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<br />83- 006397
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<br />UNfPOItM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree,as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Paymeat of PrinclpaI aad Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due Ihe principal of and interest on the
<br />indebledness evidenced hy the Note. prepayment and late charges as prnvided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />%. F1mds for T_ aad 1-. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrowers~pay~
<br />10 Lender onthe day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is pili in full;
<br />a sum (hemn ''P\mds'') equal to on~twelflb of lbe yearly laxes and assessments whicllmay atlain priorit}FoVer' this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus onD'twelftb of yearly premium installments for bazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installmenls for mortgage insurance, if any. aU as reasonably estimated initially ~Jrom
<br />lime to time by Lender on the basis of ......m...ts and bills and reasonable estimales thereof.
<br />The Funds shall he held in an institulion the deposits or accounls of which are insured or guaranteed byaFederator
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender sball apply Ibe Funds 10 pay sa.id taxes. _inents,
<br />lnxurancc premiums and ground Tents. lender may not charge tor so holding and applying. the Funds. analyzing said~account;
<br />or verifying and compiling said ......ments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the .Funda and applicable law ~
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Bo,'rower and Lender may agree in writing at tbelimeof execution of-this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or.applicable.la,w
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required 10 pay Borrower any interest or earninll!' on theFunds; Lender
<br />shall give 10 Borrnwer. without charge. an annual accounting nf tbe Funds showing credits and debits to the Fuudsandthe
<br />purpose 'for which each debit [0 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security' for the -sums -secured
<br />by tbis Mongage.
<br />if the amount of the Funds beld by Lender. together with lhe future monthly instaUments otFundspayable.prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall e:tceed lhe-~ount required to pay ,~d ta."(~~
<br />assasments. insurance prenUums and ground rents as they fall due. such excess shaU be.. at Borrower's option. _ elt~
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly ItlstallmenlS of Funds. If. the amount of the"Funds
<br />held by Lender .hall not besutllcient to pay taxes, .....sment.. insurance premiums and ground rents as tbey faU due;
<br />Borrower sball pay to Lender any amount ncce>sary to make up the deficiency within 30 daY" from the date nOlice.is mailed
<br />by l..e.nder to Borrower requesting pa}<ntem thereof
<br />Upon payment m fuJ! of all sums st."Cured by this I\-'Iort!(agc. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. It under paragraph 18 he~of the pf(')perty IS SlAd or the ProperlY IS otherwise acqUired by Lender.- Lender
<br />shaU apply, no later than unmediately pnor to the sale of the Property or its acqul-sition by Lender. any Funds. held by
<br />Lender at the Ume of application as a (redit agamsl the sums sel~ured by this MOftgag\'~,
<br />3. Apptircadoa of f-aymeJds. Unless applicable law prOVides otherwi~e, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereol .hall be applied by Lender firM '11 payment 01 amounts payahle to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereoi. then. to lnterest pay.abje on the Note, then to the principal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances..
<br />4. Charles; 1...Ie... Bcrrower '\haU pay all I,i\C'i-. i.i.:->sc'S:,>me-flU, aod other i..'har~es. fines and Imposltlons attributable to
<br />the- Propeny whkh may au.in a pnority ('ver thiS Mortgage, Jnd lcas.eht)ld payments nr ground rents., if -any, in the manner
<br />prov'idori untkr paragraph 2 hereof or. :f not paid l!l :;.u.;h manner, by Borrower mukmg naymenl. when due. directly to the
<br />payee thenro.f. Borrower shaH promptly furnish to Lender aH m,)tICCS. of olmouots due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower 'Shali make payment dlre-cll)'. Borrower "hall prompfly turrm:h to Lender -receipts ~vldcncmB.- such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any hen ~hich h;u pnonty over thiS Mortgage; pn.wIJcd. that Borrower shall not be
<br />required to dlsc-harge any s.uch lien 0;0 long as Honowc:r ~hail ..,gn::c in t\filmg ((1 the payment of ttw obligatIon secured by
<br />s.uch hen in a manner acceptable to l..crukr, or ~h<iH 10 gH{')(j L:lI\h ~(lnlcq such hen hy, or dctend enforctment oi $.uch lien in.
