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<br />ano, without demand. shari be Lmmt!dI3.le'y due ;;nd Dayab!~ by "frustor 3.'1<J !lha!l <br />beaf inllt.esl at 1M maximum lltiowable lo!!gal rale: \,rcr~'dtld I1c,""l'!\le' that al t~e <br />option o! B~n@fJcia<y Qr Trl,lJ;tee such ~lJms may be iHl<foo 10 tl'>:! O(jt,clpal oatanca <br />01 any lr>debt&\:Sn.,ss s~cured I')::>t~by and r;haii nea, lrte ~ame ',"(meSl ~9 ~UCh <br />ff1thtbtedness and shaH be pavab1f! ratao!y 0'<''''' rl1e r",mar"tng term Ih~H!OI <br /> <br />10 M.~nt of RMIs. B6na1icla.y ShAll havJ) !t:", 1II;;hl. tlower end aulno'lfy <br />durtng th~ COf'!Ul'luanee joll"his Teust Deed to c':>!i~t Ine "IH'ttS. ;~":.le"l an'; p.oWs t::'ll <br />li'le Property and nf al1Y ~(n'Sol'",at properly l&""AI~ rlle;l!"On w;l1"> (H "",mou! lakmg <br />pi~sS&$.8!on o! tN! pr6pe<ty a!1~19d h~!etr.., and '"rusto; !>l!:r"'h'l ah~o!ulI1J'i an~ <br />uncondlllonaHy assigns all S<.1Ch '1;01\1'5. !SS,;e5 dnc proMs !Q [je-nelic'.llry <br />Beneficiary, hQWev!!r. Mreoy GOl"l:\er'l!$ to Ihf1 Tnl:!!tot'~ colle-CI'{ln <to(j 'Ilt~n!;Qn of <br />JIIuch .eI'\15. i$$Un and profits IU they aCCHH!' ;t!'1d I)acome paY!lble so lor,g as <br />Tru!ltor Is not. a1 roUGh limes, If': ~efau!t With re'!lpeet t1J :')avmt!~; of sny <br />!rodtbtodneM S9CUfOO h1tl'"&by or 1'1 It!@ p.j:f'cJfrT1anCl! 01 any agfeement hi'!~uf'tdee <br />Upon-an\" iU)cl'\ d"l'faIJIt, ael'efk;!aryif"!;l.y..t i!lrly tlm@ e!lt'll;!f I'" Pilr~o-n by aq~l'It. or tov <br />4 fflOlttvef to be apoointert hr a tour, w,lhol!1 flOhCi! iilnd wi!l\(I\1! rega.d lC 1~ <br />a<lequacy 01 any security 'or tn;;. ifldilot"ledne5s he.atw s<'H:",@d, ~a.\ !:,:ller "pon and <br />1.ak:e-POS~$k>n ot Il'lt:! ?roaerty O'j;I!'lY pa'! !hereof_ and in ils own nam'! sua fo' Q' <br />01h9rwis9 collett 'Such rents, ;lIwes and p'om", m(;luctll~ InO$@ past du", il<ld <br />unpalO. and aWlI' lM ~ml!, !e.~s COSIS ll."d eX~5ljS M I"llJ~flit!o,., i\"~ c:Ww.:Hc<,,; <br />~f\cludln.g reasonabte aHom!!!'I' ,~S IlpOfl. .Ilf!y ''".d~lt'dnl'l!'l ~f!CW<!11 h.!!rnby 1I-'1C'1l"t <br />SUCh (}I"der as Benefldary r'];I'! delermine.: !DI ~.Io..,.; ",)(;I"! .l:C!S <)1 repair 0' <br />protection as may 00 t\ecessary or pr{)~' I"~ <::Ofl$>}r-v~ !he ....!Vtl oi \~.t:- Prol}6"r!y_ (e) <br />I"all. Ihe !iafT"~ or any part lhereol fo' !;UCh rljrl!lJ.1 t..'m and vpon :>ucn c~~~tJit!Q<lS <br />as its illdQ$rT1&l'l1 may dietale V"'l~s T!u$tor "Jul BI!t'!ejj{"t~rv ;l!;l'e!'! ('IM"'w,se 'n <br />wrmno. l!f'ty 8pt)IJCflt!