<br />I
<br />?3' ,111,6.....,60.
<br />;..)., ---, V
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVEN_"NT~. HOff(\Wer ;lOd Lender ((Jvenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment 0-1 Principal and Interest. Ih\rrowe:r ...hali promptly ray when due thl.:' pnncip;tl (If and mterest 011 the
<br />indebtednc~s eVidenced by the Note. prepayment and latc charg.C'> :1:> rrovldcd III the :--.iolC. dlld thl3" principal of and interest
<br />on any Future !\dvanccs 'iecuretl by ,hili .\lortg~lgC.
<br />24 Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject In app!il~able law (11" to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />io Lender on Ihe d(lY monthly instalimcl1t" of prillcip.ll and infcn:::..I ;i[(' payable under the Note, until the Note I" paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein '.Funds") equal to unc-twelfth of [he yearly {axcs and as,,>cssmcnts which may attain pnoriry over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents nn the Property, if any, plus {)ne~lwelfth of yearly premium inslalhnents for ha2<lrd insurance,
<br />plus. (me-twelfth -tlf yearly premium installments for mortgage inslIf.l.llce, If any, all :As' reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to rime by Lender on thL' ~asis of ;b3~'bmcnlS ao,-l hills <.wd rca:.flnahlc estim~lles thereof.
<br />Tbe Funds shall be. held in an instillHi~m the depOSits (,'1' ;l\.:counts uf which arc insured or J.2,uar<.loteed hv a Federal or
<br />slate agenc)' I induding Lender if Lender I" such ;10 it;STitution ,. Lender shall apply the Funds tf) ~ray :'laid ta:..es. assessments,
<br />insurance premiums und ground rents. Lender may not charge for :-;l) holdmg ;lOJ applying the Funds. ::malyzing: s-aid account.
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessmClll:. and biHs. un!es.s Lender p,ays Borrower intcn,..'St on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender [0 make stich a ;;harge. B('lrrower and Lender may ;q!n;c in writlOg ;H (he rime of t',xecurion of this
<br />Mortgage that Interest on the Funds :\haU he paid to llormwer. <mct unless ~uch agreement is made Of applicable law
<br />requires such interest to he paid, Lender _~hJll not he required I,) ray B('frower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. .In annual i!..::ct'Hll1ring (,f the Funds ...howlng credits and dehits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for \vhich each debit tl) the Funds I..\"as made i'he hmds. arc pleLlgt:d a:-. addilional security for the sums secured
<br />hy this .\r1ongagc.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lt;nd~r. [('gether Wilh lhe IUlUf'C monlh!y Installments l)f Funds payable prior to
<br />thl.': due dales of taxes, J.ss.essmenb. msuran~c premiums ;"1111..1 ground f.::nts. ....hall excced the ;;lmouU[ required to pay said T.:1XCS,
<br />assessments, insl1rance premiums and ground rent\ ;!s ih~\' Ldl due. ::>lll..:h I.:\L.C-SS "hnll ht:, at Bo!'ro',',-er's option, either
<br />promplly repaid to Borrower or ..:rcdired !o Hnrrower 1m monlhly if1~t;;lllmcnrs (If Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held b)' Lender ",hall not be sufficient to pay taxes. assessrne-nb, jn\W";1n~C premIUms and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shaU pay to Lender any amount ncc,e"sar~-' to make up the ddlcH:n,:y wlthin 30 Jays from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borr0wcr requcstmg payment !hCfL'O!
<br />Upon payment In fuB ,--.f all sums secured iw !hl" \ltlngJ.ge. i ..:ndc-r "hall promptly rdund 10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. f( under pil:ragraph J Shere-or Ihc Pn.,pcn\ h "'(lid ,q' !I)L Propc-n\ 1$ Llthcrwi"t:." <t1.:qlllfCd by Lender. Lender
<br />shall apply. no laler rhan imm~diduh pnui" !n !ht: .'..ill: \)1 th.: Pnlperty ,If ih "CLjUl~;1I10n by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender :H {he 11mc vI applicauon .t$ :t dcJn <-t.!~.uns'( Ihc ~Llms ~~t:m~d hy rhl\ \lortgagc.