<br />legal proc-eedingl) which operate k~ pre:v-tnt th-c cntofl.:Cmcnt ot the [1t:'H llr inrttllufe 0f the Propert)' ('r:\, ,'art [hereof.
<br />S. Hazard lnsv.ratta:. Borro-wer s.haU "cep the ,mpr{\vcl1lcm:.. O{--'W ~:\is!fng -(II' hereafier t:fct:ted on the P,opcny iruwrcd
<br />agalll$llOM by tire. hazards mdm.!cd \OiIthm the ~erm Oc.\tcnded (:OYCf..lge- . and 'Hlch other hazards as Lcnd~r may requite
<br />and in s.uch amo-unlt and tor su~h penods i.H LcnJcr may rC4uH-e-; pt(I\'uJcd. rhat Lt:l1ucr 'thall not require that the amount of
<br />such -coverage exceed that Olmoum of cov.;::ragc reqUired tn pay fOe "lllll' ".-l'-':"Ufcd by thl'> Mortgage
<br />'the ms.urance I;:arner prQvidiog the Ul~Uliln'\.'e ~hall be .:hO\CH by Borru,,"cr 'iUb}t-ei to a.pprovaJ by Lemler: provlded.
<br />that such approval s.hall not be unreasonably \-'Io'ithhdd. ,-'\1I prcmwnl'\ dB lOSUf"JnCC pt)iiCtc-s s.ha.1l bt.' paid In the manner
<br />prov!ticd under p.\lreara_ph 2 hereof L1f, 1f n{Jl paid in !)u~h n:UUHb.:f, by Borrov.-cr making p,,*yment, when d\l~. dIrectly to the
<br />lQiUrance carner.
<br />All insurance putJCIC.) and rcn-cwais theret."lf shall he lil L,Hm ../;;..cplJ.bk 10 Lcnd~[ <ind s.hall f!H...ll1J... ,t ..tandan.l rnortg~lgc
<br />clause in fa.vor of and In fl.lrm a.ccepHtble to LendcL i Cnd(f ..b,ll h;t'i(' [h~ oght h, hold the l--"iOiicics dnd n:ncwab thereof.
<br />and Borrower ~h.all promptly furm$h ti:' Lem:kr all (l!ne'Wij.! !i-otKC-;, ;wJ ;.~lj fC~t:ll}b ~)t paid prerl1lumi, in the cvcnl of loss:.
<br />Borro\\-'Cl' snaH gt""~ prompt notict~ lo th~ ln3.Uf.In~'_C ...:-a!:'nCI .md Lender. l_cntkr m;'t} m,lKC PWOI of lo>s It (wt made promplJy
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unlesa l~nder aoJ Burrowes otherWI\e >tgrc-c- !fl \\ rnmg. Hl~Ufdllo..t: prol.:ccu'!l shalf he 'lppIied lo reswration or repair of
<br />(he Propcny damalted~ provnJaj su~h !e~{QrlltiUn ,)I' r,;:p.tH is 1.'<';V!h"11h.'~i.Ii~' kJ.fltbk ;md the ~e,uri[y of thiS Mortgl1gt: IS
<br />not thereby imp.fred. If .')\.K.':h resIO{.l!wn or fe-pan i,> Ot'( c~..motnK~Hy feasible ;)[ jl the ~-cl,;urHy of thl') 1\.1ortgagc .liould
<br />be l.mpaJIw. the InlUflU1ce proceeds. snaH be appile-d to the sunu '!.e~ured by l,hlS Mortgage. \\'111; lhe e.\ce:;'s, if any, patd
<br />tQ Borr-ow-ec It the Propert) is abanOl..lfl\.>;Q b) Borrower, or iT Borrower l;:ilb tl\ rcspolld to Lender within 30 d.ay~ trolll rh~
<br />date notict t~ mtule:.d bv Lender to Bcrwwer that !hc ;:ns.ur,:!ti\:t:: (MflC'f (llk-t', 10 "rcttk J .:h1HI1 ior 11h.UranCC htnetlls, Lender
<br />IS aut.borized to '-\lUcct~ and apply the ;tb'Uralh.~e pnx::eeJ-s. ,J:t Len-der\ UPhUO eIther to rCSWC;.lUOIl \,!f repair ()i the Property
<br />o.r to the $0015 ~et;!.1red by (hit; MOClp.ge.