(H\ of r~..Hs ';;SUft$ 0' t,rotil~ Ie ,Hly ;"(1'!!!btl'dt1f;'!J$ '!!ecured <br />hef8!Jv !l1\aH nO'! ~~tend or pootpon<:! tht;! d;;@) (!ahl or ~h"", 1,.,~tal1rl",~nt pii~m-e!'t!s ill; <br />provIded In siud promISl:!i:hry "'0/" ;), Ct'\fH1Q!! :l">~ <i.m'J\;<,l Co' ~",~h ,nSl~11MI'Hl1o; 1'1;.. <br />&ntering UPO-<'l al'.t;l taldn'(;l pO-SSai'l'5mr> oj thfl ",,,pert', !:'<' t<::l';",nicl' ", ",-,cor. ,p."\1; <br />IS.ues and plC-fit'i,:aM Ihe liopH;::alt<J-;') H'terl'/of;jlg itlv'@sa.~ s~,..!l '101 .....11....~ D' ("LH~ <br />iIIny dettlutt 0-' l'lOIlr:@ ;:,1 ct'!)f;'lUl! hm~v"af\'" ,"'.-~Ilflil:l", ,,'"Iv ili;' ('~,,,,. :)ut!<uanl 10 <br />5UGh not~ ''1)s10' also !IM'9f1-!i 10 Bl)-rltHie"H'Y "Hi f;j<lhe! st>cur;~y to! :t>~ <br />perfo'mlltl'lCfl 01 lrno. otltigallo"" 'H,c'J<..d M'",t-.)' ;li' O'~P<H\~ ''''''1'' "".-:1 ail "1,",..,1015- <br />...hie.l'l may haW t>een or mOl.... 1't-!l"f4lfl~f lftI ,j('p.']...'~",1 ...,t!1 'lil'C T'(Jl'<H::' D), ~,w ('.!,,<"!ot> <br />of lfa P,op&tty, 1(\ SlK'C>Hi lhl:'! pll)"mi'ln! ',~' "'-<1.. ''''''' ,~",1 '1~1",\.!'1 ,n !rf! <br />~l},--manc@ of ll.r:)' Qf t~ v'CF"'S,,)ns :-''I'rl:''~'' r'U51,~' d~'f';l'; ,"},.I'",,"' O<'-'C" '"IN_!; <br />.l;nO d$OO5.lts IQ In.t 8~t\Il'I'~!$rr ~)1;;;~","v 'J! "",':.,., "1 ,~"'" e".",...l'.~l;r',/ s <br />I!IJUlfclse oj :i'>t\ ';gl'tl$ on.nfeC l'<1l"~\" ';) ..''" 1\7"'-l!:-;: ....' ,D't-"'<J Sa;,l ;"5ir.,o;,;>~ sr<J." <br />00 suitL(;~.,t !o e(!<J..H~-4' S-.'t.~ !l3"<i-l't [n .;r;l~ ~,~," 'e,",l ~". lrm tl.f!r>".',e,a'.. <br />flOlice <br /> <br />" LMMdP~. W'U'l!"'- 10 '~1I~'!I: 9tt&'Q&ITl-$~(l_ t'''5tOf ,,-".;IH !urrd:\t\ l,~ :,,-,~t"9 <br />ill SCf\<<:lUU, cefttfJ.ed to Olft t'u-e_ Ii"Wr'lg 'l)r-tl'> ad 't!<l~~3 "t SyaCOl '" m;!l T,~S! <br />Property th8n t:'I er'..:t, "U:h..OI~. H' _en c_'u.~, 1~ ".lIftl!'l O' lr;~ !f'''ar>l$ jlr'!U <br />occupants., $. aeacnptto'l 01 lr.e ~?iI;:~ ocC'...p,~ e~ :sur!'! !.)tla"tl a"~ occupan!_ '''6 <br />f8l'Ital payaOle tOt s~n spa~ ilIM SU-Cl'\ ot,..,. ;r--tor!T'tfl:JQr> it--" ~rx.uml!r;t:!!' ....~ln <br />,~t to wch lellMlt.nd .1$ ~~ r''''!I!lffl IT"'l'!' '~:ll>6>H <br /> <br />WIthout tll!; PrI()!" .nne:\ ;:;::;r;erm! 0' "'JS,M ',",';.10., ""'al< :'01 ;J,re-cl''); ", <br />~tly, with fe.peel 10 any ,."...Ie 01 l!-Pke ~,... '''19 l~1K=qOe-:] orO!,"',&~. ""n@lh.ft' <br />IIUcI'lleese ill now or h8f.5lt&( ,..., t:~'SIl:!n.;:.. (a' a::'cIlml (" p~"r"t *''-'v rrl'pllym8"l <br />1llSCOLlnt Ol" .~nce fll1'1 "..}"atHe lherI!VM!!!f, ,')1 Cll"cei n' ~l"_''''''!''t.j[hl '!'e sam~ en <br />Ilcoept any CancelllltlOfl. ~",n"Hr;.1J{}n Qf ~;jHe(\.O&1' ''''ere<ll. 0' ="ml' ;fro)' ....~fll ~::? <br />OCCUf wt'tlcl't WOUlde"utr. IN ~a~ lr>e!ltu!'td.. ".' 