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<br />83;';;'006511 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender\. wrm..:.n agre~ment or appiit';i.ble law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all tn0!1gage insurance premium!; in the <br />nlanncr ,pn1viCkJ tinder paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant Io this paragraph 7, with intere~t thereon, shall become additional <br />it1deh~~dncss (\( .Borrower s.ccuf"cd by {hi!';. Mongage. Unlesj;j BOrnl\\-Ci' and Lender agree to other terms of payment such <br />amounts 8h~U he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the <br />daleo-of i)isbursc!l1ent at :the rare- payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the, Note -unless paymento of <br />interest at such rate wo:uld, be contrary to applicable law. iu which event such amounts shaH bear interest at the highest.rate <br />permissible Undl.:'f applicable law, Nothing contained in thi.. parap:raph 7 shaH require Lender to .incur any e,;:pe-nse or take <br />any action hereunder', <br />8.,: 'nspedioa.~' Lender may make or cau~c to he made reasonahle entries. upon and' inspections -of the Property, provided <br />thntJ.ender sball g,i-ye Borrower nOfice prior to .\ny :such inspectlon 'ipccifying reasonahle cau!;e therefor related to lender.!s <br />lnlere~t 'In. the Property. <br />9. Condemnation. The prnt:ccds. of any award or claim for dama~~s.. direct or consequential. in connection ,with any <br />i..:'ondemn.'ltion or other taking of the Pmperty_ (If part lhereof. or for l:onvcyancc in liell (tf condemnation. <:Ire herehy.-assigncd <br />:mtf !lhaU be paid to Lender, <br />To (he event of a total taking nf the Properry. the proceeds ..hall he applied to the sums secured by thj~ Mortgage, <br />\",ith 1hc e}(cC"s. if :my. paio h' Rnrnw.'er. 1n the \~\"C'llt nf a partial taking l,r the Property. lInles."\. Borrower and, Lender <br />n!henvisc -agrcc in wri~in!!. there 'i:h~JIi he applied IO rhe '-UOIS ..,cctlreu hy rhi.. Mortgage such proportion of the. proceeds <br />as is. equi.d 10 Ihat proportion which the "mown I,f the "no'" ;,;ecure-d h\' thi~ ~lbrtgagc- imrncdiatety prior to the date of <br />taking be.\f\;, to the farr market ".1h~c nf the Pff\r~ny irnmedmtely prior t(, the date of taking, with the halance of the proceeds <br />paid to Dorro....-er_ <br />ff the Property 1\ ;:ihandnn\~d hI,' B'orrtV.,\;(-L or if. ,if!cI o0tlcc lw Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />,)0 ;lward or ~cttlc ;\ daim tt1-f d~tm~\,g~. Borrower faU;; !