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<br />I <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />83-1')06310 <br /> <br />UNIFORM (;'6V.fNANTS. Borrower ;u\d LcwJa l."OVCn~ult .tnd a~rcc as follow..: <br />L I~aynlent of I)rindpal and Interesi. Burrower sh;lll promptly P;lY \\ ht.'ll due (he prmcip:11 -01 and interest un the <br />indebtcdnt.."Ss cv;dencc:d by the Note. prepayment ilOd Ime c-hurge... as provided In lhe NOIC, and the principal of and interest <br />on. any Ftnurc ./\dvancc-s s.ecured by this Morlgagc. <br />2. Funds for Taxes :and Insuranf~e. Subject to applkablc I:lw or 10 a written waiver. by Lenuer. Borrower -s~a-U ,pay <br />to Lender on -lho d,ilY monthly instaUments of ptincipaj ~md intcrest qrc payah-Je under. the- Nptc. .umillhc Note .is_paid in (till.- <br />a -sum. (herdn "Fl~Jlds"') ~qu;rl 1\) onc~twd-hh of thl' yearly ~axc\ and ;js,cs'im(~ots, which may auain j)rinri~y: 0\1':'( }_hb:. <br />M-ortgage, and ground rents on the- Property, if -ilny. plus nne~hvcHth of' ye;tr1y premmm installrne:nts, for h~zan:i:_insura~c_e;- <br />plus o-ne:...tweffth of yearly premium, installments for mortgage msurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initiaUy':and-'from <br />time to iime by'Len-d:eT_on the 'basis of -as.sessmentS and hills and rcasonllhlc estimales Ihereof; <br />The Funds -shaH be held in an mSliwlion the depos-lIs or accounts of which are insured or g~arnnteed- h)i> a Fcder~Lor- <br />!\tate ~g:ency {including Lender ifl~cnder i... such an institution}_ I_cnder shall apply the Funds to pay said ta~cs, aSsc.'iSm~nts. <br />insurance premiums and ground r('nrs.. Lender may not charge for ~o holding ilnd applying the Funds. analyzing sajd~a_ccount._ <br />Or "'-e~jfying and compiling said ::is'ie~sment$ and bifls. unlcs..,~ Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds-and app~icAble law <br />permHs Lender to make s1.tch a charge. Burrower and Lender may agree in wriring at the time' of e,xecutJon -of .this <br />Mortgage that interest {1Il Ihe Funds :>halJ be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreemem is made. or -applicable . law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender sh;:tll not be reqwrcL! to pay Bmrower :my interest or ersrnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shaH give_ ta Horrower. '.vithout charge, .In :tlH)u,d ac-.-:ounting ('\f :he Funds ...lh""wing credits ~md debits - to [he Funds and'_ the <br />purpo,')e for which each debif to the Funds Wrl\ nude. Th~ Fllnd~ arc plcLlgc-d as additional security for the sums secured <br />by thi< Mortgage. <br />If Ihe amount of the Fonds held by LcnJc-r. Ii..'gcther \I.:ith Iht:' luturc mnu-thly in~l<llJmcnts of Funds P~Yilble prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, u\-sessmenb, iflsuran;,:c premiums .md grounJ re01~. shall exceed the .lnlOun[ require-d,to pay s~id taxes, <br />,usessments, insurance premiums a.nd grotmd rents a~ In,:1' [all dtil'. ;.l1-ch ....'