1/>.mmS!tl ')' Ciifl';;1!' me 91lme i'~' <br />amet\O Of l'\OCllfy 1l'Ie nme ~c 11.3 1Q '.o'''cl!F ~"I.; _JlI,m !,,~~t 't'<\' ...,."14' p<1Yilltlfe <br />l~nder> or to (:n..~ ....y ~""'.{ p.',)"'O'I"'"I" 'pl!'I@,n ':,1I'ta",gci. <"11 Wl'i''<!'III''1' <br />~1.lJlt thtlfeuno.r L'! W~ !!'\ft""",j i'" ~'ye i1'\... '.,-",e'enl .....,.,~~. ~, $.1'0'<::"'''' <br />l~ Of 1all;t an., Qln.r aC11Cf> ,,,r<"~t>or, \r.l..,,"ih_ '--~ ...'1,'1 a '~.t6_ <br />l__~. ....ttt.en 'ollrOU1d 1111.. lh!r .~k';::l of '<t'tp.1~':'11 t~ -.<i<'V" ;" '~"",,";t 'If. ;'''I'O~.,t <br />IMfeI.lno.r, or'l rn. Ptoo.ty!!$f>tW,,;o, <:>i ''1''lp.'H!'~ tit. ~,:.orl Qr 'N/Jfe!lt <br />of t!\e TnntM 0< a..fkla.')': 'oJ' It' WI, ,,'-5;f;F', l-~''I!>;l<;tl ,,".t":i;.~ [:! 0fh<!!rwllffi <br />d!apotMI of, Of'eI1C\.lma.c, ,tw 1f'!'ltf$SI.... ,*f1~ :!tV,,!'> _\loll 4' tI<ry '~h. ,,"UM OJ ~fOjl11jl <br />lQ\>I01;OI t~~MItf <br /> <br />12. ~tktn..l! t,t;~lc' POl~ ct !,,'! P'O<:'tl""f ~/">,," r,.,., l~\(." .,' ",)'''~''''jJ!!I,';, <br />~~, t;ly nghl of .'t;.l~1 oom4H1 ,,;.{ !i-Jrfw., ;0';;'("'''_ ", ,1'./1" M li[m) !.H'~' <br />lMaI Q! cOOdemn.tlG<'. 3;1 ~_n'6. i.lo1;"'<" .f~ ",t.:~_~~ o.!l! "l!,e:,,-j' a."S'QIl'>l\J <br />.00 $n.ll oc. ~H: tOo 6$tlehcfa" wnQ )n." "PP't ~4';;/": .....!U-", ,~"'TI4JIB l...~d <br />Pfoc..o.lolr,elil<.lf1"1$$e.;;",<l!od t'). In. Tru..~ l.~, ...'l!\!n. ..-".;.e~, ,i ,jI"" .".!C:" !l"\€t <br />Tl'U.tQf. Tf\lat,y .ill Pf<;mpI1y. a....;J "'d!"1 (!,;t. ;jil'\)ef;i.'~ ''''~'''''', -lIjl~ ii"'~ '~k"!; If'e <br />recnatnt"il p"rt v' lr..eo Tn..,,1 hQP.&H~ I.;> .H, 1<:.,.'''"_ ~,,"noJd;cn ",~~"1.."t,..'~, t~"'lO <br />nta>n-t tllal rn. ..l'nI! ~'f 0. r_lI,t!,. .nd -'0 all W ';j}<">l'il'I,--,!'!t.. .~l"~'r,!,!.ll'l ilrl>.l vc'<lU;. <br />~'L <br /> <br />13.. Fueu..~UiXl<' ,.q.._t Of h,,~l.:u, ~~j';;;~l)'..1 u-h,,;,.u'!' ~ ,iy(lOn <br />prklt to') l.eonlt1tYAnCil ~f I". P<~ly t;;} ft't& r';Jt;!o' '<1.. "'-.1.,0.0) '..<H.;l@ /l,h&nCI&& [,:, <br />l~ Tno.;~Qf, Such i;,;t\I'lI ",..";;;iiC, "",:"i ,"<1"';';$; ;;-,..,.~,'" "?1,,H::'... ~>jl..a I)~ ttil!jc <br />T~ Dead ...n.n e"id6f',eOJd :>)' .,'..."!','liL.....~ "<);8'> :;;toj,;,",'W \"".1 J><l'\l "o<~s ,"tI <br /> ~.oy: O'\N.....-'O j~al ~l :,"1"\~ :!'I'I...,. '''41 "",--..'&<J .;"';""'1'''' <br />.d~ <)Ol lOCh"at"ij; ~,,-tn.lo il;!v.t1.l:'\l>..l 1," 8,v!a-.;1 :.... I>"":l.l'-", ;>., $o'foCl "".. <br />!\u~ ~tml,l00"'!Oll'" i.;';i,l;;...i ",",r,':ii'll' ",;;-",;""Uji ~.",e.;) 1";;1''',,"1 <br /> <br />1-'l ,.......... CUfPl.lj,a~__ A:; le....~. W",,,>,-;lQoJ ,<"; U"', ; ".;~l ~~.A: ;0'0,. .jl"t,;,>:; "";1 <br />CVIt\4.liaU",*lQan,vlhe(llil~l\!j l~) ;...