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<br />I <br />006568 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />TOGETHER witb all the improvements now or herealter erected on the propt:rty, and aU easements. rights. appurtenances. rents. royalties. <br />mineral. oil and gas rights and profits. waleI'. water rigbu. and water stock, and all fIXtures now or hereafter attached to the property, allot which. in- <br />cluding replacements and additions thereto. shall be deemed to be and remain & part of the-property covered by thiJ Mortgaget.nd all of the forego. <br />ing. together with said property (or the leasehold esLat.e if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property". <br /> <br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully sei.aed o.f lhe estate hereby conveyed and h.. the-right to mortgage.-grant and coDvey the Pz:o~ <br />ert)'. that the Property is unemcumbered. and- that Borrower will warrant and defend generally the,title to the -PrQperty &Sainst-al1 claims- ~nd <br />dema.nds. subject to any declarations. easements- or restrictions. <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender tovenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1< PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Borrower shan promptly pay the Indebtedness when due'and aeeording to its tuma-. <br /> <br />2. .A" PPLICA TION OF PA YMENTS. All payment!. receiviltd by Lender may be applied by Lender in any order Qr manner!i.eation whicb <br />Lender. m its abso-1ute discrt'tion. d~etllJ appropriate. <br /> <br />3, CHARGES; LIENS. Borrower shall pay aU taxes. other ChugH. fines and impositions attributable 10 the Property which <br />may attain a pr-iort:y over this Mortgage. and leasehold payments or ground rent.a. if any. by Borrower making payment.. when due. directly to t.he <br />payee!. BOM'OWeT shalt promptly furnish to Lender aU Dotices of amounta due under thia paragraph. and in-the-event BoiTower-.baD-' <br />tne-nt diret:tJy. &nower than prompUy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing .uch payments. Borrower .hall,Promptly discharge ey'lien' which-bas <br />priorit)' over this Mortgage; provided. that Borrower shs1i not be required to discharge any such lien so long u Borrower shall igree- in writing to the <br />paymf!nl of the obligation secured by sueh lil'-n in & manner acceptable to Lender. or shall in good faith conteat such lien b" or defendant enforcement <br />of such lien in. it-gal proceedings which operate to prevent the enfor-cement of the lien or forfeitun 01 the Property or any part thereof. <br /> <br />4. HAZARD INSURANCE. Borro-wer ShAll keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property inlund againatloas by- <br />fire. haz.ards incll.Nied wit-hin the urm "ftxtended coverage". and such other hazards u Lender may requite and In such amounts and for_luch periods <br />u Lender may require; provided. thal Lender shan not require that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount 01 coverage required to pay the <br />sums s~ul'ed by this <br /> <br />The insurance pJ'oYlding the insurance shall be choun by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; prOVided. that lueh approval shall <br />not ~ unreas-on.ably withheld. AU premiums on insut&nCfl policies shall be paid by Borrower making payment.. when due. direetly to the insurance ear. <br />rlet. <br /> <br />Ail insurant:@ policies and renew. is thereof shaU be in form acceptable to Lender and shan include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and <br />Jt'! form acupllble to Lender, Lender .haU hit"" the right to hold the policies and renewals thereot. and Borrower shall prompty CUrbish to Lender aU <br />rent'wsl nollcf:'$ and all receIpts of p&ld premiums. In the event of Iou. Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insuranee carrier and Lender. Lender <br />may mIke proof of Iou If not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> <br />L'nJeu Lender.nd Bcrro..-er other-wise agre~ ir. writ-ing. insurance procHds shall be applied to rutoratioD or repair of the ProJl( ,.. r',amaged. <br />pro'nd@(j $ouch tuloution or repaIr 1$ \,,('ono-mlully fe-uible and the s-ecui"ity of this Mort.gage is not thereby impaired. It such restoration r repair is <br />not economu:aUy fUSible Qr It the t-ecurity of Mortgage would ~ Impaired. the insuranee proceeds shaJJ be applied to tbe sums sec::ured by thi.s <br />Mortgage. .....ah the ureliS. if any. to Borrower. If the Property u .bandoned by Borrower. or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 <br />days from the date- :'lotlet- 1$ mali~d by Le-ndt-r to Borrower that the Insurance car-riel' offer-! to settle a claim for in.uran~e benelits. Lender is authoriz- <br />ed to colled and .apP.lY the InliUnnCIt proct"t"ds... Lender's opt-Ion either to r~:ttoration or repair- of the Pro~rt.,. or to lhe sums siCcured by this Mort. <br />gl.g~ <br /> <br />Cn.ien Lender and Borrewer OH\erwtU agne In writing. any Iud .ppliulion of proceeds to' print:ipaJ shall not e:xtend or poatpone the due <br />dal~ of the monthly msu.Hmf'nts tf'fe-rrM to In -puagraph 1 hereof 'Or change the amount of suc:h installments. If under paragraph 17 hereof the Pro.