<br />I
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<br />- r-.-----;..'
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<br />83_006310
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<br />Lcnd,':r's wriu...:o. :tgrecmcnt or J~'pficablc law. Borrower !>hall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner p-rovidcJ under IH\ragr;lph ! hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pur:mant 10 this par~lgraph 7, with interest thereon, shflll- become_ addiLtonal
<br />in.ucb(~fle:iS -ill' -Borro\\-"'Cr scchrcd hI' Ihis. MOrlg;lge. Ui'lle~s Borrower :unl I.ender agree to other Icrms of 'pnyment; ,such
<br />limountg-s,naU be pitY~lblc liP<>>) notice [mill Lender to fiolT('twcr rcqucst~n!! payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date- -of lli!ibur~cmen1. at-_the ratc paynbte from lime: to time on outstanding principal under'the Note, unless payment "of
<br />tnteresi at such-. rate would be contrary h"' applicable law. in which ~vcnt such amounts shaH. hear interest 11t the. highest rate
<br />permissible under- applicable law. Nothing -cont'lined in this- p'arOlgraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense. or take
<br />any, action hereunder.
<br />8~ _1U$pcction. tender may make or cause to he made reasonable cnlries ltpOn and inspections of the'Property, provided
<br />that 1.end-er SohaH give- Borrower nmace prior !o ilny such jn~pccti(ln spcdfying rcnsonablc cause.therefor related to Lender-'s
<br />interest in the ProperlY.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds c'tf any award or dnim for damage-so din~cl or consequential. in--connection' with 'any
<br />c,ol1dcmnation or other [~king of the Property. or part thereof: or (or conveyance in lieu of cl'mdemnatinn; are. hereby assigned
<br />;ltld shalt .he paid to Lender.
<br />Tn the event {)[ a total laking of ihe Property, the proceeds .::;hall he r1pplied to the SlIms secured by' thi~ Mortgage.
<br />with the CXCC5;S. if :lOy. paid II' Rorn.wcr. III the C'venf of :l p:lrtbl t:lking \)f the Propel'ty. nnles".Rorrowcr nnd, Lender
<br />olherwise: agree- in writing. there sn;IU he applied 10 the ,um~ 'i-('(.:ured hy lhi.. Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />,15 l-'t- c-qut!J to !I1M f\ff1Portio!\ wh-il.'h lhe amHum ,,[ !he- ,I.lm.., <;ccllrcd hy Ihi" Mortgage immedbtcly prior to the date of
<br />t-:lkjng hears to the (air market valne of (he Pn-"rcrry iOlmediafelv prior to lhe- diilC f't rnking. with the balance or the proceeds
<br />paid to ROfww-e:r.
<br />If the Property h :In:HldoTH.:,! h\. Hl1ffi)wCf. Of if. :lhcr no-rke hy Lender In Borro\W'Cf that lhc condemnor.offen.to make
<br />;If) ~ward or -scttfc ;1 ,:lai01 fClr darn:.ig~~. Borrower f3ih i0 respond h. I.coder within 30 days <lfler. the date such. notice is
<br />maHed. Lender i\ ;HHhorizcd ;0 .:;ollec! Jnd apr!\' the rro;:::eed~. at I ender'" option. either to fe-!itt)ration or repair of- the
<br />Proper-IY tlr w the- "-umr.; \~ct.lrcd by Ihh \-hH.!gage.
<br />Uf'i}cS." Lender and BO-rr(m'~r othcnv,<;i:,' agree In ..~.r!iin~, ;lny '<Hen ;~prlic~fion of prncec-ds to princip-al ~hnn not extend
<br />'Or pu-stpolle the due d-:ltc t1f th:: mmuh!v in>;f:lflmt'nb rderrcd In in p~lrag!'~:pb" ! :100 ~ hereof 0f change the a01o\1111 of
<br />'\!lch If1!'iJallment'J:_
<br />to. Borrol\'cr No.t Rd~as(.'d. F.\.l\"ns:~)n 1..,( tht' time f~"r p~l\mcn[ Pi' tlh'-(iificltin!1 of amortilalion {"If the sums secured
<br />by rhi\ Mortgage granted by Lcn,h~'r W ;i.I1V .\1.:,'ceSS.1! no lllt":IT"1 pf rhlff()WCr "hall 11(\1 "pen1tc III ['dcase. in any manner.
