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<br />83.,-Ji06353
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foHows:
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<br />1.Paymeat of PrIncipal aod interest. Borrower ,hall promptly pay when due the principal of and inleresl on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges: as provided In the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />%... FundS-for Tn:es sm4 _JDSIIl'8DCe. Subject to applicable law or '"to a written waiver by Lender., Borrower shall pay
<br />,~Lender o-n the day monthly installments of principal and intere~t are paY"1b1e under the Note. \Inti! the Note is _paid in -full.
<br />a wm (herein HFunds~') equal - to one-twelfth of the yearly taxe~ and as.sessments which may attain priority over- _ this
<br />Moft8ale. and ground rents on the Property, jf any. plus. one~l-welfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurancer
<br />plus one-~twelfth of yearly premium instaHmenls for mortgage insuranc-e, if any. aU as reasonably es.timated initially and front-
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis- ot assessments and bills und reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an: institution the deposits or accounts of which ate insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender -is such an institurion), Lender ~haU apply the Fundc; to pay said taxes~ assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge- tor so hoiding and <Ipplyiog the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest {lO the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such .a charge, Borrower and lender may agree ,n writing at the time of execution of - this
<br />Mortgage that interest or: the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires- such interest to be paid, Lender shalt not he rcqwr-ed w pay Borrower any interest or earningg on the Funds, Lender
<br />shail give to Borrower, without charge, an annuai accountrng of the Funds showing eteuits ,and debits tv ihe F.und;; aDd the
<br />purpose {or which each debit to the Funds Vias madc. The Funds arc pledged ;l.~ {ldditional security for the sums secured
<br />by tbis Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the furure monthly instaUmenls of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of ;axes, assessments, insurant:c premIUms and gf0und rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asseasments, ins.ura~ premiUMS and ground rents ;,\S they !~tll due. sllch excess shaH be. at Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monlhly installmenls of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not he sufficient to pay [axes. o.\S-SC'5sments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due~
<br />Borrower shaH pay t.o Lender any amount n~CC_~$ary !I.) /n.l.kc op The- dctklenL;~ within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to' Borrower requesling paymenf thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thl;. MD-ngag-e, Lender shali promptly rclund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 1 N hereof The P-ropen~. J'-, <.,,)10 \'f dll' Prnpcfl~: i... -otherv..'i!\e acquired by l.ender. Lender
<br />shall apply, nQ later than ifmnediately pnor to the "ale \It !hl' Pr(lpcny or its. a.:-quisitH..)fi by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender al the Hme ('If application >t$ ~l ('n:dit agamst the sums stx-:ured ny lhl'_ M(lrtgag('.
<br />3. AppticatioA of Payments. linle..s 'ipphl;:abte law pro\ l\i('~ \)thcr\\-i,c. itlJ payment:':i rc,,:-eived by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 ,lnd 2 hereof shaH be appltr.:d by I.('nder tiN! in payment \'f ammmts pay<:tble to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hereof, then to imerc-\t p~tY<lble \)f1 fhe NOH:. th"':l1 In the prin;.;ipal d the Note. and then to- interest and
<br />principal 00 .my Future Advances.
<br />4. Charges:; lJeos. Borrower ~hall pay ,ill I.ne"_ .1""I::';"l'nl'nl$. ,wd lither ,:hargc,,_ fines ,mo Hllpos:itlons attributable to
<br />the Propcny which may ;tUum a prwril)' ovcr thl.S M(lTtgagc, "il1d lcascht,ld payments or ground rem;;. if any, in the manner
<br />prov-lded under paragraph ~ here,!)i ()T. d no-t r.m! It) '\U(h mannl.:l'. hy BNrowcr m;lking. payment, v..hen due. dIrectly to the
<br />payee thereoL Borrower shaH promptly furnish !O Lender ail Holl('CS of ;tlOOunts due undcr thIS p.\ragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make payment dirtx.tly, BOH<1\\-a ...haU promptly fumish h~ Lender receipts cvidcm;mg such payments.
<br />Borrower snaH rf(~mptly dilit'haIge- any hen whh.'h h...s prionty .'l';-"C'f t!n;.. MOI1~agc: pn:wldcd. !hat Borrower ~hall not be
<br />required to ducharge any :.\-uch jilZn w long ;'I~ Borruwel "hall ..l~rce li1 wrltmg 10 the payment of tht., (1bhgation :'lccurcd by
<br />s,uch hen m a manner acceptable !O Lender, ,If "half 111 go,-)I.'! I.ailh ",Dote..,' !\uch Ii~/l h\', or defend l:"nfon:ement of SlKh lien in,
<br />legal. proceedtngs which operate to prevent the ..:ntQf\"..C:JUen! of !ht:" lll:n \!r forfeiture of the Property ~)r an) rt thereof.
