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<br />83-006400
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<br />by this Deed of Trust immedialdy prior to ,he dare of taking bears '0 ,he fair marker value of the Property immediately prior to the dare of
<br />taking. wi,lt the balance of the proceeds !'8idto Borrower.
<br />If ,he Property i5 abuulonod by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender '0 Borrower tha' the condemnor olf... to maltean award or settle a
<br />claimfor cIama&<s.. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after Ibe dare such notice i5 mailed. Lender is authorized to collect lUId
<br />apply the proceeds. at Lender.'s option. either to restoralion or repair of the Property or 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />UnlasLender and. Borrower OIberwise agree in writing. any such appli<:ation of proceeds to principal shall nor extend or postpone the due
<br />date of the montbly instaIlmenlS referred to in _apbs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. ..........., Not........ Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization oflbe sums secured by.thisDeed ofTTUJt
<br />granted by Lender to lUIysua:essor in int.....t of Borrower shall nOl operate to release, in any mallner. the liability of the orisinal Borrower and
<br />Borrower', ,uccessors in interest. Lender shall not be required '0 commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sam, secured by this Deed of Trusl by reason of lUIy demand made by the original Borrower
<br />and Botrower'ssucceosors in interest.
<br />11. F....-Ity ~ Not a WaInr. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or otherwise afforded
<br />by applicable law. shall nOl be a waiver of or preclUde the exercise of any such righl or remedy. The procuremenl of insurance or the payment of
<br />taxes or other lie:ns or charges- by Lender shall 'not be a waiver o-f lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness sceuredo'by this
<br />Deed of Trull.
<br />11. ~ CluuIad... All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy under this
<br />Deed of Trust or afforded by law or eqwty, and may be exercised concurrc:ntly ~ independently or successively.
<br />13. S- _ ~ _1Ml: J_ _ SenraI u.bIIIly; Captiou. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind; and
<br />the fights hereunder s.hall inure to, the respective s.uccn.wn and assigns. of Lender and Borrower. subject to tbe: provisions of paragraph 17
<br />hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shail he Joint and several. 'Ole captions and headings of tbe paragraphs of this Deed of Trust
<br />arc for convenience only and an: not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Nolke. Except for any notice required under applieable law to be giv<Jl in anolher manner. (a> any notice to Borrower provided for in
<br />lhi, Deed of Trust shall be ~V<Jl by mailing such not,.;" by certified mail addressed to Borrower at Ihe Propeny Address or al such other address
<br />as. Bom>wer may daianate by not.kic- to Lender as provl(icd. herein,. -and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail, return receipt
<br />requested. to Lender's address slated heretn or 10 .""h Olher address as Lender may designare by nOlice to Borrower as provided herein. Any
<br />nOlice provided fot' in this Deed of Tn... obaIl be deemed 10 have t>een given 10 Borrowe, or Lender when liven in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. l!1Ilf_ Dnd of Trul; Go.-.. La.; Snenablllly. This form of deed oltrus' combines uniform covenanlS fornalional use and
<br />non-un;form CQ\o'enann with limhed ~riatiQ-m by juru.diction to ooo.'ititutC' a uniform security instrument covering real property. This Deed of
<br />Trw;t shall be governed by the la.- of the Junldicnon in which the Property lS 1ocated. In lhe e~t that any proviSion or clause of this Deed of
<br />Trust or (he Note conflicts ""ltb appli.cabk jaw. ~uch conmct :shall not affa..'1. other provisionl of this Deed of Trust or tbe Note which can be
<br />given effet-'t without the ronfUctln& pro\'lR01\. and to thjs end the pl'Olitlilon,: 01 the Deed. of Trust and the Note ate declared to be severable-.
<br />16. ~I <:op.,. Borrown s.hall be furm1hed a o:mform-ed copy of the Note and of thjiJ Deed of Trust at th~ time of execution or
<br />after recordauon hcr~f.
