<br />83_006511
<br />
<br />UN1FORM CO'JFNANTS. Borrower ilod Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest 011 the
<br />indebtedne~ evidenced by the NOlc. prepayment and latc charges as provided In the Nolc. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances seCllred by this 1\'lortgagc.
<br />2. Funds for-Taxes amI-Insurance. Subjcct to applicable law or to a. written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall 'pay
<br />to l.ender on the d1t)' monthl)' installmc-nts. of principal and mtcrest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fuB,
<br />a su.m - {herein "Fum.is'~) equal to one-twelfth of the yetirly taxc" am.! aSSeSs.Olents which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage-.. and' ground rents en the Property. if any, pius rmc-twdfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plu$one..twdfth-of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably_estimated initially and-from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments '--Ind hills and reasomtblc es.timates thereof.
<br />The Fund... shaH be held in an institution (he deposits or accounts oi which ~1fe insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency ~ Induding Lender it" I.ender i.. such 3n institution), I.(~nder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments..
<br />insurance premiums and ground r~nts. Lender may not charge tor 5>n h(llding llnd applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />Of verifying and compiling said assessments and biHs. unless Lender pays BorrO-wer lnterest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits under to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time-of execution of --this
<br />Mortgage that interest (m the Funds ::.haII be p:1id to Borrower. and unj~s such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender Shilll not he rcquired to pa)' Borrower ;:m~' interest or earnings on the-Funds. Lender
<br />...hall give to IkIrrower. Without charge. .iIl annuai al.'Q1unring of the FlJnd~ showing credits and debits .to -the Funds and the
<br />purpose lOT which each debit to the runds W;!::. lnaue. Th~ Funds an~ pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If lhe amount of the- Funili held by L~mkr. h"ogt:thcr with tht: tutUfc mOllthly installments of Funds payable-prior to
<br />the- due dates f).f taxe~. ;~~cssmcm;o. insurap,,:c premiums and g-wulll.i rents-, i-thall exceed the amount rcquiri;d to pay said tax.e~
<br />assessment!\.. insur.an\..'e premwms. and ground rents J:-. lhcv i "Ii due. :-0.\11.:11 c\CCSS shaU be, <It Borrower's. option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to R"fn?wer \11) momhly in~{a!lmcnts ~"lf Funds, If the amount of the Funds,
<br />held by Lender s.hall not be suJlkient In pay t.l:\CS, assessments, in'ur,ll1l;c premIUms iJnd gronnd rents as they faU due,'
<br />Borrower shaH pay U,1 Lender any amount nc.cc\san h~ make up the J.:-ficicfKY Within 30 Jays- tTom the'date notice. is mailed
<br />by lender to 8Offi",wer requesting payment : hen..'o!
<br />Upon payment In fun of aU sums. sl..'dJred b:- rhl:-' \1nn~agc. I CIHlt-r "huH promptly n--::lund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. Ii under p,uag.raph l~ hert:-01 th/..' Pr,)perl\ 1:- ....{1id (If lht' Prnrcn~ IS otherwi,~ acqUired br Lender. Lender
<br />sh-a.l:l apply. no later rhan Imm-cdiate-l\ pnur hI {h.: <ill.' ~'i the Pn'p;:rn-" ,"or It,,- i.H_.quisltlOl1 h~ Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the tmlc ...)1 application ;6 a ~f\::Jft ,~t::J.m~1 thl." ~tlm_" .......\.~ured hy {hI'" :\lNlgagl:.
