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<br /> <br />ADJUSTABJ.!..ERA:'fERIDER... <br /> <br /> <br />83....0666~E:k. . <br /> <br />r-.. ........ ..... THIS-:ADJUSTABI:BRA'fERIDIlRitmall&this. 14th. dayof .. . December ......... .... ;Jg.~I';.. <br />. .... ... IIlllUs'incorpc>l'Sl<d"lnwa...hball bedoemedtoamendBlldsnpPIementtbeMortgage;Dcedof'l'ruSt. orDcedto~Deljt)(thjlC~"~ <br />IttStr1IIn$lt"}Oflbe__.cItW!'pvenbY .!be.undet$i&1lCd(!be."IloIToWer"} toseCttre.BorrOwer.s AdjwtablebteNote .te>... .HO_~FEJ]l!RAL' <br />SAVINGS'..' 1.0AN"ASSOCIATION OF' QRANI)'ISL:ANO;NE8RASKA (lb....Lender..rof!besame<:late(tbe !'NOW'Y' ' <br />andeovering!bel'fOpertydcScribed in !be SecuritylDslnnnent BIldlocated at: <br /> <br />320 East 21st Street, Grand Islahd, Nebraska 68801 <br />(Property Address) <br />TH' Note mIIltIIDa ..~.wi8lror"""- in .tbelnlenSt ......If dlein_'late. <br />1_.tbeBorroww'.1DOIItbIy pa_lIw111 be .1JIPt!r. Ittbeln_..tedeaeillel,tbe. <br />IIGJTower'S IDOIItbIy pa_tswHI be_. <br /> <br />ADDmONAL COVENANTS. In addition to tile covenant and agreements made in theSecuriry Instrument. Borrower-and tinder , <br />fur!bercovenantandagr""as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Not. provides for an lnitiallnrerest rare of 11 %. S<ction 4 of the Note providesfon:haDgllS In tile intercsttate.BIld'lbc.' <br />montbIypayments, as follows: <br /> <br />4. iNTEREST RATE AND MOlVTHL Y PA YllfENTCHANGES <br />(A)~_ <br />Theintercst ram I will pay may change on tile 1 st day of February . 19 ~. and <br />on !bat day of tile month every 12 months thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could cbange is called a uCbanae'Dam;" <br /> <br />(B). TH Dds <br />Jle&innil1ll witll !be flnt Cbanae Date. my interest rate will be based on an "Index." The Ind"" is the weekly average yield on United States <br />Treasury eeurities adjusted to . constant matUrity of one years. as made available by tile Federal Reserve Board. The most <br />recattlndex ftgUfO available as 0{ 45 days before eaeh Change Dam is called !be "Current Ind""." <br />If lbe Index is no longer available. the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable information. The Note Holder <br />will give me notice of its choice. <br /> <br />(0 ~1io..fCblpo <br />Before each CbaDge Dam. !be Note Holder wilIca1culalemynewinterestrate by adding two and one-half ..percenragepoints <br />( 2.5 "Ie) 10 !be Current 100.,.. aad roundil1l! to tbe nearest I/S"Ie, The sum will be my new interest ram. The. .mmum interest rate <br />on this loan will be no less than 9 . 5 tV.. The maximum interest rate on this loan will be no more than 14 ~ S '10. <br />The Note Holder wilIl11en determine the amount of .be montbly payment tIIat would be sufficient to fell'ly in full the principal I am <br />expected to owe on the CbaDge Date in substantially equal payments by the maturity date at my new interest rate. The result of this caleulation <br />will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> <br />{D} I!'.ffeethe Dale of CbIpo <br />My new interest rare ..ill_effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beglnnil1ll on lhe ftnt <br />l11OI1!bly payment date after t.... Cban&e Date until the amount of my m""thly paymenl changes aaam. <br /> <br />(EJ _of~ <br />The _ Holder will mail or deliver to me a notke before each Change Date. The notice will advise me of: <br />(i) tbe _ interest rate on my Iou.. 0{ the Chanae Dam: <br />(ii) the _ of my montbly payment following the Cban8e Dale; <br />(Ui) any IlddititmoI matters whi<:b the Note Holder is required to disclose: and <br />(iv) the litle and Idqlbooe number of a _ who will answer any question I may have reaardil1l!!be notice. <br /> <br /> <br />.. CIL\IlGIlS;.UIINS <br />I1Difonn Co_4of !be Security lnstnlltteDl is amended to tead.. follows: <br /> <br />4. ~LloM. Borrower shall pay all WItS, assessments. and other charJes. fmea and impositions attributable to lbe Properly whicb may <br />tIWIia.~_thisSecurity Instrumem. and IeueboId payments of ground rents. if any. in !be manner provided underparaarapb 2 hereof <br />or,if _ paid in ....._. b)' Borrower tnakina paYM=t. when due. directly 10 !be payee t.bereof. Borrower sball promptl)' furnlsb to <br />Leader 1lll n<<lces of _ due under this paraarapb, and in tile event Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly <br />fIItIIish 10 I..eadet receipts evideacit:Ic such payments. Borrower shall promptly discInlrge any lien which has priority over this Security <br />~,oo-. Borrower shall not be required 10 di5charJe any rucb lien so long.. Borrower: (al shall...... in writins to the payment of <br />tbeolllilatioli -.a Ily sudt lien in a _ acc:eptable to I..eadet; (b) shall in good failb COnt..t such lien by, or defend aaainIt enfon:etllent <br />of ...lienill.lesaI ~ whi<:b in !be opinion 0{ I..eadet operate to prevent !be enforcement of tbe lien or fotfeilure of !be "Propeny or <br />atl)'PItt ~ or (e) shall....... from the boIdcr of such lien"" _t in a form satisfactorY to Lenda' .nbordinalinl such lien to this <br />ScaIrity~ <br />If I.Cllder ........ !bill all or any part of the Propcny iJ subj<<110 a lien whicb may attain a priority over this Security Instrument. tender <br />shalI_ awr-. ~ldemifylnJsudt lies.. Borrower shallsatisfy sncb lien or tat. one or more of tt.. actions.... fortb above within ten <br />.,.ol'Ute.....oftbellOli\1e. <br /> <br />nL <br /> <br />c,.NOIIQI <br />~.c-l"'Of theSillMltJlnstrumem it ll1Ilelldtd 10""",,... follows: <br /> <br />... ~Ettaipc-.,..., IIOlictftlOlllincllllldcr ~bIt JaWID be 11- in anoIiIer manner. (a) any _10 Borrower provided for in tl-J> <br />~~"'-...tI)'~lt or b)'!MlIinakbyllm eIaS$ mail 10 Borrower at the P~y Ad<Ita$ or at ,uch other addtess <br />.--..,,~.tI)'ltOdI:ll!lO..-.. pmrided.benln.Blld{l;) lllY.llC!lioe ~o Lender sbaII be Ilivero by fin! claA mall 10 I."nder" <br />.............orlO__~ "",*-"'J.ett.una1~ Ily _ to Il<Irroww .. provided linn. Any _ provided for in th.. <br />~~.sbaII be.........\O/taloa been II- to ~"" L.......'1OI'hm 11- in tbe.......... deoipated bareio, <br /> <br />
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