<br />11'. Ttaalfcr of the~, ~. 1f aU or any f!4lrl of t.ht Property or an lOtrTW therein is wId or transfc;rred by Borrower
<br />wlthO\u Lendet'-s prior ~nttetl: C'On$tJ1t, ududmgla) the cre:lUi)fi 1)( a h(:-fl Or t'llcumbranc>t subordinate to 1hi5 Deed of Trust. (b) lhe creation of
<br />;l ptm.-h.a.1c tn-OOC}' w:un!)' mternt fot h~1oel1old: appliance, tc) a fram:ftr by dCYl.\e., descent or by opelation of l.w upon the death of a joint
<br />Imam or (-d) the g.ranf oJ ~y Jeasdwkllm.ercst of three yean or i~!i1 not (."tJnlaining an option to purchase. Lender may. ' ~nder's option,
<br />dttlau aU the -sums ~'Ured by thil ~ of Trust to be immedJat-el" due and payable. Lender shall hav~ waived sUl.:h optk..-n to accelerate if.
<br />poor to the we Of t-ramter. Leu-dcr and tbe perron to whom tht'- Property It II;) bt- oSoki or transferred teach "ireo:nent in writina that the credit of
<br />~ucb pelron_t!.satUfaaOlJ to L.wder and fhat t.i\cintttat P4~bl~on the 'HUl" S('(;lif~ by this Iked of TnlSl shaU be at such rate as Lender shall
<br />request. If lender h~ wai\-"t'd the optiou 10 a(:ooenuC' prov)(1ed in ~hu paragraph 17. iind If Borrow~r's sucassor in interesl has executed a
<br />writt-m .usum-ption qn:emem ao.~ lfi writmg by Lcm.kr. L-e-ndcr ~hali rcleak' Born"JWCf from zU obhp.tiom UDder this Deed of Trust and
<br />1M: NOlie.
<br />n Lend~f e-x:erdso SUdl opuon (0 "''l.''d~'AtC'. Lender "haH mad 8on\~wer fH~Uce t1f acceleration in accordance with paragraph 14 hereof.
<br />Suclt notice s.baii pro\'i-<k I Ptfiad of Th.)t k'Si than 30 da"'$ from the date the: nOf,IJ:;C tS mailed withm which Borrower may pay the sums declared
<br />d~. if Borro~ fAiu r~"' pay ~\P,.""h ~Utn:i p-nur to t.he upuauon of such p.:-ri<X1, L~nder may, withom further notice Of demand on Borrower,
<br />,"vote ....y r_os peTmlI1eO by parOll'aph 18 heronl.
<br />
<br />NON..UNlfORM COVENANTS. Barr.".... and Lender further co.enan' and agree as 1'0110....'
<br />11. ..\-..oo.;~. r........ .. pnnioJed I. -'* n heftof. .poD 1\on>oww'. _ of.llIIJ CO_I or........-I of
<br />............1It _ Dnd of r...... iDdtotIola 11lt'_ 10 ...., .._4_ llIIJ ..- _ by II1II DeotI of fiut, 1AtMIot prior to --.lIoa
<br />sW ~ <Mli<e to .......... .. pnnioJed l8 ...-- 14 _ ~: (!) ... _; (Z) I1lt' lIdiOD feqIdreoIlo ""'" _ bradt; (3) .
<br />...... -....- J8.,."...... _ of _ ill __ to _. by __...10 _..... be <llned;."" (4) 111.1 fallanlo cur......
<br />"'-loDe or 1Ief_'" _~ l8... _...,....... iD_ of I1lt' ___red It, _ Dnd of Trul a""_ of I1lt' ProporIy.
<br />n.. ....... ... f_ Iaf-. .......... of ... riIItt 10 ~ af.... ..-lloa _ tile Ii.... 10 lH1na a <OOIrt lIdiOD 10 _ 1M IlOIl-
<br />_01 a-....._ __of""""'" 16 _ ___ It... _ to DOlcuredoa or IIdOftI1lt' _~ 1.11lt'
<br />-.~..~...........,...... all of tile __ by I.... Dnd of T......to be --..., rIDe _ _Ills wi_t fat1loer
<br />- _ _110_ ... _ of.. _.., _..- penaittecl by .pplleable law. Leader _ be eDlille&l to eolIKt all.............
