII operate 10 convey to the puroha.Mf
<br />1M TnQlIW'S intfilAllfl and toall po.llcl-e!i ot insurance upao-the TruslPropetty,
<br />
<br />1_ TallM tnd All......,... Trustor sheil pay aU t.~tl.Ii Jlnd special a5Mf,amelllS
<br />!erieQ Of ulesHd 'Ollmsl or due upon In. Property before. dellnqutlnC)', and will
<br />t1tlllwf to 8eoe1k:lar; copies 01 receipts anowmg paym-enl of $U(;h taxes .rvj
<br />5pet:!aI6ueuments, It BeneliCllIry shall so '''Clueat, Trustor .agrees Ihat 1herelthall
<br />be added to allct'l ~fiCd/.c payment reqUlfed: 10 be mlKUl herevnder an I;ImQlJnf
<br />tl'sttmautd by Trustee 10 tie- $\.Itficlent 10 eA.ttJ1t Trustor to pa;y. 81 ltIast 30 dl!Ys
<br />bef0f8 delmquency. aU taxM, .uessmentt 01" Olher puol!c ct)a'~s ilIoalflSt tM
<br />TN,.I Prope~ly, tn. Note\teG\lred by :t1l5 Trust Deed, Of" Upofl ae<;QUnt 01 the d.pl Qf
<br />lhe Ii,"" 01 tlus Tr-vst Oftod, logeth.r 'Nill1 premiums tor IOSUfafl(;8 required to bf!I
<br />ptcMdad under Inls. Trust Deed and 1\0 inter"1 shall be payable 10 TruslQ1 1ft
<br />.f1speG1 tnervof. Upon dem~q by lrustee, Truslor shall Mli\f'ef IQ T~u&t" .uc-n
<br />ilddu~.i .um\\ -at mooey at! are nK-eSaary to make- up ilIny de!i-ciency If\ lhe
<br />amounts neceSUI')' 10 enab<<t Tt~!_lo pay any Of tfte f0l'8OQillQ items.
<br />
<br />a .AddittoAlI u.n.. Truator ahalt make al~paymeots of 1fl18fflt and principal ana
<br />payments 01 an)' othef cnlll'O$&. tH8:, ana hotlnu", eontra(;f-H to bel ~id 10 any
<br />-existing lien holOVa Of priOt bf;nehclarl4ls u~r art1 puor T.ust 0thKJ, MOl"fg~ 01"
<br />ot",., ~urlt)' .'g:fMment, be'Vfe tN date I~)' &l'tl,"-lInquellt and 10 pay alt'1 other
<br />clalm which 1eGfW"C1llfl;, lhe HCur-rty Qfantad hF6Io.
<br />
<br />1/1 ~ ~ ~ry'.~. $houkl Tt\m~ fa1J 10 milk. lift)' payment,
<br />fall to ckJ any act .iII n.t~l'I ~ or if IIA\' action or proceeding is CQ[flm.llOeO
<br />.mc.n 1n&**1f .It~tt- u.n.lielt,fY'. Inl.,..lln ,r. Pr~t" l~l1+no, bu-I 1'101
<br />\imiltlc;t to, .n'l4n.n1 Oot\'laiJ't, lMOi.~y. .rr~em.tlt. Of p'OCHdmg.. f~no-"
<br />M'*ruvt at ~. In. 8enf1110iaty or i'\J_t.. !.kI1 wttttout Ob1l941tlon 1(l1W ~
<br />Ahd Wtthcu. I'IOtWe to Of ~t'lId ~ fflJ*11)f, and wn-hQ\ft ""i1Ullog rrutlof Irom
<br />if!\)' onlioauon n.~. ~f .'!In_ Of do l~ "mat, AM rnltv ,-,.." "urehe~,
<br />come.tOO' CQmp!olni'...ny ~mb1~ ~.(If ,~, wtm:h!1I t~~~t o~
<br />"'1~ .~ to II;Heel u~ Pmoeri)'; in ..tici$inQ any 5lKlh 1~~ jft.iJ
<br />e.n.tlC.l.ai) or r'U$(1JQ lYI.y l.;c:u' .fly tt-f.b1lily .\'IQ ..~ w~h!..( am0l.i.1'II5.
<br />!'lIt~ dilw~n.t. 'Of fUSOl\tIb!e ..1t<<NI~'-8 tee., wt.iC11 lfl the-Ii- Ilb$Ot"UII
<br />o;t/oS;Cf*,1Q,I\_ m.,. t.~. 11'1 t"--~t t_h4t H"$JOt 4t-..U !4it to prMIlr.
<br />!f!.$UI'.~ \)j tf; fJQ {,ilus, .I"d ~;;I1 .....~t. {)I 10 tn..... atry ~rnenb Ul
<br />~()~l",,",~ <)' ~ u..n ~ 01 ~fj;(;t.r"",, I~ 841rmf"-'_iatV "180,- l.'l'I;w:;....lff 1I\l'-;;~
<br />h'!.~f~*I'I'1I~~:l'l~ta .0\11 tlWf\l! \f\",,*f.aQf"Il.~ or S.'Wil~'lA'h
<br />(ioJ-TntI>lH Ifl a.::~.u:;.t "",i~r.l~ j)t!;W..it,r<o>t>t Ihr-" Tr".,~ ~ !li'" i!~;ii'''<J ~"h"
<br />