<Cess shail be, _at B(\rrowcr's option" either <br />promptty repaid to Borw\\--er or -::rcdllcd \0 llorr-O\ver 00 monthly installments t"lf Funds. If the amount of the- Funds <br />held by Lender shalt not be sUlliclent to pay !axes, asscs~mer;ts. In"ur;iI1CC prcmmms and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower snatl pay to Lender ;tIl:j' .lnwUiH fle~C5S<lry to make ur the ddicicnc\' within 30 days trom the date notice is mailed <br />oy Lender ro Borrower requesting p<lymcnt thereOf <br />Upon payment to full of ail ~Hnu ~c..:ured b) thl" ~-h'lng,I!Z':. I cndcf s.hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph l~ hcn:or' the Propenv i" ',Ad (lj- the Pr,Jpcrn- IS orhen"'i,,,e acqlllrcd by Lender. Lcmlc_f <br />shaU apply, no !aler than uumcdiatc-l) rri~)r to (he ...ale of lh~ Property Of its acquisition hy Lender, any FlJOds held by <br />Lender at the tHiIC of application as a crcJj-: agaiml1 !he sum... ;,ecurcd hy tlw. .'v!ortgagc. <br />3c Application uf Payments. Cn!t'_i.5 ;lpp-lK'ahk idW i'r..nH_h::s olh~n..i~('-. ,i!i p.!ymCI1l\ rCl.:cl\'cd hy Lender under the <br />~otc .-.em paragrnph.s ! ~nd :; hcret~t .,hall he applied hr ! ,t'rHkr tirq in p;I~-l11Cll( pi ;\I)1OIlnts pay.tok to Lender by Borrower <br />Ilnder paragraph 2. here\JL then to mIen..,,! P;J.Ftb!c \ll! lhc :--';Ul\.'. lhen III the f'lrliKIP;11 ,)[ the Now. ;H1J thl'll I;) IOlcrcst and <br />pnnclpal o.n any Future AdYanccs. <br />4. Chargc.s; {.lens.. Bnrr\l~c"- ...tJ;di pa\ ,di Lt.....:, l,'>t;'....lPi...nb .~nd \'lilt':: ,', line:. ;lIhl lInposiuollS atlriblltablc h) <br />the Property which may aH.ain:l prh~rHY r''lil;.'f ~\:~, \h'rl;!i1g''':. ,jm1 k~.~dlnld !';I\m~I;IS \)r ground f~rils.. if ~my. in the manner <br />prQvi-Oe-d under par3gn~ph 2. :H;-r('{,f ,)L ,~ nd 1:\ \u..:h (n~1l1n(r h~ Borrn....-t.:l nn~.lng pil~'mC!l1. when du-c. directly 10 the <br />payee thereof. Borrower )ndli pwmpt!;. hI I .::nd<:r .Ii: ,,,-HII.:"':;" \)( ;\UW,lllb dut.: under lhl.:. paragraph. ~Hld in the event <br />Horro\\':cr ~h:l.n m;lkc paymt~nt \ilfl....:lh B;.Hn'W;.'1 "J,;ill r'ii'rilf'lh 'llliH,h !,\ L:ndi.:f ,cc..:ipt:., \,'Hlg \tK"h p:.ymcnt<:, <br />H"lfrO'4.Cf shaH promptly dl:'-l.h.11-).:L" ,~n\ il<:n ~\hKh [-i;1.. ~'ll''-;!t\ .'.,\.'1 ')-;1\ :'v!~'l!g,-lt;.':. lm.)\-']dl.~d, Hornlwt'r .,hall not be <br />reqUIred 10 i.h-sd!.Hgc- .!II.Y ~u..::h jl'~.n .,,'.t l'H1~ _l~ Bd,H_i\H:/ ..h~lu ~ii \,\.11lln1: h' If!": paym..'ul l\l ill~~ \}h!J~;tli~ln ~';:':l1red by <br />\.llc.:h lien in <I manneI acccrlabk ;,' L:nJcr. "I ,h~in i:, ;,1,.,>\1 ,inh.".! .,;i...n /1\ 01 ddt:nd l:nh)rL~..nll..'llt ,)t sllt:h lien in. <br />legal proceeding:! whIch (lP~f;l[l' 1~) rr~:"...!){ jhc ,~{jkr,:;,:;-llt:f~; '-', u' :,l:-!CItW<: 1)1' the Prdrl.;n~ .,[ ;(ny pan thereof. <br />S. HaZ31'd Insurance-, Born.)