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<br />r <br /> <br />83-lJ06353 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereot. <br />Any amounts diibuned by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtednes,'i of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unles.'i Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of payment. such <br />amounts shall be. payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />dale of disbursement at the ralll payable fnm time to time on ""~S!.nding principal under the Note unless payment ot <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts !ihall bear interest nt-the-highest rate <br />permissible under applicable Jaw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require- Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. JItIpet'tIcm. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspectionri of the Property, provided <br />thal 'Lender shaH give Borrower notice prior to any ~uch inspection specifying reasonable calise therefor related'to Lender's <br />interest in- the_ Property. <br />9. Condemnadon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnati(~n llf other taking of the ProperlY. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />Tn the event of a total taking of the Propeny. Ihe proceeds I',hall be applied to the ."urns secured by this Mortgage, <br />w~~~~~_ex:~. }.~ ~~~.~_ ~~i~. t? _Bo!r~~er. rn..fh~ _C"ve~t of a partial t.a~in~. -:f :~e _:roperry.. unless B_~rrow~r.~and ~e~d~r <br />Olnl;;tWl~ agl~ In wrlnng, IHere snatl De appllcn hl Inc ">um't 'iCCurea oy rnIS MOrtgage suen proponlOn or me proceeos <br />as is equal to that proportion which the ;1mount of the :l;ums ~c-cllred hy this: Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />faking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date "'f faking. w;th the balance of rhe proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />ff the- Property i~ abandoned by Borrower. (~r if. after notice- by Lender to Horrower that the condemnor-offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fai!$ to respond tn Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />maIled. Lender is authorized to cC\IIect and apply fhe proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property {)r to- The s.ums. secured hy this Morrgage <br />Unfes'i Lender and Borrower"t' agrt'e in writin~. ;~n\' ...uch application (If proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the mc:-::~l~' in~[aHrn~nt~ ndcrrcd to in 0afagraph~ 1 and :2 herc.of or change the amount of <br />such in~tallment'S, <br />10. Borrnl't'~ Not Rt"'ltased. Exten.~ion ill' rhc !jOlt' for p;t'.-mcnf \'r m0difiC:Hlf'11 ('If amortization of the <;urns secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any "UCCe'5S0r 10 imerest of BorrOWtcf ..hall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower\ SUC~e$>':'~lrs H1 intcre5.t Lender s.hall not r.c required to commence <br />proceedings. again.n such SUC-C'~1or t'''r q:fu~ tn extend time i0r p:wment or ofherwi~e m{'ldify amorti7~tion of the sums <br />'>C--C-ur~_ h\, t,~-i:_ Mortgage hv re3~on of ~iny dem~lrHI m3dc hv !he l',rip;inal fk")rrnwer ,~nd BorrnwN's successors in interest. <br />-t.t_~:,;~~_bY l~-Net a Wah'n. '\nv f.lrhearanc(' h' I t:ndcr in l"xCTci<;tng an\' right M rcoledy hereunder. or <br />olberwt\e_ atTordecLby appiicabfe law, !'ohaH H{'l! he ;1 wa;ve-r of i);' rredude [he exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The procurement -tlf in&urancc:: or rhe- payment \)t tau:<; I)r other hem or (h:up:e~ "v l.ender 'C;hnll not he a waiver of l.ender',", <br />-right-to nceekrate the maturify of the md.chtt'dne.., "('Ctm:d hy thi... MClrtgagc. <br />12. ReRNdJes CumulatiTe. All remedj("s- provIded il1 ~his \1(ln~.lgc :lre diqincr .lod l.