(l rt~~fH.'nd hl Lender ......ithin 30 day~ aher the d;ttc such notiCe is <br />mailed. Lender j, amhnrized u~ ,_.,1l!e>.:! and arp"Y !lh.' pr<x-ccds. at Lendcr'f; option, either to rc~toration or repair of the <br />Propertvor tn the ~um~ 'Oc..:urcu lw thi~ MC'H;!a~1.' <br />Unk-sl; t ~nder ;-md Bor'l.mi('-f O!h{'P>\,'I'-(' <q~n~\.' lfl \\ ritinf:. an'\' <;uc-h :lprlicllion pf proceeds to prindpal'shaH not extend <br />or f'lt")St~)nc- loe- due datc ,'i lh;,;- monthk in...t:.lllm{,~f1!'" f'('f('rrcd In in paragraph" I :iOd 2. hereof (lr ("han~e the amount of <br />"net'! IflStaHments. <br />10, Borrower Not He-Ie-tied, FXi>.::n\IOn ~'-r lhc trme f~,r [I.lvmcnl 411" m;.difkalitm of amorti7a[jon of the sums secured <br />by this M{1fi~-agc- granted ~v Lender [,1 ,\fl'.- "i_,":C{~"'s,)r ill l;){cr<.'", d Rnrrp\"tT ,hall no! operate to release, in any manner, <br />the hdhilJrr ,,1 the \lfi:\?m;;i B\);r.;r\.q:-r ,md Bdrnmt'r\, <;uc~:e<''\l1f" ill irllCfC~~ lender I;..hall nN ht: required to commence <br />pn'Cc-edings ag~!inq "u~:h ~lK.CN...N ;"f rdH;;;~ Ie, l;,"\H:nd ,irnc fpr" r<t\'-m~nr nr tHherwl<:.c modify ~lmortilation of the sums <br />...c-cmcd hr thi, !\.fr1ngag-c t--y rc';J~{"n ," ','}\' d-t'nhinJ nude f>\' ,b,i,' l'ri~inal !lorr0\'l-'-er ,HH.I Hnrr(\wer's <;lIcccs~ors in interest. <br />11, f'ilftJt.anmtt b\' (Kuder!"-of 3 \\'uhl"f. .\ n\' f,'rhcar~uKl..' h\' ll..'nder in e\.l~rL'lSin!! anY ri~ht or rcmcdv hereunder. or <br />(\Iherwi'-C ;jtTordc-d hv ;;ppfii:id."\!t., L,.\.- dull n.'; he .! WJ1\-'('r ,~l .'i prcdude rht.~ e'\ef~ise ~.,f :HlY such right or remedy. <br />The rrt:\Cl1n.~merH of in,>uran;;c (lr tht~ r;tVim:rn ,~f 1;\ \.\~', ntht:'r \:,'11'1 d d'l~if!!~" h\- Lender ..hallllN he :; waiver \.If Lender's <br />rillht to at:cckra!t' the m;\[UnTV pt It1\' ~'\d.:fltL'dn;.:""" ,,'...-,:r.'..1 h-,- nlh \1nr1,t?i1fC <br />t2., Remt"difl: Cumubti"t'. ,\Jj fl'Hl..:',lit;"" rw\,d....-,d :" 1h,,- \flwt\,;!l't' :If': ,1\',lln,:1 .ltld ..:umulati\'(' In ~n1\' \')rher right or <br />rcmedv IInde( lhh. 1\'fflfl.e,u~c ('I[ J;!lt.\rd;;--d 1,'; bw f'f ~;,!tH!\. "nd /11,1\, he' "\~'I,-.,,~"d ,-,'.n:,:ur!\'nt!\'. ltHif.."pl..'ndeOllv nr 'iUCCc-sslvely. <br />J3. S"cKsor" and ~\~n., 8mllnh Joint nnd SeH'mJ Uahilil\-: ('apfion~, the ('\)'.-';:11;l1lt'i. ;uld agreements herein <br />.:onlame-d \haH hind. "nJ lh(' ~-!;.'tll". her~'I,~H.ier ,j],dl 1))110'1.' 1;', 1'>(' ,',_,...pct.:O\C '\Kt:..~"""r\ and a",;il~n<; 1\1 lender ;md Bnrrower. <br />\.ubject hl tnI:' rn,.\'i;;-!Oll'i i'f :'j:! <-ij,u,lph t'" her~'nt \)1 ",'n\'l,.'H~lnt', .1'1,\ .\L'ft;L'm\.'r~h fit' Bnrn"",'er ,hall h~' jl)im and several. <br />fne ,,-apH\}n~ ;10...1 headmg., ."l lhe ;':,D~r-1ph" ,1;' :111", M('r!1-::1j.:1." ~lrc i,-,;- ':\\!W,,-.n;enu: dlll\' ;lnd ;\n: l)01 1.1 he lIsed to <br />If)ICrpret or define- the- r~',"..:,i;'n~ ~nc.,r <br />1-4, Sot-K't-. Ex-ccpt fM am: 1)i)~i..i.' in ;wt'lher manner, I;,) <tllV notice 10 <br />Borrower pmvidt'd t';,lf ,n :"i... \1nnr::a;;'t' r',' 'lU:!I';1: \\h.h ;'C'tl";:t.' d.:nifiC'd mail ;H:.idr~';\...