<br />I
<br />
<br />83......1! (J 6 760
<br />
<br />Lenda\ \l.rlH.:n itgrccOlcnr or applicd'lle law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all morlg.lgc insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts- disnllf!icd by Lemler pursuant 10 this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indehtednes~ of Borrower sr:cured hy this Mortgage. Unle..s BOTfllwcr and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts sfHtll he- payable upon Ol"ltkc from Lender to Horrowcr requesting payment Ihereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of diwursement at the rate payable from lime to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />intereSI at such rate would be contrary In applicable I,IW, ill which event stlch amounts sh~1l bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing cont::lined in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />:my action hereunder.
<br />8.. Inspection. Lender may make or cause 1.0 he made rea:.onahfe entfie, llpon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shaH gi\-~ Borrower notic~ prior to any sllch in<;pection specifying reasonable calise therefor related to Lender's
<br />Inlere",! in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The pnKl'cds of any <i\\,'ard Of claim for dama~es, tliree! or consequential, in connection with any
<br />(.:ondemna!ion or other taking of the Property. l.)r part thereoL or for C(lnveyance in tieu of condemnation, arc herehy ass.igned
<br />and ~hafl he paid to Le.nder.
<br />In rhe event of it toral taking \,f the Pr('pcrry, the pr()cceds. ,;hall be :lPplicd to the "urns secured by thi~ Mortgage.
<br />with the eXec,>s. if any, paid ll} nc>rrnw~T- In the ('vent ,-If a paniai taking t,f the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />lllhcrwi"c .agree in writin!!. there "hnil he <l:pplied iO the -,:ums ,rcured oy fhi" Mortgage <;tlch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is cqu,d tn th:lt proponi(lJl which the amounl nf the 'iUfTI' "ccured hy lhi.. ~l()rrgag:e immediarely prior 10 the date of
<br />laking bc:~p; tn the fair market value pf the Pr0pcrlv ll1HllNlialdy pri('f /(1 the date of faking, with the baI:mce of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Propertv i", ;lhandoOl~d hv Bornw.'cr, or if. afh.'r notice by I cnder to Rorrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />,In award or \eule a claim for damage"" Borw\\'cr fails. to r("~;:x\nd to I .cnder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender i., aurhorized to collect and .l.rplv ,he pmceed", at Lender's option. either to restorafion or repair of the
<br />Property or t(1 the "iums \c.:urctl tw th;.. Mnn~wge.
<br />Vnless Lender and Borrln\.'er ('th('f'wl"il' agree m v,-rilil1f:. any s.uch arp!i;;'llion of proceeds to principal ,,,half not extend
<br />or postpone the due date nf th~ m(,lf'lthh- installmCllls r,derrl?d !(1 in pJ.ragrarh" ! :md 2. hereof ot change the amount of
<br />>:ouch in~tallment"
<br />10, Borrmnr Not ReJea!!led. FXIcn'\ion pI the tIme fl}f !1J\'rnent or mndification of ~mlOrfization of the slims secured
<br />/-1)' rhis MClriga!!c granted hv Lender hI any '>UL'Ce<;S,,\f in lnlc::::<;f uf R(lfrnwt~r ,h;,1I1 not oper:HC tn release. in any manner.
<br />the liability nf Iho nrtginal Btlf[{)wcr and B(lrfo.....t~r."i "',l\.:c("<;..,nr" in 111Iere,,( I,l'ndcr <;hall nor he required to commence
<br />proceedings againsr '-Heh <.:ucce<;<;Ol' ['r n~fu"ie to ~'\t(,f!d lime (,i;- p,n'mt'nt \11" n!hcrwj"c nwdif\' amortization of the sums
<br />-;cclJrcd hy thi.. ~1ortgage h rca\on (1!' ;m}' demand madt.' h\ [he I,:rjf:ma! BtlH0wer :lnd Rorrowcr"s <;t!L'c~ssors in interest.
