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<br />r <br /> <br />83- 006397 <br /> <br />If <br />I <br />~ <br />f; <br />! <br /> <br />Lender's written ag~nt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgageinsurilOce premiums in. the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Anyamounl$ disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to. other termsofpaYIJIenl;such <br />am<lUnl8 shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting,payment thereof, and shall .bearinterest fll)lD the <br />date of disbursement at tbe rate payable from time. to time on outstanding. principal under the. Note. unIesspayment.of <br />interest atsueh rate would. be CODll'arytO applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest. al:tbehi8\l1!s!rale' <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing enntained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender tnincur any .CXJl!'DSeior take <br />any.action hereunder. <br />8. ~. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon. and inspectiOJl!l.ofthe Property, prQYided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonablocause therefor.reIatedtoLender's <br />intercstin the Property, <br />9, CDlllltmnadoa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of lhe Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation; arehereby:a..isne<i <br />and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event Df a Df .he Property. the proceeds shall be applied tD the sums secured by. this Mortgage, <br />with the exce.u, jf any, paid to Borrower, In the event of a 'partial taking of the- Property. unless Dorro\\'C-r', and- Lender <br />otherwise..agree in wriling. lhere ,hall be applied to lhe sums secured by this Mortgage such propOrtion oLlheproceeds <br />as fsequal 10 Ihat proportion which Ihe amounl of tho sums secured by this Mortgage immediately. prior 10 Ihe date, of <br />laking beaB to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. wilh the: balance of tbeproceeds <br />paid 10 Il<>rrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned bv Borrower. or if. afler nOlice by Lender '0 Borrower that the eondemnorolf"".;to.make <br />an award or settle a claim fn. damages. Ilorrower fails '0 respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale' such noticei. <br />mailed. Lender is aulhorized ." collect and apply tbe proceeds. al lender's option. either 10 restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums -secured by this <br />Unless Lender and Bo."TOwer otherwise agree in writing. any 1uch application of proceeds to principal shall not- extend <br />or ~pone the due: date of the I1'l(1nthty instaflments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount- of <br />'Such ins:taHmenb, <br />10. Rorrow<< Not ReIeMed. ExtensJon 0f the time for payment or modification of amortization of the_ sums secured <br />by this Mort,gage granted by Lender to any sm::cessor in intere!-.'t of Borrower shaH not ope,rate to release. in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower'.; successor.. in interest. Lender s.halt not he required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor Of refuse tC'> extend lilne for payment or otherwise modify amortization t"'lf the sums <br />$CI.."Ured by this MQrtgagc by reason .of ~ny demand made by the original BOfmwer and Borrower's snccessors in interest, <br />It-~ F~e by 1.emIer Not I Waiver.. Any (m1)tarance bv Lender in cxen::ifiing an)' right l'lr remedy hereunder, or <br />':Hherwise afforded by applicable law, shaH not [\e a waiver of .or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The procurement of iniUIance or the payment of !U,t.':,S or orher liens Of charges by Lender !'i.h.aH not be a walv-er of Lender's <br />riabt to accelera~ the maturity of thc,itldebwdn~ s.c~-urcd by fhi~ Mortgage. <br />12. ~ CumuJatht~. All rcmedit"i; provided in thi.... Mongage arc distin<.:t anti l"uml1lative to uny other right or <br />remedy under this M-oJ'Citlltt or atforded tw la"" or !;,'qLut\', itnJ m~l} he ~xerC-lsl!d com:urrc~tJy, independently or _successively. <br />13. s.c.:- lUHl A...... Bouadt JoIOI aDd S""..aJ Uabillty: Captio.... Tbe <ovcnon\! and agreements herein <br />contained shan hind. and the ri,hts hereunder shaH inure to, lhe i:'c-!lpective s.l.l:cccs.'l.on- and a."<Signs- of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to' [he rrmdsiom of paragraph 17 hcr~ot <\ It ~-('lVemUHS .Hltl ugrcerncms of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paugraph~ Oi !!;PJ Morrga:f(l' are f"lf ..:onvenie,nce only and :\re rtot to be lIsed to <br />interpret or define: the provisions hereof', <br />14.- .Notiu. l!.xcept for- any not-u;:e- required under ilPplkabie 1lJ;\I; h1 be given In another manner, {.... ~.lY notice to <br />Borrow-er provided for m this Murtgage shall be gwcn h~' imuling ..uch BOEke by ;.:crtified mail addressed .('1 Borrower ut <br />the Property Address or at such ..)ther .lddre-;..\ a'~ Born.1'Wcr I'nay de~lgnalc bv nollcC: to Lender as provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice k'1 Lender shaJl be given h:v ..:-crtifieJ mall, lCTlIfn jl",CClpt H~quested, to Lender\ addtes~ stated herein or to <br />such other addre.~ 35 Lender may deSignate hy nl'tlCc h' 8orre.we! ;j'i provided herein, Any no-tice pfCI-\'ided for in this <br />Mortgage shaH be deemed to have been giH~n to Borrower or Lt"fHler \...h('-o fIp.'cn in the manner designated herein, <br />IS. Uniform: MottaJIIf'; Govef"ftiuc Law: Sr"~rabilUJ. nn" 1(\fll1 t.-.t morl~a.~\." ~.nmbines llniform cove-nants fOf naticmnl <br />u"c and non---unifQrnt c-O\'cnants ~i,h limited vanauons hy JHn"..h:\f(m 1(1 i:t i..llllform 'SCCUflIY im:trurTIcnt t:o\'ering <br />real property" Thi~ MOftga8e ~hail be 8ovcrnt"-d h\' Ih~ b~.. ,-,I' lhc l\lfl~dH:tlon l!l which the Property i_I; located. In the <br />event that an)' prOVi$lOn or daus.e of this M(\rigage iY- Ihl~ ~\Ile- ,-.cntlkts \4-ith ap-pilcabie law. ~ut:h umnict "h:IH n(1{ affect <br />other pro'nsions of this Mongage ()f the Note wh!;;:h ~an b<: gi\ en dfe(:l wltho~H the contlicting provi"ion. and fO this <br />end the previsions. \,If the Mo-ngaie and the- '\,;,\[~ ;tfC th::\:iiil,red -_t~) ~~ ~v-erable, <br />16. Bono_...', Copy, Borrowc-I ..hail Dt': turm"-hed a CQniuml~d copy of -the' NOte and of thi" Mortgallc at the time <br />(.f ex~ution \.If aher ro:-ordolion here<.lt. <br />~ c., 17. TnaAet' of die- Properf)'; ^--tIm:ption. J! all (If any -pan (:[ the f'(('perty o~ an inte-rest lherein i~ 'i.old or lra~l~ferred <br />!'-.,~.~. \.\1 by, Borrow.;r w. ".00. ut Le~'~ prk,)f w-rttlen ';l.-mscrH, cx\:!uding I,d lhe _5reati\'m 01 a licn ,\'\f enl;u~b:'iuKe ~~thonhnate, to <br />, .