<br />--_..................tIle..-__..tlIIo -.0111.. ~ bal IIol 11_10. ..............11_.. f_.
<br />If..._of_...._. r___. _of c1dult ifl_h """Diy iD .Itlcb tM ~ or_ put _f.. ~ted
<br />- -~...... "'.- _100 tile _ ~ 10, appIieable la. 10 1Iotrow... '"'" 10 tlte........ """""" praertbed by aptJlleable
<br />..... Atw a..lapoo of .... u.. u ...,. be ""IIIimI by .......... .... T_ _ "". ....bIle _ of _10 tlte .......... au is tlte _
<br />pr->W by........-..... T..-. _I,""""", Off lIono..,. .1IalI...u lbel'roporty at p"bll< .uctlua 10 ,be 11"- _r at th. time
<br />-..- - _tIofc_ ...........ID tlte _J<<. of _I...M or "'fir< 1"..........4 iff ,,"'.. ortkr.. TTlMloe may dt-IHmlM. I......oe m.,
<br />-...... ..... of all .... .., ........ of 1M ~y by paIIItt: ...._............1 al 'M ri_ .mi plJIt< 01 aoy pm",,,,,,, ...__ ...Ie. l._ or
<br />1_'. ........_~ IiloP_ra.aD,_.
<br />V_....... of...- '" tilt ~ 1>kI. T_ _ _.. 101M purd..... I........... <iM <<."..yI.tIIl tI>o Pro......} .old. nit _.... I"
<br />tloe r_'..................... f......*- 01 tlte h'lItlo 01 1M ...10_ ma<lr IheM.. 1''''''..... slIalI apply 1M p.......... of 1M _101M
<br />.........~ t.lOl 1ft alI-w.__.._ of ...._. 11l<IaIllac. 1>01. ""11I1IIl1etl1<l. T .....Ioe.. 1_ of RoI """" 'baa .JlI.",.. "',
<br />of dot..-._..-. "'-'* .......".. _ a"" r_ ..lllIlt~, 11lllO all ..._ ....ured by lhis (!oed oIl_I; '"'" Ie; 1M ..""'.. 1I
<br />llIIJ, "'...........-_....... ...................
<br />.., ~'-t ~ tv~. NmwHtM.tAOOl~ .Lt'ndt:t-~ :a;(:;~dt:,-a.r..~(tfl;:d ~he 1'-um"l.\' :<.<<urto !:1\-' lhi~ L~{j -p{ rn,l_'SI. &\nOW(,1 '!:l.<i-H fl<'i\cl"
<br />J.~~ M: ~''l><t1Ut) Pf~~"lf':-'~'.nby LC):Q('f w mJ-ur<::,'"e thi'l< r^~ \:l-f '~nt5-f d11~i}fi!mU'ed -al ~n.:f nm~ pnm ~i.l the-(arh~ !;\ ,I,\:{'U,; pi W the
<br />fd"t;tt ~l' kf.{i!f;f_tJM; _~,~:d If;(- Pr~y pur:l<\UiJlt" to she PO~'t'f 01 \;~ ..:t:}rH.aH.t;:rllti rh-.i:s rk-w i"'<t r fH,-t l~~ ill1- r-nfn 1}: oJ i~l-dE_nl('t"~ enfO!t:'lll~ ,h,."
<br />t~ t~'\i.v ,tL (,)f} ~~H1~ 'Pf,t~~~ L-(.!tiif.T aU lWlt} 'l\'hkh i1o'..Yitid ~'f' thffi t_tu,,:, .md:t:t tk~} \,~! h:!!",t, In(' N,~!i" :m;j Hille'> '.r'l."..tnnj< hHIHI.A
<br />