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<br />I" <br /> <br />83- 006400 <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />applicable law requires such interest tQ be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall <br />give 10 Borrower. without charge. an annual ac(,.'Ounting of the Funds showing credits .ad debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />debit to the Funds was mad" The Funds are pledged as additional security for the ,um, secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the fmure monthly instaJh"ents of Funds payahle prior to the due dateS of taxes, <br />assessments, insurance prCOliums and ground rcolS, shall exceed the amount required to pay said tlUlCSi assessments, insurance PrenUnms.and <br />ground rents a, they fall due, ,uch ""ce,ahall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Barrower on monthly <br />i,...alIments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taJtes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all,ums .ecured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Barrower any Funds held by Lender. If <br />under paragraph 18 herrof the Property i, sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later thanimmedlately <br />prior to the,~ or the Property or its acquisition by tender. any Fund$. held by Lender at the time of application as a crcditagainst-the sums <br />secured by thi, Deed of Trust. <br />1. AppticatlOll of PaYlMDl& Unless appiicabk law provides. otherwise, all payments received by l.ender under the Note and paragraphs_] <br />and 2 hereof shall be applied by [ender first in payment of amountS payabk to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof. t\tenIO intm:st <br />payable on the Note. then to the prinCIpal of the Note, and then 10 jnrerest and prindpal on any Future Advances. <br />4. CllarJes~ 1.Jea.s.. Bom.')wC!t ,shall pay aU laxest as.."i-essmenli and other charges, fint'S and impositions attributable to-the Property which <br />may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the manner, provided under paragraph_2 hereof <br />or. if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making paynt-ent. when due, dire:tly to tne payee thereof. Borro.wer sbaIJ promptly furnish,to <br />Lender all UQdces of arnount5 out:: under thii paragraph. and in the ev-t!'rlt Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall-promptly <br />furnisb to Lender f{'l..-elp1s ~1dencing su(:h paymC'ots. Borrow~r shaH promptly discharge any Hen which has priority over this Deed of Trust; <br />provided. that Borrower ~haH not be reqUIred to diSl.:harge any SUdl lien oW long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />Obligation 5e\:ured by su.:;;h hen In a manner t{ccep-tabk to Lendef, or shaH Hl g(")()od faith -contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien <br />in,lqal proc.eedin:g.s WhICh Oi')(utc to P-f~\'ctH the t"t'iforCt:.ment of the hen Of forfc_iture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. HazanI [1IRIraDtt. Bo:rruwer shall ~;:-ep tht :mproVt3DC'nt'i nuw c'l5ting or hereafter erected on the Property insured asainst loss by fue. <br />hazards induded within !hc- term' '-('1l.tenderl ('overage". and :!luch other hazard.! a.~ Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />as. Lender may requite; PW\-"IOed. that Lemler shiill not r!:'quire th.u the amount of sUl;h ,oytrasc ext'-ffd thai amount of coverage required. to pay <br />th(-swu$ s<<:ufl;(i by this Deed oi Tru.\l, <br />The Huura.ncc ,'--I' pr.:wkiio-g ihe liu-uran":'.t: ~haU b-e d1O~n bv iklrrow~r \ubjCl:t to approval by Lender; provided, that such approval <br />s.hall not bt' u-11ftcuonahh wlIhhdd, AU pre-nmmlJ on m~ura..IKe pohaes \haU be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 1 hereof or, if not <br />paid m such manner. by Born1-\\:cr makif'4t paym~m. when due. due:.'1:ly in the im-urance earner. <br />AU ln~uram..-e pol:!\.-iC:' anti refl'(V.-a.h t-here'of ~h:.\H he !t! loon al.;,,:-cptabk !O Lender and s.halj irldude a standard mongage in favor of <br />and to form &'L't:eptabk to L-Wd{'l Lender "hail ha,-,,-e We' nghr to ho-ld th~ polKi~s aad rem"wa\! thereof. and Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender aJ:j renewal ounces and aU rt..~-emt5 ot palO p~t'-lTIJum\ !n the- f"o.wt (\1 lo'\!:-, BOfwwer shall g.1't'e prompt notice to [he insurance carrier and <br />Lender. Len;.:k-r mil, mall:(" ;WI:'!)! of t-(lSS li n,-l',- rnade prompt tv oy BOffowef. <br />Unless Lenda and Bonower nlht1'\11'UC Uf~ In "'ntmg, I1l~UHUlCe proceeds .\hllii be applied to restoration or repair of the- Property <br />dan.1.qed, i"f0"0'idtd. Jj,~"'1. f'-e1-\Grauon ,-or repau .!> <<:on-omieaH)' feas~ble and thl':' ~"Urity of this Deed of Trust is not U JY impaired. If such <br />T~oratjotl or r~ ~~ not t'CQm_muc411y fCMibie Of If the- ~~u.rH)~ af this ()~ of Trusl would be impaIred, the insw:ance proceeds shall be <br />a~ to the :r.