<br />3. Application: of Payments. t;nh;,,~ .IrpliCabk hw jWt"'YhJCS ll!ncf\\ l'>t.'. ,111 payments n.'i.'cJwd by Lender unuer the
<br />Note :lod paragraphs. ! and 2 hereof shaH be apphcJ ll..'fHkr tlr\t III P;l') 1l11.;:lH <11 anwunrs payable tl' Lcl1ller by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hereOf. then 10 mlere-s.! p;r\,'ah!e df\ ~O!t:. (hen 1n the prinupall'l the Note, ~md then to interest and
<br />prmcJ.pal .).0 any Future Advances.
<br />4. Charg~: llins. BI'1rrowci ~!1.;ii p.j~ .-.li 1.1\"''> l,s(:".,mt:nh .~iid lllfll'r ,'h.\r\:.cs. line:-. ,md lHlPllSitlons attnbutablc to
<br />the Property which may :dfain;1. f~rl\lflt\' ,Wl'r ::1,-,> \hirl2...l!!l'. .inti k'a')ol.,'h~1j,j p,tVmen-h nr <=.roUlld ren!~. jf an\', in the manner
<br />proVided under paragr;)ph :? hereof nr. ;1 t;,--'T ill ",u~'h ilhH11H':r. n~ HL'rnmt:r makin~ pa~'mcnt, when du~. directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borro,",,"er s.haii pWnlf'tl:-- h)- I ,<.:lh.kr .Ill :t('t)\.'c~, ~ll ,Hntlun1S dlll' under thl~ paragraph. ~md jn the event
<br />Borro,;ver s.hall m~tke pa....mcllt lhn:..:th lh'fil!\.\\'[ -h,dl prnmplh ll,llnhfl (,' Lt.:ndl'l" n:...'dpi'> l.'\'lu.:ncing ~lIch payments,
<br />Borrower 'ihall prompdy ...h'i\:h,!.fgc .til,\ :1-:0 '.\fl.....~h ";\".. i'tH'ril\ '".,-', lrm \longag~', t'f\l\'ldt:d. lha! Bt1rrnwer <;h~IH not be
<br />required to discharge any sut.:b hen ...\1 kHlf! ,I., j'h>!Til\\\.'! ...h;;Ul !,' Ihr.:- r.tymenl of thl: \.\hltgalion ~':i.'ured hy
<br />such lien in a maIlllcr a-c\:c-p~abk [;1 L~!1Jer. ,'I '>h.li! H1 ~'\I'd ,-'d!lh.'~! <"Ui,;h h\. defend ;,,'ni,~lrcl"m-enl 01 sllch lien in.
<br />legal proccedltlg:s- wht.....h llJ:..'i:f.Hr [.> pn:"'\'nt Uk ",'nh'f,:\."IllC-nl ,~.; :th;" \'r f~~rh..'l!ur<: 01 1h.: ProperlY lir .my part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard In.~urant'e. BOrfP\\cr :-h.J.U kl,.'l:p (fit: Hllpr;'\~JHCnb n,l.\ ,'1" tlCf'\.'d_n\'r Cft:dCU (Ill 1hc Prnpcrty insured
<br />~lgalJlSlloss by tire. h_:u_ards l1h:ltll_kJ \;.nhln lhe t<':f!ll "(c\lt'nJ.:d 'c,l,t'Li~r,: \\1;.;11 ulht:l haLard~ 3'> Lt::lHJer may rcqwre
<br />and in -su(h ,lm,)Wlb- <tuo fl1t 'lh.:h j)\:fh-'l.h :~... {_",qdt.:f i~~qut,..... r'r(~\lucd, th;l! Il'll\.J...'f ...haJJ tH~1 reyuirc- th:1l the amount \.1f
<br />such coverage C_\(.:c<.'d thaI ;.tH1\'unl.l\t ,-';,.\\<:l..l~~" k ;la\ ih;; ~!Hlh "..'I..;il't'd h\- th!" \lon~agL'.
