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<br />I <br /> <br />83';;;;' () (, 6 5 6~ <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />(Open-End: To Secure Present ond future Obligations ond Advonces) <br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESEPRESENTS: TIla! Roger Sullivan and Berniece S\lllivan, husband and wif!i'iflndlviduals. <br />jokrtly ana severally, residing tn Ha 11 CouOly, Nebraska ; and II a corporation or other business entity, with its <br />prinCipal pW:e- of business in County. _______. {hereinafter referred: to as "Mortgagor") in-considera. <br />tioliotalfMortgagor'smOebtedness.liaMittes.anoobligatlOnsto Commercial National Bank & Trust Co.. <br />01 Hall County. State ol' Nebraska {"Mortgagee"_l. now exiSting or hereafter incurred. and ,other valuable'consideration in hand paid, <br />does hereby sell and convey unto Mortgagee the ioilowing ttescritleo prennses Situated In _,_--Hg...J.~____ County and State of Nebraska <br />fo.wlt. <br /> <br />East Half Northeast Quarter (E~NE\) Sec. 2-9-9, Northeast Quarter Southeast Quarter <br />(NE~SE~) Sec. 2-9-9, South Half Southwest Quarter (S~SW\) Sec. 32-9-9, West Half <br />Southeast Quarter (W~SE~) Sec. 25-10-9 all Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />1Dge"ll1er with (\!l o~ tne ngor. IItle_ aM mWes! of thf! MOit-g.1QCr If! sale property now OWr>.eQ or hereat1er ,l{;elt.arE'.! ano aH Dw!amgs. Improvements. -and hx1Ures alan)' rype <br />IR]W or hereafter placed an $.310 rea! o,openy ana an easements rlg!lts, .a.p-purtenances, rl'-nts rayatilrs ()! (l:1d gas nghffi and prof1fS, water, waler rlgnlS. and water stock, <br />and aJl hA1ure-s,--11;T", or hereafter attac/\eo !o- lhe tmeqoHlQ aeSCflOea property, aH oj ,^,flich inCludmo rpri,l,:~rnet)ls ana addItIOns ThereTo, shaH De aeemed 10 be and remain <br />pali oj the properly (;<}va-ted 0)' trHS Morlgaqe .4.;~ Q! I~e Joregolna orOPElfty snail be co!!ee!lvely tlertll1,)t!er referred: fo as the PremIses <br /> <br />Hus morTgJge l~ gwen to s~cure J certarn DfOlTHSSOry note oalM __ _~~~~_mP~J;:_ J:..!._ J9Jt? _ jn lhe Dflnclp.1! ;,um oi Q,tg:~._tlJlndr~ Thirty <br />1.'.MJ.LEigncLp,od_,Iill.ll.Q_O_...:-_=_-=.-:-_:-:-.:-::,-:::-::."':':_-=--:---:',-.-,::-::-::--=::-_~.::-__--.