<br />s.. HazanlI~. Botrmvn 5-haU keep Ihe Improvemerl!s np\\ (.\ls-tmg {\t hereaher CfCl..'H.,:d un the Pro~ ..:rty Insured
<br />against loss by fire, hazar-d\ indudc..~ vdthm the- ferm ".;.\tC"odl;d Ltl\.i,.'r.:tgc' and '\.l1rh other halard~ <t-;; Lender m.tY require
<br />and In such amount'\ and for :-.tKh penoo!> ;J.... Lcn~j' Hl3j" t['qum;~ pn1\ldcd. that Lt.'nller ~haH t10t requm: thnt !he amOllnl {If
<br />such Ci.:weragc exceed that amount d .:llvcruge reqUlft:'d 10 pas the "'ill1l~ "C{.'Uf:::U by !hls Mortgage.
<br />The ulIurance ~arrie:r providing the iHsur.;mce 'ihall be dl(l-~en j--)y BQffl1.wcr subject to ilpproval by Lendrr: provided.
<br />that :'ouch approval ~ha1i not be \lnrea~lrlabiy withheld, :\ll pr~mlum\ no in":'lurance poiici~s !ihall ht~ paid m the manner
<br />provuied U~f paragraph 1 hereof or. Jt nv! p.ud in "-H'Ch manner, by Bnrfower m-akmg p.aymem, when due, \.11 rcctJy to the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />All insurance pohcies and re-ne",~I$ lrn:n:i.H _"halj he III lonn ,-l':ccplablc !O Ll:nJer ilnu ~haH lrH.:llldc <l standard mortgage
<br />clause io favor of and m Corm d~:'-cptablc {(' Lender. t...:nd~l ...h;tl! han~ the right to hojd the policies .ll1d n:ncwals thereof.
<br />and BorrO\\-'er ,hl,\U prompfly furnl$h to Lender aU lJ:ncWill tlI,Jti..:es and aU rCI,:,eir[~ or paid prenllums, In the c"'ent or Jos-s,
<br />8orn.'Wu wall give prompt notlCc h) the m~urancc ,;arnCf ant.! Lender. Lender may make pr\XH flf loss 11 not made promptly
<br />by llorrower.
<br />Unlas Le.nde-r and Borrower OHlef\\'I!'>C <.1gtt:C Ul wntmg. iU~lUal1("c pfLx:cei.!, shall be <.1pplled to restoration or r~pair of
<br />the: Property damaged. pro\'ldetJ ~uch reshHarion or rt:pa~r i~ c~onomkillly fColSible and Ihe security Of thiS Mortgage I'"
<br />not thereby impalf~d. If ;"Ul..'h restor-atll..-nl t."r repalt l~ nO! t'...-:\montK.allv fcasihk or Ii the .~ecuritv (\f' this Mortg<jgc wC~IJd
<br />be impairoo, the Insurance proceeds shaH be apph~d to the ~um:-. ~Ci;red My IhlS \1{}rtgage, Vo,tth the c:'\cess. if any, paid
<br />to Borrower. It the PtO-pert~. j~ aband(JnC'd h;.- Born.t-Wcl> ,ir It BQrfiy\.,.,:t (ails III respond to Lender within 30 days- (rom the
<br />date notic.~ is mailed bv Lender to Born,l\\'cr rhitt l:he In.s.UHHxe ..."aHtef offers 1<,) '1ettJ~ ~1 dauH: (or in':\ur-ancc benefits, Lender
<br />is authori-zed to c-oUecl~ and ~pply the insurance prtlC<<ds ~lt Lcnuer's npuon cnhcr to restoratlol'\ or repair (";1' the Property
<br />nr to the sums >C<.'UfCd DY Ihis Mortgage.
