<br />
<br />
<br />83.;;;a. 006595
<br />
<br />tb<l',~,~"'thisJ>ecd of Trustsltall continue unim~red. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower,this Deed'of
<br />Trust and.lIteObliSl\ti!>ns'!iC!lUred M..,llYshall. retIlain .in. fuil J or"" and effect as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />. ,Zo., ~of.Reato; Appoimmclll ~fReeriver, Leader in P05SOSSion,As additional,seeurity. hereunder; B01J'''\\Ier
<br />h~r$J.~to.l.endertbe!'<l1l$of'lbe.Propel'lY' provided thaI Borrpwer'.shall, priorto..aeCeleration.un<:leVp;imgT1lphl~
<br />he...,.,f 'praband<>nritent of tiHlPropeny. have the riShtto collecl. and retain such rents as !hey becom.<lue,~nd:: payable.
<br />.... ,.,'... n""~celerationundeipafllllTaph 'IlLhereof or abandonment otlbeProperty,Le1lder,'inpeTSOn;.by'age!1I<>~cby
<br />j' '.! be entitled tQenter upon, take possession oLand managelhe Propertyandtocol~the
<br />hosep..t due, Allren.tscollected by Lender orthereceivenhallbeappliedfirsrto payment
<br />he Propertyandcollectiowm rents; including, butnotlimited,.to, ",<;elver'S fees",prer<:iums
<br />on.. . ..... ..reuooableattorney'sfces,andthento the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.. l.endet..andlhe
<br />TeC\liversnall.bcdiabletoaceount onIyfor Ihose renlsadually received. .. .. . ..... . .... ....... ....,. .
<br />~~,l1__AA.-- Upon request of Borrower, Lender, al Lender's option, prior 10 full rec09veyance pfthe:l'(i'o.perty
<br />bY TtUsleelO Borrower, may .make Future Advances 10. Borrower, Such Future Advances., wilb jnt~I'lbereon; sh;illbe
<br />secured.by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promi..w<y noteutating !bat said notes aresecuredbereby, At'noti~'shall
<br />the principal amount of the indebtedness secured bythisDeedofTrust, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />to protecttbe security of this Deed of Trust, exceed the original amount of the Note plus US $,._.. .m.=~..mm,..........
<br />n. R~. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, l.ender shall requewTrustee.to reconvey
<br />the.Property and cShalLsurrenderthis Deed of T rusl and all nOlesevidencing indebtedness secured by. this, oeed. of Trust
<br />10 Trustee. Trustee ,hall reconvey the Property without warranty andwithoul charge 10 the~"'on,or.persn",legally
<br />entilledJbereto. Such penon or peTSO,!sshall pay all eosls of rccordalion, ilany. . ...... ... .... .........'
<br />23...S*tIlltitute-.TI'\IIlee,., Lender, at Lender's option. may Jrom time to time:--remove- Trustee-"and _~ppoint a-_:SUCCe5!jor
<br />trusteetQ any Tru"eeappoinl<'<1 hereunder by an instrument recorded.in Ihe county in whjchlhis DeedofTi:uslis,>""",rded.
<br />Witbout conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed .to all Ihe tide, power and duties conferred. upon
<br />the Trustee. herein and by applicable law.
<br />24. Re4itest for'Notices. Borrower requests tbat copies-of the notice of default and notice of sale be-sent-to:Borro~er's
<br />addRs$which is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WtTNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />.dZ~'Li~i'~""'~~;';";';.;
<br />9(~~.!\:.,~................ .
<br />Sharon K. Lindell -.wow.r
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA,. . . . . .Rall. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County ss:
<br />On this... .. Hth. .... .day of. .. .OecelllbliU: . . .. 19..83, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personally came. .l)IiI11PY. .0... .r.to\lIlH. .&11<1 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />. . .5.h.1U::QO.l<.., J..1.llcleU.. /1.u,a.ll'lll<l.llllsi. .w.1.h.. .. . . . ., .. .... .... .. "', to me known to belhe
<br />identical person(s) whose name ( ,) arc subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereofto be. . . .. . ~ I)e t r. . . . . voluntary acl and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at. . . .Gr;'!\19. :r.s.l.al!<! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in sdid county, the
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />
<br />4tJt~ ../~.0f~..........
<br />NO;~C (:7
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />
<br />GENfRAl NOTARY S,...oINebr
<br />....,..,:..":;: My Comm.. (,ut. AlJ9- 25.1~~UEST
<br />
<br />To TausTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersigned is the holder of Ihe note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes. togelher
<br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />said note or notes and tbis Deed of Trust, which arc delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all :he
<br />estalllnOW hekI by you under this Deed of Trust to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />
<br />
<br />Date:..,.........,............,. .
<br />
<br />{~ Below- Thi. line Ruer...-ed For l.noer .nd Recorderj
<br />