\\'-<.;'! "h;dl ~~,,;;p ,h..' tfHi1(".,cmI."Oh ,'r !H:fl:.ll!-cr l~r(.dcd Ilij l!ll,: Pi' in\urcd <br />agaHut loss- hy fire, h~l:.u(h lndilli...d '-'Hhni If!'.." (,'<,ll '\:''.It"\id...t "";t!; ,;lflCf h.IL,Hd" a\ I ;.:n<kr . 1;1)" r~qulre <br />and If! ~w:h ;..ft'tz'lvllb ~tlhj L,r "(li..~~ p..:! ll"j.. ,i'->- I !.:lldl..':! ,0.1( i \,:I\I1.:r -.twH !Hll r-e<-lHirl" th,H ,lit: ;l\Tll)l1r)t pf <br /> <br />?iuch ~'~~clt~~~r~;~~~t'~:1~i!1;;~lr '~:~i~~~JI'~~!;~ !'h~\~;l~~'~';ln~-: ~h'l,i\\:~-'~j~,(l)~J\ h\ Ik~r::~"~"l:ir >;l,jt_~:~,J;! ~':~'l.:~~~;~\'.il by I cndcL rrovlded, <br /> <br />that ~lh.:h :tpprovu.i !or-all U"[ t.'">: ltnrCi.l.~~H';ahl\ \~llhhl'id \H ;.i\:(WUm, \'1'1 lP".Jl',,';.'.; ptljl~les "llrd! hl' j'\~tid ;i\ lhc nH1l10cr <br />prov,ded undt:-r p3ra~ri.l.rh :: hen.'\\t \,!;'_ ; 1,,11. jJi.llU ii, ",..:h !ll;J<l.ih:.. b~ H,_)!ip~\cr lHakl;-,& p,~\'f:)cnl. \vller) dut', din:':II)' to the <br />~nsurnncG (artier. <br />AU insurau..:'c,''j. ,.oJ fen..'''\.!;, !h..:r,:;.~( ..h~l;i f\(, III !.':,~n ".~-\.'pLdd;: k ! <;!!,l<.;r "nd ",:;,11; 11l("lnd... .! ~.l.lndarll D1ong.lgc <br /> in [a\'of \~i ;wJ :1'1 h\fffi ;~;';":C"p\'i:1:~ [,--' i uld~r I i.:j\...h.:; ..h,l;! it,~\'I,- \h~. ~ Ilzl1r (" tllllJ Ih,,' P(\li":l,~"- dllt! rl'nt~\\-ab thereof. <br />and Dorrt1wer ..hall {lrlHnpll~ {~li!w,h 1;.1 I I..:noci' ;lillt:!it..'\\..ll i\;.i;:~;'::. <In,: :1il i\'\.-\.'lpl" (i[ r',llJ prt:milUlb. III lht.' ....\(':nt nf loss. <br />Hotrower shaU ~1\'~ prompt :lOw.:.... \;,} !he nl",UL1H~t;' -..,lfl'!\.'j "nd 1 ~ll~kf. I \.'ih).:, 111.1\ 11.1:d"t: rH1df j)\ 10\~ II not tlldl.k rromptl~ <br />by Borrower. <br />UnleSf> Lender .lnd 8-l)n'Jw':~l \)-lhcn\ .'>;'; ~(g{t:c /,:1 ;\ r;l!lig.. ,':\Llf.Hiu' ;'~f\~eI.:U" :.h<lll b\.~ ~Ippllcd III rc:;tonl.tinn llj" rcp.lir of <br />the Propert)' damaged, prm.'ldcJ 'ctJJ..'b !.:"tl.lratit~n or l;,:p~Hr ;~ (.'...::'..~!-l.\mi-.:;dl) (':.I'lf.k dfH.l the 'c....'mil)' of 1iw, Mortgage. I" <br />not thereby imptureci. H sw::h res.wr;t1!on Of l'epiUr !-:I n~..,t ;.'I.'lHh,mh:.lji\ ~...mlhk <.Ir II the ~l>~umy (If lill!> :-"-lortg;lg~ would <br />be lmpalfed. the ms-uraQ\.."'C pro~ccds- ~hJ:il be appiied If; !J;.C ~um", .....:(\lH::J by :hl\ t\.l\H1gagc. ","'1111 the eX'C~li. if ~\tlY. p..I(.l <br />m Bocf(.')wcc If the Propeny IS ;tb31Hj-{1r!l:u b;- Borrower. l~r il BorrtW".cf l,l1l\ !" H:,p-ond [0 lJ:iHkr \~.;"Hhin 30 days (rom the <br />date noti(,~ l-S mailed. bv unJcr !.J il-orrowcr ~~1i.H the- 11liUHH't"::C ;.-;n-na ojkr~ 1,1 ,><.:ilk ;1 l"Ltim f..:lI' la'lur~tnL'C ht;ndits. Lender <br />Hi_ -auahontcd to Ct-\]lcCl and ;,.pply lhe Hh-uratKe proct.,'...t,h at (cl1t.h:r'::. .'plnill \:.'jlh~r tu fes{tJri.