<br />11. Fo.rbearant'e bv Lender ~ot a ,",'ain'r. '\m f<lrh~~ar:.lncI,: h, I <:ntkr in c\.crL'I'iing an\" rieht or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise :lifl'.rdcti hy a'ppll,..nble !;IW. ...h{ll! IWI hi.' ;) wan't'f (11 ,'f rredlldc the l:\er~isc ~,f ;nv such right or remedy.
<br />The procuremeni (if insuranl.."c ill' Ihe ra\'f1Wf11 l)[ l:(\(''i t)r i'lflt'r" llcn, t)r char~c~ by ( coder 'ihall not nc a v.:aivcr of Lender's
<br />right to ;u::I..'l..'kr;nc lhc ma!Hrir\' i,',f tnt' Jntkhr~dnt."~ ...,-',-;~f',:J h' lhi... '1\1n.e,H~c
<br />12. Relnrdies Cumulati~'('. -Xi! rCl11nln.'" nrmJdt.:d :'1 lb., \h'rll:;Ji!C ;i;"C di..tincl and ~um\llaiiv(' !('\ :lny Olhcr rieht or
<br />remedy under rhi, ~lnrtg::-igl..' ,-'1' alr..1rdl'o [-\' l:t\l. ,11' l.:q Ul! \ ,nd !1];l\" <- ~~\L'r~""I.'d l',Hlcurn:n!h", i~H..kr('ndcI1l1y~ Of "uc{;cs~ive)y.
<br />13. SUt:cessors and ..\s..;i~ns Bound: Joint and Stu'ral Liabilit~.: Captions. Tht' <':("\"l.:n<lI1('> Jnd ;'lg-rccments herein
<br />c,mtaint..'-d ~ha!l hind. and tht- rrllnh hCfI..'wldC'r ,h;dl 1!1l!lT [,"J :hc rt''-l'e...'II\"C :-,lJ;..Tt:'''\\"1r'. ~l!ld a"i"ign, (of r ,emJer nod Borrower.
<br />~t!bject rn !h\.' rro\-'hil'n~ ,If p;Hdgraph 1":' h~rCl)l .\\i (()\"t''!dnl~ dnd :J~!l.'cmt"n!\ of B{lrr'--'Wl..~r ..hall he jnlOt and se\'craL
<br />The captions anJ heaJ;ng~ ~'f !he par~l~r-;.lrh\. "r :fii... \tl'nl.::_lt:\.: ,ne if"'r ,,'\'flH'nl('IKC ,lllh' .Hld ;m: nnt h..1 he ll'\cd to
<br />interpret or dcfilll' the 0fp'- J..,i(-'D'I here-or
<br />14. ~otit..~. Exc~pt for ;U1Y noti..:!: ,,",lllin:d \~nd,'r ,qyb..:.d~k l.m (,l to\..' m another manner. fa) any notice to
<br />Borrower pwvidcd for ;n lhi.. .\hn!i':;j~c ...han h,' ::'\,,'); 1,\ 1:1:Hii!1J! ~IKh !1(llicl.." u:rrified m~il .lddn.'"...ed to Borrower at
<br />the Property A,ddres." fIr ;l! ...tli...h '.1!jlC~ :ldufe..... .\"\ BPITIN (', 1:\,\\ .:k"'~'f1;llt> b\ n(1{iL't: It' f tllder :J~ provided herein, and
<br />(h) any n,)tic~ !l.) L!."ml~r "h:tl! hI..' ~j\'~'n ;.-... ..:~n!tjcd '~1.1i!, ;'t'1:l"~ r'..'l'C'i) ! fCtjllt''itcd. t" I.ender.... ,ldJrcs~ ~talcd herein or to
<br />'iuch (Hhcr addrcs'\ ;1<; 1 endcr rna\ ..k'ilgn,tte !", !\<.11il.l: l.~ H'\rr"\~J.'r .1., prI1\ldL'"d ht:fl..'ln \uv n~llicc provided for in this,
<br />Mt"\rtgage shall he de~nwd r,l h,n.l' h'cD gi\-t.::n 1.1 Hil! : 0\\ Cf .-of ! ('IHkr \~h~n t!,;vcn in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. Vniform i\lonl!at:e; (;o\l'rninJ,?: La\o\: SeHrahility. l hl'- ("fill nf 010f"i!.'al.!<..' L.~(lmhillcs uniform r~Wenant~ for national
<br />lise ~md non, uniform Ct~venan!<; "\lth ilmJ!>.'d \ .:f!atlLln\ r.v !;!fl~,k.'!i!_'ll !', ,-'nn~;q;!f'-' ~l lllHfnrm ,ccurilY instrument covering
