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<br />I <br />83-J)0540281&.~ <br />3- U06308 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />L;SfFORM COVr::'I:,\N'I.'>, Borrower ill1d I,enJer covenant and agree <is follow~: <br />1. Paymt>nt Gf Principal and loterest. Borrower ihall promptly pay .....-h('o due lhc principal ot ;lIld Intere$t oli the <br />indcbtednc~<; eVIdenced hy the Note, prepayment ;me laIc charges. ;IS provided m the NI)IC, and the princIpal of and intereS'r <br />on any Futur~ A,d\lancc.. secured by this iv1c'!ftgagc <br />2. Fonds far Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law Of to it wriucn waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on (he day monthly installments of principal ,and intcrcs[ Me payahle under the NOlet until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Fund'l.") equal W nnc4welfth of lhc yearly laM:, and as~gsments which may attain prjnrhy over 1his <br />Mortgage, and ground rents {lfl the Property. if any, plus nne-t\\.'elflh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium JfistalJrnenrs lor rnorigage insmancC', if any. all as. reasonably estimated initially and from <br />rime to time by Lender on the ba,o;is (l-f ;1",s.eSSfilc-nt1> and hills ,lOt! r~aS-tJnable estimates:- thereof. <br />The Funds ...haH he held in an lnslitution the dept)slt~ (If accounts "t which arc insured or guar~H1lced by a Federal or <br />state agenc)' I including l._C'nder l'f Lender i.. 'lIch an institUllOn), fender :;hall ~lpply the Funds to pay s.aid taxes. assessments, <br />Insurance premiums and ground r~nt:;. Ll.:'nder may nOl r.:harge tor ..,0 holding and ilpplying the Fund:-.. analyzing .said account. <br />or verifying and compiling ~';:l.Id ,1SSC5s-me-nt~ and bil!..., unless Lender P~lYS- Borrower interest' on the Funds ~md applicable law <br />permits Lender 10 make such J t:.'nargc. }h'~rr()WeT and Lender may agree in wrlrmg at the lime of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest (11) the Funds ...,hall he p.u-u to Borrower. and unless :such agreement is made or appljcable' law <br />requires such imerest to he p.Jid. l.ender shall nol he required to- pay Borrower ;HlY interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borro-wer, "I.<i'ihout charge, :i.ll :lflllU;J! ;h'::i..:nlil1tin1! l)t' the FlInd~ ~IH"..~'lng credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose tor ',\;'hlch c.tch debit In the Funds W~l~ Ill:lJ.:-. The rUl1d~ ;jf~ pledged 3~ additional security for the sums secured <br />hy this \fongage <br />If the .amount uf' the Funds held by L-cnJ~L together \.~ ilh ihe future munthly inswJlmcms of Funds. payable prior to <br />lh~ due dates (!f 11I.X('::->, asst'j.:')meIHS. ll'lsur~ncc rr~mtum5 Jill! ~nlUnd rents. "hall c>..cced the umou!lt reqUired to pay said taxes. <br />assessment'!. m$Ur<tnc~ premium, and ground rents as {hey Lil! .iw=. ':i\lch c'\c~s_s (,hall be, HI Borrower's option,. either <br />promptly repaid to BorrO\i;cf ;:>f ('n:.