<br />The lfisuran..:e ...:arner providmg the lil~U~ ,ilk." "rui! he ~ hl..,...cn hy Hnl HI\'. ('f ~llbj~l,:[ III ,Ippw\"ai My Lender: provided,
<br />that sUl..:n approval ...haIl not be 'mn:,L.,t'lHd_hly .,\'llhhdJ \ii prt..n-ltlHW. l'rl i/1..ttf,\I1i.:t:' ptl!h..'lC~ ...hail be paid III the manner
<br />provided under p:uagrapb .: !v.:rt'ui tn. ;( n~\( P,lh.l jH ~tl':r. :n,lnnt:r, r"~ B~ll1U\.."r rnakll1g payment. when due, din:ctly 10 the
<br />i osurance carrier.
<br />Ail ins.urani;e poh-':le~ 4nJ r~nl'\\i1!"5 the-leI>' ...11:,; ;,'l"lll .l~,l;':I'I.Ii.~k: !'_i I ....nd\.'! .lnd 'ih.:lit !!Ii..Judc ;\ ..1;lndarJ mortgage
<br />clause in fav~'r l--.t ..md in form a..::ccpL~hk ~l,' l..:nJ.:r ! 1,:!:J,-'l h.l\l' ~hL i ltti11 III h(l!d ihc rhJli~i6 Mhi rl'nc\\'als th~reof.
<br />and Borrower :'ih;:H pflm~pdy furnish h' L<:ni.!I:r ,ll! I,~lit'l,ql l1\.)th.::..... .H:d .ill :t':Ct.:lpts <..11 p;~id prt:"!lliUDl'- In the C\'CIlt of IO$s,
<br />Borrower shall give prompt lhl!ll.::'- ttl the ;;;;.Uf.Jlh;t.' "drltl'! .Inti l.end!..'! J (IHkr IH.1) rnakt..' prl)"il ~,t ~(>ss it not rn..ide promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless lender and Bl'rr('\\~[ other.... I')'; J~Il't: C\ftt\n~. i;1-..U!<l!l;,.'t..' cmi..;\:t:d~ Sfl(jJ! Oi.: dpp-lit:d i(11"l~st(m.ttion or repair of
<br />the Property \.hunagc:d. prnvlucJ ju;.:h !'t..~ti..lrU[It)n llf n:r;J.lf ,-. \.'(~ln,,'nlH':,<ltl\' lC.h!bk ~llId the ';c..:urity of thiS Mortgage IS
<br />not thereby impaired. If SUdl re')~t)f~twn vi' n.'pi.tlf n. li'A l,.'\..'UHIlHll....lih ka.-.,bk ,II" It lhe ,,~-':lInty llf thiS ~'10rtg.tgC would
<br />00 impaued. the insurance prt.KeeJs :-,hall iv~ "ppht:d 1(1 tor.: ..urns ,>e-':Uf~\,j b~ tnl<; .\lortg.igl". \\Hh the cxces~, if <Iny. paid
<br />to Borrower. It the Propcn~ !s .-ib..UlU-\ln(;',j h FklJ'[(i\H.'r. ,\[ ii Borrl1\'Io~r [::llb hl r~~pomi t(1 l..,,;:nJer withul 30 day.'> from the
<br />dale notice is. mailed by Lender h\ Borwwcr Ihi-.!I the l!lSuran.....: i.'al rief ntTers. !i! ";:".!llc <l darm for !n~uran~c benefits, Lender
<br />is authorized to >,,:uUCi:t and appiy the in:-.ur~n-..:e PW(;<cJ:s ~H L:.'nJer\ i.!ptl(~n ....ilher It I rc~tvration <1f repaIr ~)f the Property
<br />or to the SUOb .'~ecured hy this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lender and BOHower ,lthef\\p,c- ;1_gfL~t..: 1ll 'Afiling. ,10) ~Udl ;'.if."!pIKJtloo ~)f pr\lCt.:eds 1-1.1 pf!ih.:lpal ~h;:lll not extend
<br />or postpone the due datI': of the f1l(IIHOty in:HaHmenh referred liJ Jll paragI<l.ph, I ;;IJlJ 2 herenf l)j" ,,;-ha.nge thl; JI1l\.)Ill)t of
<br />such Installments. H under paragraph i~ hereof the Pf\)p<:rly i~ <1cl..julfixl h~ Lt:."nd~r. .111 nght. tille and interest oj' Borrower
<br />in and to any tIlS-Ura-lh::t," pohCIC-S and in and to th~ pw..::c~J-'5 !ht.'reOl resulting ih'l!1l J~lmage (", the Pro~rty prior h) the ~alc
<br />or a.cqwSJtion 'ihaH pass to Lender !:i,> th\.: c~JeIH \)f the ~\.lm~ "i;~ur<:J oy lhl~ ~-1ongagl.' immeJiately pnor !o such "Sale O[
<br />.cquisitiun.
