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<br />r <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />83-{)OG423 <br /> <br />be gwemed by federal law and law of tiE jurlsdictim in Wch the Property is l.ocau!d. In the <br />event \:tat anyprovisioo or ~ of the Security InstrtuI!nt or the lbte coof1icts with applicab1.e <br />law, such CllIIflictsball rot affect other prclIIisions of this Security Instrunent or the lbte Wch <br />can beg1_ effect wi~ the coofl.1ct:ing provision. and to this ead tiE provisials of this <br />SeaJr:ity Instrunent and the. lbte . are declared to be severable. <br /> <br />E. 'tRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER. <br /> <br />lilifo1lll ~ 17 of the Secur:l.ty Instrunent is amen:Ied to read as f~: <br /> <br />17. -rr-ferof thePl:operty or a Ileoefidal Interest in 1lom:Jier. If all or allY part of the <br />Pl:operty or an inte1:est t:lleI:ein is sold or transferred. (or if a bellefidal interest in Borrower is <br />sold or traIIiferredand Ilom:Jier is rot a natural. person) without Lender's prior written coosent. <br />Lender.!lIIly, at Lender's optiat, declare all the StIllS secured by this Secur:l.ty InstruDent to be <br />i~b""lydue and~. ~, this opt1onshall not be e:>ertised by Lender if exercise is <br />IDt sutb:lr:I.zed by Federa1 laoi. <br /> <br />If Lender E!llII!D:1ses such option to acce1exate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleratioo in <br />aoconlm:e with ~ 14 le:eof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less tbm 30 days <br />frail the datt . the ootU:e is maUed within Wch Borrower may pay tie StIllS dec.l.aIed due. If aorn-r <br />falls. to pay such ..... pd.or to the expimt:1cn of such period. Lender my, without furtler notice or <br />~cn ~, :lnvDIre any t8II!dies pellIIitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />No~ a sale or traIIiM, Bo~r will cootiwe to be olll.i91ted mder the Note and this <br />Securll:y Instrunent m.lesa Lender l-ss relessed Borrower in writing. <br /> <br />F. NO FUTURE AllV ANCES <br /> <br />Noa-l.k11fom Cboeoant 21 of the SEcurity Inst:rIJI1ont (''future AdvaJn!s") is deleted. <br /> <br />G. LOAN CIlARGES <br /> <br />If the 1.oa:I secured by tie Secur:l.ty Instnment ia subject to a law Wch sets tlBldllUll loan charp, <br />and that law is finally 1nl:erpreted so that the interest: or other loan chaq!Jes rol.l.e::t:ed or to be <br />ool.lectal. in ~ri"" wit:h the 1.oa:I exceed pellIIit:ted Umit:s, t:hen: (1) ooy such loan charge shall <br />be reduced by the aICIU1l: necessary to reduce the charge to t:he petllli.t:ted Umits; and (2) any StIllS <br />almady fmII Borrower Wch exceeded pellIIitted Um1t:s will be reftoled to Borrower. Lender <br />!lIIly cb:loee to IIBIae t:his refuni by reducing t:OO principal owed mder tM Note or by making a d.1rect: <br />~ to~. If a refund redu:es principal, too reiuct10n will be tt:eated as a psrtial <br />....._,.....>1. IDler the Nota. <br /> <br />H. LEGISLATION <br /> <br />If., after the datt b!reof. enoct:lDi!l:lt or exp1ratim of ~ppH""hl.. laws have the effect either of <br />~the prov<..aions of the Note, tln Security InsI:nllElll: or this Adjurtable Pa)'lllllltl: Rider (0t:1er <br />thIID this puagrap. H) ~ ~ to their terdIS, or all or any part of the StIllS secured <br />lJKeby .onpnl1......hl.., as otherwise providI!d in tbo Security Instrull!!llt: and t:his AdjuBt:8bl.e Pajllll!llt <br />Rider, or of the value of Lender's security, tbm Lender, at Lender's optioo, may delcare <br />all _ secured by the SeaJr:ity Instrunent to bo i.-iat"Jy due and pllyable. <br /> <br />IN WlDIiSS WIBlEI:F. ~ ms ~ t!>.is Adjo_.....l.. ~ P.ider. <br /> <br />'!I.e,,' /,{' ~'l'!::d:~" ;qj~:;:"tc i~.( (Seal) <br />~ '] 1 :. i a!~ -BorrtM!r <br /> <br />li:[' I,f' T <br /> <br />L/*,,~__;,;)::~;L...____/ <br />\'r'if: 1. ~'pr <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-ilorrower <br /> <br />.,.:)...-'.)k;~.J~ <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />-BorrtM!r <br /> <br />(Sign Original <hly) <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />TMC-OO$ (qc) (Page 2) <br />(Ne.. H/63) <br />