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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />~-~~~ <br />83-006308 <br /> <br />83-D05402 <br /> <br />Len<kof\ "'>rHt..::n i.t-grccmem or applicable taw. Horwwer shalt pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provide,l under paragr~lph 2- hereof. <br />Any amounts disbur"cd -by Lender pursuant to this p_aragraph 7, with interest thereon. s.hall become- additional <br />~~t_ednes.s or Borrower secured by this. Mortgage. L1nless. Borrower and -Lcnuer agree to other tenn'i. of -payment.-,:soch <br />amotlnt~ slUt.!1 be -paY3.btl." upon notice from Lt:-nder to- Borrower requc:'aing payment thereof. and shaU _bear interest from'the <br />tiat-e of disburl'icment at the rate-. pzyabie from time to time an outstanding principal 'under the Note unless payment- of <br />inteTe$t 'at such. rate would tte contrary to applicable law, in whkh event ~lIch amounts shall 'bear interest at the, highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to- incur any expense or -take_ <br />:iny action hereu.nder. <br />S. Inspet-don.. Lender may make O[ cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the PfopertY-..-proVided <br />th.u -Lender shaH give Borrower notice prior to any "iHch mspection lipecifying reasonable c;mc;c therefor related -to Lenders <br />inrer~t ,in the Property. <br />9. eondemnafiotl. The proceeds of any ~lwar-d or -claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection w-irh any <br />.;;ondcmn-ation or other taking nf the P-mpcrty. I,'f part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are herehy-a.~sig-ned' <br />:ind ~haU ~c paid to Lender, <br />hl the ~\'enr of <I. to-tal taking (,1' !h,~ Prt"l:perty. the proceeds ~halJ he arrlied to the 'iums secured by- this Mortgage~ <br />with the C-XCC'I;S. if JllV, p,lid h1 ROrTN\'er_ In [he event ,~f a partifll raking ~,f the Property~ unless Borrower and-_l.ender <br />{~rherwi~c "grec in wrifing., there c<;h:lll be 3pplied to- the 'um.., :"lecurc-d by fhi~ Mortgage sHch proportion 'of the- proceeds <br />3S i'i e-qu~l In that v.:hich the amount (If the ";ilf'!1<i ,ecored hy thi-o; Mortgag-e immediately prior (0 the dilte-'_of <br />laking bear"'- w1hc fair market value i~f the- PrnpcrfY l!Tlmcdiatciy prior ICllhc d:ne nf taking, with the balance of-the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property i;, ;lhandoned i-Iy Bornv,\.-er. or if. ~tfr<e'r nNlct' tw Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to- make <br />:to award ()or ~eulC' a daim for damage"", Borr0wer frill:-- I!) rr'spfll1d ttl I ender within 30 days after the dare suctr notice is <br />malIed. Lender is , !n c0Hect and appir the proceed~, at Lendcr.s ('option, either to r~tofalion or repair of the <br />Property ()r In the ~ttm,,, \ccured h-y this. M(lf!g-,Jge, <br />Unks., i cnder and Borr..,wer i'!hcn"'!