<br />lhe liah:filY of the I.Jrlgro;ll Horr(I',.I,:cr :!nd BNf\"'lW.~i"'... ~UC'4.';,;s"~;r\ in inh:-n:~l 1 (wier ~hall not he required to commence
<br />P((),:ccdings ~lp::-tHl"-1 ":'Hch "tlccc,,~or ,'i" ! dll"'"-' h' ";-\.icnd ! 1m!,.' fpr P:I\'llh'ot "r ,)lh(~rwl'\"-" modify aHwrtit<ui~"'ln of the sums
<br />..e-cur~d hy thi.. \1ortgag.c hy rca'wn ,,( ,HIY d":-f)land ~ll;Hk bv t1-l<.' ,'ri~mal Btlfnl\Hf ;111(1 BnTw\\'i..'r'S ~lH:;;cssnrs in intete~t.
<br />i 1. Fnrbe3r;tnr~ b)' Lt."tlde,- 'fir a Wain."r. '\ny !('rlH.":\ran~'t: [1\. I cndt'l" in C"\('/';;I"inJ; any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />(;therw!:.e ,df1.")rded My ;lppil":J.hl(' ..\w ,h,-Ill :,,'1 he- ;, W;llV...'f ,I! ilr precluue th\.' -l'xerClse oJ any such right or remedy.
<br />-TIle jlf0CUrcmcnt nf imur:ln>::"C" (If lh;: ;-'.l\'ri:wnl llf Ll'CS (~r ,'lhel hen.;; l'f ,'har~I.~\ lw r end-ef "halllll'H bc ;\ \-\'fliver of Lender's
<br />right 10 aCI:dcr;;tc the mahlrity ,)1 th: 'hkhtcdnt';;''' "~I..'ilr;d by Ihi... M\'rl!!ace~
<br />12. Rf'nwdir-5 C'umulntivt'. .\t r-:m-c,hc,> pHl\ t,h:d :1; t~l~-'; .\1\H'!I:;\!!C ,11.; di,>-tilKl ;Uld (Urt1H];lfiVl: \p any Illhcr right or
<br />fCfiH.;dy !!mkr PH' Mi>rt~ilgC (H' ,JtTt\n,kd I,. b\"' ,II ~qH!\~ .,n,l m;]\~ h' ,>q:I';"j',',! ~,1'\(urn.:n!!Y tndl'j1l:l1dc-ntiy pr :'iu.:ce<;;sively,
<br />13. SUl'("~"'or~ and Assif,tus UiJllnd: Juint and S\~H'Llt f.iabilit.\; (':lptiol1\, fhc .....PVl.'nants ;uld :lgll:l:l1u:::nt't herein
<br />C('lfHamed \htlll him!. ;.nd the right~ hCf-_';:;1t1a ..lnH ;!HHt.' U. !he l\."..p.t:"(t~\'i.~ \U;.'-"':C"'-<."'I"i i1l1d J5,..;i~1l'i l)f Lender anti BOfiower,
<br />"ubiect hI Ih~ pwvisHJns l.,i P';H .igur,h "" bcrt'~)f ,.\1; un'oliil1h. .t:ld <'If BlIrr(I\\'cr ..hall he joint (lnd severaL
<br />In.: (~'iptiol1s ,10J heaJing'i. t'( rh~ i~;lLI~f:-lph, :hi" 'd"~l!~J.~,-' ,,'Q'.-l,;ntCllct,; nnl\' ;md ;;rt' not III he u'i.cd to
<br />Intc-rpfct or Jd1n~ the pnw!.dom h'H",'1
<br />14. ~f)tit.~. FXi;.:epl k'f .l11\- tlP{h:1.' j~l,_kr "ppih:;;hk bw ;n t'(' 'lVi.'O HI anl'lher mann(:r. (J.) ~'"'" I~otice to
<br />B~)nowcr pro\'iricd for ,0 lb.i.. ~l,HH:;I~\' he ~':\~'J; ;~\ f"l.H'iuJ.: ~d,"---h n,>!h.;,. h\ ,',:Il1flc-d nl.lil .tddn:;-,,<;,C'd t<" h, rowel' at
<br />lh~ Prof't"'f!Y Addr-c-s.'..: ,'t ,I: ':..ii. h ,-itlH.'i ,..hire.." n"!f.>\~\'; ,k,>'!.;ft.ll'-' <'\ ilnllu' L) ll'nl!.er ;JS j)f(\vidCd h\.'rcln. .md
<br />(1;) .tn\' n0tlcc hJ L:mk:r -sh.;:di r.:..~ .'~~\t.' l-,~. ~c'nitkd ','Ill:; ,., ':'ll;!\.:\!l.'"d. ;,1 1 ~ndC'r'", ;Jddrt~s-\ ~tatcd herdn or to
<br />"i.llch ,-~ther ;lddR"-;;'i ,is LL"r~dt.t ;tl.l.: d~",lC:,~;jk in . ',\1] "l..,n, hn<.:in -\ny m":lcl.; priwided for 1:1 Ihis
<br />Mongtlge s.h.dI roe ,iecmcd!O h.!'\..' hl.'d' .~;',"j'n :.'} H,"::'<l\...n ,~r I C'nikr ~n\'t'n in !h~~ m:l1wer (hsign<lted nc-rt"in.
