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<br />I <br /> <br />83-006423 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(B) Aonnt: of MonI:hly Pa}'lllel1ts <br />~llIOI1thly payment;. will be in tre _to of u.s. $ f,r. (,7 . The Note Holder will change <br />my lIIXlthly ~ as required by 5ect:ion 4(C) belOI on too t, t l. Interest 0mJge Otte and on tmt <br />day every 36th m:lIIth t'-ft:er. Each of these dates is caI:Iei'la '"Payment 01ange IBte." The Note <br />llolder will also cbmge my !lIXItr~y J:BYI81t: on arry Intl!re&t 0mJge IBte if Section 5(B) belOI requ1res <br />me to pay tre Full MonI:hly AID:utt. <br /> <br />(C) Cakulatia1 of Mx1th1y Payuett ~ <br />Before each Payuett Qlange IBtI!, tre Note Holder will calcu1Bte a new m:ll1th1y piyment sufficient <br />to repay tre irlncipal balance on nr} loan in full on tre maturity date at: tre Paymnt Rate in <br />substantially equal J:BYI81ts. The "Paynmt Rate" is tre StIlI of tre Index figures on tre five <br />Interest 0mJge IBtes preceed1ng a Payment 0mJge IBte plus tre Current Index, divided by tre"iiiiiii!r <br />(, pi... 1. 1 SO pen:entage points ( 3. \ 50 %), rounded to tre nearest ~ of ore <br />pen:entage plint (O.lli%). r'xrcrt ~'t--(' r~"1'_:f'nt rote \, mt eXCffC ! 3. ?90;~. <br /> <br />(D) Effective IBte of Payment ~ <br />!hdJ. tre next Payment 0laDge IBte, I will 18Y the atOOWt of my new IlIOI1thly payment eac.'l malth <br />~ on the first llIOI1thly pB}'IIleI1t dace after too Pa}'lllel1t 01ange lhte, or Interest 0mJge IBte if <br />Section 5(B) below requires me to 18Y tre Full Mx1th1y Am:Jmt. <br /> <br />5. UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />(A) Changes in ~ lJnprld Principal Balance <br />~ lIIXIttlly piyment: could be less than tre 8IIOJnt of tre interest pott1nn of the first Full <br />lbU:hly hDmt I <W! or less than the int:erest: pon:1on of my fitst full MonI:hly Aonnt after an <br />Interest 01ange IBte. If so, the Note Holder will subt.tact tre amomt of my m:nthly jlQ}'IIleI1t ftall tbe <br />aonnt of interest I ewe and will add the dif fereoce to my prlnclpal balance each IlIOI1th mtil <br />the next Interest 01ange IBte. The Note Holder will also add interest on tre aonnt of this <br />differerx:e to rJ:l!I lJOI:8id principal balance each 1lD1th. !hill tre next Interest Change Date when. the <br />Note Holder determ1nes my new interest rate 00 my then wprld pr1ncipal balance, the rate of interest <br />on the interest added to prjnclpal will 1:e the rate detennined in Section 2 above. <br /> <br />~ !IIJOl:hly p!IJIlIEI1t coold be IIDte than the aonnt of tre Full M:mthl.y Am:xnt:. If so, the Note <br />!blder will subt:t:act tre difference ftall the wpaid principal balance of rJ:l!I loon each malth until tre <br />next: Interest Ol!JO&8 lhte as if I had llIlde a putial. ~ wder Secti.oo 7 beJ.0i0I. <br /> <br />(B) Umit on lbpBid Principallla.l.aa:.e; P.equired Fulllbtthly Aonnt: <br />My UEl(l8id pr:lndpal balance can never l!XOled a IlIIXinun aun.nt equal to one tu:ldred twency-fi ve <br />percent (125%) of tre principal aonnt I originally bon:owed. If my 18ying tre ImDOOt of rJ:l!IllIOI1thly <br />18yment after any Interest Chaoge [late would cause the unpaid principal balance to l!XOled that <br />IlIIXinun :&ult at any time, I !lJJBt 18Y imtead tre Full ~bnthly Am:u1t as rJ:l!I OIlOthly 18yment mill <br />tre rnxt ~ Olange Otte. <br /> <br />b. NOTICE OF CHANGES <br />The Note Holder will 1ll8il or deliver to .... a ootice of arry cbInges in tre full MonI:hly Aonnt <br />and my m:ll1th1y 18)'111!Dt 1:efore the effective dace of any cbmge. The oot1ce will itclude infome.t1on <br />required by law to be given me and also the title and tele!h:>oe flUIlber of a wL.' ."'ISWIll' <br />any ~t1on I lIllIY 111.... ~ the ootice." <br /> <br />B. CHARGES; LIENS <br /> <br />Unifo1lll eo...o...t 4 of the Security !.nstrulIent is aanled to t'ead as fol.loo.