<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />83~
<br />
<br />..tHfSDEEDOFTlU..rSTisrnllde'tllls.. ..; .,.19~l:'. .. C'" :dayof..:n..~9~~;...,.,:.:.;<:..
<br />!'g.'8'.r.'....' . ...,,' .r" ... ............r;~..;.,. . ...... t ... . tr-'~ . r"c.. ~""''''r''''''''';~o'''''''raiiiOn:: ... ..
<br />-.0' ;:;_f~':_':fJi.mong-l~~:_ .-ttlSt~',_.-___.JL_._~,..L~ ....,,""$ 9:(0. .~~$-', f_"'~;..~. .~--..J-'<P~ .';o'i~i).~:.':Y. .f'.J:";,-;.."", '_!'~'"_'_' :,-,'_'.:'...
<br />"Foe,.,., ';.' q .;..... ,. .'. .. ....,. ..... . . d .. . . (herem Borrower).. .... . . . .:. . .
<br />J~J{...~~~.,al:t.nm.>!ty,~t.lAw..:....... . ... . . (herein "Trusteen}, and lheBlfndiciary.
<br />....~<::ial.sa1titlg$. ~iUJY,QI",~CUIQ. r~,l.l\I\q..........,..... ..; ...acorpclFalionorpnitl!dand
<br />.exisUl1l! 'Ullder the laws of. ..,... . .lll'l~a,~.... . ......., whose address.is:. .....:.......,.
<br />2J21.N~ .\'/ebb.M.. .PO.l3Al( .~n,.~l\I\4 .+~l;ul~,..m:. ?~W~2...... ..(herein.'tender").
<br />
<br />1JoP.llowEll;inconsideralion of the indebtedness herein recited and the lrust hereinerealed.irr~v!Jc;lb!ygrants
<br />and Conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale; lhe. following' described properly Jocalediwt!kCounly:of
<br />. . .. .. . .. . .. . HAI.r. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Slate of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot TWenty-Two (22), Eaglewood Acres subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />(.~
<br />whleb hlls tile addl'e$> of. ~. Swan. Lane, . Grand .Island~ .!>lE, 6aR01... , ... .. ..
<br />lSt~l [Cityl
<br />,(hercin"P\'op<.'rly Address"):
<br />
<br />'__Z"',,_I
<br />TOllHlIU w'lh all Ih~ .mprllwmcnh now or I1\:,,'aUcr ",,"It'd on th.: property. and all e"""ments, rights,
<br />appufbll1\lllCes, "'nts(sul1ic<:1 however to therighb and authorities given herein '0 Lender to eollect und apply s.u:h
<br />rl:!lls}, royalties, mineta!, oil and glIs rights and profits. water, "'ater tights, and water .lock. "ti,; all fil<turcsnow or
<br />hl:N<tftcr altach,,\! tsH,"' properly; all 01 which. includmg replaccml'nts and additions therelo. shall be deenMI to lx'
<br />'l!llln:main a parI "flOC prop"(lY rov<,,,'d hy this l)c.:d 01 Trust: and all of the fOtcguing, together wilh said pruperty
<br />(Of Ibd""-.:I<<lIde"ale .f this o..'Cd of Tru>! is on a l"a",hoW) arc herein rclerred 10 asthe "Pro!>'...ly":
<br />
<br />To.SI7t'uluto l,e.llder fa! lhe repll)'llK'nl of Ihe indebledrn:" evidenccd by BorrQwcr's note dall!d ..1::// .
<br />.... ", '" . . lbcrcii> "Nots:"). m IMWineipalswnoL ,Sl>YMty.,.six. .'J:hollSillld. 'J:llx;lillil. R\l1lAJ:~. 'l.'wMt.Y.
<br />_.,l:IO.l.100~'!7~~,-..,.,.--l$7li...3.20. 00). Dollars. with inreresllhereon, providing for one inslallment'
<br />~~t1Ind inlcl"1.l. with the baI""",,of IlwiOt,lel>ttdncss. i1nolliOOlln paid.du<, aIld payabk on.
<br />~"""'f.J 1,.... . ." ". . , . . . . . . , .: the paymenl of all other .um\, with inlere.t thl'rron, advanet.-.I
<br />11>'~'m:r"..jtIHU~llhe ""'''III'.t)'.oI 1'1;" Dc..'d of Trust: and the performance of lhe eovenllnl, and
<br />~ ti( Bo;row.:rhcrejllC:4'ntalncd:~ud I b) Ihe rcpaYmcl!t of allY fUlure adVll"':"s, with Weresl thereon. Inilde
<br />..~~.t.encIef'~1l1.10 plII\IIIllP1l2) tK:n'Of I tK:n:in"Fulure Adv'1lnccs"),
<br />
<br />.~. ~'n~'IIiM.~f is.1oo....,uUy'c~,,'d ..flllt.' eslilte hereby. c;onvcyw alldluts lhe righllO grollt ally
<br />~.,~lll,_tlly~y ~1lI1C..ro~,"nU tlmlDormwer will wlllTllnl aR<l dcfetl<lgenellllly the
<br />1ill!t~~~Yill..ltl!llll\l~Laltm<and~;1n",.SIlbJ<,!;II"an)' dL'f:!arah'.'I\s. eaSl''''''nts or r."tneh\>", list,"" ;n a
<br />~lIfe~k>",ql"'\'lIJll, in..1I\Y IlIkmlollrlltl\.'l!poli<:) lUsur.nfl Lcllder".nl"rest;n ,I1\: Pro~rlYt
<br />
<br />......1 "H;lOliif. 116- '''11'IIUlt VJllIOlllIIlISMIlMtI!f
<br />
<br />