~ltf:d to B'-' 1.,/1 monlhly ul<.,laJlmcnls e,f Funds, If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender \haU not he sufficient to pay iJ\e'3'. ,1,;;seS'i.'11e.nts. :n"llf:lfH':C pie-mltJrnS and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower snalt pay to Lender an) :iffiOUiH ne-..:c.'\-..",.H\ t{l ;nai..c up the lh.~1JCiI."!1l..'Y wl1hm 30 d::ays trom the d.i.lte notice is mailed <br />hy Lender to Borrower r-c-qucsnng pa.~ mt."!lt lhen:\IJ <br />Upon payment m fl,H l,t all 6.Umfl "ecur('tl h :h,,, \krq:~l~('. l.endL'f 'ihal! promptly retund h) Bflrrower any Funds <br />held hy I ,enaCT- if under p:tfhgraph 1-" hcr~OI ilk p!,\pL'n\ '~",1id .'f (tit' P:r\lreff\' !s \.the-f\vj"e acqum:d by Lender. Lender <br />shaH 3ppiy. on later than Imml'di:HCI,\ pnuf {;.1 th\.' --:J.k ,11 l!1\.' ,1{ Ii', .il..:t4UlSIllOn n) Lender, .UlY Funds held by <br />Lender al the tmH:: of appIH.:,Hion ;t,,, il ,-rt~dl! a~-<iJn"l 'he sumo., "c":_Ufcd tiH', .\Iongag~'. <br />]. Application of }'ayments.. Lnk,,_\ ,jppi,~:ahk l:IW pr\1\;d~s ,.th..:n" hi.'. ,Ill p:.l)'mcflts rc..:civcd by Lender llluJer the <br />SOtc p,lra?raphs j a.mi ::. h~te>lt' "h;JH h.; ! ...ndCf I1r" I;: !,,1'.nlClll \)1 am\)unts p3)'ahlc 11) Lender by Borrower <br />ander paragraph 2 hereof. {hen to lOlCf>:'~ "'Hj~('_ 'htT (.' !!K J'n'lClp.l ;Jt lhe Ni'lC, ;llld then to interest and <br />prlncipai on ;my FlHur~ Adyancc\i, <br /> <br />the p~~~~::~:' -:~~ il ~~~ ::~ l~:~ ~:;, ,~'!tI1~~ ~\ .Il'~':( ;~: I ~ \ 1 \..1 ~~;~\_~l: ::~~) \:il:~:t:( :ii~;~::l ;:':~~~:~~~: l/i;;~::H~llf~d [~~~~~)~~ll,: ~~~, :li~t :~:}~:~n~~ <br /> <br />proVIded under pl)ragri:iph :;. hl.~n.~r..j ,"'I' ;,.'1 l",H-iJ ir~ ~i1l...'1^: nl.liilH--r i,\ /{""[1\'\I,,,[ nl~tklH~ pa~l11t'nt, \vhen due, directly to the <br />payee Inerc0f. llorrn\.\'cr "h~il ~'r(.mpu\ r;,fiW.:' " J cnck~ ,dl n,'lh.T. (>I ,;mount" dul,? Hnder thi_.... p3f:1graph. ,md in the event <br />B-crro\i.'er sn;i!l male pavm~n! J)r<':-~-lt\- IL.'lrl~~\" i ,H,'\;\P~!'< i'Jf!l;'>.tl I ~;hk'f' 1"l'"\.'dph ~"\-ldel1:.:lng ~u~h paYHlcnts, <br />Borrower "huH promptly dJ:....:h;~:,.:::~ ;\n) :,;,:r; ;,< h;,j; ;1-;', i'fhJ!;t', ,",,'r r!J!'" \hlrtgil~':" nnVtJcJ. Ifhtt HOf'f(w..-"C'r ::hall !lor be <br />reqUlred 10 dJ.M:hMge ..lll) "tH.'h hen \d h~!ll~ .,,> B..;rll',q:: '-(Mil hI !hl' pa~-mcnl \,i Ihe obligation s,cl..'tJrcd by <br />,>uch lIen 10 J. marmer aCi.:er{;~hh: :,' !.n1-d~r. '" .-h,,;i '.;,,,n h\ df llefe-od I.:n!\lfC'cmcnt 01 :.,u(:h fi~n m. <br />legal pnx:.:crun,.::-; \',hIch {'!"'.:rJH.: Ic~ (,I;',,::nl ~'ll~,-:. ,'r !t>rh':l;iJ':.,: \'1 Hi,: p,'Pf-l.:'I!\ ,If ,!flY part thereof. <br />s. Hazard Insura~c. B(\np'\.