<br />6. PI'I$tn'atioa aud MaiAtenancc of Pro~rt); l.eas-eholds: ('ondolUiniunL\-; Planned Linit nc\'~lopments. Borrower
<br />shall keep- the Property in good repalf ..uld "hall not COnUn!1 \"-a.sle ,':r permit lInpairmcnt or deterioration of the Property
<br />and shan comply with tbe p'rovJsJon~ of any t~ tf thi,:! \-1.t;.'rtg..lgo:: is- on :1 kasch..l!d" If lhl~ i\-hlllgage is 011 .1 unit in OJ
<br />condominium. or -it planned UDlt Ut';tdOpmCOI, BorrOWt!f :-.h;-dl perform all \..1t HQfflJ\.\.cr's ,)blig.\tiou~ under the dedarallon
<br />or covenants creating or go....ernmg the t'1)uJommlutn .,1r pia.nn~-d unit J<:vt.:h.lpment, the by.laVo':\ and wguiations of lhe
<br />c~n~um Of planned unit development. and l..-Linstitu..~nt documents. II <1 (l.1Udununium or- planned L1nl! devclopmetH
<br />rider i$ _secute\t-"by Bauowe( and recorded h)g:~th~( Vollh !hl~ Mungagt:-, the \..ovc-lIant~ ;tnJ .tgre~mcuh (~f su;;h rider
<br />sballl)c, incorporated into and_ studt amcnd and ;"UpplCHlellt the I,.;'(HetHlOti anu agre_cm~nt!S of till''>, Mortgage. ~IS if the rider
<br />",ere a ~bereoi,
<br />7~ _,*edioa -of 1...cader~5 S<<urlty. If .Borruwer fails to perr;,)ru1 the t:ovenanls .lUd agre.t.':tUenl'l< ..:ontaincd in th,~
<br />M-OrtPPt or if lI.ny ii:l-e.ttM or procee-dtos I:;' (omme-uc('d wrud1 !n.a.tc-riaJ:ly ",ffe-ct~ Lender's n1tc.re-.st in the- ProperlY,
<br />l&J:udin~ but n<< Jfmited la, enlJAent donna), j(\"totllvtHK)'; -code l"-t11on.'cment. or arrangeme_ots \~r pn.)\.~c-edings 1l1VOlvlIlg .a
<br />ban:kJupl 0'- de;j':\~frt. tht'u Lender ~t Lender'", l'plitlrt, tipOn nOIKt h\ Horrow('!". 1)1a~ nlif.k~ 'iUdl ~lrpc;:tr;tn\.'t':~. \!r..b\lh.C :.-th.:n
<br />"ium~ A~ take oluch Kti\1t\ 4<'i 1$ rnJ;~~.s.,'iaJY h) pHJ{C-it{ L~ndcr.f,: !nt~m;st. ItK!uJinS., but IKH limned h). dl~hur.$cnh.mt III
<br />c~ i\tornef, f<<:~ Afl4 ~ttU)' ;ijX:i'H ~h.t; F.fo-~~-HY 10 ~ke If Lcu-cler jyqHjJ~,'d HbUi'.HH:;e ,J~ ,.\
<br />":.j:)ikd-n_~ou i.)'I rn~ip.i H~ loan ><e-<Uit>,-d b;- !h~_';, \to-nit~t, H"'f.wwn p,.y H~t; pf;,'mWl1i:; 1\1 m-iJ-int~Hn :>:.Ih_',h
<br />.fiIU{~C ~(l- ,d"l~t HfHll >;\~h tm~ a~ ;h~ re'4UiH.,me~t 10-r \\tkt"h ;n~iiJ,}r,\'t: ~i:ffh!\Hh:... in al..-,nrJaI1\:C \...lth .9-"rwwc-t'''i ~nJ
<br />