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<br />83"-- 006246 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />9. ("~Jldl'mtl.dif!n. ") th.: :l'l<h..'ccih (If 'any .l.....afd l'l \:laHll In!" dal1li.lgc.... dlrct,.:t or con~cqucntial. in connccthln with an~ <br />condenlnallon or other laking of ,he Property. or r~lrt thereof. or for Cl.lOveyancc in lieu of condemnation. ,Ire hereby assigned <br />and shall he -paid 10 Lender. <br />Tn the e\'ent nf a-,tot~f taking of (hI: Property, the proceell'\ shall '.he applied to I,he, sums secured hy"this _Deed,' ~f Tr_,~sl:' <br />"With the, excess. if ,any" p~u(l (0 BOfrowtr. In the eVent of a partial laking' of. the- Pro~rty. -un,less . Bl1r,r;?wer ,an~-_'_Lender _ <br />otherwise,agree)n writin_g.-thcrc,-shaU bt; .Ipplicd 10 the sums .~cl:ured- h~' thIs. Deed -of TrusLsuch-_pr~lXlnio~_ -~f lbe_~pr~ee~s'- <br />liS is c4ual-to tha,t proportion-which the amount of the ~ums sco.:ltfcd' hy thi!'t Deed of Trust Imm~di~teiy 'p~qr' toothe':~,at~::cof <br />taking:~;trs-~o-thc fair market value of the Property-jmmediately prior to the--date of taking,"with'the balance"ofthe-':'proce~~_ <br />paid to_ ,Ik>rro\\,-er. '_ "', . _', _ _ _. ' _ ' _ _ _'~', __'_ ;' _:':_',---, <br />Ifthe.Propc:rty_ is ahandoncd by Borrower,-or if, after nOlice by Lenderlo-Borrower that t~e ,condernn'or__~,!et:s:tp_::,~a~~_-"" <br />an-awitrd-,or settle :rduim for damages, Harrower fails to"respond 10 L<:nder'wilhin' 30 d,ays:after the-:-da~c--s~c-~:'_fl~~i~;~j~ <br />mailed,'Lender is authorized tv collect and appjy the proceeds, al Lender's option. either to--res_toration-'or :i'~pair- oCthe~- <br />ProperlY or to the sums secured by thi~ Deed of Trust., ,__ , ,- ,,_: .' '_ :_-_: _' - ':>_,,,: <br />Unless Lemler and Borrower otherwIse agree in wruing, any ~ut:h applil:ation of proceeds .to__ princ1ral ,s-h~,\t: nor e.xt~ryd <br />or pos~ponc the .due, J:HC -of the monthly installmcnls referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2- h~reof 'or change-_tne: n~()unr oJ <br />such instaUrnents, , ' ,,' <br />to. Borrnwer !'tot Rcle3.."ied. EXfcnsiolt of Ihl.: time for payment, llf m(ldifi~alion 'Of 3mortiza-'i~m'-('lf the'_-:su.!1~-s:se9,liJ~_4"_" <br />hy this D~ed of Tru:-.I ~ranted by I.ender to any :\UCc~SS(lr m intere~1 01 Borrlw.'cr shall nOloperatc' to release,'- in '~n_}t_nia~":~.t: " <br />the liability of the onginat Burrower and Borrower's sucCt."Ssors in'intcresl. Lender shall not-- be --require~.- t_?"coO)Il1~~c~, <br />proceeding~, <lgainsr stich succes<;.or or rctu~c to extend time IlJ.f -pa}'ment or olherwise modify'- am~"izati(ln ,<:'if- -the 'sums- <br />..,;ccured hy Jhis Decd of Trust hy reason of any demand m:ld::: hy the nrif!inal Borrower and Borrower's successors- {h irfe:r,esL <br />I!. F-t:rbear.mcl' hv I.cnde-r !'in! a ''':1her. _\nv forne:lr:ll'1ce_h\.' f ~nde:-:o l~x.l~rd~,n~ ;<.1"'-': ri~~l-r.r-r"'rru"{h.':'}'J"',r,:'-(H. <br />otherwise :IITonJeJ _hy a-pplicabtc law, shall nut he- a waiver of or prcclude the exerdse ~lf 'iiny such_ rig!:.l :~or. re_medy. <br />The procurement 01 insurance or the paymclll of taxes or (lther liens or t.:harges by l.ender shall not be U' waiver of lender's <br />right to accdcr:-ue the maturity of the indcbtedness-:-.ccured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedics provid..:u ill thi:-. DecJ of Trll'it arc distinct :mu cUOHllative to ',an}'- other' right <br />or remedy ,under this Deed of Trust or afforded hy 1:lw or equilY_ and may he exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively, <br />13. Successors and Assi~ns BUI!fld~ Joint and Severnl Liahility; C3ptions, nil' l'tWenants and ag'reem-enfs herein <br />contained shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, Ihe n.."Spcctive succc~sors and assigns of lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hen_'of. All Cl)VCI~'-l!lIS and agrce:ments of Borrower shall be joint and - seVeral. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraph~ of this Deed llf Trust an~ for convenience only and are not to be used tb <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />14. l\otice. Except for any noti..:.; requtn.'d unucr applicable hlw to hc given in another manner. (n) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he given hy mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the ProperlY Address or at such other address as. Borrower may designate hy nOlice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any notice to Lender .shall hl: given hy certified mail. return lcceipt re4ucstcd.. to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender may ueslgnate by nmice 10 Borrower as provH.l~tl herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trust ~halt be deemed 10 have been given to Borro\\ ~r ,lr l.t:nJer when given in the manner designated herein, <br />15. Uniform Deed of Tru!'it; Go\'C'rninJ.: Law; SeHr..bilit~.. r!lJ, fmm pf deed of trust combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-uniftlJ'm covenants with 1;ll1it~d \'anafillW, r.~ jurisdiclion to constitUte a uniform security instrument <br />covering real property_ This Dc.:d of Tnt..t ..hall he gLlvcrncd h) tht.' l~w of the Juri.sdi~tion in which the Property is located, <br />In the event that any prov1si4.ln Llr clause Llf lhl~. Deed ll( Trwit llf [h~ Note nlllllicrs with applic:1hle law. such conflict shall <br />not affect other -provisions of this Deed l.f TIlI~l or the N~lt~ \, hich ..:;\0 be given dfcct \\,jthollt Ihe conllicting provision, <br />and to this end the provisions 01' the Dct.:d 1'1 Trmt and the \.otc ar~ decbr~d 10 he severable, <br />16. Borro",'er's C~P)'. B.."lrrowcr shall h..: !unl1shcd a I..'pninrm.:d ....,.py (~l the Nute <!nd vi Ihis Deed of Trust al the time <br />(If execution or after recordation hereof. <br />17. Transfer of the Propert:r: Assumption, If ~ll .Jl" any P,irt ~"'f th.: Pn1 r..: I :~ l)r an intcr('st therdn is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lender's prior wriucn C.-'Ihenl. ..:\dudillf! I ~t I the ..;rC.lllt11l {)( J. lien \.1[ encumbrance subordi".ate to <br />this Deed of Trust, (b) the creatIOn of a purcha~t: nnmcy St.."CUflty lI1iercsl for h(lu~choJd .\ppbances. ,c J J, transfer by devise. <br />descent or by o-peration of law upon Ihe death t1f a jl.,inltcnant ~)r i .1) fAt' !,l1Qt rr I . Iu.UJiuhi 'f1t. ii" [II TJJ ,". II! 11iO <br />T. iii taiR.l7g SR ' FlttrA IR flJ 1.. , 1.ender OIay. :\1 Lender\ I)P11011, declare ~dl the sums secured hy this Deed of Trust to be <br />immediately due and payable. Lender shall h,\\-c \\ai\cd ~U1.:h <)pthlll W accclL'"rJ.!e if. prior to the sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the person ro wbom..,rhc Propt:rty is to he sold lransb.:r~cd r:.:-aeh agree-men I in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory to Lender ~mli thaI the imerest p~lyahlc (In th.:: :-un1'. :>.c\.'urcd \--1y Ihis Dccu 01' Trust shall be at such fate a~ <br />Lcndershall request. If lender has waived the ('Jllj,~n 10 ~l\,:~ckf,t!C pro\"llled in Ihi... paragraph 17, Lind if Borrower's successor <br />in interest ha:-. executed :\ wriUen assumplion agrc~mclH .l'::Cl.'plt:J In \\ riting hy L..:-ndcr, Lender shall release Borrower from <br />ail obligations under this Deed of Trust the Note. <br />If Lender exercises such option to ac;.:cleratc. Lender "h~di nuil Bornm l.'1' IlOlic~ of a..:..:elerall(111 in accordance with <br />paragraph 14 hereof.. Such notice shall provide a pcrjp;j 01 nOI ks:-. than 30 Ja~s fro III Ihe oale rhe notice is mailed wiIhin <br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. It" Borro"'cr t.llb In pa~ :-.lh;h ::-Ullh prior to Ihe expiration of such period, <br />lender may, without further notice or demand on Borrower, In\ IlkI..' an~ remedies permitlcd by par:lgraph 18 hereof. <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower anJ Lender further 1.:0\"t::nant and ~grce as follows: <br />18. Acceleralion; Remedies. Except as pnn'ided in paral:.raph 17 hereof. upon Borrowers breach of any co"'enant or <br />Dgn:enlent of Borrower in Ihis Deed of Trust, includin~ the ('0\ l'uants to pa~" ","hen due any SUlns secured by this Deed <br />of Trust, tender pdor In aeceleration shulllUuil notice to Burrower us pro\'ided in paragraph 14 hereof specif~'i (1) the <br />breach; (2) the action requlrro. tu c~Jre such brca.:h; (3) a date. nol Il'~s than 30 do}'s froal-tht'''"dDttd~'n('di('c',''lS <br />Borrower" by which such breach mu.