~~:. -j,;.:.i! k..:-.::;' n":-f\.c:!U'::1 nCdJ;J ,'0 the Pfl'pcrty Insured <br />;igLUfi:'H klSS fW tire. haLards Hh.ill-u-",'U \\l~i'Hn !_h,: ,~'1!: ;.ud ',Ih.h ,.!tlcr h~(l.Jrd" ,1'1 I ;;ndcf Hlil\' rt:~lllre <br /> <br />~;:hJ~,~~:~}:;:J~'-~i~.~~~~l:;~il::~n:~'::l!\'! ~::.~L:_:~i,:,/~~~ ~'illk' ,~l;li j \'fHkl ,haU !jdt H'-YHm: rh<lt tht; ,,(lunt \,f <br /> <br />.".. ,.,', '. ..',;:,'.,.'~J. '............".~. ','..._t,~" \ 1(l1'."ij,.',~[,~,<:,.. ,\','. h)' I."",c'''r.. ;)r^.,...ded. <br />The IIlSHran;.,"c i,.,UfH:r 1"h.-'-vidl!l~ !h,~ ;1l\l;. .Jn~!.' H... ~~,. u.;:.. <br />th:u :-.u..-h appn.yval ..haU rWl h.' ,:!'lI~('.l,>,''!\ -c\lltith:'iJ. \Ii f1rn;, .,n }il~UI.ilH.:t: pi\h\.!l.:'''> ...hall h\' paid Hl Ihe manner <br />pro-nded under r-..ara~rnpb 2: !;;,:;c.,r ,H. ;'1.'1 ~'<l/d ii: -,r,,-n Fn,ifllk'; "\ B qrt)',~e[ maLllf: pJ.~mcnt. \\hcn du~. thrc,,'lIy to the <br />m~ur--J.ncC' ,'arner, <br />All in\urmH..'c P{'fldt'\ ,~!hl h:nl,;\\ ~i;" 1 It'r(";'' <br />d.llUlC 10 Li\'~lr >.\f ~nJ In Lntn ~h.n:PL-1-ht'~, ~ ;lli....r <br />;toO Bott:.m.-er "h,.dl plomrH~' t\!rm,>h h' I \"~mil.:i '~";>\.'! <br />Born)wcr shall gIve ;~rl..~rnpi nuti,,'-i: 11., ,!1(' ;:l.~U;.\:,..~ ,,,lr: :,'! "nd t <br />hy BOfHJwcr <br />Unless Lender and 8dn\"\\;:, :1{h~n\nl: d.';':'!':;':- ~': ';:!,nJ!, .In'.-:.' prp1.c~d~ ~i1ajJ f:..:: .1Prhe.d :,1 r~...ior.luon l.\r rqMir of <br />the Pn'-perty damaged, pf;.\VIJ~J ,.:;,:ll ft~~l.lIalit'n "1 .~T"1it :) (,-'," hHJ:il";jil~' '.:.....lh1..: ;wd !he '\ei.:Ullty \.1t thh .\1ortgagc ;.., <br />not thereby impaH'w. It :'lh.:b :C)wr.HH~r, ~'!f f<:P;ll, ;., !h"i l',,'--'HP!HJ\',tiJl, f\:~i"lhh.;. ,'I' ,t lhe (Ii thl:.. .\lorrgagc wouki <br />be unpaired, the W/iur-ancl" prtx1.'t':t:h "hi.'ili be ~lprht'li h' !ill'.' '-.,mn ,-:...urr.:J 1'> thl'> .\l~ingageT the eli":t'~~" if ~l!lY, paid <br />(0 !klffowCL Ii the Pcopen\ ;s ,1h;J\I"j(,.n>:.d h H(~I!l.I\\--':-~-. l". !! BOft\I\\o~r !:ni... ,'I le"p,-)!1ti Itl I ~'llJt:r \\!lh;n 3() day'S tr,-~rn the <br />date- notlCe b mailed by Lender hl i:h:Hfu'",,'cr lh~d lhl.' ;J;~ur,m.:c ~:!n;a \'th:-r~ '<1.:Uk: .l ...'!;lHll hH 'n~urancc henctib, l.ender <br />15 authonzed to ;;t1Hcc[ and >lppiy the !;-l"Uf<U1"':~ t'l\~-C:CJ~ ....( I ,-adt:! ~ ,'plhln -t.::lth<:r tu rCSldfJ.twn l'r I'<.':pair 01 the- Propeny <br />or to the sums ~..t:..:med h)-' thrs Mongagt" <br />U11les.s. lender and Ik\fH'lWtT \"<,h<7rWbC -1~B:e H) ~\ rIling, "<In 'lld~!i....\!Jon \1{ rr\llt't'd~ l\~ r'f!l1'.:lpal ,hall 'hI! extend <br />N poupon~ {he due uate of !he n1\lJ1thl\ m<,laHmcnh rt.:H:!'rt:-(j t,> 1.-, parJgrapih ;1110:': tl~'fC~~{ i'f ,.h~tllg(': the affi():ml 01 <br />sw;b m~h'tlimems. H uouer paragraph ig hereu-! ;h>.: l"H1pen} t"- ;h--;tllit:',J h L!;ll.<..h:r. ,lit ug.hl, \It!c ii/hi Inten..