~oE..,r~. is. 131> J QQ_O_..QQ,,_j. anti wteresllnereon according to lhe <br /> terms of <br />sooo note aM an.y a.nd ill! extenS!l:ms renewals_ moolhcaMns (ir suOSlflul!Ol1\ mereoi aM each ar'\Q eVffy :JeD! IldOII!ly and oDhgalron 01 every type al'ld description whiCh the <br />MOrtgagor ma-f new 'Jr .at an)' lime nereatlel owe to !he Mortgagee whether suctJ O€O~, JI<1DH!!y or Ottllq.1\!Ofl "'OW e.l:ls!s or is or may be direct or mdlfec!. due or to become <br />Clue. aOsONre Qf f.Onimgefll omnary Qr seconoary :'QuiGilled or Uf1:~Qu:daled 01 ;01nt seV€'ral. 01 [Glr: aM se..-eral aB such deblS. :,ablhUes. and obligationS aU collectively <br />heremafter f~l~rM tt- as- Obllgi!t!o.ns <br />Tne tClal OrmC10Jj arr.(lum e..:t!USt<Je 01 In!efesl of me Otmg<lIIOnS lflC!t.H:lmg 3t1'f !uture deNs JO'vance-s ll.abilllleS or OOllgaffotlS, not mCludmg hOwever any sums ad- <br />vanced lor Ihe pr~ecll1.m ot n'.e Pfe.ffiises or lhe MOffgagef S inWes.l !~relf1 sha,l ;'\0; en_eta the SUfi, r,t E i v~n rpo ThOll~;:l no Ann no /100 . <br />::'=:'==:'::'::":::--:-_::,:::.-:::,=.==-_::_"::_::7:.::-=_~:"_:::_:-_",:,_=:::---=_=-=-=="aOhafs i$ 5DQ.-#-uQ.Q..J2D._ i pfov1ded. however !rial noltllf1Q containeCl herem shall constitute <br />a CQrnmItment ro rr..ake aQdJ!fo-naJ Ot iU1;,lfe it.ans Cf. J:O'i.i.mCeS in .any ,jmoUl~: <br /> <br />rhe Mortgagor ntretiy WJ"a~:s lh3.t 11 I$- lee owne' o~ me mCr1gageo fea. proper!~ that ,\ "<'I'd: oe'e"t'! ~~e w:e aqJIflS1 if I ria!tnJf1!S ....homsoever ano 11 relJl1QVl5heS all <br />f!gMS 0' homesle-"C m s...n:l P'em'ses and coytnar,ls aM ai,';rees wIth the MOflg<.lQee .1S: !llil0w:o <br />1 Ie pav -.line!'! aue ali !a~e5 i~\"f\S- luoqrnef1!s f]r ds"}'{'ssmenls w!M::-t; '1"l.~y De ';lw!td1, T'".;j.eS'\t'{J JG2IY;: lhp. P1f'I"I!.ses dne! !'It' !€'!'lal Clr3/ges upon any <br /> ir.ases assIgned <br />J5 acollionar secur,!y ~(,~ '!'!.I$ M{}~lgJQe <br />? "':j ,n\!)ff "r,a i<tep mSti'ert me P'~m'sf''} .tilt nine! ,.npro..e"l'\{';n!s ~;o..... ~" ~! '.-.r'Hc!l rndy re:eJt1;:' t:'C D1JCtl(J or: s.~ld P~~fIHses It'le s..:;1isfacllon otlhe <br /> Mortgagee <br />An'f 0Cltr.)' e.'loeN.-lng SWCfJ !~'j.l1-r"~r;;t ~I;,lj, tie !!Ilo&sea "",Il, j 'i1tJ1lg;Jgee 10% ~<Jyab~e cidli~e i!OP!t'VM :1,' ~nf' Hl 'd,.m:)1 VOr!qager: ,W~ aeDQ5ltec.l with The <br /> Mortgagee and <br />'Nith an,;, :O'i5 'n~reUna~! !Q tie DJ.',l~;e I;: MOI1C.'tGet' Ai ~N' Q-(.;11l)f1 :)t the MOflQJQet SlijTj~ so lei:f'I'J€O t.y V<:/lQJQl,it' or \~onG,JQO! !!Wv De wsed :Q oay 10: recooslruchon <br /> 01 <br />the aestfOye(! P',:,rr:lS!~ (}' .1 no! -;.0 <i.DO+eo nu, ,If ml' \J[llron \it f!'"it' MorlqaQet ~t)~ apOheO ,n DJVm~<1! ot ;l"-.' 