\{;'~ ::\.l"'l~ ,~, OI!i~"~~ th ,.,,"', <br />eQlJlty, .."Kl ('Mil ba....C,~ <A',\C",O,v,li, 1"'>:!~10",'-'1."~,, ;>",u:j!li:O:i'YOl'1 <br /> <br />l~......--. ~ su." l.''''~f' ,101.....: t:~ ""i~l.;f u, ll1tl'ltl.,.,1 '..)! "r't) <br />lndtIbt~. llitC...rea fte;l"etly Of ./1 t~ ~~rTOfm.N;. u-i .flr .o.g<_~n"fll ~"''''Uf'<li!r' <br />a.n.f1oi4lry m&)' ~l,ate.H J.\lms ~$C"I6(l ~vCl' Jrr<;t,to(i_'Ai.l, G:a ."-<J p-.".i;;o Uy <br />~~ to T~..;;of .rill...\ "";;f&fllhofl <;11 ,l.llli.,lit ~ht1 '.'vIoIOfli ~h,tH na-.;,j IN:! <br />~ of aaia 01 tn. Pr~ty and a hwtHo&.rj ~t[.~ Ir.. no;;opo'~y 10 Ptl !I<)\l], ,] <br />tb&li OIpDSit *Ilh Trua,.. tN-Sc j'~Sl n.... ana ..,,-;wornilu.O!) 'W:M .-'~ "w.;;..m8ftl$ <br />.-vlilMncmg .~ll.1'" MCU!'I!lO ~.ey, .flU 5N!.j, U<:t11l'6<' :0 r""$I~. .. ...-ritt&t"; <br />1'IOt~ oj 4ef&\,iJ:t and \l.lectlO.""1 tv .;;....$6 ~,.. Pt~I'i Ie bti SO<I1. a.n4 ltw- Tr<!~tH ,r <br />turn ah&Ii f;lI'~. 1Mmi:~ NOI,c" ,n t~.. ',.:'f1Y) r~-..--;,eO C~ hl"_ ~'!':;'C!'1.!! :.:. Q"i, <br />m.d for reconI b)' T I'\o$.t.. <br /> <br />(a) "n., tt'4 iaPM oj SiJC!'< litT\oe .$5 :'t.....y De '1!'::oa"1i'<:i l::r !l:\.. !:::";UWfr,~ 1'..... f~Oiv <br />allon,;,1 sakl not:~ oi o.ra..;!, ana tlCl!;::", 01 ~fiWt! a..~ J1;;.t'C:6 of :sa)", l';a.t.'1Qo <br />btlen,,~.s, ~lr..-i l:l)" ~w, n<.l::itH.!"K.MJl a61T1.jtfl4 0" "i.<lIh!l, ~"ll:; :><;u <br />ttle ~ Qr\ m. QaM ana III :~ ~l$jl a'"ltl ~l.Ct' la$.l.g:1aloc to $IlJd ".CII;;:1l 01 <br />~ al pubUc .v\'cll00 IQ- ~"* !'1iQhtllil trooe< l!>e >H.I(<:::huc P'KIiI ptlJ.O~ 1" <br />'*wt1,Ol tnOl'*W <;lilt-. UnileJ SlatU.ll1 INo \;m.. "I ~.,o} The t~'$-,-'n c-:.>;'''\1\.IClh\O <br />tM... m&). for ....l' (:li!,iN ~ a.on"1 e">iEkiI<l>f\;, f}Q:ltp.o.'"i<j; :~ H'fi !~on: ti~ <br />to ttm. Ul\IH It lht.:1: bf; 'Ol':'lp\$tod .r"t<:. '''' ,,~'~} ~",r.h CA&f!". '1<J(l{;:(! ~! 9,$:PO!~ <br />~1 tt".a!l C. j)~n tljll'l"Ni-( ~':~i1'''-:k>l"' l'''!';("",~ by ~,--,l"" o.:.'s;:,,_) ..! tr-... !-I!!~ <br />'&nO ~ ~t ~tl~ to!" m(! k'e.; prO~k~. ,I 1~ M.l~ i!i "C;,lpo~~ k'l <br />!ono<< tN.n !11 day bey<lM 1twt (!~~- de~1iO"..atll'Jo<j !" rtwo <>01''::$ ?' ~a;.., 'lc!ic,.. <br />!~~"'O~m~s~m4flner.'l tl':4or1iil",,,1 "",I~c1l'('!$a'.. <br /> <br />T('Ut'" .~l ~\. .na ;;!eh!/"&l 10 !". ~I;::J'\~, 1'.Hl C~'"' :':Qf'.-ItI'}'j;"i~ l!'El <br />PtopNty~, Dul ..."lth041 at"'t"( ~.rulf't1 ~ ....."J"I:f'tiy. ">I'~, ':Jr impile(t_ 1""" <br />r..e~. ,!\ 1M ~ ct 4"1)' m.n..s. "Jf !~'til Illl\il<; ~ ~cl;,,4i...Q ;;.cor o-J I,.,. <br />i.f\,jttl'~ me...wt An)' ~3(:"\. 