-llffittlativc to anv other right or <br />rcmedy HIlder this M(lngagl' 01' affNded!w law dr !"~quIIY. ,mo maV h~ c\cr-ciSt'd I..'imcurremly. independentlv or successively. <br />13. Su<<euon aad AiSlem Bound: Join. and Secvt"rnl Liability: Captions. The CQVenants and 3.grecments herein <br />contained shaH bind. J-nd the ri!Zhtl; hereunder ",hall inulC roo rhc rt~~pectl\"e 'itICCC"-"ON and 3ss.ign" of Lender n.nd Borrower. <br />'Subject to the nru-.'i';;,:'\Q') oj oara~raph ! "7 h-e-re-Ht. \11 '_'oYen~nt~ ~ifld ;!~r(,t.~mctlts of Borrower shajj be joint and 'ieveml. <br />The captions ~nd headfng~ .nf the- 'paragraph\ ,_If rhi,,- Mortgage ;lre (nr ('onveOlcn-ce mtl\' and :JfC not to he used to <br />interpret or define the provJ'ilom hercni, <br />j4.. Notke~ Except for any OOtlce requir~d under ,-,pplktlhh~ law 1(1 be- given 'n another manner, 1':1) an notice to <br />Bnrrower pr-ovided for in thi:\ M(iTtgagc ..hall t~ ;,tIVl"n hv m;lliin~ ,>uch fJPtice by ;.:cmfied mail addrcsS-e-d 10 Borrower at <br />the Property AddrC"\..... or .1! suC'h {\lher ';Hldres... ,.;:\ Bl1ffOwC-f rH;I\' de'>lg:nate by notice tn Lender as provided herein. and <br />(bi any notice w Ll'nder ..h31l he giHn hv ':('rtltkd mad, ,etllm rC~~l'ipt re-quested_ to Lender'... nddress ~tarC'd herein or tq <br />"'iuch othe.t addrel..'\ as Lender ::nav tics, t->)' IlNiCe h' Horrnwer as provided here-m_ Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage 'ShaH ~ deemed 10 ha\.c neen }?1\'en TO HOff(\WCr or f ;:ndl."r ,~ht'n grven in the manner designated herein. <br />15. Unifonn l\!o-rta*=-e; (';OVfl11infZ, Law: Ml'e-ra-biHtJ. P,i" lon1111f mortgag(:' -.;'(lrnbine-s nniform covenant;; for nafional <br />use and no.fH.miform c,OVenan!s .... ith Jimih.'d \~natHJns hy lun"dH,:tion f(\ <.:onstil!lIC a uniform '\.ccuriry in~trument covering <br />real property. This Mortgage- ~haH he gO\"t."rneo }-Iv lne lJw t,r dlC p.Jr-i\Jiclion in which Ihl' Property i'i It)Cared. In the <br />even! [hat any provrsHJn ,lr d-3.u~ (tf lhis Mongage 01' the ~ntt: ..:mlftict'i wirh ;ippficuble lJv.', :\u~h conflict "hall nor affect <br />other provlsionos. of Thi~ Mortgage or the Nnk whil.'h (an be given dkCI withCtut the conflicting provil;;on. and to this <br />end the provi.,.<<:ms ...\f the Mortgag-C' ,md the "\\~{e ,H'(~ del.. "_Ired t;" be ..evcrable <br />16. Borrower-'s Copy. Borrower ,-hall ~~ ftm,i",hcJ :l I."lnhlmled -.:opy ,)i IOe- Note and (If this Mortgage at the time <br />'-.\f e~ccuti(\o or after :recordation h~rc(lf. <br />17. Transfer of the Pro'"'....,.. Assumption. Hall...n any rut of !he- Prope-rtv Pf an interest therein i~ sold or transferred <br />by Borrower w1thOlll Lcnde-r's pnN wrin~n :,:('ln~nt, t'x'l..'iuding li.lJ the ..:reatinn of .1 li~rl (11' encumhrance !