<br />I
<br />83_ 006568
<br />
<br />9. BORROWER NOT RELEASED. Extension of the time for payment or modifieauon of amortiution of the 8ums secured by this Mortgage-
<br />granted by Lender to any 5uceeSlor in interest of Borrower sball not operate to release. in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Bor.
<br />rowe-r'j $ueeessors in interest. Lender shan not be required to commence proceedings against sucb successor or refuse to extend time for payment 01'-
<br />otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's SU-4:-
<br />ce!Sors in inter-est.
<br />
<br />10. FORBEARANCE BY LENDER NOT A WAIVER. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or otherwise
<br />,,(forded by applicable I&w. shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any IUth: right or remedy. The procurement of insurance__or, the pay_
<br />ment or taxes or other tiens or (harge!. by Lender shaU not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedneu secured by
<br />this Mortgage,
<br />
<br />11. REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. AU remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any o,ther right or reinedy under this
<br />Mortg..age or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently. independently or suecessively.
<br />
<br />tained shan bind, and the rights hereunder shaU inure to. the respective sUC'eessorsand anips of Lender and Borrower. .ubjeet to'the provisions, of
<br />paragnph 16 hereof. All eovenants. and agreements of Borrower shan be joint and several. The captions &nd beadiDgI of the paragraphs of this Mort.
<br />gage are for convenience only and are not to be used to int.erpret or denne the provisions hereof. '
<br />
<br />13. NOTICE. Except fer any n-otictl required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (alany notice to BOITOwer provided for in
<br />this MoTtgage shan be give-a by mailing .uch nolice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Addren or at sucb other .ddreasu Bor~
<br />rower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein. and (bl.ny notice to Lender .haU be given by eertified mail. return receipt requested. to
<br />Len.der's address stated herein or to such otbe-r address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower.. provided herein. Any notiee provided Cor
<br />in this Mortgage $h.U be deemed to have been given to Borro-w~r or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />
<br />14. UNIFORM MORTGAGE; GOVERNING LA W; SEVERABIUTY. Thi. lorm 01 mOl'tgage combines uoifOl'm .0.....15 foro.ti...1 u....d
<br />non"uniform ~ovenanLs with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute & uniform seeurity instrument covmngreal property. Thit Mortgage shall
<br />be governed by th.e law of tbe jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the ttven.t that any provWOJl OJ" dau.. 01 this Mortgage or the In~
<br />debtedness (:onfiicu with applicable law. sucla conDiet shall not aff~t other provisions of this Mortgage or the Indebtedness which caD be given effect
<br />without the conflicting provision. and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Ibdebtedneu are declared to be severable.
<br />
<br />IS, BORROWER'S COPY. Borrow~r .hail be f~rnished A conformed copy of the Indebtedness and of this Mortgage at the time oC execution or
<br />after reeordation hereof.
<br />
<br />16. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION. If aJl or ..y part of the Property or I. i.t.rest th.r.i. i. sold or tra..f.rred hy Bor.
<br />rowu without Lender's prior written consen.t. excluding tal the ereation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Mortgage, (b) the creation of a
<br />pure hue money security interest Cor h-ou.sebold appliances.ld a transf.r by devise, descent or by operation of Jaw upon the death oC a joint tenant or
<br />idl th.. grant of any leasehold interut of thrH yurs or leu not containing an option to purchase. Lendtlr may, at Lender's option. declare aU the sum.
<br />'S~ured by this Mortgai~ to be immediately due and payabJe_ Lender shaU have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the ..Ie or transfer.
<br />Lender and th~ pusan to .....horn the Property is to be- sold or tnruferred reach agreement in writing thl.t the credit of .uch perIOD ill.tisCadory to
<br />Lendu and that t.he interest pay.ble on the lums secu.red: br thit Mortga.ge .hall be at .uch rate II Leader shall requeat. If Lender has waived the op-
<br />tion to uceluate provided in this paragraph 16. Ind if Borrower',s suceusor in Interest bas exee:uted I written UJumptioD agree-me,.. Jle~epted in
<br />w1'lting b)' Lender, Lender ,haU r~.lun Borrower from aU obligations under this Mortgage and the lndebtedness.
<br />
<br />If Lender en.rdU's s\N:n option to ueelerate. Lender shaU mail Borrower notice of acxeleration in accordanu with paragraph 13 her~t. Such
<br />notice :thall provide. period of Dot Ius than 30 day", from the date th.. notice is maiJ.d within which Bonower may pa,. tbe sum. declared due. If Bor-
<br />rower fails to pay.uch sum. prior to the- uplr&tion of such period. Lender ma.y. without further notice or demand on Borrower. invoke any remedies
<br />permjtt~d by paragraph 17 hereol.
<br />
<br />NOS.l'NIFORM COVENANTS. BorroweT and Lender further covenant and agree u followl:
<br />
<br />17_ ACCELERATION; REMEDIES. Except as provided in paragraph 16 hereof. upon Borrower', breaeh of any covenant or agreement ot
<br />Bono....,. in this Mortgage:. includin, the ('oyenanu to pay when due any sum.. secured by t.h1J Mortgage. Lender prior to aeceleration shall mail
<br />notice- to Bonow"r &I p.ro",ded in paragrapb]3 hereof specifying: ill the breach; (2) the: action required to cure lueh breaeh; (3) & dAte. not less than 30
<br />d"YI from the date the notin i, maUed to Borrower. by which su.th breath muat be cured: and (4.) that failure to cure luch breach on or before the date
<br />spee1faed in t,he- notlee may rnull. in unleration of the ,vms aecured by this Mortp.... foreclOllJfe by judicial proeHdinp and ute of the Property,
<br />The notice .$MU further inCorm Borrower of the ri,ht to rein.tate after acceleration and Lbe right to auert in the Coreelolure proceeding tbe non.