11'\{,II.:CJ},O'~ "',a, ~'\tr, haMl ~1 !~ <br />- <br /> <br />fbt ~ l'U'f;tM MIf1I p'p......-.rrt Ie; tl'Wl jXl'9!..-. ~.l', (~"I>;.I_ .'...'1 .t<-p+\, ,f,. <br />~;)t ~.... W /}..,,~,t tJ1 !n.I,;VSl$ aWl: ..:~r;Ji" (.,j $~*,'Ci$"""Q If-<i! <br /> <br />=-~~ffltd-: ~:l~~~ ~l~f~ :::'~~~ ~~~~f.:~~~l:"~~~~ <br /> <br />~~",,~~~""'-{f;}lnt".0"~tfW.$t..H\fG <br /> <br />it'l ........ ""..II'IQ ttw ~,1-i.a iJ:~ W~fWttlQ.f~ (~,l,l V">S Ul'" 'l t.. r....~:" ~" <br />~ ~~ .f.I4l.~~t,ll (.f f-O<~'~\lr~ I_"'~ ~l. :ll'"u'<<I ~j, p\.j~lI'\Jjil'"~ <br />fa~" ~~...t'_ IN; ""\'X'"*9Ih of u:~e ili~4'! t<O ~p~1'<<! ~;'< ;~ ,;>r~; \1.1"'-1 <br />~t"p&~rt* <br /> <br />ill ~,~ *''1" ...~. ,,1 \'~"'V"X,'olI~ it) (;:n'j".._f,,~,. ",',i.;" ....!-~r, ""....!.. ;1:('9 >:,' <br />~.......-_,,~ <br /> <br />l-'tt A'i~!~Mo;:,",~~.vf <br /> <br />~$:\f, r~r~.,I'~,;~W>'r ~\;;tl"l:~~_:>1<'~+f.,.,l.'~t...;'f;;"''''I!' <br /> <br />I <br />83-~..n060 11 <br /> <br />~6. Outl.. and ObUO.ffoM of Trollt... (al The duties an.d obligations 0"'.' Tfustee <br />~t'laU bf:l de,la,min(ltl 50J",ty by the ,,_~pr6SS Dnwil!tons of Ihe Tft/51 Deed and Tfust~ <br />-S11811 nol btll!ab;a exce~t Ill' thOl ;>ifrlOfmancl'! 01 such dulles and obligations U 8rir"" <br />specIfically 561 forth h<J;o;.ln. and "0 imptied covenants or obllgaUons shall be <br />imposed \Jpon Trustoo: (b) No prov]!-Ion of 11"115 T.ust Deed shall require Trustee to <br />exl}t)t>d or 1!!K his- QWr! funds, 0' oltlerwisl'! Incur any flnsnclel oblloatlon In the <br />per/ormanc!) of any 01 lIs dulleA hllJr~und6f, or In the exftfclstI Of ..ny of Its rlghl or <br />powe~. JIll sHaH navs grounds tor oofievlng thatlhe repayment of slIch funds Of <br />aaequale tndemnlly 119l\ln~1 SUCh ri$k. Ol lIabllily lS 1'101 reaaonabty assured to II; Ie) <br />Tfustea may cOnsult with (;oun~1 01 his own choosing and the advice of such <br />counf!e! shall be tun and complete authorization and protection In 'the lllSpect of <br />any actlo!' laken or slJtt..r~ by It hereul"ldar III good fllllh and rellanee thereon; (d) <br />TrU!Ha~ !!\llll flot be lj8ble 10r any action laken by hIm In good faith and <br />tAll1eve<! by hlm tc Qe ilUll1.orl1.ed or wail!" the dIscretion Of fights of powere. <br />COl'!f8ff~ uPOn it by this Tnl~t Daed. <br /> <br />17_ AddIHonel Security In.tromenta, Trusto,. at ltsell98fige, will 6118CUle end deliver <br />to the: T;ulIlt!t;l. promptty upCln d~mand_ such s&curlty Ins.truments u ma)' be <br />rooulr'!ld by Tn:r!ll~, In form and subfltance satlsfactory to Trustee, covering any of <br />(he Properly CQI1,"'Yt'td Dy lhl~ Trl,l!sl