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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />83';;;'006246 <br /> <br />U:'\IlrORM COVFNAN'I'S, ntlrftlw,~r alllt I.enuer L'twcnant and agree as foiJow's: <br /> <br />1. Payment of .trincipal arid Interest. Bdrrowcr "h.ill promptly pay when due the pnndpal of arid intcrc\l tlll the <br />lfuk:hlcdnC''''; c\-u.knccd hy the Note. prepayment and lale charges as provIded in the Note. and the princIpal of ~lnd interest <br /><lit any Futun..' ,.\..h-;IHi;I.." ....ccllri;u ,,~ this Deed of -, fU....!. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subjci.:t to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaW pay <br />h) I.cndt:r 011 the. day lIlonthly inst:.IIOlcnh of principal and in(ere::.\ ;:in:: payahlc under the Note. __until-~hc Note _i~--paid- j-n :full. <br />a sum _ therelll "FlInds") (:llllal (0 one-twelfth of Ihe yearly ta..-:cs and .ISSCSSlmmts which may :ll1aill -prlOr-i.ty- over_"this_ <br />Dced'ofTrilst. arn.J ground rl!nI"i on the Property, if any. phis one-twelfth (\f yeady prcmiitm installment.~Cfor hazard in'stit~nce. <br />plus \lOc-twclffh of yearly premium installments for mongage insur~Hlcc. if any. ;lll as reasonuhly estimated initially- and:'~fr(lrri. <br />time to lime hy Lender on the husis of a~scssmenl~ and hjll~ and reasonable eSlimates thereof. <br />The Funds ...hall be held in ~In inslilluion the t1cpo~ils or w:counts of \vhi(;h arc: insured or guaranteed by a Feuer:ll: or <br />stale agency (indlk.ling Lender if Lender is ...ttch an ill!'tittltion). Lemler ~hall apply the Funds fa pay said taxes. - ilsse's"'mcnts~ <br />insur.tllCC prcrhiullh and groll!ld rcnts. Lender may not charge for so holding and ftpplying the- Funds._ analy:.dng- said --at.lCOU~lt <br />or verifying and 1..'l,mpiling s;:utf 'a,>sc,>sments and hills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest -on the Funds :.lnll applicahle lau: <br />permits II.."nd..:r t(l make slIch a charge. Borrower ~tOd Lender m:IY agree ill writing at the time- of _execution' of this. <br />Deed -t.\f Trnst (kit intcrc~t on the Fund... "hall he paid to Born)",,'cr. and unless such ;lgrcemcnt is made or applicable law <br />r~quirc'\ ~w:h interest 10 be paid. I.ender ~haJl not b~ required to pay Borr()\\:cr iUl)' 'interest or earnings 011 the Funds. Lender <br />~h:111 give to Borrower. wilhout charge. an :lnmml accounting of the Fund" ..;howing \:fcdits and dchits to-the- FUllus: and rhe <br />purpose for whic~ each debit to the Funds was -made. The Funds arc pledged as addirionaLsecuriry for the- sums--secured <br />hv thIS Del."d llt "I rusl. . <br />If the anlf\llnt nf the Funds held hy l.ender. 1.Ogcthcr with the ftllUre monlhly installments of Funds payahle prior It' <br />it...:: \"hi':: Jiii\::-. .:-.t ;;,-,\c:;. .-i<;:;'::,;,';,;\C;1:',. :::~Ul-:tlh':~ pf~r:.~~~:~'l.'" E!:.t1 g:r~'u~~'J r.'nt"-. .:h:JU r.'o;l't_'ccl the :lnll''lllnt required--to !Jay'_said,ta~e$. <br />a\sessmcnts. insurance prcmiwn... :..IOU grnund rents a.... they lall due. ...w:h c"\ccss sh:lll be, at Borrower~s opti.on. either <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or I..Tcditcd 10 Uorrowcr on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount' -nf 'the'- Funds <br />held by I J:ndcr shall lIot hc stltlicicnl 1\1 pay tax~s, assessments. in<.;ur;.tnce premiums and ground _ rents a'i they fall due. <br />B(\rrower ..h:dl pay (('I I.ender any amollnt necessary !O make lip the deficiency wilhin 30 day'\ from the date notice- is mailed <br />by Lender tf' Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon parmt.'nt in fullllf all sums ~.cctlrcd hy lhis Deed ot Tru~l. Lender shall promptly rcfnnd 10 Borrower any Fimds <br />held hy Lender. If tinder paragr;lph I S hereof the ProperlY J\ sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. lender <br />shall apply. no later than immediately prit.'r III the sale of Ihe Property or its acquisition by Lender~ any -Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of application as a c..:rcdit against the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applic.ablc law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under- the <br />N0le :mu paragraphs I and 2 hercot shall he applied by Lcoda fir'it in payment of amounts payable to Lender- hy Borrower <br />under paragraph 2. hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, then 10 the principal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances, <br />4. Chal'Res: Ije-ns. Borrower shall P;lY all ta:\cs. assessment" and nther charges. fines and impositions anributable to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust. and lGaschold payments or ground rents. if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in sl!ch manncr. by Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to l.ender all notil'~'> of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the <br />event Borrow~r shall make payment directly, Borrower ~h:lll promptly fllrnlsh 10 Lcnder receipts evidencing sllch payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which h<ls priorilY {":l.:F Ih;~ Deed of rru~t: pro\'id~d. that Borrower shall not be <br />required to discharge ;tny such lil.:n "0 I{mg ~IS B\,.lrwwcr <;hall o.lgrcc in \\ l'itin!! In the payment of the obtig~ltion secured by <br />slIch lien in a manner :ll:ceptabk to Lender. or shall in good faith L:onlc~t s-llch lien by. or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal proceedings which operate to prevcnt {hI..: enforcemellt llj the lien or forfeiture t.1f the ProperlY or any parr thereof. <br />s. Hazard Insurance. Borro\o\cr shrill keep the improvements no\\' existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />againsl loss by fire, haz:Hds induded v..ithin the tt.:rm "c"\tcndt:d t.:ovcragc". <Ind '>L1ch other hazards as Lender may require <br />and in ~uch ;J.mounts and f....r ~lIch periods .1$ I ,cndcr may fL'ylllre; prO\'ld~ll. th~l{ Lenuer shall not require lhat the amount of <br />such coverage c\.cecu th:H amount llf cOlieT,lgc r~4Ull\:-d Il1 pa~ the sulll..; sct.:urcd by this Ot;:c,J {)f Trust. <br />The insurance carrier providing [h~ insurance ..hall he ..:hoscn hy subject tn :lpproval hy 1.ender: prOVided. <br />that such approval shall nut he unreasonably \\ ithhcld. All premiums on insurance policies shall bl.: paid in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2. hereof Of, if nOl paid in such manner. 0) Borrower making payment. when due, directly lO the <br />insurance carrier. <br />All insuranc~ policies and rt::newals thereot shall be in IOrm a..:.:crtahk II' Lender and ..h;.dl include a standard mongag~ <br />clause in favor of and in form ac~cptablc to Lender. I.ender "h;:111 have the right to holJ the policies and renewals thereot. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to L\.'nJ..:-r .dl n.:ne\\'i11 no!i....\.''o and all r~;.:clpts of paid premiums. In the event of loss. <br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to [h~ lllSllf;lll":\.' ..:::trm:r :lnd L\.'ndeL Lender may rnak~ pr(lor of loss if n(lt made promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwlse agrcl! in \\,. ri~lIlg, In')uram:c prn...:c~ds ..hall hc ~lpplied 10 restoration or repair of <br />the Property d~lmageJ. pro\'id~d such r~swrali()n llf repair is l.'l.:i.lllomH.:ally lea5ibk ;111(1 the sccltfity of [his Deed of Trust is <br />not thereby imp.aireJ, If su\:h restoration ~)r repair i\ nOI cconnmi~ally fC~~lbk: {lr II the security of this Deed of Trust would <br />be impaired. the insurance pn.."l\:ccds shall be applied to the sums st.:-cured hy thi, Deed of Trust. wllh the ;;\..:c".... if any. paid <br />to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrllwcr (ail" to to Lender \\ ith!n 30 days from the <br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the lllsuran..::l.' carrier olTers to settle a daim for inslIra.m:c benefits, Lender <br />is authorized to collect .md apply the insuranc~ proceed, at