0tlh~J!IOr.s m~lureO or li/!maIUlea secured by nus Mortgage <br />J ;0 "-etlJ ail Ol.i,ldJnQ~, oc;uOletj .;i.~f)' HI good ~tl-\l:1 anc 1~1 {t'j!am lwrTI ine comn"'s.~jon of anV A(!" "'1"<)-...' 1.1emoi'!lotl m tmpalrmenl (Ii lhe PremIses nat to cuI <br /> or <br />'eIDm-"t !}1 Ot'-Hni!!(I Dt" cu-t OJ' f~"lCVe\J any wOOQ' or l1mbet lfC!r!! salc reill protl'ftft\ ,md no: 10 commll 0' pt,''rd ,1;i', <\'.ls!e or !mp.alrtnenl ollhe value 01 1l1e sec!. <br /> ~r, conlin, <br />UOUSiV ~'a-Ctl-C.e approve(! w.efhOOs of faf"""j~ :;"1 SJ\ti OreflWitS :0 Oleveni ero$IQI~ <11"10 Int ~l)! QI r\[>~lOt.l~ a:'C O.lm3glflQ .....eeds and!() preserve 1M fertlll!~ ,- <br /> me SOl) <br />-1 In,U a;: moM}' a"i\l .lW',arCs PJy.UHe a~ C3~.JgeS (), i,;Ofl;peflSrlt'.o:': 10< t;..,p, ~a-kll'H} oj hUe 10 or ;)OSs.e~~lun of 0~ ',0" OiiWil(j1:"!fJ <iny OOr1Hjfl oj lhe Prerrllses <br /> by reason 01 <br />any o.mdet!H'1ahon. ftntl\ltrtt aOffiaW tI13f'1Qt- D~ gratlf tY :.>l"'tr proceedmg SllJ-ri al tfll! q:}\ton o! !Ile MOr!lldgee. De fl;~ld 10 lhe MOf~qaQet! .wd suct'! moneys ana awa/ds <br /> are <br />ntfer:v JSslgne(! 10 Mongaget .and lu::!gmefl!: H;~ret;J' <,n,Fi bt enle-re(l !I' !aVO! {}I MO!1€WJet .aM Wnefl P-dIU SF',lii tie l6eG. a; I!S OpJWfl, 10w<lfO !!'1e oayrnenl oi the OollgatlOns <br />S<<'I,Jreo nt'ferJii 1/1 :;>-Jc-t, oHiel Qf tf'-.aMt! .is Mill!Q~ may ceslre i}l a~lerm,n~. ;;;! ';i11,lH be ,ISeQ 41 115 Gillj{;f1 'or D.aii'm:l!! Oi \,l"'C~ J:<,sessrnenls. reDiWS <br /> Or other Items lor Ihe <br />p.J'(m!nt 01 W~H(n!h1S MO!l-Q49'f!'S 1,;;J'i'tn.;15 'ie<:ur'lv ;tf'"'~lhe~ 1/'lt> be !hen 1ut' or N}l ana on~J1U.1aL..Q! fna.o.ilt',!e!;nlfle, d!10 any amount <br /> nol so <br />iJ-St!CI shaH ~[~Ie.lS<<l tt'. t~ Mon~ Ie 1~ t.AO!l-a.ai1O' Such .1jWhC.:1t1Ofl 0-1 !~ieiiSe sh4tl not CUtf:tcr.Wlitl~.a.{Jy OOlitUtl.~)f-'Ofettq;;ur.pfOCeJ!{Jmgs H1 lhe evenl Mortgagee <br />oeems.1 nocessary to <lPPtar OJ ilr;Swrttf m CON1!mt'-,Slr()n ;n1}Q1"l. f".e.mng O! ;m:)l;et;(hng MOrtrJa90f sl\all P31.~i legal expenses jf! conl~110n t~f.rewlm InClu<Mg bul /1(lt hm. <br />ltea 10 4lto!neys !ee~ .1?'C! CtRIr1 ,o.S-l:; :l.r;c u>'il:i SO Na:.!. si.let" e-..Ot'nses WiHt mfere~t ,lIme lllle-ot ....._~__ .~~_ percent. shatt,oc dCde010 ln~ Obligations secured <br /> hereby rn <br />suet; rt"",mne$ C'f Ofc-er ,is MOflqa-gM' flU, C~5!fr: 0' tlelt'-!mme M.rv'')9 lilt beoetll OII'1t hen tteale<J ~.,."'li d-Oclli -nerevl .and allts OtiOfI!Y <br />3 Ttra! ,1\ tne e..~"l Mong.J!jiJr 1i!;)5 lc oa1 Wne-fl-OUlf iHIY lJJI.'