<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and lender covenant and agree as follows;
<br />
<br />I. hymeat of Prind"".... .lDterest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and lale charges as provided. in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />00 any Future Advance..~ secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. F... for T_ .... I.............. Subject to applicahle low or to a wrillen waiver by lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender On the day monthly installments of principal and.inleres.r are payable under the Note. unti.' the Note is paid in full.-
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"') equal to one~twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may altai" priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust and ground re.nts on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installrn~nts for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one*twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all a!: reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates ,(hereof,
<br />The Fund~ shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc -insured or guaranteed hy a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if lender is such an in'\-titution), Lender shall apply the Funds tn pay said (axes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Fund;i, an,atyzmg said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said asse.uments and hills, unless Lcnder pays Borrower i~tcrcst on ,the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits l.ender to make such a charge. BorrO\.\'er and Lender may agree in wrlling ~tt Ihe time of exccurion of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unles~ stich agreement is: made_ or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, lender shall not be required to pay Borrower ~HlY Inlcrest or earnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accouOIing of the Funds showing -credits and dchits 10 the Fund" amI the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums- -secured
<br />by Ihis Deed of Trust,
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. logelher with the fUlurc monthly in~tallments of Funds payahlc prior t(l
<br />the duc dales of taxes, assessmenls, insurance premiums and grountl renls, shall cx(.'ccd the amount reqUired to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance prr:milJmS and ground renl~ ~IS the)' Jail due, such excess !\.hall he, at Borrower's oplion, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or crediled to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. Jf Ihe amount of lhe- Flindo;,
<br />held by Lender shall not he :sufficienl to pay ta);cs. as.....cssments. insurance premiums and grvur.d rcms as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shan pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums s.ecured by thiS Deed ot Trust. Lender shaU promplly refund ,10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by lender. If under paragraph J 8 hereof the Property I" sold or the Property IS f1rhcrwlse acquired by I.ender, Lender
<br />shaJJ apply, no later than Immediately pnor fO thc sale of the Property or _its acqui'\ltlon by Lender, an)" Funds. held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against lhe sums secured hy this Deed of Trust Hereby \'lai ved By Lender..
<br />3. Applkadon of Paylllt'at5. Unless applicahlc Jaw pluvidc'i otherWIse. aU payment, recclved by Lender LInder the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied hy l.ender first In payment of amounl:.- payable In I cnder by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note. then to the pnnclpa! of the NOle, and Ihen to interesl and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. CIutrees; LiflIs.. Borrower shall pay all fa\e'\. 3'i..,cssmenh and olher I.:harges. fin~s and impOSitions :lHrihutablc III
<br />lhe Property which may attain a priority over ThiS. Deed of Trusl, and leasehold payments OT ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid ill such manner, by Borrower making paymenl, when duc, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.l'nder ;IU notlCC~ of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish tn Lender receIpts cvidl.'fKing stich payments.
<br />Borrower shaJJ promptly discharge any lieo which has pnont~' over tfu.; Deed t\f TflIs.t: provldcJ. thai Burwwcr shall nol he
<br />required io discharge .my such hen ;;() long as Borrower ,hall ;tgrL"e In \HlIing lO tht' payment l)f Ihe l\hht!atlun s('l:urcd by
<br />such hen in a manner acceplable 10 Lender. or shaH III good faIth COnleSf ..weh lien by, {ir defend cn(onxmcOl of sllch lien in.
<br />legal proceedings which operate co prevent the cnfun:emenl pf the hen l),r forfeiture of the Pflll-X:r1y or any part thereof.
<br />~. Huard IltIUnatt. Borrower :o;.hall leep Ihe Impro\l~:menls now eXlsllng or hercJfter erecteo on Ihe Property insured
<br />against Joss by fire, hazards included within the term "e:\.tcndcJ coverage", and !\m:h olher hazanh. as Lender may requirc
<br />and in such amounts and for such penod$..s Lender may rC(.jlllfc; provH.lcd, that Lender o;hJJi !WI reqUIre lhat th>.:" ammml of
<br />5uch coverage eJl.ceed that amount ot' nwerage n:qlllrcd In pay Ihe Si.un\ sc(ur~d by thl~ Deed of '1'1'11';(
<br />The insurance carrier providing (he in\ur.uKc ..hall be t:no,,"cn hy Borrower subjet:! hI appnH',1l hy J l.:ndl,'r; prnvldcu.
<br />that such approval shall nol be unreasonably Withheld. All premiums on insurance pt.1licies ~h.all hl~ p;lId in the manner
<br />provided under para.graph 2 hereof or, If not paId iO ~uch manner. h)' Borrower makmg pa)'ment. when due. directly to "
<br />iDlUl'aDCe carrier.