&: <br /> <br />4. ~; Li.eo8. ~ shall 18Y all taus, a.9SESSlIl!l'It9, aM other chatges, fires and <br />11llpOeHi'lflIJ au:ributable to the Property 1o'hich lIllIY at:ta1n a priority over this Security Insl:I'tlDent, <br />and la88eInld 18}W11lts or growd nmts, if ""y, in the llBmer pl'ovided unler pBXBgraph 2 tereof or, <br />if not paid in such lllIll'Iler, by Borrower 1DIlking ~, wt..... due, directly to the pi)lee theJ:eof. <br /> shall proJlptly fumish to Uln:ler all ooti.a>s of am:>wts due unler this fEll'agraph, and in the <br />- Bo=-r shall make 18)'l18lt directly, BoITOlollilr shall pmIljltly furnish to lender receipts <br />ar1deIclng such 18)'l18ltS. Borrower shall pl'aIIptly df.scba.t&e art'/ lien l>1ls priority ~ this <br />Seorll;y Inat:rIms1t; provided, thet Bo~r shall not be required to discharge art'/ such lien so loog <br />as Borrower: (a) shall agree in wrl~ to tOO p8JI!lI!Qt of tre obl.4lat1on lOeCUl'ed by such lien in a <br />~ acceptalW! to lender; (b) shall in good faith cootest such lien by, or defeni apinst <br />enf_t of such llen in, le&Ill ~ IoIIliclt in the opinion of Lender operate to preyent tIE <br />~ of the llen or forfeiture of the Property or art'/ part theJ:eof; or (e) shall secure fran <br />tre bolder of such llen lII1 agreemont in a fom satisfactory to Lender sulxlrd1na~ such lien to this <br />Security InstruaIc. <br /> <br />tf Lender n"'l'-'_ that; all or art'/ part of the Property is subject to a lien Ioilich IlIBY attain a <br />jXiority CIIII!r this Security Instrollent, lender shall send Borrower ootice identifying such lien. <br />Borrower shall mUsty such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within ten days <br />of the giving of notice. <br /> <br />C. NOTICE <br /> <br />I.tli.fom ~ 14 of tre Security lnst:rwe:it is IIllI!OOed to read as follows: <br /> <br />14. ~lodce. Elo::ept for art'/ oot1ce required unler appllcabl.e law to be given in aootl:er ll8tlller, (a) <br />art'/ ootice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inst:nant shall be giVBl by delivering it or by <br />lIBi1iqj it by finK cl.aas llIlil ~ to lloI:r.-r at tlE Property Add1'ess or at such other address <br />a& ~ lay ~ by not:ice to Lender as. provided herein, and (b) art'/ notice to I.erder shall <br />be &i-by f1Qt c.lMa.llIdl to !.Almer's ~ stated herein or to such other addresa as l..en:ler lllIlY <br />~ by notke to ~ as provided her:ein. ~,ny notiee provided for in the Security <br />~ llllaU be ~ to have ~ gl:1/IID to ~ or Lender ""- siVl!ll in the IIlIlmIlr <br />""'"t~ l1er:e1.a. <br /> <br />:no UllUOiUC OIUtll OF nUST; GO~"ElUlIllG LAW; SEVERABILITY <br /> <br />~ ~ is of the Security l:n8t~ is! to ~ as fou.-: <br /> <br />L$. tb1.foa DltoId of '1'I'utt:; ~ ~i SewtrabUity. This form of Security Instnm!nt c'allbim:9 <br />\IiU_~tJI for Mt1oM.l _ and oou-un1f<<lll ~ with lillIited VlU'iattOO8 by jud.lOd1ctioo <br />to aald.tute a ~ .-udty ~ ~ nl&l~. This Security Insttulllmt 8Mll <br /> <br />L <br />
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