-'~ rt''''-id, (l1dI9e-~ iJPQn all'. "eases ii$SJ-QJ'lt'u.1:'. <.lQQ;tli)llai Slf-CU!tly lor ltll'S MOllgage, <br /> lIens. ludgmenlS. Of <br />as~5srnents laWlu!l) ii5':i!lSSea agalfl$ll'<t ~~~1'!1tse'i ;y i4"'; ILl (r\;lHllJ:lf1 mSuf3ill.-! JS ni!It1110tioft' prlNl(lOO M!)r~g.a~ r>1dY ITidke SuCh Pilyment or prOvldt! such <br /> Insurance <br />ano lneamOI,H~!IS) OdiC Ihereto! sNii oecome <I 0-3-11 {111M OQi'9.JMns s-~cu:~ NIIt!D'f (hHl dntJ pil.'fatl1t' ImrnOOIJ!eiy and ,;h,:tH Deillll1leresl .allne rale oj percent <br />00- .ml..-m ir-om dn~ ..I me 1l~ HIe MortQagef- moke$. 'S~,{.n payITltl)l <br /> <br />Ii Tt',almlne e\'1m! Mor~PJ-~ oelal.llts rf! lne Dd;,rnenl 01 JIII';;): 1~ (h}llgailOOS ell o! any lf11eresl f!'lereon. a! 1M flmewhtn !he SJm~ shaH 00 oue. Of wlll1 respect to any <br />c.oveNOI Of htf~ t!\tn. allhit ophon a! Uo.liQaQetl !:'1e e:r,lut ODhgallon5 s.ecured nereDy Shall lortt:wlllll)eCome auf! ,inO !1lVd01e 3M the Mortgagee may 1m. <br />rnet1tl\eiy lor~lOse ItwS M0I1ga:~ 0: p-urSUt' .in., Nht!l J~jli.abll;o r~o" :I'! me evenl oi .Inv a(tum by Mortgagee 10 enlarce collecllon Of any ollhe Obligations secure(] <br />!\ereD';. me 1oA000QaQl:)f ,!lgretS thai a"~' t.~st IOC\UClng: wllnQul itmtl.tllOO allorn~s' lees.lM costs IOCUmW In COrHlttC!lMlnerewi!r1 Q! mcurrea 10 prQCuft! or all.lend an <br />;WstfilCl 01 tllle shill, wb&n l!\Cunltt Ol' OdlG Oy ""OfI\Jd~ t;ecomt a pan oi lhe OO;~l10n~ 5i!'tUlt111 nerBOY -and sn.aii oe pal,;! Dy Mongagof 11)Qe1her wlll1 all o! Ihe la~aOIe <br />costs Of S\IC.!l acltOn <br /> <br />1 " in fn& @Vt-t1t .tn~ ..cHon .s tHougm 10 WtclOSe tillS MOf!IJa9I! lor aU or any OJ'1 of l!'\e OOligahons secured hereoy. the Morlg.U)ee shah be l;nhUeo 10lmmedtate- <br />POSS8SS-lOf1 0' me iWJl1Yclgetl p1tmlS85, ana the COOil 01 a l-uaqe thefeoJ]I'; vacallOn. ma~' aPi)Olnl aM the Mongagor Ilef80y consents 10 the aPPlllotmenl of a recell/a! 10 take <br />I)OSSti$lOf1 of $ol>C f'rem:ses to CO!leCl ana tece(Ye 1et\!s and ~;)M$ dfwnc lhet$lrom. aM Irom any money!) $0 collected, 10 pay laxes pro"Vlde HlSUlance, make needed re" <br />tJati'i, to ~rtts l:;ip@ lne Pt~. ind make <1t'y ot~ el(pt'lnrillu:res .-n..U10fllOO tI~ !t1€ coon ana applY anv .sum remaIning .(IIltH tne O-ilymenl 01 such authon~e<1 ex <br />pmGlftiM ..p.tR"Ilnf Otmg.IHOflS <br />S T~1l1.yMe 01 l1eSay Of MUl1~ Ui~.