~t ~ll Borrower <br />In and to an)' illSuran.;:e pohc-ics ami Hl and !o :h-c pmi,;ct-d!l lhcreoi re'i-uliing jH1m J.iHMgC tn !be Pmpef(~ poor to the ~ai~ <br />or acq~lbon mall pass to Lender tn- the e.,'\tent ,:)t !h~ :--urns "t,;'~urc-d b-~ llH" \-!ortg;lgt: ,mna:dhilely pnor to :>uc-h ~;tle or <br />acquisition. <br />6.. .P'ftsen'.tioa a1ICl MaiaMnaIK't! of PrOJK'rt}:;; <.'ondolUiniunb-; J'bmned Lnit J)n'elopmeofto.. Borrower <br />_$baU keep the Propert}' in. gcxw1 repair and ....haH nut ~onmW \l,-~:,,!t: ur ~)ClmH im:p~umenr N dctcfwr-ation of the Property <br />;and "lba-U -ct..\fnp:I)' with the proviS:II..Hl\ ,,)1 ,my ie-_a~ J! 1.hJ:-. \if'rq.;:a.g\.' I, on "- 1"'.n.dh.1!d. U !!1l', .\Iort~agc '" tH'l a unit in a <br />condominium ll,!' ;;i pia.t\MU tuut de,'C:k'pmcm. fhJH,Y.'CJ \twll pcrhnm ,Ii! ;-'1 U(Jrn.w.~r'" .,birg-atH_lllS under the- d\..""\.:larauon <br />Of -covenants crt'atiug or f;ovetnmg, ~hc U)m!uIlU(}1uru ,)[ pt<mnl'o UlW ~k\-'dupn1l."nc II'/{:!i <lUU fcgulatam~ \Jt' Ihe <br />l..~lfIdotnifl!wn (u planned unl! development, dfui ...:OUS-t1lUCnI dt..l<:Unh:nh" !! i.l n1fl\jofiliflJum or phHloeJ UO!t ~!t.'vdj,JplnC'm <br />ndet j$ ~MlCutcd- hy Borruwer and fccon.ied tu~dhe{ wuh Tfll!t- ""hH1ga~~. ihi:: \.:0VeUanl~ .md .lgreemeJH~ ,,-I! such tHier <br />~hAll!tat-cd Ullo ~ud s.baJJ .lmeoo ,UK1 ...upph::ment the- (:\)Vi;rW_flb <lnl..l agfccmeHH (If !tll~ ~lortgag~' a,; If the fh,kr <br />w_ a p.u\ fu:mlo(, <br />,~ ~ -01 f~~ SKurily. If B-offH\\:t:::f h-,ih to pt:rf~)rnl the ';O~'en"'fHS Ulh,1 a..grecmenh ~'.'ntnHlc-d In thl" <br />MOI1-,.. or jf ilnY atbon- f1t ptoceeJ:ng f'> ";('lmrtlc.nCt>,J VrhKh matcri.3Hy HIlt.'-i'b Ltnder'" nHl;;rt"'\1 in Ih( pf(\~""rty. <br />~~, but w timited ~u, t-,miMm $)tl\.''Un, !1i~~jvt::!){~y, I..r~:- \.-~tn-f\.tme.rH. or ;HT:;mg:ttnenh ";)1' prn".:t't.-din~\ lllvo!\'mg a <br />~ ~~f ~cd:em:, ~M,n L~-nder at 1 t'-m.h;~f;,. '-'f-lHi.m, np;,m nN~1.:.":C h,. aiJ-nuwr~t" "Hi, male '!>lIi:h ;lP-I~~Ltfl~'e~, dt'-li-hua~ stich <br />M~ .ai, ..'- ~- ~:tkm. ioi.' !l. ~~afr hl PWft'-U i...(~n,j,ef\ II1!Cfc..'H" 1;h.;fUJHIl;:. bUt n.)! lli'Ult"('J hJ. i.,h~bur$cment ,,( <br />rt~ ~~)'\~ t~ ~ uJtf)' \ll'>tlH the, l'l'oJ.'K'ny fo. m..iil..e fCp<t!{~ i! lo;n\k:-r 1'""*1\1"\:"-(1 l'iWn!<l.(j~-C Hl"Ur,l-IKC ,n 0' <br />,~-iou of nMl-tn, d~ fOlil'it ~-\';vfe\t hy !two: M~~'rti~8C. rJ-(~H"-!*"(;r ~kdl p;..y ,hr. pn:nlHHH>;, Ft'1..fHlI('_d L1 nhHn! "'lId, <br />{AfoU1~ tn \:JfUl un!.l, :l-ttl.:h tmm .if)\, frJ.(.\ r;:::q-Uit.cfl\liB1:t fm "-i_l\.:h ,\:e ~amE)~He5- 11'1 :l<:I..~)l~n-Ci: -"\'l!h fk'H"p..~'<::r'>; ~u-ld <br /> <br />:,,' iU <br /> <br /> <br />1.1 ! .dhi .,:,,Jl! lIh.ludc :~ ',!;Hld.mJ mortgage <br />:1\.' n.~h( (,\ ! 111..... p,.jj\.lt;:" .lIlt! r~!lt:\\ah thereof <br />!\:~L'lph p.lld pr~m!lllrh In !ht' ~\'C1H \\1 k."... <br />1 t,:',hh'l Pl.!\ l'l.'d-.': fH(i"t (\1 In...s 11 lh~t null:..: {'r(lmp!!) <br />