<br />r
<br />
<br />15. TIlaI ffany_..P/OCOIIIinO llo_Ced10 whi<h _Of D<oceedingtl1e M<rrtgagoe is made a pany by'..sonofr.-..__ottlllS~\lf"_
<br />... wIlItII-......... or 'nwhichtl1e M<rrtgagoe dooms n.......ry to a_ or answer in onlof.lO upl10ld tI1el1en of tills MO<lgage", the P<ior1lYI""""1ll'\lIf:"""'"
<br />_of...__ "''-to prolllCl Us inlmsts Of .ecutl!y _, all sums pai\1 or ''''''''rod by 'he MO<lgagoelOr at1Orlleys' '* aIlll_.."....!!\.tIldl*" .
<br />lIOO OfpRlClellfno'slIaIlllo fIlI3kI by tile _gago<, logeIhet wilh 'n'tfes1_!rom oat. of _ by 'ho M<rrtgaveo, at tho fa" of pettOftI(,-;-~ljlll'
<br />_, _atI $'.'<11..... 3IllI Ih. '......, thereon s!lali 1lo1ll1mllllia1otv duo and payalllo3llll1lo_lIland _a part of llHllJllffgallonssoourodlllnlW illsucn_
<br />lII'_"~ may desire'" _.., and llos.curodllfll>y, haYing'he _ of tI1ellonhetObyc_andolllS P<ior1lY.
<br />16. lhaI acoeptanco by M<rrt_ of any .um in payment Of pan payn>ent of lhe Obllga'iOi1S ,"",ured hereby, aller'lIe.."", 's duaor aller lOret1llSure~.,.
<br />filod, _ not_I" waiver of tho riOht .10,."."" promp,_n. wilen du.. of all otller otlligaIions so setured. nor .l1aiIsucl..C......Cllntorwalwan1~
<br />dIOuft' (I[ ~ any fOO!ctosUf8 prClCe8Ctmgs foe any suctl remainlng deiaUlt. or pre!Udtce any of tbe ngfltS of Mortgagee underthls Mortgage:
<br />11, Tl'ft terms Mortgagor and Mortgagee whetevet used '" thIS Illstrument shatl: be eonstrUiKHo irn:.t1.lM MifS, J.egatees. dtYi$el$. txlCuttn. ~f-SlfCCISSlW$
<br />and astgns WhIn the comm may require Of penlllt, aoo 100 coowmants and agreements herem cootaineo shall IDnd aM inure-to- the benefit Of said Mortgagor.a~-~.'
<br />gee and tnek respective hefts. executors. adtn'lfflslraI0f5. successors aM .assIgns. aM the lerms Mcttg4gor and Mongagee-shatt include singuIM and -plUral; regaR:blss:ot
<br />goncto< TN$ M<rrtgaqe and ''''' ObligatIOnS whICn" 50,,""" are asSJgna1llO by Monqag... bul no! by Mortg.'lgor If appIicalllt ano It permitted by 1aw,Motlgagor.Ilentby.
<br />waNeS iRd reteases any ane an rights cNld reme6ies relatirnJ to. hOmestedd-s, marshaling of liens aM assets, redemptions ana statutes- of .lImitation, Reden1ptk:anl)8m1ilt8d:b~
<br />.. after -1OnICtosurt: saf& is eq:ues.sIY wiftVeO. If pt!m1Uted by law
<br />18. _Terms
<br />
<br />
<br />!hlS in~tru0 is i;'".erl,jled ..VlIJ Ctt;.,.eroo ;0 MOftgagee bv MOI1gagor Ul1$ ~ day of
<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />December
<br />
<br />_19~.
<br />
<br />~~
<br />
<br />t,.l(l!'l~qo'
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />Berniece E. Sullivan
<br />
<br />Its
<br />
<br />STAlE Of _!:!<':...._
<br />
<br />~,'>;
<br />
<br />
<br />COUNT' Of .!ii'lJ.l,
<br />On tins __2.!.tL oay Qf qc c_,~~b l;~ r- 19 8) OOlOfe-m-e iM lJnI:fenil-qneo notary DuOltC In and fOr said cOl.lnly, personally
<br />ume Roger M Sullivan. ..md be~nic_ce ~. Sullivan 10 me personaUy kflOWn 10 be the ldenlital
<br />per$Oft($~ wno:s.e nal"nft.s; '$ ~!ftl"_~i.t!n !n~ 'e;~GCfn~ \,;",n,!,1"!"..~ Jf'(i .iCkl'!-v"Wteoqec the: e~tltulron lhfMeoll>:) be hiS (lhenl VOluntary Jct aM oeed
<br />
<br />In 1lr"tlnt!SS- .-neli!'}6!; fl.S,fUll!1) Sd '';'-~- ~..'i-.\t'< .;)'i.' "C~J,:,~: ~';d. ,;; __Grand Island. Nebraska
<br />
<br />It) ;;;]10 wunly the dav ..no VElar last aDOWl wnllen.
<br />
<br />~-=-~-I
<br />lIIJo..._Od.3ll.~
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<br />'--\) e. ~lftk~cL-_.__
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<br />~iDl,:I!'r' :\;:;ltc
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<br />My C~SIl)f\ el~}lfe':i
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<br />STA,!t: Gf _~____
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<br />;~,O~POAAlt A-CKNOWttDGMENl
<br />
<br />COU'i I 'I' Of
<br />
<br />
<br />O"lnrs_~iJ~{J'____",
<br />~ time
<br />"01 ______.~..".. ..""_,,....._ _ . ....,_......_...._. 10 IT", p,,,son,,,y known '0 ""
<br />tt'Ie _____"__________________~_ ,~IIO the lde!\lICi!:! pet~'J(' wnO$t' oa.me 15. al!ill!Q to llle lotegomg instfumenland
<br />iltkl'tOVf~ l~ c.&t.;h\V) :~~J! '{':Je n,,> ,'(.\J,:,j,V ct"'G ':ft'1:{l 3.5 :,,,<.;'1 ,)'ht:t:, clul!t!e ..OlulltiH)' ,Kl,af'l(/ deeo 01 \>41d t01DQ<dhl'<f111y dull10nty ollIs Bo.iro
<br /> of OtreC'IOfS
<br />
<br />. '1_,,_ ~elOfe me ~~e urukfYQnetl nolal)J p\lOhC n131l0 lor said .coumy" personally
<br />
<br />.J'ftd thlt 1P\t (:(Iof(lQ1)fe s~a~ ~ !~ ,,130 [W-<.11)~,jf'0<' wi!~ ,".eH~ttr ,llb.t>\1 ;;)1 ,l<;: dutlloflly
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