Deed. which security instruments shall be <br />add!tloMI!H1ty 10r Truslor', fallMul perfonnanee of All of the- teNft$, covenants <br />and conditions 01 thl! Trlist Deed. the promissory notes secured hereb1j-and any <br />O(I1@, !lecurtty instruments eX~(jt-&d In connection with this tranl&oflon, Such <br />11'13tr\lmant-!J tlllal1 00 '~cotded or fil<<1, and (e--reeorned and rented.; at T~ton <br />6!o:Ptlnu <br /> <br />18, M~I.neou., <br /> <br />{III In the ~l'tm /Joy 0"16 or morlt at 1M provisions contained in this Trust Deed or <br />fM'3 pram!s&Ort M19 {)f al'y olh&r securtty instrument given tn COf1necUOft with <br />jn;t; HiJn~l!i.cHol'I $natl fo\' <tny re.4Oft be ""Id to be Invalid, megaf or <br />1.ln&l1f<,)rC'&abl8 11'1 My f6tl'p$Ct, such InvaUdlty, lileg.t1ty, Of unentOfCNblllty <br />:VIa!!, altl'!U opllon 0: B-t\It\9flelary, not affect any other provision of this Trust <br />DMd. but lhis Trust Deed shalt be con.trued aa If sUCh Invalid, II'-Val, Of <br />;,;;>eofo'f;Nbltt orovl!llon l1aa neV1llr b8en contJl.lned i'lereln Of therein. <br /> <br />:1:'-\ l-lli!. TruSI Deed $-hall be c-onl!trultQ accordIng to. tfte IAWII of the Stat. ot <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />(el rt't'$ TIUIl;! 0000 shall l-mf(& to And bind 1M heirs, Iegat..., devlsaee, <br /><ldmlnlstrators, 6xeOt:(Ont. SlJCt:-ffSSOfS and assigns of the parties hereto. <br /> <br />'Ol "'I,SIY s~a!J oay all laxes levied unon thl. Trust Deed Of the debt S&l;.ured <br />"&'&tlV. tOQelh'llr wltn aflY OHi&r toxes Of aasesaments which ma;y be levied <br /><lwaff1'S\ 11;8 Tfulltea or Beneficiary or Ih~ leoal holder af said promls$Ory note <br />\", aCCOI.l!"l or 1ne moebtei:lneSS 8vid6nced thereby. <br /> <br />Whenevtt! l.>:tl\Od !ltlrelf1, IhO! sIngular l'Iumt:le1 shaH Include trle pm..-I, the <br /><;~"gU!8.,!M <JlItt QJ any g.~mda.f '11"".4Iil be applicable toaIlC.flde,." and the term <br />'I~"~etjtilu,!,' Mlllli irw'Lide tiny p.yf:l9 of 1M Indebtedness hereby seeul1ld or <br />il~'Y jra~!if'!1 tlwr~,Jr_ w!,ttltl!!t bl' ouoraUon 01 law Of ottlftrwlse. <br /> <br />l<,l ~ Tru.t... BI!tl't~ht;;tlifY f!'IflV lrom ttml'llo lime .ubJlltltute asucceaeor or <br />5Lh~C&"8-Of~ 10 itn.,. hushN l"'iJmed n0fllun or actIng nereunder to Decute this Truet <br />L~_ UOOl'1 'Sue!'> l!Pp01ntm~1H $<)(1 will'loul conveyance to tM su~.1rO( nust.., <br />!~ talllllr $ht;h t>>I V(I&IOO with !Ill IWe. powers, and duU_ confarftd upon any <br />huMS. /">"'111," !"'"moM! ~1' a:::nng hereunder_ Each such appointment and <br />$<lQ.l.Hi\,ltl-on Shall 00 It\iu3e l>Y .