<br />IS. Vniform MOl1caJ:f: GHH'rnin# La~': SeH'rubUit.\. Hw.. l,-'rm ,'} n\nrlJ:z,~g~ ;.,imhint.,\ uniform ,.n'cnants for nallonnl
<br />\ls.c and non..uniftlI01 (..;\'e'n~'lH" ,;Ih Inl1ih.'d \.\"atiorl\ dH!.,J:-:ti"n Ii" b<nn~::r1};l.' IJ. unif(\rrn 'ieJ."urity If\<;tnnn.:nt covering
<br />tea! proren~ Thh ~iMlg;lgC "had i;: ;;,n;:l!1\.~d hy l:lC- ,', !h.: iOfl....lhcii(UI j;1 \\'hich Ihe' Pr0pcnv ;" 1{~cateJ. In The
<br />cven11h~lt an) F~l'v;sl~ln l)r ~'i;:Hl~ ,.{ ~!~h \fflll~~.i.(!t:" "r rhe ',Ill' ,,\nJIi..h wllh "i"phc;lblc Ln,\'. '>\lch i.."l'ntlicl shall nClt affect
<br />'Hher pf{w'l\ion~ .~t" (hi, ~10-f'q::~lg,: i'1: tlw ,>";t..!e \\ hh"t; <...~Ul ~'': :;1\\'"11 t:!kl..'i \'ddulllt the ,;,"1i1iding provision, .md to this
<br />end lhe pn:)\,t$k~lH df Ihe \h\rtga~t,' ;n,d lh..: '\\ti.,~ .l!\~ dt'.:i.J.i\:::d I:' ''It: '1';:-"-'.'lahh.~.
<br />]6. Bom)~'t'!'r'!i ('~lP)" B-orH-"Wt:f ,h:dJ be furt1."h,-'d i \..('l;t,lf11h~d \:'t'PY t"'<f lht' 'Jotc ,lilt! i'.f !hl:. ~,lortga~c :H ihe time
<br />\~f .;\<<tttJ-on or "drcr :>:ci..'rdtuwn hert:"\lf
<br />17. Tn:asfu (lfih-e Pru,utJr; Assumption. 1f ~dl ~~r any P;!rt iii the Pwp,.:ny or :10 intncsl therein j, :mld or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender'~ prior wrincn n.}l)\Cli!. I~\duding 1.11 Ih~ l.i\.'at!~m {Of a lien or em:llmbr;.H\t:c ..uborJinate to
<br />this Mortg3ll;e. (b) [he creation ,-.,f jj rllrd1~ht: muney ;,c-curjl\-" :;)[t;n:s.l for household appliance:s, (c) iJ transfer hy devis.e.
<br />d-eKenturby nperatioo of law upon !hedc-al.nof:J. jomt tentHH pt .1"t"lI sn.MI ~f '.' iT~ '.kii'if iPltJfU"u dIR."'llil ;ailffi. Elr Ius
<br /><q-:--> J(j' t";-;-j In:! : ~., r IV' fil1n'ArUY Ll'nJer may. at L:ndcr'::J, option, declare all lhc sum.;; ~ei.:lJrcd DY lhi$. ~-1(}ngagc to be
<br />Immediately due ~nd payable. Len-dc-r "h.dll have w;t!yed qi<;.'h opt '''3tq. i1r transfer. Lender
<br />anti -the person 10 whon, the- Propeny i, In hI: fl:old or transteHe-d r dcedit (If such person
<br />~~ satisfactory to Lender ,md th<11 the inh::rloC,>l paY"tbk on [he J,tlm'\ s4 . [1 such ratt:: as Lender
<br />shan requ<<t if Lender has waived the- 0pilon h'\ .\\.'Cderate provid ~ rower's successor in
<br />interut has elllC'CtH.ed So written as.'\\uHl'tion ,Jgn:emcnt ac~ep[cd in writing by Lender. Lender shaH rc-k:l"l:: Borrower from lIll
<br />obligation. under this Martg.1l" and the Note.