<br />3. Applicatioft of Payments.. L'nkc.-" ~Pl'lh:ahi:; 1a\", Pf("lJC~ ~;lh\.'n~i"l..__ ,1il p,lyments r~..:ei\"ed by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraph-s. ! and 2 hert.'i.11 shaH f.C appb~d b\ Lender nr\t Hi p.'\\-lIH,'nt lor atnotll1lS payable to Lemler by Borrower
<br />under paragraph:; h~re{)t. then tl) mtcH'''-, p;~yah!c on !he '\;-,-",1<.'_ l!:cn h' trh' pfln.:-ipai ~,i !he l"\lte, J.nJ then to interest and
<br />pnnclpal on any Future Advant"~5_
<br />4. Cbarca; Liens.. HNfl.n..",I ...h.iH ps\ <ill LI\;.'" Y",-'''-''f\1cnb 'nd ,'lh~f ,;'h,lr~c~_ tine,> .lilt! nnpOSilH\OS auribwable to
<br />the: Propeny ~flich may ;IU;lln;j pn,~nty ,'Vcr tIn\; \-lnlt~"gt'. :ind ku.'.chl,ld payments or ground rellts. if any, in the manner
<br />provuied under p~1fagraph 2 h'C"ft.....Jt (IT. ,: lhlt p.l"j j'; '>u..:h m.llHlt'L h' B('fr~l\~ cr m~\klllg paymt:nt. ",,'hen due. Jircctly to the
<br />payee thefe('f. Borrower ~l4li pfl.!rnpl1\ !OfrmtJ t,_\ 1 ;.;fh,h:r ~tll ndtl\,.'~~ nl alHounts due: lInder t!m; paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shaH m...kc p.1VlnC-llt Oac'i.'w,. 11""1"'1\h'r ~hi1ii i'l~'lllptl\' ;,lfI11....h h' [_,-'wk'!' rCl.:cJpt.'t (:\-ld~lh:U1g :-.w:h payments,
<br />Uorfowe:r shall promptl). db,dl<.lfjlti;' a:n- ;I\:n '-~ l'\l.__h !'I.I.~ !'Il{\f,I\ ,1\ l'! 1 hI" \krt~ap.:-: pn.1v1deJ. th..H Hnrrower ;;hall not be
<br />fCi:luired UJ drscharge ;H!Y ,"-tKh It,en ..... kmg _1_"- l{,Hr(1v.er ,h.all n-, In ine r,l.ymC!H 01 the f1bhg;\ti\m ~t:t;un~d by
<br />web lu:::n in a manner a~-ct:pt.a.blc :., Leoda.. ,'1 "h~ln in ~,'\1d ,,',ltlfC-.! 'h.:h n\', p;' ..idem! cnhm:cment {1{ such lien TO,
<br />legal proc<<dlOgS whICh l1perJ.!~ It' pn:vcn\ {tlC ,-'nll";(...-~'l'n;,'n! \11 l!l~' ii,.:!: \'f !urlClture of the ProperlY (\! any part thereof.
<br />S. Hazard InwnlDce. B\.)r'l.~"'''--er ~hi.dl ".....t:"p !I\'...' 1lil~~I<'\,'ml.;'llt !h'\.' C"'h1H1~ ,';',- Jkic"t'IU ~it'i..:teJ on the Prnpcny lnSllred
<br />against Joss ~y tirt.. hamrrl~ Ifh:loJc-d. \....I!hil\ fl"il..~ h;f!l1 ""tt:"i1J;;,J ,jnd ..,\,,'h Nhcr h,llard.. it" 1.\..'11<1>. ,y re41l1re
<br />;tud In such "mt.HHib :in..! lix ~\ldl p...'jwth.-n i t:;H1c' :n.I" lnj'l;r>.:. lh~li l..:ot1,,'f ~h:.tll l1"t rt'qllin~ that th am0unt t)f
<br />"'-I,1Gh ~o't'c-fage c"-c-I:'-ed U1<tt ~mL'>)nl ~\t \.,_ner,~.;..: :,,'4l;::t.'J ~., PJ\. !to,,' ....lInh ~'<""'-'lP:d h\" !lJ1\ ;\1on2'a~c
<br />The Insurance'- l..-arriCf proVIding the m'j~n ,Hh:;; :<-ha!l l-~' ,-"!h\"~n 1'1\ Bl'rr~)\vcr "ablc\..'! w 4lP~('l-\"dl hy Lender: provided,
<br />that -such approval l'>hall nul he unrea."><.~n...Pl" \-\ ilhhc;d \11 pf~'m:.:m\ ,'n ill"-Hl' ;ifl~l': p\'\li"':iC~ ...hall be paid III the manner
<br />~lf{t\'lded under p';'lfas.caph -1 h~n.',-~! or, ;'~ fh~t p.ud In 'tHl.h lniHll-ir.:.r. h' B\\rh~WCf makin~ p.lvnlCnL when due, directly to the
<br />msunmce -carne-r.
