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<br />Al;CRIJALOF mmi.dci:~~ E~uiQi.~JdO.nol have to pay more than dIe reguIarSCbedu1edmontl1iypaYJllOlll;lhav~the.,
<br />ri@btto . amount owing to you in fun at ~.ny ~~ fri1r:rtime.to tiine. 'If the lending institution Of bankt!iafbuys my co.ntrac:tcom~ tbe_firiance
<br />
<br />=. m finance .' be~e~='iha;::I~~t,a:::~nW:~~~I~~ii::\?'~~ 'necessat)'ad' _nt~.:~":
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<br />....esti . . .....nlplion win_eodtofthepa~ex""lIyon .. . . . . .
<br />i.nothing... ,..fundifl am<l>lrgedon . oding insbtution or bonk dOes DOt compute tlte fillanCll chargod8ily,and
<br />wiII,munclu{....lbe.~pottion.of . .chatge (interest)cllY the aocoumingproCed~'_ uthe aCluariaJ.metbo.llllncl.lbelllllOllllto
<br />fUlil<ed.on. the... .~.... .. dotes.. lIncI.. amou... my.moothly payment. and not on Ibe actilOl dates and amounts of the,prepaymentstltat Ipay.toyou,Jkitowthat. '.il.. .~
<br />ofleUthal\$t:OOwUlnollliiinade.. ...... .. . . . . . ... ..... ..... .. '.x ...,
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<br />I~ANTNOTfCEA8OUTWAM~:.. .. ......... ...... . .. . .. . ... .
<br />.'..C.....) .'.;.w.......'..._.. is......ELL.. ... EA. ..'.HE..... .RES.Y. DISC..,. .LAIM. ..ALL..... .....W.. A. R. R....A. NTIE.. S,EX. .P.....R. ESSE.... D"O...R.'..IM...P
<br />I.SI,ON\llSl)W'UlflHAt.F.(WHfCH.IF'~ ACC()MPANfESTHtl;CO~CT):....... ..... ................. ..'(\..;.......... .....
<br />(b) I hllVeread. ui dendi, lite separaIe . 'LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this conlTact. 11.xj,wiu ~condidOJlll ahdc~in",,1iii:h tJllO:~
<br />u61dandptodllets will be repaiIed or replaced. I _.notice oJIbe limitations on Ibe _ty. and I particularly recognize tltatllllyimplied.W1In'lIJIIY'WhicIt"I'Pljes.t<>lbe
<br />goodslllSl$onIyasJOngaslbewlllnlllyorserw:econtraCL ... .. '. . . . ... ;. .... ..'. ...... .'... ....,',.
<br />SPECIAJ..;pJIDER GOODS, I kn<>1>.dlat you h...e measured my house and its openings so that you """make the prodllClS'" fitmyparticularhoUse:l_nOtice.thlil~
<br />~.lIlouuom.lDllfllCt\l1'edfot myspecifit _probably wiY not fit any other _; and under such oonditionJ. I knowthatI~ C8D<eUhjs.""""",,I,ltany,!ime
<br />aftt:rtheperiodofdmegiven to..." by law. in.which"'cancel. Af1erthat lepIperiodoW..." I know that I have the obligadon IOpayyouinfuUtbeamolDl~<!Wed; ....... ... ....
<br />OBLlGAT1'ONS.nRT AlNlNG TO MY REAL ESTATE: I. r promise to keep my house in good Rpait and 10 keep it insured!o.", leastllO%.ofit$ n:j>1~'viIue
<br />~~~~~"".dl:~=~=~~~~it
<br />youdlrectly iC'llIly Iost.YouClllc_tou<elhit ~ payment to eif!ter repay any amounts I owe you or '" repalrmy.house'2:1~
<br />anyone elae "'placelllly h.... onmyreal._without yow: ,,'illtenpertl1USlllll, 3. I_so "'pay ll\Itaxeo, assessrnents.lIncI'o!herc:l*Jl"l':
<br />4. 1 piomlselO timely niaIte all JllIl'l'l"J1ls on my prior loans secured by my real ..late. I &Iso promise that r wUlll9t extend; renew or changepri
<br />permission.5. IUdo DOl insu1e my house orfuJfUJ my _ obligations to my real eMllte, then you can cIolt forme if you wanl {bul youdO.nOl have to},
<br />of these obllgadonsforme.1 agree to pay you _ on demsod plus interest at the highest lawful conlIllCt rate of interest. Until I pay you back,theseamoumsWill .. .