- ~~ l thlS Mortgage. lb) (he creation (If a purclHt~e m,,'oey st-':>;Uflt~ mkresl wr hou$Chllld appltances. tel il tran~t('.r by Jevl!e. <br />\~,i A .J descent or by opera-tion of law upon the de..ath oi a 1\.)1U1 tenanl or ~ I' it ] &tfRr 1 .of n.' ] ~ It I hUllt If th~u run iH lit!' <br />:U';)..L/ -irf ]-<qtrT't'T' rr '.'J11 TIlL nblllll Lender may_ at Lender's optH.m. declare all the sum~ se<:urc:d by this. Mortgage to be <br />j~l}f clue-and pa)'@le-. Lcudcr shaH h:.s>.'c -v..uveJ lolh.:-n optH)fl W a";t.~elcnue if. priOf to the :<oale Qr tf'USee-T. L~mier <br />and the penon to whom the Property i~ to be s...>ld Uf transferred rea~h dgtt.'emtIH in writing th~t the aedit of 'iuch person <br />Ii hrisfacloty to Lender and that tM interest p--3yable (ill the \unh ~t.::ured hy thi-. Mortgage .;hall be at ~u;;h r.ue a:'\ Lender <br />sh.u request. If Lender has waived the option to 3",o:eJeute provJd~d in thi_" pMagrilpfl 17, :wo if Borrower's s,lll:cessor in <br />jll~ bas ex-ecuted a written .usumptioo agreement accepled in wrirtng by Lender. Lender shaH rel(.1..\C Bormwa from all <br />abIipt;..... under .his Mortaage and !be Note. <br />II Lendcr ex,er-cisel such- option tv itC\.'e.lerale. Lender ",haH mail Bonowcr notice ('( accelenuion in a~cordancc W1lh <br />para&faph 14 hereof. Such notice shall pr(}vide a pemld of nor les.... than 30 Jays fwm the date the notice is mailed within <br />wh~ BorroW4U' may pay the ~UnlS- t.ledared -due. If Rorrov..'cf ! aa~ 10 pay si.!ch 'llm~ prior w thl: C}I,ptration of "-uch peri-l-xi, <br />lc.nder ma.y.. without further notice or -d~mand on B-o-rrowt:f. Invoke any remedies- pcrmltred by paragraph is hereof. <br /> <br />'\ '-"7 <br />~j <br />..~~ I, <br />.) AI <br />)'/..11.(/ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />NON-"Ul'f'FOitM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further \,.:~Wen<illt doli agn..~ ~h ft1-lIows' <br />I" A..............-..... beep! as pro"""" 10 pa_""" 17 b~r..,f. "pt'" 80rro""" br_b of any c"veoaot or <br />..-. 01-.....- 10 tloIs M....,.., indlldlatl the ,.".."".." to pay ..hell due aoy .u.... ""cured by Ibis Morlp&.. <br />........,.., ...,___....... ..... IIIOIil lIOl.iee 10 IIonower .. provided in _rapb 14 h.reof sp.dfyIDll' (l) lhe bre""b: <br />(l}..., ............. _ .1Idt ....... !Jl .. 4Me. _ lea th.... J1) da,. hOlD lbe dill. the uotke .. m>OlIell t.. Borrower. <br />l!r wIIlclt ........ _ lie e.... ..... (4) tb. fllllaf. &0 <..... .ue" bnt:acb uo .... ",u""' Ihe d..", .pccIlie" iu die .n>dee <br />...........___... 1hII_ """""" toy I....M..r....... ,..........1Iy jtulkW Pl1><'...si1lll aDd oS th. PfOII"I1Y. <br />1lte IOIMiIIC .... ,**,.W- .......... ... the r/fltl t. ",iRwatc .,... ...~ a.... the rilIlt& 10 _ iu lhe lored",..,. <br />............. _alIII...~. ... . ~ or ""y ..I"". def_ ,)( 11_..... '0 an'elwalloo ""II f""",,,,",,,e. If Ihe broad> <br />_............ or.""'- IhII .... ~ lo.... aoIioo., I"'.....r at uRdu'. uprilm ilia)' de<1an all of lhe ....... ..,<un" b, <br />... ~ It> lit; ...............,. """ lUHl ""..... ..ilMut. f...... ......... ...... ma.l 10_loNe by juoIkiotl p..",udi..,. I.....r <br />............. II> ~Ilt _It -""'" ail """"_ OIl ~.. i""......... btot _ th1liUsi to. c_ u{ doeu....otary <br />~___....Ilch ...- <br />,... .........._...... R~-> Notw,ith:!>tundil1i tcndtl\ .1(_~dcntl!On of !he ',-urns H.''\.'UfCd b~ thl~ MNt~a~c. <br />_8afr<<~t -w..u u" .. ritbt to- hav# ,;M~)' pt~~ bc.Ut'l b~ Lender tp lha ~'htrts:;.ti~ i..H~J..:>l;~nhntwd ;u ;wy Hmc <br />