<br />I"
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<br />83-+)06599
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<br />4. As .addi~l_~rity, Trustor hereby-gives t.o and oonferg _upon Beneficiary the right, power and authoritY_t durir~g_the ,con_tin~a.nce
<br />of-these Trusta. to~eoned;- the -rents:; issues and -:profits of said--property, reserving -unto Trustor the right, prior to -any default -by Trlt9tOr
<br />in - pa~e-nt of I;lny indebtedness ~ h~Y '-or' in perfonn:ance _of .any agreement hereunder, '_ tn' collett. and, retain - such, 'rents,>is$ues
<br />and prOfits- as they- become due and':.'l?&yabl_eT Upon any -such default. --Beneficiary' may at. any time wit;hout notice,' either-'-in'_penwn'_,_.by_
<br />agent. or_hy-a ~iver ~_.'be-appojn~bY aoo,urt, and-without- rep_rd to the adequacy-of any security far the_ indebtedness~.hereby_-sectiied.
<br />entw _upan and _tak_e-,~on'of uid ptoperty or any part'thereo(. -in -his awn name_ sue for Dr other:wise collect such -rents. issues" 8..'1d
<br />pl9fits.: .including ~hMe ~~,:du-e. aqri_:u.n~' and: apply - the- same upon any- indebtedness secured hereby. -and- _in such order~:as -'Beneficiaty
<br />may-determine. The,-ente-ring_upo-n and taking possession of said_property, the oon~tion of sueh rents, issues and-profits and thtl' application
<br />~f.as-afOresaid.._shall-not cure-or waive any default o.r notice of de~outt he~~,under or in_vali~at.e-any act done pllrSu,ant to s~ch-J:l~_~i~
<br />
<br />5. Upon default by 'I'rust-or in the payment 'Of-_any in~btedn~ seCUred h~~by'or in ~e J~~r~orman~ of _8n_Y -agreeme_nt-,~ntai~ here:in.
<br />an 'sums secured: hereby $:hall imnlediately beCome-due ,and,_J>fl.!,ab,le_,ttt th~ oP~tm -ofthtr'Benefidary: .r 'he-sUch :event and-\tl?On'wri~n -requ.est
<br />of BenefICiary, Trustee .hall sell the trust propert;l, in aeoorilan... ""th'ctlu\.Nebrnskac.T.rust Deea...Act" at publicauction.toth. higheot
<br />bid~T; Any ~l'S()n ~xcept- 'Tl"'USWe _may bid _-at Trnstee's SdltL Trustee shall, aPPJ~_;,:~e -~~.:_of-th~!_~le as -.f()no.~~-, {l,~ to :th~;,expense-
<br />of the _sale, including a rea.'iOnable- Tru~'R fee~ \ 2i t{}-_ the obligaUoIl-)~:ecured by this Deed dCl'rust: (3~ the _sUrplus, _If any. snail be distributed-
<br />tothe-personserttitledthereto. " . + .. "
<br />
<br />6. Trustee- shaU Mliver to the purchnser at the sa1e tts deed, y.-;thout warranty~ whiCh -shall cum'ey, to, the purch~~T ,the 'iri{~,~t:",in
<br />the p:roperty-which- Trustor had (II' had the power to ('onvey at the time- of .his exeeutioft -' of-t:hts:--{)eed,of Trnst, :and'_su~h.:as...he.: ~aY_--have
<br />acquired the.reafi-er. Trustee?$ deed_ shall recite the facts showing that the sale was conducted in compliance_, with alt-Jhe -requirements
<br />Q( ~aw _and of this Ot>ed of Trust, which recital shaH be prima facie t!,,--ident'f:! of such compliance and concluSive evidence tJ:1ereof: in favor
<br />Qf-boria: fide -p~tclla$E!:t"S ll'na ~nJ:;Umbfilncers for value.
<br />
<br />7. The_power_ of ,sale .<<mferred by th~ Deed {)f Trust is not an exclwive n~ml:'dy; Beneficiary may cause this [lee<! ofTrust-to_ he foreclosed
<br />M_8,mortgage.-: . ~ . t< -
<br />, . -' ~ - -'
<br />'8_~ 1n the eVfmt- Qr: the d.eath. in('apaCity~ -disability - or resignation of Trustee, BenefiCiary O)a.y- appcint 'in: -writing--a ~u\:ce$sor' trustee.
<br />8M Up(:In--the ...eeOn:Hng ()hmch"appointment-'in-,th~ mortl{ag~ records of the oount~ in whi.ch this Deed .of Tr'ust i!l.Teoonled~-the ,$uecessor
<br />trustee shaH be \"e-Sted with all POWe'N. of the origlOa~ trostee-. The trustee is not obli!!~ to notify any party ~~reto ofpe~ing, $<11#-, ~llder
<br />any othl!ir l1eed of Trust o-r oi any actwn or prOt't'i~(hng m whIch Trustor, Trw;:t,ee or Reneficiary shun be ~\ party unless such action or
<br />proceeding is brought by-the 'rrust~.
<br />
<br />9. This DE!ed of Trust- applie!l to, inuf'f!$ to the ben~_fit tl, and is binding not onl_!, on the parties hereto, but on their heirs, devisees,
<br />legatees, administrators-, e"eeutof"!!:~ gUCC~ and assigns_ Tht~ tl~rm Beneticiary shall mean the holder and owner of the not~ secured
<br />hereby, whether or not named as Btc>J'lenciary herei.n.
<br />
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign this paper before yon read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy
<br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled
<br />toreeeiV&ll refund afnneamed charges in accordance with law.
<br />
<br />SignedthiL~__.day"f ..Deeember .A.D.19....$3..
<br />
<br />~,;.Vkt:"~'~_!L.c..~.{:~':':~....____
<br />/.a~.__Ii_d.J~_. ......-.-..-
<br />v
<br />
<br />__.J!a1l.......__ COUNTY
<br />
<br />1 !'I~.
<br />
<br />On thi._.1!!__ day of ~._... A.D.. 19..~_.. before me. the underolgnt'<l. a Notary I ublle. duly
<br />-oommis8ioned and qualified for and- residing 10 said county, pet'soually came .J.a.me.a...~
<br />lh~pl.u:tntl ::.-nn vi "A, to me known to be the ldentical person ~_. whose name ~ affixed to -the fore Gin
<br />instrument.... Tnl&tot 8 '__-'__'_ and acknowledged the same to be. the "...1_
<br />untary act. and dt.ed. KATHl.EEN It Hl\.l.
<br />Witn_ my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. ,. MyCamm. ...........3l.I984
<br />
<br />My Connnission expires the ....3.:'-....__..~day ..._.' .....f,>t.,.....r/:.J.!t/"._ 1.==*.-::...... ...I.~/U. .-.. ...-...---'''''''
<br />of... /}J1c;rj .__.__" 19L,;L. ._._ . '-!.....'...L____ ....
<br />Nolilry Publle
<br />
<br />STATE OF ________._....
<br />
<br />;
<br />oS
<br />
<br />\ sa.
<br />. County I
<br />Entered in Num..ricallnd.... and filed for record in the otli"" of the Register of Deeds of said county. tho
<br />day of _......._..._._................. ................. . 19.... ... at .. ,,'dock aod ._.......-..-_.....___.
<br />minulelO ___.__.__._._...._ M., aod duly recorded;n Book..__........._........ of ..--..-.".-"'-"
<br />
<br />MortgagM page ---.....---.------.--...-.-.-------.---.-...----.-....--
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