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<br /> <br />I <br />11f~90n~, <br />~ <br /> <br />';1 ~,.. stifioriUfio'; <br />. . . I ~ Wan. _ t ,credit life <br />r _ ,- "tnsurance.' .:. <br /> <br />I $/'"/ "'fl €' r j <br />l,.,..l{fp" i:; IjY'1 <br />I " '! II want credit ~cdden <br />I! ,-, ... l, _ . ,i..and h.ealtb in...sumnce <br /> <br />~i) ., 7 tI2,;! <br />~ J",Cu! .l-~~'i .. ~ <br /> <br />Property ins.urance is required, but I may ob~n tIlis- proper~r i~~~,ft:W11:" a,nl':~-'>". -:: _ ,'-_, <br />"J:~a~t..If J -obtai~ this: insurance, throughyou.- l_wHl pay S_ r......._(J /',"Y'~:} ,for__-( JJ? - _Jnol1~h~:Orc9~r~_8.e.'- <br /> <br />, THE- FINANCE-' CHARG~; The finance- :..~-.':f:~- (interest) ls:_estimated :(0,_ s~_n:_on <br />~rrc:c~~":t~t l~f~~=: '~~;~ ~rc:~)drriS:;V:~~e~~~',~~~ '. <br /> <br />If 1- ~ke_~:Pariia~ prepay~" I 'in~,t\~on_ri~e-;t~'~~;-lpy:.~~~i~\~~{~~ <br /> <br />~att~uuntso, _ < _ _, __, ' ___ , _c . _. ,_ ;_'. _, ,_,_,,__, .,;<.,.~,__",.,,__,._ <br />~,.FORFtIU~VAYMENT=-'-lf r-09. not pay: .when-due. you_can dec'are-all-ths,-J o~.undc-r mi~ ("'On(~'payable-at.Qnce;,' ~gn:;c C9:pa)".Y?l!;-imCltest,on:_t1)at;:~mo,lU!i <br />81;~;~,(,'OOl~IUaI,.'r.ate aJ~\olI-ed by law. until tne-arnount t uwc yoo is.. pakL I atso "'now lrw. you can,-foreclose t~ Mortg~~-J have.. given fQ ,~QU,;> -,-::, :.'' .,-, :'.'-.. <br /> <',;:.:,' :.":';: ': <br /> <br />.~~~:r~~;I:-;'~~~~~~~-s~f:e~~~':nr~~=~ :::::'J:;':;:'i~c~t::r~~n:"~~'~h~~~;if~O~~~i_~:fl~:da~.~r:~~t=n:~~~~:t~ <br /> <br />~~~=:~'=/f~aff":::ts~. ~~:)~~~r :::f:~~~l:~t~ ~::r,~' my r~1 c~tate and, house located. at ~~. H Address" ,~~~~~_'~-~;'-~~-~'~~~~~~~r <br />!lEVERSE SIDE: I UNDERSTAIlD THAT THE AoomONAl TERMS AIl0 PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REYERSESIDE ofTHIS'INSTAllMEltTSAJ:ES'./:oltlllA1ll'AR E'A <br />. 'PART ,Of THIS IISTAUI~EItl~COIIlIACrAllOTHATI AM BOIIIID'BY THEM I" THE SAME MAIlflEIfASIFTHEY WEllE.i'RINTED.oN.THE,FRONloHllISiVERY <br />. "STAI.I.IW\l~ ClQllIIACT:lIOTJCE: PiOYlsloNsPRINTEDoN REVERSE sIOEJ:OMPRlsE~OrrIONAlJERMSlIMmltGsEUEll.~SWARRA.llrtOB~IGATlON: <br />,', .,.' . ,~,', .. ,'... '. '. '.... " \ NOTICE TO BUYER . . '.. .. ... <br />,1.~_.I.'.I!o' not ban t9 $lao' ibis c~trilct-lerore f or i, aBY of the. spaces Inknded for the agreed terms to tOf: e.xtmt 'of, then av~lable:jnrd.~a.t,iQIl <br />are~ld'l blank. J..l am.entilled to a copy of this root...... at. the. time l'lgn It. 3. I may I"'y off the full balance du.und...lhisconlra.tilta~y <br />time.... '. .a\ld. .. ..In.. .... . dol....I... I.... Y b...._. to a .rehal< of the UDell. med nna.ce and iusura.""e .charges (if a.v). 4,. I u.derstand .Iha..t:,ihis...lri.~., m..en,.1 <br />is haS<d .u_ a ........ s<JlId_.... a.d that !ilis instrume.t I. .ot negotiable. 5, !twll nOt he legal For you to ..ter my premises unlaWfully <br />orcommillUly h<<aehtlflh<._ to repossess goOdspurehased under this co.tract. ." <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY' 'CAIl&EL THIS' Atll!EEMENT'AT AllY T1IilEPRIORTO MlDlllGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE <br />READ THE AtCOIllNttYlllC IlimC&OF RlGHTTO CAIll:El FORM fOR AIlEXI'tAIlATlON OF THIS RlGHT.1 <br />COPY., rel."elpf uf a compldely filied: in ropy (If thi:>' con~-.l.';:l akmg W~lp.., ~:VO, (2) 'copi~ of the Notice'of- Right to 'C.ncetFo:Jll. <br />r- IN WITNESS" \tHEREOf. l!H~ In~~aHment Sale, Contmcl and Mortgage has been ~~imeu on {hiS-. _'~~J:J.._._.,,_ Jay i1f ,_~-:::..J!."'-__ .19 ~. <br />at (cityl /' .r" .! '. .:...-L..__..",~______,^_ \tJ~e oj Nl'hn,!s~a. <br /> <br />PA(;ESETTER P.~UC~ INC. "EHfR \l()I(T"MlEt~1 <br />,-]' '/: ~,j,.. f, <br />By. . " UJ,a. F- - ... z;;;:'~:::L._..._., <br />~. . -/'- /: ,l>lAAAul:RI <br />. ';(~>r4Lc-,'.p <br />V oH,CHM<:\ ~El'kt5t-"'1...j'I\'I, <br /> <br />,~\\\ ..J~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />CONFIDENTiAL ONLY <br /> <br />FINANCIAL INSTITUTION COpy <br /> <br /> <br />lay commi!tsion C'Xri~: <br />SM-IOI.NE.FiHC <br /> <br /> <br />rite inn:g,~ <br /> <br />llC on lhisU day of <br />.,,~.hy the above designated <br /> <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />County of _, <br /> <br />--- ,~- <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />--3 <br /> <br />L <br />