- <br />perty IS aCQuirt-d by L~pder. aU right. tltl~ .and mlt!re-St of Borrown in and to any insurance poHcin and i.n and to the proceeds thereof resulting from <br />dam.g~ to th~ Property prior to the $lIe or acquisition shan pus to Lender to the utent of the .ums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to <br />'il,Jch uk or A!"qui~HtiG-!L <br /> <br />5 PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY: LEASEHOLDS: CONDOMINIUMS: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. <br />Borrower shaU keep th~ Property in gOoi)lj r-epair ud shaH not commit ..-ute or permit impairment. or deterioration 01 the Property and sh&H compJy <br />....jth tilt- prov,slems of any lea" If this is on leasehold. If this Mortp.. is on a unit in I condomi.nium or a planned unit development. Bor. <br />rowu shall perform aU of Borrower', obhgltiolU undeT the d~lar.tion Qr t'ovenanla: crutinr or governing the condominiu.m or planned unit develop-. <br />m~nt. the by-laws and re-culatiot\l of t.nt condominium or pi.noed unit development. and eonat.ituent documenLs. U a eondominium or planhea unit <br />deveJopm.enL TideI' is exeeut.ed by- Bono..r and r~rded together with thit Mortg.,.. the cov,nlnu and agreements of luch rider ,han be incQr- <br />porated into Ahd sun amead and supplemt'nt the CQV~Hl.nts and agrHmenu of thi. Mortpp u if tbe rider weTe a part hereof. <br /> <br />6. PROTECTION OF LENDER.S SECURITY_ H Borrower (am to pe-rform the eovenanu and agreements contained in this Mortgage. or if <br />Iny utioa Ol' protHdlnr is rommen.ced wbieh materially d(ect.s Lender', interest. in the Property. intludinl(. but not limited to. eminent domain. in. <br />~V"MY. eode enfOft'&menl. or urangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedent. then Ltnder at Lender's option, upon notice to Bor- <br />rown, may make .u-ch t.pJMaraftc:t'f;. disbunc such sum. and t.U.e such action aa is neceuary to protect Lender', interest. jncluding_ but not limited to. <br />disbursement Qf r"uooable .ttorney's fns ADd entry upon tbe Property to make repairs. If Lender required mort.gage inlurance as a condition of <br />malul1l the loan Sfl'-~ted by t..ia Borrower aball pay th premiunu required to maintain such in.urance in effect.. until such time as the re- <br />qUlrern-.nt for such insurance lermtnAtu in .ccordanet' with Borrower'.f and Lender', written agreement 0.1' applicable law. <br /> <br />A oy amouou disbursed by Lender pursuant t~ thit paragraph 6. with intere.t. thereon. shaU become a.dditional indebtedness of Borrower <br />se'turea by lhi.l Mor1p.<~. Unless Borrower and Le-nder agree \.0 other terms of p.yme-nt.. sut:h amounts .han be payable upon notiee from Le:nd~r to <br />Borrower r~qla'ltiDl payment. tMn,of. 1.00 shall bear interest from the date ot disbur$emeoi at the high.,t rate of an)' then existing indebtedness of <br />Borrowfl' to L"Ader. Nothing t:01lt&lned in tbb p,ara,-raph 6 .haU require wnde-r to. incur any expellM o.r take any action hereunder. <br /> <br />7, INSPECTION, wnoer may make or e&UM to. be made rttuonabJe entries upon and inlpections of the Properly. provided that Lender shall <br />gJ..-. Bot-rowet fJOtiu prior to. any lu(:ft. inspection specifyin, reUOftabJe caua. the!'llOr' r~!at.ed to lAader', iaterat in tbe Property. <br /> <br />8. CONDEMNATION. The pf"OC\Htd. 9f an,. .ward or cl"im lor dam..-es. cUred or eon.equential. in connection ",ith any conde-mnation ()r oth~r <br />t..ll-in.- of th. Prn-part1. or part t.h~(. or for eonv.,...nee in lieu of condemnat.ion. ue henhy ...ighed and .haU be paid to- Lendet. <br /> <br />in l"'" << 01. tout tU.Utc of the Prop4lrty. tb. pNeeedI .n.U be applied to th. luma a.eeured. by tM. Mortr..... with the excell. if an)'. pAid <br />to ~'H_ In tho .Vbl -01 .. puu.t takiaC of 1M Propel'ty. unl... Borrow.t' and l.e:ftd.r othuwiM arr" i. writ.ina. there ,hal) be applied t.o the <br />iIiUD_. -..c~," by lhi.. Mon.... Iv<<h ptO:$>>OlUOll: olla. pt~.. i.t equal to pTopotUon. 'IilI'hich the amo~nt of the I\U'llIUCUrtd b)' tbia Mortr&lt! <br />unme4iawl,- ptkw (.,0 ~... eM" of l&.kiaC btln \0 lM fair lI'W'lr..t value of tM Properly immediatel, prior lo th, due 01 lakin,. with lhe batante o.{ th~ <br />__ p&i4 ... 8off_. <br /> <br />It tM ;"'r-op(I-rt.ll$..~ be1 8orr-o....r~ Of!t. after- ftOUce by Lender to Botro..... that eoo:d.mAW oUen w. make in award or !ltlUle.. <br />~.t.I" f. 4a-tN..... ~ww f&Ua 1,0 r.t~ to WOOer .Il.hht. SO d." .rtu the da-iA: SfXft M\in .. mau.d. Leodff lll.U~h-orlnd to -(cUect and apply <br />t.~ '_f'~. at t.....,.J "UOA~ .ithu \0' ra-toratiott ut ~,ir ~f tbo Pl"01*rt:t Qf to 1M .IHAI MWred by tnii: Mwtp,.. <br /> <br />tr...... t...t~, aMt Borrowttl .In.'..... .If" t-f'l wriUAI. &nT .UCb appUc:auoe 1)'{ p~ 1n prib(!'.il'4! .h.U not ."h~M 'l)!' ~!~~ !n~ d~!' <br />~.~ oI l!M! ~UN1 tGt:ta.UJift:UU r.wTu t.D ht "'I'j,~h . ~I'H( 6t nu,e the alJHMi._t of stKa !..wWanu, <br />