-erCt~ _fly of f!s noms Of pn\lfleges Of 10 ,OSIS: ll\iOil strIct perlOfmarn:e of any cOYfnanls or Jgreemen!50 01 Mottg.agor conlam. <br />eo m tn.s MOtlgage stI.W fIt\tItf Of COOSHate as.a waiVlJ 01 an'1 HlQulfement Of OOhga:ltOn 01 Motlgaoor or flgtlt O! femedy of Mt)!'lgagee cOfllamtd jfl o-r oaseo upon any 0\ lhe <br />11If'm$. pttMSJOf'.s, agteements lY CDWenbnts cl lhtS UOt1gaQe or any lulUfe Iielauits <br />9 1r->i1 m Ci$t at ~l H~ Tnt- p.aymern ~ any of tN!: {l~Ic)llS 01 III ~~ of paymem by Mortg,Jgee 01 an,; Hen luOQrntni, 1.),;. l'lS\Jra~ee (.051. Of ex.pen-se. saKI <br />~ $ha!t hJ", the I)HViMtge.. without c.GWI!'\9 tne wnoitl iOO8bttiinesS oue ane Pii'(abie to IOfec~ on .accounl 01 stlch spec:f!!,: delauH 10f sucn OO!~ltOflS as are In <br />0Iiault ancl $UUll\nClO5uft Dl~ l'fli) be hid al'td the lana QMtflb<<1 herem ma, /)f SOld. ~ubtKI!O TM unpatO an1tgdllOnS Mf6bY Sti'CUfeo. af\() !filS Mortgage shall <br />tclfttmut -1$. iien Jot-aftlli~ ~ of fht~l*"S <br />~-o- ~ ~.aM ~$ TO m& Monva9i't,iti r"l, tlrie-. Hlleresl. ~ otmaoG If'! and 10 ren1S.00 ptOlliS of !ht Pfl'miS6 .dJ.t1 doeS ,}SSIQfI!!J MOHQagH all <br />..... fJt me Pr~ now Of wuttef m.IOt. wnue.,"} Of or~~ lAd dOI$l:fl'li)OW6f Mon~ 10 t,1)ji8c1 ana re<<tlpl fOf all rents Mortlfagor Glf<<.IS (fillenanls io pay ,enl cue Of <br />lO IJI(;Q'rW M to~. ill!! term of tM. assIQnmInl ti unbllM ~ .re wHy Oolt<i Th.I$ jlSSlgomenl Shill not b(l(.Ofl'lf!: operahve \ln~esS default IS made In ttle <br />_. ......,.... _ 01 ""'..... ~!l! l!ll$ Mortgoot <br />t~, ~ ~p;wt eJ 1ilt ~#t tfanstefftd or S:Qtd wdhOul the j)'1o! Wf!t1e'n CGn$eOt of lh<< t.t(U1~Qft. lhoe ~IOdllOO); n\.cJy ,lll/'l~ opllOO (II frle }dol'lg-aqee be doclareG <br />~ 4IM ~ ~., tt!i:$ ~..- be tor~" $1:1 Jortli J.M nar-t9flf1h'S. 6 iM l 01 1!'l1S MorloaQE' <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />'2 r1\llt_Pr~..,*Jt-".ln()tJus o1JiI~j:Mtr.cumtu~..wt'~tSOlh'tf, I:t...ttpt thnse .af .re.cot:d <br /> <br /> <br />1) i~ tM....... ~ if'~, ~! the ;>f1Oi .....ptle1! l-qn~ ;)l Moit~ [!>(}''1qAgt!)l Olhtl'l/H)(! !-'l(l, it'l"" pre.mIUl\ ()-! oeHm! IN! P~!it1i- te> ue ,n <br />~ tIt,py~, t_ ~ -Nt, ll! ~'t. ootj()n. l2OC-lifll Ni, tlb!IQ;iN-lQri$ 10 r..e ~."!\!~W~l eve ,f.!~" j)Jy.UHt Aft.::! H'1 ~I.,th t'lit'r'l, :~iS Mfiftoaqe m.ty blf 1Of~ <br />_ .. ... _ ,. .....- G "" r '" ,lit< M""_ <br /> <br />~. !,*!f ~~~ ~t:tnttQunttAkit~ot \I$d it\olm Wtflil{l,l~ s.l1a\J.1'>>0et<<'~ ~~,ao.~ :'(onj ji!i, <~,'lwJWl-JP'\W-:-!i.tOlt~,anO ~haU moo way <br />---"''''''-'- <br /> <br />i'^~Wi7J"'!,,'!;;.t <br />