-fltlen insTrument by 8eneflelary, conlalrnnCl <br />!,,1_8flCflI 10 lh'!l Tro!>t O~ IHll.1 ib place of record, whkm when recorded In the <br />..:~tHt:e vlltlllll1~Ult.f O! 0Md1i O! Ifill wunty or counties in wtlid"t saId property I. <br />sltuated $-hai1 ~ concl\lsive plool ot ploper .ppolf!tlTHlnt oJ the .uceonor Tru..... <br />ftJ,e IOf"eqolog pow., Of #l.l(ll<tllullon al\O to. prooedVfe thol'erore sn.1I not be <br />8o_~c:u-&rWl ~)j w~ po....$!" i1~d proc&dut<!l pfQ<I!dO\:IIQr by law for the :tl.lbotllutlon of-O <br />r'J;(lJlti ,,: In.J''''"!>;' in ll\e p!llCt1 vi ,'1& Tru$lMl <br /> <br />:0 f~.~ ~y a.nMtclaty or Trust.. Not. W........ Any torebeanlnce by <br />~0lI11t::1.1) 0' ;'Vtl'-~ W ,nll'i(;;$,n~ !lr;y riijnt 01 t~y hltrOl.indllH", 01 QtMrwlao <br />.I.!!o<o.a by aPt::-li<;lltJjfJ la\><. .H,,s;i (101 [Hi !l .....alv"" of or pllKlluoe the u.ficlse of any <br />"\1f>I ,)f rfHI'f>O, !)e-16UOQ$! Ll~"Wll:l$, !t:ll "".,V6\ Oy 8en&tlclal"\f or Tru8t.. of any <br />~t.l.fl\ r;l1 r'\lIlIOf "f"I(ll!' 11\'$ ,.tf~l D~ sh.U not be deemed to be . wal"M of any <br />-J!!tttf ,;;.,- :I'!P.J;;;,' 0,,1"'...'1:1" ~ut.'llot'lQut;rlt''r (IoCt:unll'lll <br /> <br />}l T~IOf Nut A.~ f!ll~rl8h)h 0! If'loe Uma lor ~yroenl or modUICatlon Of <br />;t;'nunttlill";)fl 11-1 We !lu,""'5 ~M:ule.d by Itlis 1msl D&Od Q'-lInted by eeneflciary to any <br />~u(;~..tlIm in Inl.....l of "fru.,tl)r lIt>aH no: op&lale 10 f81&&M, In any man~, tile <br />':'JIO"lty 01 It.lI oll\1If'tQ.1 r,u:lliOl ()1 r'u!lw"!l -sUCce"Of lo !nlef..t Bel1etlCI.ry atlaU <br />"':'! btl f(!Qui,OId 10;; ;:;ommer--,ct;' pr-<O<.;~lflg.>>lf SLkC<' aUGClIiHO( 0; r.JUH to <br />tl~lel'to 11m'" IO~ j";ltj!.ntltlt "J "H\(tlWIMl :1Ioolly tAmOftillllh3fl of the suma MlClJled Dy <br />,r'ill r''-'1I1 ~ by '~.,.S"f> ,>~ ,;ny ,~1~'''lI.l\;;! rn.t(l+ by lh;:! Ol~OlnaJ Truslof.nd Trustee'!; <br />'h":.iAU;.j\"f~!,,.'n!"'ro:'1$1 <br /> <br />~2 0.1.",,11. (r ~t'9't; 'J><"lltH (:tt ;0 _ll!'lioVil ;jfl(j~f \1;1& 0&00 01 Trusl or undef aflY pflor <br />'~lvt\Q"'\l", t"", 6ttntof,,;';;o1"f "hit' ':"'10 sue!) \.loll_uH. and Ihe amounts athanv6'< by, <br />,},f1d ,,)(l1t)! c..:,alli .w;J .~'1t'lfl.IU' Of It"le tlernlllJClflty In curlrlQ ~lJcn default. with <br />'f1I$Utf'tt 51 !t""" dllllluit 18t6 ':L't1I.:tH,&j Jfl fl"",., 1>1018 SSCulCKI i'l&teby from In. tlmo 01 <br />l~ .fJ~.!'I{.I:l~ CllJiy(t'"N$c !>t,..H t.-'l1 aJal:Kl to tho mollbl>1dntJSS sa<:ured by thlt Trus' <br />D-.t ilFl(i m.~ t>fj '>:IQI;&;::Ii;!(! ~liH"'..J,,;.a/ it.! iln'r urn. .UeI lfle ume of SUCh adllance' <br />i:!' vairm&n!S ..,,:,l !!ohll\l! boI Q~)ml:l,~ \0 be tlollC"red htueby <br /> <br />;1'3 OpIiOfllo For1I(;lo.., l}porl ltlt:! t...