-ums ~t-''':-urcd by !tu-5 l:)e(d ot lru.!il. wnh thl:' ~:U:e~J>. Ii any. pa..d w Borrower, If tne Property i:; itb&.~doned by Borrower. or if <br />Boorrower faJh to r~J;"l(md to Ltndtt \II:ifwn 30 day_\ Irom tbe- date nou(c i.:-o mai.ied bv Lender t(t Bo-rtower that the- insurance carrier offers to <br />~tJe Ii daun for- tosu,Umcc txT.efi!'!i. Lmdcr is liutOOfiL'td to .;;:oUt'\;! l!nd appJy t}}(-irnltfaoc.e proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or <br />rq:.;air of tbe Propetty O( to ,he '-\Lnu .i-ocurN by {tus i)ecd of TnL-';f <br />Un1eu lender and 8onow<< \...'l{nn-WlSC:lii\ree it! wriUIlI, 11n)' <J;ucll a,p-pbcauon of proceeds to prinripal shall not extend or ~tpone lhe due <br />date- ui the- mombi)' 1Ils1.BihnerUl:;, reterred to in paragrapn-s- t a.nd 2 hnro-f or c~e tne amount of:iucl1 tn;oaIbnenti. !f ~ paragraph 18 <br />bereof tM PF'Opl:rt)' lS acQuirro by Lender. aH flJ,thl. utle and interest of &orro-wer in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds <br />tbem.\fresulnn, from damagt- to tbt: Pr-OfJi(-f1Y prior to the we or acqUisition !haU pass to lend~ to the extent qf the sums secured by this Deed <br />o-fTnm immcdiatd)' prior 10 such we- Of a-cquisihon <br />6. r-a_.... MoIlIt_ of Prop<t1y; l__: ('o_lIllDJ_ I'luItecI Vllit ~... Borrower shall keep the <br />Propcny .n good repair and --;.hall nor rommn '" aste or permit impairment Of deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisions <br />of any lease If this Deed of Trust B on a icuehokL If this !.ked of Trust is o-tl 11 unit in I condominium ora planned wtit development. Borrower <br />thd perform all 01 Borr""",,', obliptioM ._ the d<claration or roVet"''''" creating or governing the eondominium or plllJtJled unil <br />~. the by-laM and rqulatioM of the rondommium Or planned UOlt devel_t, and cOOlitiluent documents. If a condominium or <br />planned unit development nder i. e."""'led by Borro..... and recorded tOflffher Wllh this Deed of Trust, the covenants and agreements <,f sucll <br />rider 1bal1 be iBCOfl,lOfated into and shall a.D'1ftld and !'uppitmC'lU the oovenants and agreements- of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were . part <br />hereof. <br />1. Protec1ioIt of 1...MMr', Sewrky. if Borrower faUs to perform the t,.'"O\'enants and agreements c(mwned in this Deed of Trust. or if any <br />action Of pr~tli i.s. \:O~ whtcn rnateriaU)' affecu L-rndet's mterc:u in the- Property, including. but not limited to, eminent domain. <br />~,-code mfon:unent. or arran&f'llK'nts or proa:cdtngs involving a ba.nk:rupt or dei:edent. then Lender at under's option, upon notice <br />to Borrower. may rnak~ :such a~. disbur~ :such sums and take such ao..'tion as is ~ to protect Lender~s interes:t~ includin.a. but <br />notllmit<<llO. ~I of reasonable t"orne}", f...and enlry upon ,he Property 10 make repairs, If lender required monll83e ittsUranoc <br />at. ~ uf making 1M loon ""'Ilred by lhis Deed of Trost, ,hall pay the premiums required to mainlJoin such insuranoc in eff<cl <br />until :such time as ~ requir-ement for such insurance: terminates in ac-rordanct- with Borrow-er'~ and Lender's written agreement or applicable <br />1&.., 8otr~ shall pay t.ik amount 0-1 ,IU nlOrtl. lns:ura.nce premium.i tn the manner provided undeT paraarapb ,2 hereof, <br />My ............. ~ l>" Lender punuant to ,hi. parllll11lPh 7. wilh int.....1 thereon, ,hall b<eome additional indehtedlleS$ of Borro.... <br />-"" ttylhis Deed of Tnm. Unt.. lIormwer and l.endct """" ,,\ other ,.rm. of P41""enl, 'llCh lUIlOIlUto ,hall be P41yabl. upon notice from <br />lei'ldet to Born.'WCit fcq\iC'ltittg. pI&)ltne"it{ thtoseuf. and shaH beat lntt'fest from the date of disbufsemfllt at the rate payable from time to time on <br />~ ~ ,,'-the Note um- paymenl of iot""'" tt such rat. would be contrary 10 aPl'li<&bIe la.., in whicb event such amounts <br />thd tar ........ a' the lIi~ ..... ~blc under applk:ablc lltw. Nothing contained In this paragraph? ,han require Lender to incur any <br />~ortU.""Y acti"" her......... <br />.. ......... 1..... _ maoU ... ....~ I" be ..... ........-Ie Mtnes upon and it>spcaions of the Property, provided that lender ,hall <br />~.8<>t_ ~ tll'I<l<lli _.m<!> ~l<>1l "I'ttifyiJqJ.-.bIeeause rlit!felor relale<! to [aider'. interest in the Property. <br />9, (~1';1''' 1J :r"Q Tbt pr~'jf;:_b; fit any a-w-oifd Of' claim for dit1u*,", -dirttt J;)f t()n~rm.i. in- ,-onn<<tion with any condemnanon ur <br />"'Ilcr.u.... <>f the P>"l!'<<lT, '" _ lhereof, or ft". ,,_ m!ial of condm:nnaLioo, .re hemy '''"gtled and mall he P41id hI Lender > <br />I,. tl>t.......or .,......l!OIt... of ,lit! l'n\li>my. ,"" pr~ >lWl be "l'I'lled w tho ,urns ""ltrod by th.. l)<cd of Tn!>t. ..ilh tl>e ..,~,. If an.. <br />poo!d... ~.I"the._"f. IW1ll11t".,... tlfthel'"""rty. vm- ~ ond Lende< <'<h......"" ajU..,ln "'rlti,,~. there <han be aP!>lied <br />U;! tbt! w_ ~Ut,'i'd ~ t~ tJei!d (.~f- lrm,t ,m:h ~ of ~~ ptlX~!l ail t,>t t(fu-aJ to 1W prPf'lOrtmn ""hkb ~h-t- an-Kn,mt (l-f iht' ~Hft\-\ 1-l"Cur~d <br /> <br />L <br />