~d to Rt'lrrower at <br />the Property ,\JdrC''S'\ ,"~ ;<1 ""-tl..:-h ~,thcr 'lddr~".. .,.., B"i r,"v.~'r ""I"' Jt-..,g-r.;1lC ~\ Q\l!i.:--c 1" 1 t:fH.i!.-'r as pnwidt>d herein. .and <br />lh~ an\' nt~fCe ,,;. i.~ndcr ,t,il! 1"-".' ~,\'{;n h\' .,~n~fi-t...! lCl;;r,. :.'-....'!..'\~~ fC4\tc.,rcd. 1.1 l-l'ndc-~'-. ,1dJrc~s statCl, ,..:rein or to <br />...nch ntner ..ddr:e'S-"'- ,:>; ! "'\'tl(,,f P,'t~,\ '-k....ll'n~h.' f'\ r1,'lk~: !>< fh~n\1\\\'r ..1\ P-H)Vidc:J h:rei!) '\rl\' "..'"llh::'l'; pn,,"'w:(it.d ror 111 thie; <br />'\f'('>rtgage ~h;'iH he i,h~led W have- ~cn ~well "" !CL,;n"W~'l ;If i \.'nth~r ,,-hell ~tv-en In lhe manner de-~jgnated herein. <br />15. Uniform I\-10'ft1:JI2:ti (;t,tn'miltt La"~ ~\('rabilih'- nl1\ 1.\(1':1 pf mPfH~a~\.> I.:i'mhjn('~ uniform CtWenall1.;; for national <br />i.lSoe -and noo...unifoml -cOV('nani-<; ~,iih liml!ed "; .iil..'HIOi1' ~"'\' ;Hn".dl~ :~\1" t,l ;:("n'itH\!le ;\ uniform ~(:(llrily in'afUnlC'nl c0vering <br />~;)l f1fOpcrt\" This. ~1()ngJ~e ,full he- ~'-1\1:fnt:d h :n\" !;!w "t' !hc nlri..dtctwn lf1 \I,'hich the Property 1\ liX'Jted. Tn the <br />eVent that ,tHY rro....''\l(lH ~.H. ;.:-t'-1'.ht.' ~\f T1'\!., \.L" y '(h(' '-t;tl' .,,1nrb...f". ,...ilh arrikahk law. snch o.\.-\,Hlftict ;;,haU nor affect <br />~'Jth~r pH'VIS.iol\l'> ,,If lhi.. \fott~:t~t:' ,It lb.- .......'-tt' ',dH-'.-h ....t11 \'1: c:.i\en ~tl't'(,! \\'Hhnui the ,:mnlinini!. rrnvl<;.10n. and tn this <br />cod the Pft\"Kion~ \'{ the :\fi.'rt~a~c- .in:.! t~(' "IH~ .If<" d>..:d:ncl.! 1,' ht:: ~t.'vc-rab!t' <br />16.. Borrown'j, CllP", B~rr:'wcr ~ha!l k twoi"hcd ,I ~,'!Hc'fm.f.~d cnr~ ('1' lhe ;-':nw ;wt! l'f ihh Mortt!ag-c ;H Ihe time <br />of e:\cc\Jtron Of" aft('r rcc,Jrdatinn hac\'tf. <br />." Trasad.,. of tM ~': :\\Sump-don, It idi ~'r ~n\" P:lrt ,;f the Pn.'j\\:rt\' Of ;\tl intcrc~t therein j.. sold Of tran",ferred <br />hy Borrower wlttk')lH Lcndcl'\ pnor wTHtt-11 ,_-~'tmeJ11. n,,'iudil'1g Llf Iht': (fe.dino {\{ ,j lJ-..'n ,)f encumbrance ..,:,ubordlhale to <br />th~s ~{(lrtgage, {h-} the \-'rcalion ,-d -1 p\}r..;.'b.'t~c llWf1e\, ''L~\.uru) :nft;re!it for h(ltl~ho,h.l .IPphanc('~, It.:i ,! transfer hr devise, <br />descent or by i1peration -;."\1 ,,," UPi,)I\ the death (,t ~t .h)i1H h'l1iml N I l~lt P~ll~' ~t t ilUL Hi fl'Urunl PI' tAnn.- . d\lFfl ~r ISOii <br />ri Trtl1. .I~ " ,. t I" IT L. . l.ender m.1V. al L.:nde:t" npoNl, dc-.:l::.irc all !he sum... \ecured bv this Mortgage tr> be <br />!mmediately due and (3)iabfe-. Il'odcf ..hail h,;l\-~ \ul\,t."d ,,>uch oplHm t~\ ao:ccleratc if- prior !O the. ..ale Of transfer. Lender <br />.lnd tbe pernm t('~ whom the Property j.. h1 t'<l' 5.\'~IJ {'C Imn:l>icr-n:d rtach .l1grcrmctH in \\ rillng that the credit of ~uch person <br />!'s's.atidaclm)' tl' L-cndc'f and In.