<br />All insurance polides .and renewals thereof !\.haH bt' If} illfm .aCl.'t.'pfable 10 Lender .lIu1 sh.al! include a slilodard mortgage
<br />clause ill favor ot and in form acceprable to Lender t I.'nd-cr ..haU have Ihe- flght In hold the policies anti rcncw~l\ Ihereof.
<br />and Borrower s.haH promptly furnish lO Lender all rcnc\\-al notice!' .Jnd all n.~CC!PI3 llf p:wJ prernHlfil\ In Ihe eVC!H of 10"',
<br />Borrower sh.n give prompt notice to the msurancc C<tfflcr ami Lender. I.emler mar make: rro(lf of Ins'i II nOI made promplly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwlSl:: agree in \\flflng, msurallr.:t: rW(;t"cds \h~!I he applu,'d 10 r~\hlration or repair oj
<br />the Property damaged. providC'd s-uch re~tora(ion l)f repan I'> (:,,:-onomli:.tlly l'c~t!'>lhh: ;tnd Iht \cI,:wity ~\r th,... Dc-cd of Trust i,
<br />not thereby impawed. J( 'HlCO restoratIOn (Ir re-palr 1\ not ccollnmlcall) fl"as';olc ilf II Ihe \C!,;tIfHj' nl thi.. f).~'cd pf Tru:>.1 .......ould
<br />be impaired, the insuran~e proceeds shall be apphed 10 lht: !.U1H\ ,;ei.:urcd oy Ih.,;. Deed of Trust, \ldth the 1:\ l'C<';'" , If all}-'. pall!
<br />to Borrower. if the Property is abandonetJ by Borrower. fl.f If Horrower fad, h"! r6plHld 10 l.ender Wit nUl 30 day' J rom the
<br />dale nOlice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the IO$Ufiln.:e carner ntJt:h 10 s.dlle iJ dalm for lnMlfan..:c bcncfil\, LenJer
<br />is authoriud to ~oHec( ,iod apply the Insurance plU',:I:t'J~ at I.coder';s. option either to reSloratlOn Of rep;ur oj' Ihe Property
<br />or to the lums secured b.., thIS- Deed of Trw.{
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwlse ~tgfec HI Wl'!tlOg, Jn~ 'iUl.'h appllcalH'1ll vi pfiK.ccds tf'> fHlIlcipal .,hall nol c.xlcnd
<br />Of postpone the due dalt:' ...'1 the monthly inslallmcnh tl!lcrreu In III paragraphs I and ~ hereol m .,:hangc rh..' "mounl 01
<br />such installmenls. If under paragraph I ~ here'l! Ih(' Proper1\ l' .l':411lfCd h~' I.ender. iJl! flghl, title ullli !nterc..l lJt Horwwcl
<br />In and lQan)' insurance poh...:-t~ and m and to Ihe rhl\"t'cd~ tht.~ll'(lf rc,uhlllg frum da',lli.lge h) lhc Property pnPf In Ihe ...;tll.:
<br />or Q(;quIsllIon ~hall PB\\ to Lenuer to the I:.'.\(enl 01 the sums :>C~",'Uft.-o h~. Ihl!'> l)ecd l)t I rml lrnmcthulcly pn~n 1-1) ~lh,;h ~.lle or
<br />acquisition,
<br />6.. Preun-atJon, and 1\lalarenalKt' of Propert}. It'a.\eookls: Condominiu~n.\; Planned I..Jnii He\>'elopmenb, Um1"i11A'CI
<br />,hallli..eep the Property in ~(lod fl.'pair ..Ind ...h.dl Ih)[ dllHlllll ....a~h.' .\1 pl.'ln!11 Imr.!IIOH:lII ll.r dt'ICfIl1f,'I{1\111 ." the Pror~'rt)'
<br />;.nd shaH comply u,-tth fhe pHWIS-\t.lO.S 01 any lea\c If Ihls Deed llC "I ru::.l l~ on .1 leawhold II thiS Deed of rrU!l.l i'- t'll ~I unll III a
<br />condomlOlum or ... planned \.lnll dC\-elopment, Borrower sh~~ll pccrOl'in ..Iii 01 Borrowcl'\ llhl1gall(Hl~ under ihe dechn~tlon
<br />or covenants creating or governing the condomInium Clf planned U:ll! dc,,'ck!rlllent, the by-hlwS and rC~llliltiom lOf the
<br />c~inium ()( planned un.1 devdopmem, and .:(miIllucnt do\:unlt'nl<" It' ii cllnooffimiom' Of planned \;nll dC\L'lopmcHt
<br />rider IS, executed by BouQwer and recl.lrdcd together y,-Uh !t'tJ~ Deed of "ru"'l, the coven:tnt\ and agrel'nlent\. \~f \\H:n f !tier
<br />",aU be ioc'Ofporated into a.nd s.hall amend and supplement the 1.'{\Vcn4111\ imt.i agreements t,l !tw. DceJ ~lf -J ru\l ,,'> If tht n,,-h~1
<br />were a pari hereof
<br />7. Pl'GtKtioa _of l-t'Ddfl's Se..-uritl. It Borro",-cr faJl~ W perform Ihe covcnant'J and agreemcnh l't1flti:tllh.'d in thi..