~cural'tce 01 lift)' dlll"l.I11 ~'lIIlJl\d81, Beflellc1ary <br />31'1ali hlhll tflfl iJ~l'{)1': :I.i l<::,r&Cll.'~~ Ihl!< lrU&1 DStJd io the m.nrte, plOvldttd by law lor <br />the !;.'I$O;o~"'/'a 01 mvf1g~w"J!j v.f !1\li; prooorly <br /> <br />;:. TI\.1.t<<'. RIqhta. Abt-ant o.tault, Unlil an.,. Jahlult ill lhe p\ly~nt 01 <br />,'-"J"l:IjtKln"!I-\\ 1"i8-'~bf "i1t;,..r~ (}, u!1W ih" t}ie;lCl'l QI ",nr Co-ritnjlr1l11."lln contained. <br />Wet rt\I~~C(, ,;~ .!P..l(,(;<l'1l'b<JNi /Hid al>$It,lr;Sc. st\aU pOaH3/i and enjoy In. prooerty, and <br />'flClIi"", IN! r..nh ant) pWl'IS :htiHlllO'1'l, Uj.J<H'I- paymel'lt 01 all sum~ s$Curod by Ihls <br />T~tJ.! ~, 8<3'nejfCIBty ~haH (<Kjv"' lnJtllee te ,occnvifY !he property and shall <br />5\JH$ni";!;,r 1M,,,, l"l.JilIl D~ an(lll!! <,\ulet. ot~!tlerll;m'W l11dobtedness secured by this <br />'-,,,$' ~ IV "I.'S!H ~'\.!,,1~ 1/1\0;;; 'ticc,r,..-ey 1!>e O~ope"Y Wl1hout ';\IaHant)' lInd <br />""1t--.>,-" . 'HHQ-& ,~, :"", ~Ih:";; ''-'VOI)l,! "....1<1100 1116fe1Q Tile GrBl'lttHI in an)' <br />[,,,;, ~'" O"''lV't:r.:.J. ~~ :h.. ;:,~,r:l>Dn Of ~t:50"S IIntitl&d lh(fUtlO:' afl(l <br />:r~!e,T' ,J! ltr,.~ ;"att",,, 0' ';tCl~ sn..1l bot conJ.;!...~~Ytl prQOI 01 lrttl <br />5",,1""- p~'f:'i0Ti .~. ,~''iUt'l$ shili! Dfi.'f ;ill <:iOlll~ ot l&CoH,lng.l! any. <br /> <br />1':, A(.CtlKorfllll;1j.,;;, lhot l:....m ol rrtcllU," ", I.". ;,-.",.'111na lrll.. IQ -!!i&,t":! teal l!t-!!itate HI <br />"'i-'\$.I""".,.,.; ':" ~l;r.t-ol--::O><1 ,,:' ~~ ~:.",';iF.'!~_ in;."" jh6 ,.mdf;"'i'iQn&d lor ""fl)" r$altOtI or <br />n,.. anf '~1'!t,_i.'O ....hali>0*","", :!"i" to-"l"'" pr>i\c:paJ ~i.Jrn i\nd <l~(:n,otl ii\l~~t $.1'111; jill <br />-",,-,i; L~,::,~,",1li ',;.co; "-"'j i>-<i.:,,,l,h:l d! \1'-" ",hK:iC.'1 0' lh. g,,',ef!.,;i!lory FltihJle 10 <!It.fcllOG <br />-ht~ "~-!,0(' ~;"K;"'.I1>", .:' ',,,,,'OS',,,, <l;~ iit',-'V,l "j~lil!ud In ;)(,,;1 !f11!lli.l","'" ]jMall nol <br />^:QrJ$-lnulli<!lI "'ili."1 f;' !N, "\.<"\ ,\' ",,~,,<'!;;\l Ui.. ~i>."''' i/'i !he tlV1ll111 Qf DJ'\i .ubll1tq'.)t\1'lt <br />'f<i<\l!-l,e' <br /> <br />.. "" ,..,,,. """ ,,,",,,,,,,.,,.,,. ~...,' S 16/8 2 ~ 2/4/83 <br /> <br />.f...,vl.., t.>. ~'o.!.t'.J.' (q JOHN A. IJOLI~ <br /> <br />tru.I... <br /> <br />M<.-:"d;"'YIl;.rlJ'<-'p'Il'.Nj-'i"iI~" $19)!+ ~" ~Q _fv. $298~.~._~J~<J <br /> <br />ik'>1\1l1t *'Nj ~;\~ 'C>' .",~ '." ,,'~f' '~',.. fl~,ifI"" ,;',j (~~" ."..1 1;J@lr.fiH.".\'I!(.'l\OWI <br /> <br />~-ln-82 s ~-22-83 AS !)()(:. ~OS. <br /> <br />fil-I)Ol8'36 (. 8J-lhllH~J\) <br />