Lt.'ndcr's oplion either 10 reSlOralton llr repair of the Propeny <br />or to (he sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ag,rt:c in writing. ;lny such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments rciern:d to in paragraphs I ami:!. hereof or change the amount of <br />s.uch installments. If under paragraph )1':( her~of Ihe Property is aC4uired by I.ender, all right, title and interest of Borrower <br />in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />or acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums ~tcurcd by this Del:d of Trust immedi:Htlly prior to such sate or <br />acquisition, <br />6. Preser,"ation and ~taiJltell8nce of Properly; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Phmned Unil De\'eiopments. Borrower <br />shall keep the Property in good repair and shall nol commil waste or permit impairment ~\r dctcrillr;.\tion of the Property <br />andshaU comply with (he provisions of any lease-if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. If this Deed of Tru$t is on a unit in a <br />condO.minium or a planned unit de,,'elopment. Borrower shall pcdorm all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration <br />or covenants creol_ting or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by-laws and regulations of the <br />condominiwnol'-planned unit development. and constituent documenh. If a condominium or planned unit development <br />rider is executed by Borrower and recorded togelher with Ihis Deed of Trust. the covenants anq agreements of such rider <br />shan he incorporated into and shall amend "nd supplement the co\'enants and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider <br />wer~ a p;lr\ h~reQf. <br />1. Protection of tender's S<<urity. If Borrower fail~ to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this <br />~ of T~t. or ifany action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in the Property. <br />includi~g._h.ut not,Ur:nited to, eminent _domain. insolvency. code enforcement. or arrangements or proceedings involVing 3 <br />bankrupt or-decedent, then Lender at Lenuer"s option, upon notice to Borrower. may ,make such appe;:m.lI1(;~~. disburse such <br />-SUI11s_ amt tak-e:_ 54ch action as is necessary_, to prot~Cl Lcnd~r's interest.. including. but not limited to, disbursement (If <br />reasol1Ilbte attorneY's fees. and.. entry upon the Property 10 make repairs. (1' Lender required mortgnge insurance as a <br />cond~tio.n o~ makJng,the lo11nsecured by this Deed of Trus.t. Borrower shall pay the pren-uums required to maintain such <br />i{t~:'l~,_,it\,d{ec1- un~il_~h time as tbe requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's nnd <br />Le~~fs ~\ritte,n "agr~m~t or a,pplica~l~ law. Borrower shall pay [he amount of all mortgage insurance premiunls in the <br />manftCr . prov.idcd und~r p;lraSl1lph 2 h~reot <br />Any. am.ount_s disbursed _ by, pursuant, to this paragraph 7. wiih interest thereon. shall hecome additional <br />iJld~b-,~~~ l)f Borr()wt:r sec;ur~ hy thIS Deed oC Trust. Unless Borro~'er and I.t:nd~r agree to other terms of payment. such <br />~.~_un~ ~d\nU hepayahic upon nOlic.: (rom Lender to Borrower rc-questlOg payment thcrc()f. and shall bear interest from the <br />datQ"of diibursement atlne rate payable.from time to time on outstanding principaluoder the ~('lIC unless payment of interest <br />aL_h 'rntt ",o~Jd- be \::ontfary 'to applicable Jaw. in which event 'itlch llmounts shall hear interest ilt the highest rate <br />perrq,~b1~u;n4cf.__app~jca:bte law. N~th_ing !:ontaine..I in thiS p;:tragraph 7 ,\h<\lI require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />an)' :wlion <br />8. hl"P'f('t~~ Lcnde-t may ma;kc- or cause toO he made reils()n..hle cotrie.. upon and iospl:ction~ of the Prt'p~rty, rr(\\-iJ~d <br />tha;t l.~nd~f '\:naH. give borrower notice prh,r to auy ',,-,uc-b Inspt:l:UOn SPC~dYlJl~ rea.\onublc ":~IU\C therefor rel~lled to t....oucr'-" <br />H.'\hirest in fhe l'rOt1ertv. <br />