<br />AU i~uran":-l; pohl.:!c''l ilU..J fc-,n~\\-uj; lZl<.:r;;:-\I; ..h.di h: ill h.lnl1 ,t~'.:q'!,d)ii,~ t~, !."lld::l ,lad ':thai! ll\,;!mh; .1 "1';'~l1dard mong<lgc
<br />dausc in ia"'l1r (~t "Hid m !;;\rm a,;;.;eptJ.hlc h' t ':;l\jC! I .;:'i\.ld ....1',.1(1 h_I\l...' Ih,,' llgh! 11.' rh.lld the r~lllt."lc" _llh.; f~m!\l,'ab thcn:of.
<br />and Borro\\-er :shaH p-romp~h [Hln~~h w ! ~mfn .lll l'-..:n,,:\~ It! Ihl!:'':~:" ,Ind .In :(I.-;':l!-H!-i ui p;.od premium", In the ~\'ent ot los-so
<br />Borrowef wait gIn:' prompt h<.'lh.-~ tl'l lhe !!l~UI.:n.T .:.trT!l'l .iiH.i Lt'thh:L L,,:n..k, mil) mak~ Pl'{)-..lt ...It 101'1::> ~I onl made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />t?nleu L.ender <And BOH'\Wd.<t \'!h.:n~l\~ a~=':-,,' j(\ 'I~ rlt,n,~, In,Uf,-\!h:l.:' rr>:h.:c.:-d-"- shall be applied rn n:swr,ttion \\r repair l1f
<br />lhe- Property da.magw. pn"!vl\Jed ~u;,.:h n""h.1r3t!~~n N :':P,Uf I":'. t..'..l'llOHlh:"Jh k;;;:5lbk ;wu !he se_curity of lhl.S Mortgage IS
<br />not thereby impillRd, It ..,u~h fcS.ttlfo.[H'n or r~palf ,.. !lIlt 'v'\.."OHt'n1IL.dl\ ICll..lll!e ~ll' 11 thl: J.<l'ufllv \)1' :hr" \h,ngag.c would
<br />be- unpaucd, the IOSW1Ul\.--e pfl~ec-d~ ~hal! b!." .!pplit:d !'_' tht~ su!11.\ "t'l,;urt:d h) :!w; ~h)ngagc, with the e:\ct...'"'-s. if any. paid
<br />to BorroweL If the Property h ub;;wJolled n\" B1..)fWWCf. \H ;1 Borrower jild~ :\'~ rt':~p(lnd W I cnuer WIthin 30 days from the
<br />date 1lOtk.-e IS mAiled by Lemkr h) Bt.)rrn\H:.f (hllt the H\)UfdfU;1: t.",lrTlCr \lflers \,1 ~dtk ~\ ,dallll h)f lll~uran-cc henefits, l.ender
<br />IS autboriud tn "Xlilecl ;md appiy the msuranl.::t proc<<ilit ..It lxndcr'... \lpthll1 cllher to resHmHion or repair of the Property
<br />or 10 thee sums ,"",umi by thIS Mort_.
<br />Unless l..cn--Jer and Bone-wet nthc,rv.-i!N.' ~gree II) \\ontlng. ~1l1} "lJ~h appliG.tliofl of proo.::ecds. to pnnclp,,1 ~haH nnt t:.\tcnd
<br />or poI.tp(mt tbe: due date ,).( the monthly H1~tailmenh n:Yt;rred HI In paragraph., I and .2 hcr\:l)j or change Ihe amuunt of
<br />sucb IMtailmcnt$. It under parag.raph is herc-Ot the Pr\)pen} i~ a-l,:ywrcd by LcuJef. ;dl nght. l!tle and mtl"rest of Borrower
<br />in and to auy Insurance -policies and in and to the pr-rn.:.cC:lh thereot resultIng lh)fH ~Lu1\age to (he Property prior "0 the sale
<br />or acquiaition sWill pass to Lender w the e,tent n! {he ,urn" !.ccure-d by tbPi :"longagc !mmeulaicly pnor to slIch ~J:le or
<br />llcquilition.