<br />real properry. Thi'J :\111flgagt' "hall he ~n'.('rnt'd h\' !he bw \'f Ih\.' iUii,tlldliHl 111 v..hich the Propert\' j" 10caterl, Tn the
<br />~vent th,u .my pnwisJun nr ;;..!au~t;' n: !hi', \h'rtg:.tf!.e y the '''1e ,-'!.'nr!i...'!\ ~\ lrh ;.lpplkjlhk law. \lH..'h contlict shall not affect
<br />other prtWISlon-, of thi" ~-f0n~ag... \', fh,-' S('h: '.dlhh ":,l~l b~ ~'!\I.;'n dh-:....i wi!hoUl: the ':i.'nnic!in~ rnwi...i~Hl. Jnd !(l this
<br />~nd the pn'\visi"m-s p( the -"forlgag:l' .Hld the "-"!t." ,In: dccidreJ h' hi." ...t'\'\.~rahk
<br />16. Borrower's Cop~'" Borro"".r ,h;dl h' f,lllll...rh.'d .1 ,-"'Il\;'r!1Jnl ~I'ry tIt' the Note and of this Mortgage at .the time
<br />df exc\"~uti(ln Of affer recordation here,)1
<br />17. Tra~er of the Proper1)',; As.stlluption. Ii ,.Iii \'r all~ .r.1r! ;,111111.' Pruperty or an !nlere~u therein i~ spld or t~ansfcrred
<br />hy Borrower Without L~"der's rnc.r \-qinc-n ,-'nn:-.etH. c\.;,.'iudm,\: :'.11 the ..-"rC;lt!<.~n of a hen tor encumbram:e ~lIb{)rdinMC to
<br />thi:i Mortgage, (0) the crcall()n ~if a pur....ha"...' nWne~ 't:'...l!rH\ :nfcrt''i! f,lf ho!!~ehold appli,mccs, tel :\ transfer by devise,
<br />descent or hy operalion ~lf la\\ upon the ~kath l,f;l ,11.)HlllC-H;llll Ilf ~ l' It'! gnilH of n:' 11 ill IJ lRt8fnt M t~rlil :']"[ Vi Llr J9fG
<br />n'.~ JRrriRi~B If' fl' 11 t r r JJh...... Lender In.!}", ~it I.l"nde(~ ~)ptll)n. decliHC aU !he sum' ~ei.:urcd hy this Mortgage to be
<br />immedi;uely due ..lnd payable_ tender "hal! have \""...lJ\~d qh.h t'fllHlfl h~ ;tcl.:dcrat~ if. prior tn {he '>,lle or transfer, Lender
<br />and tne PCht:)O 10 \\'hom the Pn~peny is ;L', ~~ ~old Of !r,m"le-fr\.~d rC3(h ;.l~reemc.nt in \\nt!llg th:tt Ihl:.' uedit (',f ~llch person
<br />is satisfactory to Lender ,IUd thaI the illH'H:'1.{ pit} .tole (In Ihe ~'Inh 'l'~'cur~.d h~ thi" \f(ln~agc "hall be al :Hh:h rate as Lender
<br />shaH request. If Lender has waived the option rn ;:~'ceier;.'ltc p.rovided in !hi.'i p;lritgraph 17, and if Borrowcr\ successor in
<br />interest has. e)(.ccuted a written i\SSUmplion <lgn~,-,"ml.'nf ~Kcerlt:d in \\ rinn?- by I. clidcL L:~rlder "hail relcase Borrower from all
<br />obligations under this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises 'iur.::h option to aC.,;:ckT;I{C. Leni.kr ...b,ill mail BOfIl.H\'Cf notn:;:e (If ;h~;,.'elcra!iun in 3L'Cll.fdancc with
<br />paragraph 1.4 hereof. Such notice "hail provide ,i penod l.!f nlll k'.,>:,:- lh~ll 30 da}..; fnJm lhe date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the ,,:urns del.,~b.reJ dl!~_ If BOfro\\ t?f Lld", l(1 pay ,<;u;.;h "lIm~ rflOr l() the- e\.piraHoa llf stich period,
<br />Lender may. without funher nOfi':e or demand ~'n Horr.)>Acr. 'nvokc un~ r<:mcdies pcrmincd l~y paragraph IX hereof.