<"t' agree H1 ~..-riting. anY ,uch app!lt'Jtion f'-f proceeds to principal shaH not extend <br />or pt;1stpon~ fhe due d:u~ nf the morllhlv jn<;udlnWll!~ td~rr('d I('l- in p~lr.a.~faph" 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />"'Itch instanment~, <br />]0. Borro,,"er ,,"of Release-d.';n "f !he l\OH~ rt11' p:n-ment or nlc'Idiflcation of amorrization of the sums secured <br />by fhis Murtg:ajlc granted hv Lender h' .to\' <;,u....,,;-e\'i,1r j n intt.rc<;t nf BNfOwcr "h,all not i...""pcrate to release, in <!ny manner, <br />ihc li1tbifity j1f the {}rigill~l H....n,)wcr .n1-tl Horrc>\\t'r'" "UC('.."~~\-l-h in intcrC'-'it j t:ndcr ;;.hall nflt he required to Cl1mmence <br />proc-ecditlgs against _"-I1-ch "~fCCe'l\<1r ,1f refosc 10 t'\tc,~d lime (,1r p.\yml:nt ,.r OIhcrwi_"e modify ;I.nlortization l)f the sums <br />"ccHr-cd hy lhi>; Mort~ag{," r\- rt.'a"D!1 ,)1 ,Hl\' d~nund made h\- the Nt!:ln.'!l HOTr<.''.\'er ,md B('l-rrower's 'Ulcces.<;;ors in interest. <br />11. Forbeanmrt lw Lender Sot a \Vain'r. ,<\!1\' knhrar:ln,:c [Iv i ~ndtr in I"Cf,,-I<;lnU; an\-' fight or remedy hereunder. or <br />nthefW~s.e ;;tT(1rdcd t~v ;;ppli,:ah!c !-1\\i dull nnl j~ .: -",:;llwr ,'I d, pn:.'cludc !he ~x~r~ise \If ~Iny such fjght or remedy, <br />The procun:men1 nf insllr~n.;,..-c or The i1JV!11('I'lt ,1t 1.1''''' PI' J'lncr !il.'n_~ nr l'har!!:!'_\ h\' Lender "hall j10f he a waiver of Lender's <br />right W RC\.'I.'krate lht~ n1<iWrltV ,If i!i;,' :n(l\'hlcdrH.>--" '-<:';iJf;:d 11\ ;hl" \h,rq!illlt.' <br />11. Remedies Cut:nummt'. '\H remcdi(''; pf<1\'Jdt.'Ji ~:! rhi" \1~lrt!~;!gl..~ Ml' ,Ji,rinc: .lIlli ...:umnlatIV(' to ;IO\' (\ther right or <br />remedy under thi'li M1.;nga~ Dr ~ifi:tftkJ h' !.;\~' i'f cqUfI\'_ ,;nli md\' h,; '~:\.\."r":',..C'd ,',1i1curn:nth indep('ndcnlly or 'Sllcccss.ively, <br />f3. SUCCfi.ifO<< Dftd ~\~n'l.: Bnun-d: J'-.;nt and St<H'rnl t.iahiHf}': ('aptions. Tnt,; ..:~'Vi;"nang "nd ;1gI'Cement~ herein <br />-..::ontaine-d ',hall hin-(.L ;.lnd the ;'Ighh hen~undcr ",h~;l! ,nUll; In,, t!te n:"pe,,:ij'.'\;. '\li":'~.C""l'r'\ ;Uld as~,i~n:,> ,oj I cnder and Borrower. <br />,uhic\.'t fI._" the proYl.;i-nn, .'1f ~"\H_t;J,~nph P h~f\',]f '\H ';t)"I';i"m" ;In,j ,,1' Hnrn\wt'r \h:tll h: Joint :lOd severaL <br />The ;;.a~Hot1s ;-uld headin~" -c,f 111,-: p,H~l~nrh... d-i" \L';'IL":J\',_< :!fC .- \\l'l\Cn\l~IKt: -"pl\; ;UhJ _jn~ lHlf I{I he Hse-d to <br />~nrerpret or define tht~ pn,1vhi..-..(;, \'i\:.'r~f'f <br />14. Notkf'. Except f(1r l!:ft\' :w1i..:{' "!HL'f :d))',lif.