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<br />83-- 006595 <br />ADJUSTABLE PAYMENT RIDER <br /> <br />nn:s~PAllt!Ilr RIIFltds llIIIde this 14th dayof December 1983~is <br />i.Ileoq>>mtediIitoimd sballbedeellEd';io allleD:b~tth!,M:lrtg;ageilleedof Trust; orDeedw, <br />~'Debt'(tla"SEic:urity~~}oftle; S8IIIIl,<Iiite.given by the unders:igDei . (t:he;. ''BOrroroler'') to'; <br />-um.' lmrcMer'"aAdjilstabla .Pllymeot...lbteto'l\J!ier:Finflnda.l, Inc. (tie ''lender'') of"tl&_'.date'; <br />(t'Ii!'''mte'~) and cover.blgtle.projlllrty deScribed in the Securlt.y InstruIlenl:andlpcatedat: <br />,o;~ <br />$,4.. <br />507 Tliflbe, Cairo, Nebraska. 68824 <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br />0824715-3 <br /> <br />Tbe"Note Cont.aiwFProvisions Allowing For Changes In The Int.erestRet.e And TIl.e <br />Monthly Payment And'For Increases In The Principal Amount'ToBe,Repaid. <br /> <br />The Note Also Provides For Calculations Of Two Separate Monthly.. Payment. Amounts. <br />One Will Be The Amount That I Must Actually Pay Each Month. TheOtberWi11. BeAn <br />AmountuThat I Would Pay ES(:.h Monch To Fully Repay The Loan On The Maturity; Date. <br />This Means That I Could Repay More Than I Originally Borrowed Or That T Could <br />Repay My Loan Before The Maturity Date. <br /> <br /> <br />AIDI1'IIlW. 0JIIEN!\Il'IS. In addit:l.en to the ClM!DS11tS and agreeIDI!I1l:S lII!Ide in theSeaJd.ty <br />InstmIent., ~ ao:I Lender further COI1l!DaIlt and agree sa fo:ru-: <br /> <br />'ii.r:~-r:or~~=~:te~~~.500%. Sect:l.ons 2,3,4, Sand 6 of tie Note <br />provj<ie.for cba1@Ies :In the.:lnt.eresl: mte ao:I the m::nthly lBymeot:s, as follows: <br /> <br />"2. INTEREST <br />(A) Interest 00Ied <br />Int.eJ:est will he clmged en that part of principal .tIich has oot been. paid, beg1m1ng on the <br />date I recei1le ~and l'n1H"ni"ll <nt:l.l the full aaont of pdncipsl. has. been paid. <br />~ U1 the date I receive pdncipsl., I will lBY interest at a ~1f, ralf Ot98~O.500 %. <br />The intetest rate. I will t8Y my chonge on the first day of the IIlIXIth of u Y , I <br />and 00 that day ewry 6 t h IllODth tlssfter. Each date 011 .tIich tie inteIest rate could c:lls91s <br />caJ.Jai 00 '1nt:eEest ~Date." The new interest rate will become on each InteJ:est <br />ClJqeDate. <br /> <br />(B) The Inds <br />'Inds~ with~i~\~ra&eawe~~~~~ffis_~~.fIhe <br /> <br />DDtths , as IBie ava1.UIble by the Federal. Reserve Board. The mst I'E!Ol!Dt. ~ <br />~~JhI~ ~~~~ Date is called the "C1Irrent In:Jex". <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />If tie In:Jex is 00 100ger SIlSilable, the lbt.e !bWer will cbJoee a new 1nielt .tIich is based upon <br />~,.,.hl.. infotllllttian. The lbte Ib1der will give me mtice of this choice. <br />(C) C:ol,."l"Hrq of InteJ:esl; Rate a-asws <br />Before -=h Interest Olanga lBte the lbte Ib1der will calcu1ate my new inteJ:est rate by adding <br />3.150 P"'-"8" points ( 3.150 %) to the Qlrrent!txlelt. The!bte IIol.der will then muDi <br />the tealll:of this additi<la to t:he I'liIllIJ:eSt ~ of ooe~ ~Itri>m.x!lH ~t <br />..... will be my tel ~ tate wt.U the next: Interest ~ Date. <br />tate. shall l10t e..:eed 13. 990X. <br />(I)) !ntEesl: AftBr IlBfault <br />'lballanet tate t'IIqIJ1md by thls Secti<la 2 is t:he rate I will 00lIJl both before and after B!I'J <br />defaJ.1.t dIIcrillId. in Secdal 9(B) below. <br />3. CALCULATION OF AltOUNTS OWED EACH MONTH <br />'De Nate Bolder vUl calaJ1at.e fliT Fl1U Itlllthly JmlIDt. The "Full ~ JmlIDt" is theaaont <br />of tile. MItbly ~ tlat -wi be $Id'l'i..i_ to l'eply t:he oopUd pdncipsl ~e of my teen :In <br />full at the.:lmmeat tate I _ ~ to t8Y by Secdals 2(1.) and 2(C) abcNe :In substant:ial.l, equal <br />~0Il January 1, 2004 , .tUt:h is called the "llIII:urity date". M:f fimt Fl1U <br />~ lID:Iitis U.S. II 14.j. n . Before MCh Interest ll1aoge Date, the Note Holder vUl <br />aW:u1ata ,the,_Fl1U!tlDtb.lT ltDDt \otdcl1 I will 00lIJl each DlDIIth beg1ming on the first 1IIXlthly <br />~...aftel' theIDtl!ao8t <llIID&e Dlte. <br />'DIe . Fl1U lbdily iIID.1Dt I Qll8 may be llI)t'e or less than the IIIIIlUIt I am requixed to pay each <br />IIUlth. Secdal" below statlls t:he aDlDt of my lIIXIthly PJ.)'lII!Ilt axxI Inr it will clwmse. Secdal 5 <br />below deer:ribs hclwrq ~ pdncipal b!llaoce will c!laolle if t:he lIlIlWt of mylllXlthly PJ.,moal: and <br />theFl1U 1tmtDly MuIt are d1ffetmt.. <br />4. PIoDllUttS <br />(A) 'lta &lll.~ of ~ <br />lwW. ~.. ~ a1 Ultereat.. bp'llIIk.1ng~. .-ry IIlIXIth. <br />I wiU. ...." -- llIlIIthq ~ on the first day of each IIIlIII:h ~ en <br />Feli~ 1.19lW. 1 will.... tta...~..-ry IIIlIII:h <nt:l.l I lIMa pdd. all t:he <br />~"'~''''i...othBt:cbaIp dMc1:lbed below tlat I.., 00lIJl \DIIu"tlda~. '" <br />.....,;~vUl, be appUM.. to taI:etlI8t.. befoaI pdncipal. If I st1ll 00lIJl ..u1ts tmder tlda <br />;y .... 1 wiU pay u-...... in full on th&t date. Thoee _ could he <br />......... of., lMt ~ .~. 18tUrity date. <br />I will......., Wl1lltb1,y~ at 2120 SaJtb 12m Street, o.u.. NElIlIuka 68124 or at a <br />~.~ if ~. by.tJa.Nate!b1dllr. <br /> <br />Al>Ju&tABUt I'AYKtNT Non: 6 MOlff6 'l'RUSUll.l H1DEX. (I - .. l"<llll11r) <br /> <br />!Me-005 (qc) (Page I) <br />(N.... 11/83) <br />