~iion \~f Ie-pilif (\f the Propeny <br />or to IlK .ums securea by this Mortgage. <br />Unku Lender and Borrower l,lthe"", be 3gre.: m WfllH1g. dny ~{Ji.;h ,IPplici.lli...m \)f rroL'l:eds It) plll1..'lpal \hail not nrcnd <br />or }XlStpone tbe due date of tile mt.'luhh-" i01lt..Umems f(:f~rr....d hI In par .lgrilph" I :.tnt! 2. hcrc0t or ",'hange Ihe anl..:mnt of <br />such installments. If under- paragr-~ph 113 hereof the Prupe;rt}' i). ,:'-'4W[!:d by Lender. <ill right, {ide and HHcrest of Borrower <br />in and to an)' msurance policies ~nd in ~-md hl the PHKl:..'edS lhereof rc!:>u!nng irorn ;.!;image- H) the ProperlY pflor to the sale <br />or acqw,ition .shaH pass to. Lender h_' the exteut vi the SUIn$ ~ccun::d h: lhi~ M..1rtgilg-C- H11rneJialcly flnor [d "uL:n ~aic Q( <br />.<quaitioo. <br />,~ P:ra.netioo;aed M,ainknancc of Property; L~aseb(,11ds: Condontinium!\oj, })lanncd Unit Ut,.dopmcnls. Bo-rr~)\\'t~r <br />WU keep the tt-rnpet1y in good repair and shaU not commir waste or permit lillpUlt mel1~ 0" dCh,:l"it.'1ru(ion of the Property <br />and: -shaU -comply with the provision~ of any leMe If !hi:'> t~10rtg",gt;; l~ tln ;\ ka)cht'IJ. If {hi~ !\.-'1ortgagl.'. h on a unit in <I <br />~~iotwn Of j planned uni-l \ieYdt.1pm~[lt.. BouO'wu ::hall perform J:U of B('lrmw~r's (It'li:g.atlons lirh_h~r the -dcdaution <br />or -cove-nuts ere-alma-or governing the .;<.mdOffitn!Um 'i)-f pl<l!mcd ll1H{ dcvd~)prncnL lhc hy.h\\H ;md f\~gut~t1ions o( {he <br />coodotninium or planned unit d'Cvet~Jpment. and con-sttlUer'll documents. 1 r a rt.Hldtlmmium or pl:1nncu un It develupment <br />nder:,i~ ~ ,by Borcowcr _kttU reLoorde,Q f-I.~g~lher wnh this Mortgugc-. the ;';~H'ellants <HId ;igrecment\ (If $uc-h rider <br />:lht.H. be itleOtpWak4 i.o and shaH OinlCnd ~u\d s-u-p-pien1eOl lhe -COVt;n.lnh ~md ;'~.Ri-\.':emcnts fd lhi~ Mortgage as II the rider <br />"'''~" . parI heno<ll'. <br />7; ,~__of Le.dtrs Sec;l;Ifify. Jf Httfrow-er f.-His_ tn perform- the COVt::niints. ,Hld ;'gr(.,,'mellts contained iH thl~ <br />~ at it any a.t.tiop: 0r p-n:w:.eeding C'(lmmen(:cd whith rnat-cri-aU),' ,~H<:i,.~ts. Lender's IHl~n,,_~! in the Propcn\'. <br />ittd....~ hut- not lim_rt'td -to. eminent dOffUUft. tnr.n}vc-ocy, {:ode enfan;,etllent. \1[ Mrangemcnts ('f pnh.~ee(,fing_" involvmg ,'i <br />~tup1 ",t ~u-~ ihen t.eooer ~t Lender's nptl(!tt. upon no-lice to 1l0tl'C,W(:f. may Inake ;'jucn ;,'llll{'es. J!J\hu~ !>ud\ <br />~WM' uad- ta\. ~ ~f-iQn- u Ii: l1C(;e~r): to p<<we;cl Lender'! tnH1:reM.. tndudmg, OUl nt'lt limited to, d[~bur8I;':mcH( cd <br />1'~ ~f':'" Ius. and, -entf)' U_P(ttt the pc()pcnty to- Ui-tif:;:t- If t !Coocr rCtt~!jrl'-d f1H~ng.age tn~HriH!;CC ,1<, .~ <br />"~~t~ ut- ~'UJI-,ltw -loan ~-u'ted by tiu.'i MJ).rI~< il(.lrH;'v.'c~ f41Y the ~:on:_fnii)[nj!, _:\:,quu..:-d {., l!hllnt'-'lH \tn,:h <br />Lil~~'t!- if,; ,i';fk,;:ct. 'iJ-'tim \utn tune ;J!i ?f~ r~'4Utte.fnenl t1,1f 'li<<n !n~1J,;-o1;n~c l~nnil1i.1t~~ in ;~~CO-.d-3.[K~' ')i\fh lkn',_~w'i.;('" and <br /> <br />