~bh: I.j~~ \., he ~IVt'n in another mann~~L (a) any notice to <br />Borrower prtw;dcd ft1r ,~ ihi", :\1;Jngagc h'L' : ';"."n h . :1t,-,:iinl' "di\. h n(lll~~ hv d'flillcd 'n~lii In Borrower at <br />the Propc-nv Addrc..... ,'I" ;il "'th.:h dlh.e-r ~\JtJ:re-<,,, ,\~ H('lr,',-..~'! 'n:1\ d::"HHut~. hy 'iPll(_(' :;'1 fender ,IS prmtl. herein. and <br />(b') ~1n~ noh):.: !,) l.endn ~r1:lJllx' ('\<.'n h\- ~....nlti..:'d 'elurn :C,l'q'l !'cqnc"-H"d_ 1,' I ender'., ;\dJrt.~~., ,'il;]l>..J herein Dr to <br />s.uch \1t'her addre'S-'i; ,1'1 I t'l~d('r m;l\ d~"I~r.~ll-~' h "-,Pll':-': B{~rf,'\\cr ,1\ pro\Jd~'d hac\n "\nv Hfltict.' rnwideJ for H1 this <br />Mortga~e ShZiH tx- d~'mcd t.:;"l kl\C hl.'('''fI gi\'Cl\ h) Hl,lfw",n i' er1ch;[ \\hcn ~in:n in lhe. manner de..ignltle-d herein, <br />15. Uniform Mona-age: (;'Hu-rnmg La"". St<".t'rabilit~.. I hi, LH-rn \11 nl{lng<lj.:~' ~ (\rnhinc'\ unIform n'\'cnants for national <br />u$:.and onn-uniform ce\'(:n;Ul!\. '~Hh ilmH<.'.-I '".n;tlrn!'l\ r".' '.lft<:<1"X('P W ,:t'nSll1tllt' ;, \Hlifnrm "l.'l:uritj' in~trllmcnt I.'overing <br />real propeN\." Thh \ffJ.nga~c- "h:}!i 1':\:: ~t'\\'rnt~d h ~he !.\,!;,' ,d ,hI.: Cl!n~:dKIHm Jll which the Propc-rtv j<; ltJcated. In the <br />event that ;tny l-"rf~vi~I(Hl I,r i,:bu"-c ,If !hi~ \kH1\l'4~t: ;'t I!W :-";"1\' ~'-'llili,'i"- "~lih .~ppli..:ahk j;rw, '-lKh (oollic-I' "hall not affect <br />other pn:,vl,,-ion<.; <~f tMl'\; \-tofqza~c ;l~ (hi' 'Jnh.' 'Ahlt'h ,,",:" b~' :~\l'n dk'\:l witn,){!! lhi: \-\.mflininl.!. rr('l\'i~ion, ~md 10 this <br />~nd the rn.)\"i~i('1ns ..)( :hc \'1tl.rt~a~e ,11H.1 the 'q'h" ,ln~ ,!t:,'I.'l:".t>J 1,-' ~-..e <.c,nable, <br />16. BolTOwer1s Cnp)'. ROTr(1Wer ..hall be f1lnw.h..::-d ,i ,,\'nt.lnHt'd ~"f'V j'lt the Note -.tnd (If thi!>; Mortg~lge .H the time <br />1,)1' ~:\l:Ctltjon \)f :tfln rC\:l~rd-ation herC't.,f. <br />t7~ Tl'IIusfft of rtae Property. r\'\.":iumptkm, If ,ill an" [',.it! '.~t lht: Pr\'pctt~ ,w:'tn, interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by B()rTl:m"~r with(lut Lender's pnor ,voucn ,.~\n\en!, ,.:":..:!udmg: {,IJ rht:' ~,r-('ati{}n.(tf a -Hen. i.)f,em.;umb-ranee ~ubordin:ue tt) <br />thts. Morrgage, (bJ the .;reati0fl of ,I ptm..t~;,.':>e nwnc-y <,t.'<'::tHi!\ ink'r(:~! t'N househt1ld appliance... (c) <l transier hy devise. <br />de5ct-nt Qr by operation G-f ill\\. upon !h-e de_iun d ~i 1,"Ijm f>.:n;mt ut - j- tRII ~,~.-.~~ ~ ~..' liJRJlaiuhl i1mmrnt fff flu]] , ur__ iH IlliG <br />~.I Ttr-.' .81" pflf 1Il jI f' l..r.[j' tender mny, d I-t:nder\, ",'pupo, decbrc ;dl the- 'i-um~ secured hv this Mortgage to be <br />lmmedia(e)~ due- :lod payable.. Lf.~nd~r .;hail ~3\:C ';I.ul\'eJ c,H-.:h i)ptll..)f1 lo ai,;("t.:h.-r~ttc if. prior 10 Iht: 'laic fir transfer. Lender <br />and the: per$(.,n !o ~'-hQm rhe Propertv i.. !(I he "'-I.),ld i..'f !r-amferred r-ca.d~ .tgrt.'t.~!HCf1! 