<br />to my deb! to you whi<:hiuecvrecl by my reaI_ and house. I know that if you decide to buy irn<urance for me that you do not have'" obtain any Itomeownerorlliibillty:
<br />lnAU1t11C.'e,
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<br />SAl.EOFMY HOUSE:l promise DOl to sell. lease or give my house to any""" until I have fully repoid my debt to you.
<br />DEF'AUL T: I will be indefatdtunderthiscon:ractif:
<br />I. r_'tmako,.paynoolIlwbOa;lUo;or
<br />, l_uy,..,...,...lmade~intlti.c_;or
<br />3. SotnelllinIet.sc~ c....... you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. IdelltultOll''''''~-llil:.h I am using my homeascollateral: or
<br />5. Something happeos to my hoose wltichdlreatensyourrigltl1l. ifany. iniL
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: lllildent3nd that you hev. the right 10 f""",lose the M_ I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts r owe you if I
<br />am in defaultuuderthis coo_to Before my house is sold. you will do everything thai the law requires. If you hire an anomey '" assist yon",..n my_.or,tosueme,
<br />.or.to ~~~ J agree", pay you i... yourreuonable anomeys' feesan4 for other reI4tr:d e"P"llS<!li suchuooun costs. tido,.".n:lte&an4_ ymr e~...: .
<br />IOpm/Ilcl my hoolse. ifyouareallowe.tmool""" wcltlllllOUllb by Jaw. ..
<br />OTHER RIGIlT8:Wecanc_not "'.enforce any of Ibe righlS uoder tltis contract as often as we want without losing them, Or, we can delay eof".'......Y9flliCrigltts.
<br />~ut losing them. We CIIlal<O use..y rights.now orin the future given"" us by law.
<br />j)m.AYS, I. bowtholyou will """ your be<! effnru "" ioslaIIlbe products I am putcltuing un .my house. but I also understand that in some si.tuations yon may.ellCOWlleI'
<br />delays that "'" caused by strikes. weather condiuons. delays you have in <~ng materilils. or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will
<br />00< be liable for such delays.
<br />;"R8lTR:ATlQN, If 1_ a dispuIc or claim with.you eoncernin& the quantity, quality or perfonnance of the prodUCts. I undentantlthat my dispu", may be .ubmitted to
<br />andseltlecl~'" the mecliation..roitmion _ thaI may ha>... developecl in my communuy. I also know that llIly decision made by an..mitrator(.) wooId been-
<br />:' _in the COlltt havmgjutUdictionav<< meand you.
<br />SALVAGE V AWE: IImow that thewiadow.. woodwork. and _ material> that have '0 be removed by you for this instalJadon have NO salvage vaiue. When you reo
<br />~ve.~ YOUQlOhavc tbemtor.wba&cVet purpotiC you want.
<br />. SPEOAL SlTUATlONS. Due", the uniqueness of some of the prod~~Y9"..n. I ~that in special situation. that your Regional Office may have '" review ;
<br />"",~this--. I oIsoUDdentand_this saJe O<eum:d m lRJ'~,lo.fillid,that YOll_I_ _have had all thecor=t informalioninlportant lO this l\1lII$OClion
<br />"_~!il>o;I gi""youmy _tto c:orreet llIly nbvioua errors that maybove_urrecI_ the bhmuin this contracl were complet<d.
<br />INV AtlDPft,()VlSIONS: If;",y provir.iooof this _t viol..... the Jaw an4 .. wenfor<;cabIe. the_<>fthe.~win be wIid. If any part of this contract requireo
<br />~ of___ thelawpennils,then you wiD only have thetight tocoJ1ect from _lbeamountofinlerest which the law allows you locollect.
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