<br />Un.iQs Lender and Borruwer Qthe-~i3c agree In -....nung. dB) su('h applKdtlon of pro...:ceds tl,l prmclpal 'IJ1:.ill n"l( extend
<br />()f POUpoD-e the due date of the month)>' installments fd~(fttd 10 In para!Hdph~ ! and 2 hereof t,"l[ ..:h~U1gC the amount of
<br />such mstallments. It under paragrapb is hereof the Property IS ac~utrc-d hv Lender. ..ill right., liUe aI\d Inlercst ot Borrower
<br />in and to. any rMurauce policies and in it,nd to 1M, prQCce~:.. [hereut. r~IJJtlllg twm damage to tbe Property pritJr to the )ale
<br />or acquisJtion shaH paiS to Lender w the extent of the ~urns ~e-i,;:ur~i,i by thl~ Mortgage Immediately pnor 1('1 :.uch ~ale or
<br />~.
<br />6. ~......_ "'aUtt_ of I'ropflt); l,,_holds; Condominium" Planned Unll U",.lopments. Horrower
<br />shall keep the PropertY' in good repair and sb-aU -not commn wute Of permtt impairmem or delerioratil~n of tbe Property
<br />afJ:d .d1AU comply with the ptOViSi.OfU (11 any lea,se tf tnl\ ~.tof{ga.ge tS t-m i:l ka.'fCnoid. ff 11'11'. Mortgage is on .i unit III .l
<br />ctmdom-inium or a planned unit devc-loprrteut, BOffO\lto-er :-.nOiH pe-ltprm aU iJf Borrowc{s f)bhg.UlllnS under the deciMation
<br />Of' ~tl creatina or gov'Clning fbe ..::ondominuJf1l or planned Hnit development, the by-lawli and regulatloJl\ \)of The
<br />condotninium Of pbnnod unit ucYC:loporent. ~od \.'ons_ltttteot Jocumcnt!r. H ~i ,.:ondorninium or f"i-anJ'led unit Jcvelopment
<br />dd<< ,i:$ ~ ,by ftorf~, 1&04 .recorded togt:tne-r \\",th thl~ M{)(tgage, th~ r.:t.weuan(,s .uld .l#ceem<:nts ,)( ~uch ril,lcf
<br />d..l:Lb.d~~ iDle> and Iban amend and stippkmetlt the CQ\enants anJ agrec_menb of thIS Morlga,c a~ If the rid~!
<br />-- I*fl. hmiot,
<br />'cjt ~ of'~, 5et-tII'bIt If Borrowe.r t'ltd~ 10' perform tM'- ";:OV~t1Ani;$ and ~gr<<menu cootamcd in this.
<br />~ Or If ""'r "00n '>T pr~ " e.><nmcfl<.'ed whld. malc"ILUy "tfC<'ti Lender'. ""erest in the P"'l"'rw.
<br />:indu4Uta1' but not htllited t(t~ tlMintmt- ~ln. in.-\Olwl'i(;-Y~ code enforcement. or artangernents, M prw~io&~ in\'oJvU1J a
<br />bI:pJau_flit Of ~t~ tben Lender .t te4l~'('i! -optkm~ upon nOlle(! !(} U{\f(ow-.;r. i1Ul.Y muke :>"ui~h appc.i,l:1u,c~. tll~buNC' ~uch
<br />......c..n~... "_y 10 Pf<>t""1 Len.r', '",or..". "",lwll\g, om lI"t IImlle'" h>. ,Ii.hu..""m"nt 0'
<br />r~ _yo ~ ilAd mIl)'. IIp..m I~ Pr<.>p,etl)' to 1Di\lI.. repolls, H L."del f<<tuired ""1I'll.,e ill.uran<.. '" "
<br />.~ 01 ~.. tIo<. l<w>. ....ute<! by. thi>. .Mon."..., lIor"",o... ,,,,"I PO) tho !'fern,,,,,,, t"'l"ired t"' mainta", "....h
<br />~~ in dt(Ij;J- ~l.u ~ UftMt __-the tcqultt:.ment ItM ltt.tCh ln~ra.rn:e- i'Cfmmath Hl .:$c,;,.qrdiU\(1} "'11h Bofrower\ a.nd
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