<br />Unk.ss Lender and Borrt)wer otherwise dgrec J!l wf!tin~. atl) 'iw.::h dpplicaUon \11 pw\:cc-ds 10 pflnclpul shaH not cxt~nd
<br />Of pi.\ltpone the due dale of. the nltmthly inSfaHmems referred 10 ll1 paragraphs 1 <-ind 2 herelJf (IT <:hangc !hl"- ~Hni.nmt of
<br />such tnstallment$;. If under paragraph Hi hereof the PrtlPcny l-:,.. aC~Ulrcd by Lender, ~fll fight, title aoJ mtereSt of Borrower
<br />in and to any lOSUf3tKC poiictcs- aad in and 10 the pro..:-ceds thereof rit.s.uhmg In..1m damage to lhc- Propc:rly prior to lhl..' ~aJe
<br />or acqumtlon shaH pMs to Lender to the c.\te-m of the ~um~ ",~I.;un.'ti by thIS \-f;,..rtgiJgt: Immediately prior II) sllch ~alc or
<br />~.
<br />6. Pnaen:adou aDd M"cft&lKe uf Property; 1.~JISC"b()Jds. Condominiunls; Planned Unit .De\'t\'lopmt"nts~ Borrower
<br />mall keep the Property L.1'i good r~palr and ~haU nm commit waste or pe-rnut tmpairmcnt Of deterioration of {he Property
<br />and :s.bati (;o.rnpiy with the provisions of any ie-sse d ~hh Mo.ngagc l~ nn ;J. kJ-~~hold. tf this r...toflgage Pi t.."1l .\ unit in ;J.
<br />c~ or a, planned UNt devdopmc-m, 80rfl)'~'ef .,hall perfUfl11 all u1 Ilorw\\'c(s obligations under lhc dccbratiofi
<br />Of t:.Q~ co::atml or .g\we-rfiUllt itle (:und-l)-llll0tUm or piann~d unit d~vd(\pnll;"nl, the by-.la\l.'s ;ll1U rqWl;Hiofl!> of the
<br />c~ ur-planned-unit,deYO-to-pment. and: \'~oIlMjmenf d,-'CUOlti-Ilf;;:., If a ..::ondQminiurn (If planned lHHt de\d'.1-pmcnt
<br />r. .J.~ ~ by Bonow~t., and rttotdtXi Wi-ether Wilt; iht~ Mongage, the (O"c-nams ,'Illl..! <Igr'e~m(":m.'> ,If "iHch niler
<br />-ShaH be j~i mto and shan ~nd ,ilnJ _>;l1pp-lemetlt the t.:lWCIHUlh Ml\l agrc(..nlerw. of .hIS Mmtgiigc a~ d the ritk~r
<br />-"piV\~.
<br />7.. ~ of,~~ Sftarii)'.. If Bl1-fn.l\\>'e'f f.uls to pc-tfvrm the. c-oVt"nanf.. ,H1d agtcemculi\, (~1-ntaHl("_d ill tht'S-
<br />~ Of _it ao)' ~'1iOtl or pt'Of.'<*:bn,s IS. i;oo'Unen~ed which matcnaUy nft'e\'~t!l, Lender's iruer-cs.t in the Pr(lpcnv,
<br />i.~ but.'~ hmtted: lO~ i!.mi~. tl:Gi~:.mjn, mwh',t..hc)'. ..:.odt' o::-ntor-;':-fmC1U, ;;\f ,lrranQc,01ent.'i N pwcCt.-"'timlt~ lln'~)lvHlg ~\
<br />~-or.~, then l...cndlw.lit l..e;Dtkr'~ ttpt"I1J-n. -upon nOlkt. if1- Bt)rt'owi,;{'. m.a)' ma\;c sU~7h ;lp-pc:.ua.nces. db-burse ~lI~h
<br />~ ~. tD.:e. ":0 .lllctKm ~ l\ ~~_ry to P101~.1 Lt.inOe-t\ !tHen:-llt. inc.hH.Hn8'" hUI l){.lf lin1;i~d 11-". thshursenwm {~t
<br />~ ~''- ~ an4 enu)' upon tht Pl'li1fit!'f'ly t~) make- rC.p.3lt" H} cndcr n~q-l.Hn~d nWfl~ASe In:o.!.:-f~tKf' 11.) ..
<br />t~.. vf ~ the- ~ ~W ~ th15 M\1rt;J~~, lJ{m{)\ll;t~r ihaU pa~ Ihe- pf~mHJm', leqmfcd w mainilltu ,,-tH.:h
<br />~~ in r.$ket lilJul ,.och- link ~jIj, 1m -uqv~(t:r1i\t.nt (or ~och ;n;w-n,u'C!:' teun;nate} .f. ,,*c'-'i).rdant'C 'wHh Borrt:.wcr'... ~md
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