<iubordinate to <br />thi:\ Mortgage, (0,_' the .::reaUOll Dr <! pnn:ha~ nwnev ~curity J11H:'reS[ fot household appliam;cs. (c) ~I tramfer by devise. <br />descent or by (lperation ot'ta\\-- upon the death of i:.t ${f~-lit h.'nant \..'ir tdi the grant of any leaschoid imerest of three years: or less <br />no)t containing an option to plm.:nas.e. Ixuder mJ:Y, ~{ l.ender'" opllon. tie-dare .ill !h~ ..urns ~ecl!red by this Mortgage to be <br />1mmediatcly due ;,md pa.)'abie. L..:-nder ,hall ha\'t' \<.'d.lvcd ~U\..:h optwn 1(' J-ccderatc- d, prior to the ...ale or transfer, Lender <br />..nil the peN(m to whom the Pr()perty ij to be sold or traosterred reach ~lgfec-mCnt HI wriling the credit of such person <br />:~ utw-actory to Lender and that ~he iottn:..t payable on the Stlnh \Ccurcd hy fhi~ Mortgage <;halJ he at such rate a'i Lender <br />s.haU requt"St. If Lender hu w3i\'~ the t1ptit)i'! 1(1 accelerate provided in thi~ paragraph 17. and if Borrower\. ~tlccess(\r in <br />interest has ie\ccwed a written u-sumpuon'n! 1IC(;epH~d in wriiing by Lender. Lender "hall release Borrower frorr. all <br />obligation. under this Mon_ and the Not". <br />If l....endel' such OPUQl'i to acCt~lenHt:, Lende.!' 'ihall mail Borrower norici.' of a~;.;eterati(ln in accordance with <br />paragnph 14 hereof, Such nNTCc. 'in..!! -Phwldc ~t pt~fiod nE no! less than .iO d2Y<> frnm the date the Ih_'tic-C 1-; mailed within <br />whkh Borwwer may pay the i;um'S declared due, It Borro'l<'r-cr !;'1jb ;<) pay sth.-h "urns pri('1r to ihe expiration of ,,"uen pcflt'd. <br />Lender may. without further ootke (J-T demand on Bmmwt:r. invol..c: an) remedies perrnmed hy paragmp-h t 8 here-of. <br /> <br />NON..UNl-POAM COVf!N.'!>iil1L Borrower and tender further 1.~f.We113nt -'HId ..:tgree us tflllows: <br />II. A~ R-emed.iM.- Exce-pt as prow-kiri in ~raph 17 her4:'Of~ upon BOfrown)s brnth of any (."O\.t>l1aut or <br />~ of, Bono.... m ttU$ Mort&_~) hldudhl<<. 1m. co~'"wmts h) pal due an." -'iUJm s<<ured h.,. this l\iort..e-. <br />fAlllllu fIIior Itt.~ sfqff mall _ice I.. B<>n....... .. pr..,ided In p_....plt 14 ."""ifyi"lt: (1) tit. h...""h; <br />(ZI"'lI<1lM ~ to ...... _It bR...'h; (3) >> da~, nul """ Ihan .\0 day. from lit. dlllr lilt notk. is malled In Borrow... <br />by ..... _h --.. ..... bo cure<!; ami (4) lbat I.. ...... ,,,,,It brt>l<1t ".. or htf..... tilt d... ."",,1_ in tit. ....tlr. <br />....,. ""*"'....."'"'- nf tilt ....... by' t.... MOrtJ:It#t. r...r_lOr. by judldal prf><'ff<ll"lt and _ nf the Ptu!>"t1y. <br />1'1....._...... ,........ w_ .........., nf tbe ritltot t<> ...inat... aft.. a'~."'.otIon and lh. righl t... _rt I.. lilt r...nd....... <br />..........,.. ... -~ nf " .r,.. iii< any .It..... o.t._ of Ilorro..., '0 ",,<<_ion a..d f..rrd<li..... If lilt b__1t <br />It..... ~ "" iii< w..". tile <We ~ I" tbr _1<.. ~ .1 1."-.... tlption may <1....1&... 1111 "t lilt ..._ ..",...d hy <br />tWiI ~ Itt..~ dur ..... pay..... ..Uh...... tUrfbr. __ ..." """ r....d_ b,r jndkial pro<.wifllt. 1..1ld", <br />.... bo eIItltIo<Ilo ......... Itt ....... ~ l!II n,.......", t..'.d.....". IMI"tllrla. but ....t IlmItatI '0. c..... ..r ,,<<Cu........'). <br />..........,., ~ .... flIlr ......... <br />t.9;o- ~.' -R.Iattt to R.......~ N'Oly.,j~n"'l-iJJnd.utv: L~ntk,t"-'! ac<:e'kniti~ln pf the \-llm~ 'i.C't.."Hred hy fht~ MPflki3ge, <br />Bot~ _~.aR ba_".. the f.-t fi,1 h~vC}- .n)" ?-ri.~t!din~ ~lHHl' bv L<:''fHkr f,) enf:l)r\~c In.;,,, Mongit,(lC- ~H-wl..mtmuc.d ~i ,1n~ taat;; <br />