<br />If Lender e:!liC:fctses such option to accelerate. Lender ..h;;tli m~lil Borro......cr notice of ;lccelerali(\o in ;l:\:,~",'rdancc- with
<br />paUlJnph J4 hereof. SltCh notu;-e shali pro....idc :;:\ period of not ks-~ thall 30 di:iY~;. fwm the date Ihe- notice i3 mailed within
<br />which Borrowe.r may pity (he ~ums ded.<ir-cd due. It BOn't.'nIo'c::r Lds U) ray $.tl(.:h ;;urns prlvr (0 the t'\pinllion '-11' "uch period,
<br />Le.ndu nt.)'~ wirMmt fUrlher n{.Iti..."'C ,H. ,kmand on BorH'WIcr, invoke any r~mc-dje~ retffilUed hy paragraph 1 g here.of.
<br />
<br />Nott--UNtFOflM COVf.N4tHS, Borrower .:mo Lender hil"ther CU\"C1EllH ;md ~Igfet:' .lS follows:
<br />II" ~Ic:mt Reme-diu. M,.'ept- as pro"ide-d tn vard~I'Qph 11 hefoof. upan BOfnswer's br~ath or llUY ('t)ven-lint Of
<br />~ ofBonowfl" in lb. ?\1o-naaae. iadudina Ihe co'ena.ohi lO IHi)' when due an:t ."urns 5et'ured by this Mortcalle.
<br />t........ ~ 'o--_(~ shall mail notice ie:. nMrow~r m pnn'ided in JHtrqnl.ph 14 her-rof spedfying: (1) the hte'iK'h;
<br />(,%) elM ad~ ....rea to' cure ~th bfe~h~ (3) il date. flQi IrM than 30' day' f rum the dale .be notice i." mailed to 1l00rrowC'r,
<br />by wltkD .-.. brnc:b I'It-Wi\C' be ('"red; And- (4) lhat faihltt' to ,"'UTe ,1lou~h bre-a,th on o.r bef(tf~ 'he uate specified in th-e ilOU,~t',
<br />ma" A'Mtlt m -;t<<derattkm.,t tie .JiUflU 5i\'-('ure-d b.y ihl~ M,ortg~t", rnlc.d{)sure- by judkial pro\'t'~diAI4 altd '!loa"" hf the Pruputy.
<br />..... mMk1t:.'" hlrthcr b,t... Borrower uf (he tight to rrin$tate- utter .u,'('mrat.wn and tbe right to MSC'rt in ihe foredt'dUre
<br />~.tlM .....~ of- a default Qf' au}' other dc-feuse (j( B-orf1,l",M to 8('ccletadon and fotedObUre. if fh4!' breneh
<br />t... Mti-. -"'i& YM ~,~~ the ~.-e ~,~~L~ m. tb:~ ~,at~ L:t:nder at. Lender-~s: opticn ilia)' d<<laN' nU ()-f rh-e sums s~('uttd by
<br />l\oh M.......... ;_...",*"I} ".... an" l'I')"bk ,.IIM"1 fu,lher It....""" mod m"y (""",1(>.<< b) judklal proe<<dl.... Lend.r
<br />.... ~ 'f:-M3W to ('~-i tn t\Kb pRk,(!'ttdfnt aU t:t-peQ$ft uf .fort'cul!tt.trt. indud.ing~ but nul limUed to* ("()SH f)f ftocun;enuuy
<br />
<br />(<"'~;'~~;:?~hih!. Nj)1i1O'uh~tJ,jnd~f'-g L';niJn.~ ;ii:-i;..l,7Jr;J;',J;t,gn fef th~ ".u.n.\); ~c..':u~,i i~y 1hi~ Mottf:ti\gC.
<br />tl-t:t:,fflp.v~f \h<<t1 h:3'l"e th~ d'lht "','- hi%1,',\" ;Hry t.'iH);;:~e<.t:in~ ht:;~\!n hy 1.-CP(k;r (n ~nf~1.f:;>': lhi~ Mont~~.gt: ,jii~.on1:Hil,It:'J Jt :m-y tnlH:
<br />