<br />e__i.ten:t.. of I default or aay other defenlt' of Borrow.r to a.<<eJeutaOft and for..:Josure, If the brea(:h is not cured on or before the date specified in the
<br />~otiu, Lender at Lender's option may declare aU of the ,ums ,.cured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable without further demand
<br />and: may foredou by judicial p~inC. Lender .h.aU be entitled to f-olleet i.n luch proceedinc aU expeofta of foredosure. including. but not. limited
<br />to.. cost, of dO<'umttnlary evide.hC'e. -tbstneu and tiU. repOf'u. attorney iHl ud court COJiU.
<br />
<br />ld. BORROWER'S RIGHT TO RElNSTA TE-. Notwithstsndinr Lender's aeeel.nOOn 01 t.be rums secured by this Mortgage, Borrower shall
<br />ha...e lfit, right to ha.... aft1 proceedings begun by Lender to enforee this Mortgap dilcontinued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this
<br />M.ortgage if: tal Bon-owu pays lA.nder aU sums which would be then due under this Mortgage. the lndebtedneu. had no acceleration oecured; (bl Bor.
<br />row!', W1'et .11 breathes of &1l1 oUter cov_naotl or agrflmenu of Borrower coratained in tbis Mortp.,.; (e) Borro,.,.r pays all nUOllable expenses in.
<br />tUfnd by Lende-r i::l enfCN"'eiq the c:cyeouts aDd agr-eem-ents of Borrower atDtained in t.his Mort(are and in enforcing Lender's remedies &1 provided
<br />ic. para ITa ph 17 hnof, includinr, but not limited t.t;), ru.sonable .ttDrney', f.ft: and id) Borrower tak., ,uch action as Lender may reuonably require
<br />10 suv,:'t! lh:al t.be lieD o.f this Mortla,.e, Lende1"t tnlenal in tbe Propl'rty and Borrower', obJigation to pay the 'UmI .ecured by this Mortgage shall
<br />continue ummpairtd. Upoa such payment and cure by Borrower. this Mortpge and the obligauon. secured hereby ahall remAin in fl.lU force aod effect
<br />U Ii ftO .a.cc.lualloft had~.
<br />
<br />19. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. A. .dditionallocurlty h.r.u.d.r. BOl'row.r
<br />~.br auipI to L...ader the ",ais of t~ Property. provNHd that BotTo..r JhaJl. prior to acceleration under parl.JTapb 17 hereof or abandonment of
<br />the Pro,.r-t,. hav~ the ript to eoUeet. and nt.aiu such rents u they become due- and payable.
<br />
<br />UPM acee.,..lioG undv p.,.aCl'aph 11 bweol 01' abal'ldon.rnent of the Property. Lender. in penon.. by a~nt or by judiciaU)' appointed reeei vel',
<br />dW1 b:f eatltted 10 ..tv tJpoI\,. t.ak. poue..uion of and mau... the Property au tocoUect the repta of the Property. including tboae past due, All tl!'ntJ.
<br />f~ b, tf;!~r 01' the r..v..,. lull bt: IppMd ftnt to p.1~nt of the coati of ot:.-Iupment 01 the Prop...., and coUectioft of tents. in-c:Judiac. but
<br />&Ollba,,," toO. I'Retv.', r.... pnmi\lftU Oft f~V"'" boods .ad ruaon.w. aUOraey', fea.. and then to lh. IUnu Meum by thi.. MortPl'e. Lender
<br />aM ,.. t"in~f .ban bIJ liable to a('.(!OUllIt 001, for tbcH reels .duaU, rH.t\"ed.
<br />
<br />:Ill. FlJTUIU: ADVANCES. 1.1_ req....t or Borrow.r. lAlld.r. .llAed.r', option prior to rei.... of tlWo MOl'lr'(O, m.y m.k. Futuro Ad
<br />"'..'~ \.0 Bcirro...... 8M" rwt-v. ,Allv'""",, wit.h hu..,..t tMreoa. ,han be IettU'eCf by this Mortpp wheft ."idenc.d by promiuory not.. .taling
<br />t.l!tl.&t ~ Ntu ..,. MotW'ed -'"nit,. At DO Lime .b.U u.. p~ amou:at of U". iaftbtMMM ~ by thit: Mort,....-, not ihdudillJ .um.. ldvane..d
<br />,. ...-.... .......uk to _. th. .....,;.1 of thl. M.......... .._ . 125.000.00 _'
<br />
<br />~T Rtl.EA.I&., UJIOft P'A1Jftflf.t I:)Il..U ."m.- ~ b, t-hNl Won...,.. Lt:liGfi I~ll diar.-h&tJ'f f,h.b Mof1..~ 'Wit~t 'ChAr~ to BO<<'l'ow~r But'
<br />n_..t 'luU >>1 aU t91U of te<<wftUoa-. It '3)\
<br />