10 wntl11g:: th~lt the t.:redit of ~uch person <br />is s.a-fislactor;' h, Lender 3.od th~H the lnl_ere'! payahie ("'n lht _"Wll~ ...,,"cured h..- lhis ~f,.)ngagc ..hall he at slI.::h rate a\; Lender <br />shall r~uesL If Lender has waived ihc ~'ptH)n l\. ,U::c-d-cLH(' prOVided in t~i~ paragraph 17< J.nd if Borrower's successor in <br />interest has executed a written 1J$sumplion ag.reement ~1-ccep-ted in \\Titi'lg;: hy Le-ntler. Lcndei .Jtait reie;\se Borrower from all <br />obligations under ,h" Mortgage and the NOle. <br />If L~,ndet'r--.::i$CS S-lJ~h opti-tm to acceler;;!-\:, i <..:nJi.":f ',rnii Plai( Borro\,\'n notlCt: {\f .'Ii.:-.:c1emtllm in accordance with <br />~~talraph 14 he_recto Such HOfi,,-c ~hllU provide ~l ren(}d ,,'if fH'! ks.. thu.n ..~O davi- fwrn The dale the notice i\ mailed within <br />whkh Bur-ro..-er may pa)'- ihe snm~ cledare-d dtlC, If B.orro\.\er f.)d~ l-lJ pav :-;uJ..:h <'ums rril~r to' the t:xpir:Hjon ()f >;u~h period, <br />lender_ may, without funhe.r notic~ o_r demand t"n tk~(wwe.r. !Hvokc an~' rcmedic... pt:rmitted hy rara.,graph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />NOH~UN'lroaM COVEN.\NTS_ Borrt)wcr "oJ tender further (.o.....en,uH and agree it':, fGlkl-ws. <br />11. ,,~; ~ Es....,.... p",,,iMellu pafllfl'lIpb 17 bfl.of. upon Borrow.r'. broacb or Dny rov........ or <br />.....- of Ibis ~. IACI>HIiIIIlllle '0.......'" In pay wlle.. due Bny SilO>.' ..,ured by Ibis 1\1........ <br />~ JIdeO'. t.~ oW mall notkt- I" BorroWff .. p<<nmeclln pa'lI\!nopb 14 h......r spedfyillll; (I) the bmo<h; <br />lIJ_IICtloa................. _I> b.....<I.; Ul . elat.. not 1_ I""" 3D days from Ih. date lite noti.. is OI.iltd 10 Bo....._r. <br />..,...... ~ ~ _ he <utt4; """ Hllh'" !aII..... I" rur. _III....'h OR ... befo,. lite d.t. .....,ifietI 10 th. nelke <br />.. -"..~ of lI1a...- "", by IIlk MOf1&lI\!., by ju<licial ......""'dl..g a>HI ~. of the 1'ropet1y. <br />11Mo ........... t10rtMf ,......m a.c.r.- nI'he ric". to ..iM_ after ",,_io" and lhe richl I.. _rt In the r.......1olntte <br />.............._.......... of . clofnk 0' any o'be, der- of .........., '0 Kr.Ie,atlon and ,....._.... If ,be bre..,b <br />10_ ~ ... ... W- tM Me ......., In lbe ....11<.. bade. '" I..,...... <>pIiua .....y de"'... all o( tb. _ by <br />_.......100.. ~y.... """ pay'" wit....'" funhe. demand 1m" _ r......k_ by judicial ~.... lee_, <br />...................~.... _b ____,.Jl n"""","" of 1__... lod>HllnK, bot not Ii_" In. r..... of _om.mary <br />~.~......tlde.""",... <br />1'. ~.-...... kt R-t~. N(HWmH>j~Hidm~ Lemtt-r'j; .,h:\.de:ritl1-l;''m ~~>t the ';llm!i ,,<::l.:HH.,d hy till!> Monga-}tt'. <br />~:r~ lih-.-n -M'<<" rhe t'911 h,"P h-a....i'! ~H'r PH'-'\itt~m"J-- ~:g-lHl h} I ~ndc:r W ('n{(1<[C-C thi,,,< MtH1gilgC dj~..untlHHcd :..t ;tn.)' {Hue <br />