<br />6.. .PreIervadoa aed ~taiDte-lIMC:e of PfOperty~ Leasdtotds~ {'ondomiDiuaus; Planned linit De\'dupme-nts. Borrower
<br />sba:U .keep the PropertY in good repair and shall not ~omm-i.t waste or permJt impairmcnr \."'f de.terioration of tbe Prope-ny
<br />and shall- COM-pjy with thee p-roVtstons of aoy 1e&e !i thl-S Mongagc IS on a kal!ochold.. It this Mortgn.gt; is on a unit in J.
<br />condomiwum or a planned unit dcvctQprnen{~ Borrower shaH perform ait \-it .Borrower's {lbllgati-ons unuer the dcc.laration
<br />or- ~tt. creatiPl- or gv\l-ermng the cOJ.ldofmoium or plann('d vnlt' dc\'dopmcHL the tly~iaw~ and_ reguiations of the
<br />c~ W' planned unit '-deve-iopme-nt. .and constituent doclJ1_nenl"'i-. It.. ~iJthjomintum or planned Ul1lt dc\'clopment
<br />ridot ,,W;,~ by ~ ..nd fCl.:O.rded wgcthct wnh ttm- Mortgage. lht; t'..l'o'cnal1l\ .i.n-d llgr~mcntii ~lf .mch .rider
<br />~--M ~fpt'.l.t_-lntQ a.n4- W1l amcll.d and suppicm~l1t tll< coYcnant~ and <;ig::recment_s or ttU$ Mongage as ii the rider
<br />....... .. pi\l!;.l1cnOf.
<br />--.. T;'" ~..:~ SKurity._ If llotTtw<-'1;f f~il.. fn pert'onl1 {he coVenid:.tJIS- ilnJ agreement$ \:ontainf.Xi in thi~
<br />M:0I'tPJll;. -Of it' 'MIJ act:ioo (')-r PfOt'.eedml .llri n,mmt-rn.:ed wh<<.:h m~\teriaUy affeol~~ Lender's tntf~~t in 1he Pro{)Cny,
<br />.i.ftdudioJ--. bm f1'O('tiMitod t'O, f1l\IMnt dnmaitt, it~tV'l,MlC)', ~:-t1ue enfofC'-emeot. (IT Mmogements or p<<x:eed:mg$ invoh-'ing a
<br />banklU'Pt~ ~:edent, t-hen Leudet at L~r-'-s. np6~]n~ up\m -m){lce w Sl..lt1'O~er, may make 'i"J("h appc.a-.runc-~. drsbune ~uch
<br />$um.& '.'.-tde- -I*'h 'iiCtiot1, ~: i$ ~Hf)' -\I) pr\~l Lendet'~ W{Cfcst, Hli.:h<<hng. but not hmued too, ~hshursc.inc-nt (if
<br />f~'.t~'$ 1'* ~ enu)' UfX"Hi tho Property tft ma~(l fcpall.... H I,t:ndn a_~ujf't:\j mouga~ insurance ,t.. .i
<br />li;~ic)ft il( md.t6t thl:: IDatl ~ut<<t b-}- Iftfli M~ui;tt"'lC", Bu-rr~"';if~.r ~h;1H ;:.a.! lnf- pret11tl:ll"n~ ll1\,\h"jt'-CJ h~ rr.atnt4in ~ll{:h
<br />th$Ui~ tli eft'<<'t -\tntit '~~,dt l~, ,}..'4 l!w: t~,q-Ui~me~t for ..u<-h \nmran~:e !..~fnHtll1t'c;:< In ot-i.Xtlro.aO,,"e \v!ln l:ll)n.)w~r'i> and
<br />