-tt the imere'.J l!fi the ",\Hn., \Ccured hy lhi" "long.i!;!.': ",hall b1:' at such rate a__ Lender <br />dud! requcst~ !f Lcnder has W31\.trl tbe {'pti()n It) ,ICc.e-t-erate pnwi-d~d in thi-s paragraph 17. ~nd if Borrower's succes...'~,or in <br />i:ntuelt ha-. C'};OCU1ed a wntten as.~umpuon agreement accepted l'n writing by Lender. Lender ~hall rdea!l.c Borrower from all <br />obligatlon$ under thl!'l MQ-rtgaR Dnd the Note. <br />If Lender t''c;-efd~ "-Heh orHlon ft) a.:cdc.-nHC:, L>:Htkr ,rht!l maii H-orn1wJ:r noucc L~f Jccdennion in ~KC(1rdance with <br />paragn:ph 14 hereof. Such nDtl~e \halt pro"'ld-e ;~ PCT1.n-d of !Wt iess th,H1 _~O ,lay"> i'nml the date the notice i" mailed within <br />which Borrowel' may p.ay the 'ium!\ d<<:bred due. !~ 8(lrro~t;'r tails 1(\ f'ay 'Il..K'h "--urns prinr tp It'll"' c:\pinHio-n nf slich pe-ritxi, <br />l-mdet mol)", without funher notice {"r demand '5H Ho-rt{lW(.'f. t,l\-'okc :.>fl\ r.;/ncdtc-s pt:rm!tted b~' paragraph 1 R hereof. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />No,N..lJNt-FMM C-OWfJiIANTS. BOTrow-C'l' and Lend(,.T furrher cove-nam and ;l~rcc :t:s {(,!lows <br />fa. A<<eImoliooo, R--. Euept as pro.._ 10 _'''1'b 11 h.,...r, upon ButTuw...', b,...",...r any c.......nt.... <br />__ ot ........... 1ft t.... Mortpl<<, inrludiatl tk ''" tu ....y ..heft due a..ysu_ _ured by lido M......~e, <br />....... pdorio .............. ohlIII. _ _in In iIutT"""n .s "...n_ i.. ,,_"'ph 14 henof ~Iyiua' (I) tbe _b: <br />(1)........ ............__."'-It: 13\ a dale. not ..... ....u 311 day,> frum Ihe datr lhe _I<< Is malled lu IIorrower. <br />.,......... _llmodt _ lie ......... """ 1411hat laibtre I.. ,.... .""b bre..... uu ur hefun Ik date .,..,llIed in lhe notice <br />MIIr ......., ,I ....u... of ""'..._ _ured by tbio M......_. lu"",_ by judi<ial .,....-lne and ule of the Property. <br />'tilt,........... fwttw w- ............ of tbe r1aJtl to '"""hlte aIler ....relet'atkur and Ik ,icht 10 _ In the ,_-'" <br />,............~ of. ~ '" ...y "'he, dri..... "I lIuoTu...r 10 ..crle..._ and f..__n, If lhe _II <br />loi .. ...... ..... toofen.1IM .... ~ 10 11M """,,e, lender .t L.emler's uplio.. -r d..-lan all ul the ....... _urN by <br />Iloll......... to he ~ """ ..... ...,.... ..It_ 'urtMr tie......... ....d mlOJ' ,___ by judid.l ptO<HdiJlrl. L.fllder <br />................ ioe_ iro __ pr......u.. rolI."...-. of f<_"'........ iftdudi"lt. bI>t ..... Ilm_ tu. rusts "I "......__'1' <br />....w.o." ........ _mto,l'l!'pIfIU. <br />it,,- .......-....r. ... m Jl'~.. :"'h"I:,'a'hh1>'.I<tr.dm1i: Lt'fidt'r'.~, :"c';;~~!"('I;tKm d' the ',nm... "jO",'urcd by {hI" \h\rt~;}~, <br />i\at'~ ~alt b~w Int. d-.".t M, hltv~ ~ny rn'!s;:i'cdm~'''I. ~.,~url. h.. Lender !n t-nf":ih'~ !n," Mi}ftR-J~e ,li;;..:on!mm~d .H :!r\\' llm<: <br />