~ be cured; and (4) that failure to cure such hreD&'''1OR;'.-Or'rb~ofJ',_~iti' ,'_ ed <br />in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured bl this Deed of Trust andtsalt:of',-ctbe Prope " he no t~i <br />shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinslale after Olc<:eleration .md Ihe ri~ht .d,;bridA. :a coud .nction to assert,? <br />the non~xistence of a deiauii or an)' other ddensc of Dorroner to 3cccieralion and .!ole.~- If- the breach is not cured <br />on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender al Lender's oplion may del'lare all of Ihe sums secured by this Deed <br />of TI1ISt-to be immediately due and payable without furtMr demand and fila)' im'oke the power of sale and an} other remedies <br />permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled 10 collect aU reasonable costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the <br />i'emedies pro'\.-'ided in this paragraph J 8~ indudint:.. but not to. reasonable allorne.)"s fees. <br />If the -pOwer of sale is in,l'oked, T(usfee shall record a notke of default in each count)" in which the Property or some <br />part -thereof l'i located and shull mail copies of such notiee in the manner prcsl'fibed b)' applicable la", to Borrower and to the <br />other persons presc::ribed by applicable law. After- the lapse or 'Ouch lime as 1J13}' be required by applicable law, Trustee shall <br />give. publiC' notice of sale to the persons 3nd in the manner prescribt..-d by appli('uble la\-\'. Trustee, wilhout demand on <br />BOJTOwer.. shall sell .be Property at public audion 10 the hi~hest biddtr at the time and place and under the lerms designated <br />in tile lMItite of sale, in one or mort:' parcels and in such order a.. Trustee may detennine. Trustee may poslpone sale of all <br />Of__UY pared_ of the Property by publk announcemen~ at the time and place of an)' previously scheduled sale, Lender or <br />Li:mI~es dcs~ m.y P~ri:iiifie,tQe_rroperiY at an): sai.e~ <br />Upo..~ij>l <l.fpayment of the price bid,Trustee shall del; 10 lhe purchaser Trustee's deed co~veyin~ the Property <br />sOIcl The reeltal$: in the Trustee's deed ,shall be prima.fade e1-'idencc of the truth of the statements made thuein. Trustee <br />s",," "l'l>I. . y lhe..,.. ro. eu.....ds. ..m.. .. the. Sale. in.. the f08..0"7:' !II order: (allo .n reasonable costs and expenses of lhe sale, including. bul <br />~Umlted tos T-rustce's,fecs,of not mc;u:e,ttuin 1 It; of 1. % of t-he J,:roS5 sale price. reasonable attorney's fees and costs of <br />title~v~e; (b).lo lIIlsUJ11S.ecu~ by this .Deed of Trll..... and Icl the excess, If ony, 10 lh. person or persons legally en"tlod <br />t........ . . . .. <br />19.. ,8o!rowtrt$ RiKht to Rein'it-llte. Notwiths.tanding Lender',,- acceleration ot the sums ~ecurcd by this Deed <?f TrU\t. <br />~rrower SchaU have the right to have :.tny pr\,l('('eoing:o. bcglln by Lender l(l enforce this Deed llf Trust disc-onltolted nt <br />any..ti~ prior to the earlier to tlCCllf of (I) the fifth Jay before thi." ..ale of the ProperlY pursuant III the power of sale ~onraincd <br />in this.~d of_Tnr.s.hl((iil entry of a judgmc,nt cnf(m:int{lhis D\.'-cd of Trust if: (a) Borrower pJV\ Lender allsull1'\ whIch wOllld <br />he then due umkr thiS Dec_u of Tr-w.t. lh~, Nvte and OQ1C-S SCl:Hrlfil: Futur~ Advan....c'\. If all\" , haJ Ill) aCI.:cic.'rallon oc\:urrc-u: <br />ill) ",,':,(;.:s ;lH brc..ll.:h.:s 1.)( au\, v,lhcr l'UVCn~Hlh or ;h;rceml'nt.. of BnrTl~wcr t:~;ntaincd In this Dced l-,f Tnl>,l: <br />t ~ SWt-ablw. .c"rcm'C\ lrn;urtcd br L("odJ;( ~f!lf TH!;a1..;~ in -:ntorclOg !h..~ ":O\'(,~lnnt.(; iln~ .lgn:eoH.'f11S Il_t <br />thi~ 't?\~l.:lt 01 'ffll'lit and It) _cnlpfcm.g J .l'udcr'.. ;lI1d TrU<.;!i;'C'" n:nh'dIC~ .1<;' pr,:>\ Hied In paru.!Jraph I," <br />I)t1(, tUHlll:d 1~1. t\:i1'i\\l1ahk ;tth.H'tl\;'\,..... (CC\.. ilnd hi: rt.lrri.1wc-r t~i!..l!!J. ",ui,:O .fI.::twn <l'" lxnJ-cr ma,' ft:,t....\J{l.lbh <br />n:quitc M a~...tH'\.. that t~ lI-t,.t1 ~,~t :lOis, DceJ fd ffH'\i, 'I.cmkr\ inrt:n.;-\! in It-l\,~ PrPjxny ilnd fL)n("<\\'cr', ,''''iig,llj('n \\1 P,l\ <br /> <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />