<br />I"
<br />
<br />(With Power of Sale)
<br />
<br />83_P06599
<br />
<br />Amolmt Financlld $164:;4-78
<br />Principal Amount of Loan $ 16934-;.78
<br />Total Of Paymellts$3n4n, QO
<br />Annual Pen:ontageJlate-22-%
<br />Nult\berafMonthly Installt\ents~.
<br />
<br />Agreed Rate of Interest an Principsl Amount of Loan ~It!,.
<br />Amount of First-Instalment $385..00--
<br />Amoun~ of Other Instalments $38,5'_00
<br />First Instaiment Due Date .f San - 19 j
<br />Final Instalment Due- Date TlAl"1 19',
<br />
<br />19&
<br />1951fL
<br />
<br />TInS DEED OF TRUST, made this --14- day of De"lI~r , 19~
<br />betweenJaa... _P". Wi1Ann bftri AgnAR K W;lRnn-, h\iRMnn And wife
<br />whooe mailing add..... is 319 R. 10th ~.....nrl TA'..nrl, n..h....."'.... 68801
<br />a8 Tiusto-l'9, _ F:tT:l3>w.....+ l'f''';+1Q. n.n-D,..An't:7 Co~nl
<br />whose mailing addres.., hI; p 'PO _ "AnT ?O;>9, l-TouFIton, TAyaA 7?001
<br />as ~rustee. and' Norwest Financial Nebraska, inc.. wbose roaBing address is p.O v MY 1373
<br />233'7 N. W'l'l-h 1M. a....nrl TA'..nrl, Ne. 688~ ,..Beneficiary,
<br />WITNESS-Em, Tnuttm's hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell. and convey to Trustee in trost. with power of-sale, the-following-de-
<br />scribed: property in _ H.al' _~~______.___,_"_____._ County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Fracticma1 Lot Two (2) in Fractiona1 Block One Hundred Forty Two (142) in Union
<br />Pacific Railway Compan;r's Second Addition and it's complement; Fractiona1 Lot Two (2)
<br />in Block Twelve (12), in Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with tenements, h~reditaments. Ulld appurtenances thereuntH helonglf_;.; or in anywise appertaining and the rents, issues and
<br />profits thereof,
<br />
<br />This convey8.llCe is intended for the pUrpose!- of securing the payment to Beneficiary of Trustors'. promissory note of even date in the
<br />amount stated above ,Os "Prinapal Amount of Loan", The aw-eed rate of interest per nnnum provided for in said -note- is the Agreed Rate
<br />of Interem 00 Principal Amount of Loan statt.-d .above, computed on unpaid balan('es of PrinCipal Amount of Loan. Said loan is repayable
<br />in the number of monthl)' lnstalment:.- stated above, The amount of the instalment pllyment8 due on Mld loan IS s~ above. The first
<br />Rnd final instahnent due dates un ~wd loan are staetd above. Payment may be made 10 advance in any amount at any time. Default
<br />in making any payment shall, at the Beneficiary's option and without notic~ or demand. render the entire unpaid balance of said loan
<br />at once du-e and payable. Ie&! ~-n.y requinxi rebate of charges (lnteNStl.
<br />
<br />To protect the security n( thisl)eE!d o.fTrust. Trustor l.."Ovenunts and ngrt'es;
<br />
<br />I To keep the property in good condition and repair: to permit no waste thereof; to complete any building. structw. improvement
<br />being built or about to be built thlf.>reon: tu restore promptly tiny building, structure or improveme-nt thereon which Ina: he damaged or
<br />d8!ttroyed; and w comply with all laws. ordina.oce$, rt;'gulabo-ns, co;..en-ants. conditions and restridionEl affecting the property,
<br />
<br />2. To-pay befure--detinque-nt- all18wful taxes and assessments upon the property; to keep the property free a.nd dear of all other charges.
<br />liens or encw::nbrances impairing the- .security uf t.his l~ of Trust.
<br />
<br />3, To _keep".U buildings now or hereBi1er ~ on the property descnbed herem c'Oulinuousiy llUlUTed a~ainst -h>8s by fire or other
<br />ha:urda-, ULan amount not l~ than the t.otal debt secured by this ~ of TnIl:it. All poJicie8 shall be held by th~ Beneficiary, and be
<br />in such -ewnpa-nie8 as the 8eaeflCmr)' ma)' approve and have l~ pay-able first to the Beneficiary as itl'j interest.. may appear and then
<br />to the Trustor. The arnount rollecte<:t under any msurance polity may be appHed upon any indebtednem; he-reby secured in such, order WI
<br />the Beneficiary shall deternune, Such apphcauon by the Beneliciary shaH not eause discontinuance of any proceedings to foreclose this
<br />Deed of Trust or eure Qr WAive an)' default. or notict!: of default or Invalidate any act done pursuant t.o sueh notice. In the event of foreclosure,
<br />all nj:{hts of i.:he Trustor m insunmre po1icit~>s theu in lort't! shall pa..-..s to the purchaser at the- foroc)oliure sale.
<br />
<br />4. To obtain the written t'onsent of U@.neficiaf)' before seihntz. {'ooveYU1ft o-r otht'rwiNe trarutfernng the property or any part thereof nnd
<br />any suw fl.8)e:, conv~yant"t" ot' trans.t~r Without the Benl'!l1c-i.ary'l..I wnuen constont .,halll..'Onsl1lUl(! 8 default under the tennlll hereof.
<br />
<br />1), To defend any actIon or- pn~ing purporti~ to aneet the st~urJty he.reof or the rights or poWCI1i of Beneficiary or Trustee.
<br />
<br />6, Should 'T'rwJtor f~!Il1 to pay 'ol,htm due aU)' tllJ;etoi. a~ruenl$. ln8-Ut/1I\Ci". prermum:l, heml:. encumbrances or other charges against the
<br />propeR)' ht>reinaboVtt de&c:n~, B....n~ficlary may pay the same, and lh~ amount 80 paid. with interest at the tate set forth in ti~e note
<br />SftUn!!d hereby, shall M- added to and ~~ It part oft~ 00bt 8t\'CUOO in this Deed of Trust as permitted by law,
<br />
<br />
<br />1, In the ~V.bt any portion of the pf'o~rty IS taken 0-1' damaged: in all eminent domain proctled.ing, the entire am(lunt of the award
<br />or such porUon the~ p may be neooillW'y to full)' satisfy tlw obligation ~ured hereb;\.. shaU be paid to BenefIciary to be applied to
<br />....d ablig.tian,
<br />
<br />2. By A<<'li'lp'lng payment of .ny sum st'Cl.lred hereby after Its dut" dale, Bent-fiCHU}' does not waive Ils right to r~ujre prompt payment
<br />when due of.lI otb&r ilJUIIq so ~ or to declare default for failUJ:1:' 00 SO JUJJ.
<br />
<br />3-, The 1'rus.tee shall I'eCO-Qv-ey ~U OT any part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust to the p.enmn t'ntitled thereto, on written
<br />rtlqUNt of the TnttllOr and ~ Bene:ticiary. or apon $Qtlsfaction 1)[ the- obligation secured and written request for ~'Quveytlnce made by
<br />ttu.1lenefie.U.ry or the p"l'IlOn entitled thereto,
<br />
<br />901 _ tHEI
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<br />L
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<br />.-J
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