<br />Deed ~f Trust. or tf any aC(lon or proo..."'Ctlmg 1\ '-.:-o.mmeJl";l~li whh.:h miH~flitll)' a!fech l.cndcr\ inren.~{ 10 ih~ P-mperl\'
<br />ioc:Judiftl~ but not hm-itcd to, enunent -domain. IRwh-cncy. ;:odc- cnfor..:cmenl. or arr~n~menl~ or pfl)..,'t:~dlng... 1l1~'ol\-~ng'.1
<br />bank.rupt or decedent, then Lender -<It l.ender.!> option, upon n0Hcc tu Borrower, may mat..e 'HH:h appt:.tran\.:c,>, ,hhur,>c <,tlCh
<br />SUDl$ and take such aCIu.Jn ;li t5 ne-ecssarj to proiect LC"nJer'~ lnlcrest, IIH.:ludlng, hut not hmih.'d 1<'. dl'..lnH'>C!HCIlt (11
<br />r~bIe Auorn~y'-s feei and entry upon the Propertj' I{' make repair:... II l.ender rt"qulred moltgugc imur;\Ih.;c ,I~ <l
<br />~ORdition ~ making t~ loan ~~ured by th~s ~ of ~ru5t, Rorrl)\lJcr :'ihall p'H-' the plemiuH1:'J. reqUlit'J II'> nl,i1nt;IlO ~lli.h
<br />Insurance Ill: eff~t untd such hme as the reQum:ment lor su\:h HhunWI;C lermma!e\ In J.:c{\rdantc wllh Bornlwcr', ~uld
<br />L.cedcr-'s wrltte-n ag.feCllle(tt Of apphcable taw, Borro\\'t'r :ihaH pay Ihe .H1WUnl ui ,Ill ll1orrp:a.ge in'iun~o\"C" Prt,'llllUllh III Ihe
<br />-- provided under I'lr....pli 2 hereo!.
<br />My .mounts disbUrsed hy l.ender pursuant to th~s paragraph 7_ wilh mll'feSI Inerc~}n ,hall he-~nrnl: aJuHipllal
<br />.ndebtcdncu-of Borrower IOtXUred ~)- thill.'>eed of Tru~l. Unlolo 8orrow~r and I cnder ;lgrCt: hl ~..ther II,'Hll\ (1\ p.,&)tliellt, '\th:h
<br />amotmS$..U be payable upon notl~ from Ltooe.r to .BonO~C:l f'e4.ue~"ng payment th~rcof. ~HH.t ~h.;lJl ht'.F lfI~cre-,.t Imlll ;11(-
<br />date of c.:f.itI)Ul'IfJ.fheftt at the rate payable from time tn tiff\< on outstanding (Hlnclp.af lln4~r Ihe N~)l\." \lnh.'.).,,, p'aYlIHml \'!Int;:.r('!\{
<br />at ~h rMe ~d be. contrary to .apphcable l~w, in ","'hl-ch event ..I:l.::h aOlOu,\j<. \hait heal Hltert''';f ,H ttll: h1llhe\1 f;lt'l'
<br />~ =~K'.blc: law. NotnmR \.;ont,u-ned Hi HlI~ pa,,1,graph 7 shJIi ft"qUHC t.cnder In ({ltU( ,l1l~ ('-\penSt.~ I:\f fake
<br />
<br />.. ~.. L~ndef ml)' m.a.lt.e Of t:au'!ie to ~ nlllde h::...~mabl'C e'ntrjf'~ lirl-<.m iWJ Irrq~l!on", (l! !tw Pmr"~rt". rn'\YHh:t!
<br />t_~ Lender ;......U Il\1C &ofn~t o()tkc prWf I..~ an)' ;\ucb lo\-pt_chfIH :o,.pt:'1..:ltymg relii<Jol1.t.hlt; \.:.iU'o\' ~h""l~tl~~ Id;-tt..'d t\l I "'lld..'1 \
<br />........ ,.. tho ......oenv
<br />
<br />83- 006662
<br />