<br />
<br />NoN~UNJFORM COV.ENA.NTS, BClrro'o\'.er and Lender further ....nvt:H;tnt :100 i1grt".c ,1-; ftlllt\w~:
<br />J8~ Acederadou; Re-medJes. E.x:L~pl.as provided in par~raph 17 hen't)f~ upun 8orw\"ers b..-each of at'y coveuant or
<br />apeemeDt of Iot......._" in this 1\1origaae. including the l'()\euanb to pal when due .m~ sums secured by tJ:d.~ !\tortgage.
<br />l.a.der prior to ae<<lent:iou shall fIlail oofke to Borrowt'r 3.." prmided in pat1l~...ph 14 hereu! specifying; (1) the breach;
<br />(l)tJlile adioa r..q__ to,e:Vft such breadt; (..lJ a date. not le!6 than 30 dM)'S from tbe dat~ the notict is nUlil~d to, Borrower,
<br />by _lIkh MK'ft breach must be c:Uft.d; and (4) Ihat failure to eure su('b bre.u:h on or before- the date '''"Pfi:,ified ill the no.tke
<br />fIUlY rauU io ac:(:~ of tM SUDl\ iiKllred b,. fh~ .\tortKlI&ct fore(..it:~ure by judids.l pftK'ffd.ina; and ule of the Propcl1y.
<br />1ltc DOl:i<< .,aII farther Worm Borro""u of tb(: .rigkt It) reiDlthde after .t.'('~leradoll .and tlte riah. to a.....sen in thf foredosun:
<br />~ the ft(J~~elK:" of . dflau:U or lift}' otht-r fkfem.< nf Borro\ltte'r {o lk'cde.raUou and fOll!'d{lSlIJ~, If the bread.
<br />W .. ('&fWd 011 Of -befOft the dat.,. ."dfied in tM notke, Le-nd~c af Lender's option ma) dedare aU of .h~ sums W'-cured b,
<br />IItIo ~ to be im..,..uIlt<<4y d... aool.,,)'ltbk ..Ilhoot rurth.. d.m"ud aDd may ro..do.. b) judicial p-..dIDC. l.otKlor
<br />... be' odtW to {o.('. in ~iK'h PfUf<<.'-diut liU ~Xpt't....~ oJ fOfe'(:'h~urt'~ iQc"'udiq. but nit' limited h,. ~:mb Hf do("uult'nhu-).
<br />.".~.. ........"".. "001111. r'j>OJ'I'"
<br />19~ 1Iotw.n'lJ'Rialn It) A:~l_>>1t~ ~,.'fW.ilh"iti1tHJlfjg } Uj{k,f'~, ,~i.<:ekLl~H!n \.'f rh- '.Hm~, -'C'dlrt'li h~ Uti'i M,lng:~lge,
<br />iJ(trN~""t't ~haH ha",.t~ 'h-.:, dtdH hi fUni' ,m} pfl1~'i:~dmg\ hesuH 1':-- I ('o.d.:/ Ii'. 01{-nhT lhh .\h'I!~'!il:t.' ,k,~-~~ll'ml.lt'J .11 ;lH) pm",
<br />