<br />I
<br />
<br />83-006011
<br />
<br />31st
<br />
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />
<br />.19 83
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED. made this
<br />be and between:
<br />
<br />, whether one or more, herein-
<br />CAIRO, NE68824
<br />and
<br />
<br />(B)
<br />
<br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address is 402 SOUTH HtGH. STREET,
<br />
<br />(C)
<br />
<br />JOHN A. WOLF
<br />addressls P. O. BOX 428,
<br />
<br />P. O. BOX 1566, G~ !SLAND, NE 68802
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose malllnj;!
<br />and
<br />
<br />GRAND ISLAND, ~~ 68802
<br />
<br />as "Beneficiary" whosemalllng.address.ls
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($l.00l and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grMts, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, In trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated In HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title In fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with' all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURiNG I11M~f_tRW'tm~nt and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />andthepaymentoftheprinclpalsumofllUUDREIl SIXTY IW;:UT ~~ Dollars($ 55,168.97 l,
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates MWest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, If not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the._.JQ1!',__,_____ day of OCTOBER ,19 93
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Wan:.ntyot nu.. TnatQ(., J......fuH, l$olt<:~ ,,! W-ttP',,~l,. If r'lclo;;\1...-W 11(.1:" ..11I.l
<br />lawM ~thol:w; to uti .n4Cot.,",,)-I~ r'~njl. ttlto ~';o..-~ti' ':.'I inM llna ,;:1.., o! an
<br />~ all(! .n~~ 1i'C:tlP1 hflt~1li ,"Ie... o~ leGOlll, .v:u lw.tot ,."a >\Illllllnt an~
<br />dlJIend tfle- tiu. t-.') Uw Ptopoet1)' iJll-to the- llU:i-!tM; 1i'-..,1 II!. ~~-C.:UVIS .1\a .s&lgns
<br />fotwti. ~lll6t tr. ;:,;lau'n.ll of aU))lNwn&.. Inl~IOl,..1 as OJ\poenuo. .'11 mi\m.lam and
<br />pttlMfWtMiiflnullN. T~t ~na h~!\ l.IWf1lt'lol r'l.'M ~fl'" 'wl'.ljtK.! ofliy:o
<br />~atlCM .xil-Un; as 01 l~ Q.l~ OetflQ!. ..,,!i c.a..i-$ thuoo T!~'tll ~ an..:! hen
<br />~t or '\ij)O~ tnweto.. to M Wsd &>1,j fItCO-faed.." a ;l\OO~ of 1m.
<br />TltjSt ~ in $lI(;h m&flntol ~~ ll'\ wen pj~.. arw "'Ill tal<;@$UchollleractlOfl as
<br />In lne W!tliQt\;)f lruo.tM :tM.)' be- 1eQOiroc by Anr prl'l-Unt O! iUhlr<l lllw 'D .;:roo; 10
<br />Qel'tecl matnt&i-.n and Pf~ the. i:tlt\ ,;f Uti$, TfUtit ~.;!. n:h& >>mil mOl.,. ~ Iro-To
<br />UrNt~~~Qf~I~tu.
<br />
<br />t ,....". '" ~ and tntMut. ~~lCl'l snai.l.ll,lnl,':ll4.H)' P-~J' tM O'!nclP41 of.
<br />al'lCi j~ vn, a.a.id protf\iUof)' note mcj",(11'lg ~lli' ild.4\11CQ; the!OIC n pn:,widOO
<br />~. Ofl tn. ~... iIIl'1fJ, at the p!~ &00 In the ma.-"'~' pHW'~ 1h$0'n and wilj
<br />puAC~ pertomlAli -w~~t.$, e....'DOitk>r~ -.<1d -p!-O'-~'Of~$ vt iU'} otl'1et ~"flt~
<br />m.e.t~Ql~!~~tu)rt"I~lI INs \(ant>act~~,~.
<br />
<br />:I.;~ """tMlenatliN of ~rtyo !f...~tG-i ....li! nOI curr-.rr\lt ...t!~ WllSll1
<br />UQOl'I the ~ and __li.i, a! ~l; tifMl<.\, mo.l"til;~ li'\oo ~~ ,f> 1l0Q(l orON am:!
<br />cotlidiUon .and .W n\aktl:, It''--.:l'm Hne- 1>;;- b~, Jt.;l rf!-o---....f:'l. reo~....als., tt<p1ac0.ml,lH'lI:S,
<br />~.toM. .fld .!mpt'-'!FemiIL"U whi~ ~H" r~Wfl~~i} ~w<*! to .e<~::t ".i$t-a.
<br />~rp ~.uon cl ~ ;;tQpert). So t-ai-ldH'iQ Of JlT>i)rc:v~'filt f~ or
<br />~.~ I;$Oh tha ""'~t'f- 8~! ~ ..i-\l!ti~l. !"$~~e-d t>f dic>mo-ji-s~
<br />~l fN I>>'klt wtitttn conunl ~ &eMh,i.$.ry
<br />
<br />4. '~IO'~, In c~vl.v'l)'~...tP~ to.. D'l ~~t:",cl\Of: 01, lhi- bVlk1lrlg:J;,
<br />~~!e:=;~c;,!l~:;::e>;;{t~llJ:~:r,~~!,~;,,~~~!~,~:~t::
<br />~~~:::~~t~~Q~::f:~:E~;~~;~::;:~2\~~:~~~
<br />
<br />~ MId .-.wms $.l ''01 I'l'...l$~,):'!y \'\1'$-''-; ~i">I'l HI.....11 Jll'1d ",dll). ;;}l ftuc?'>
<br />~ ..~~t. ..fId tI<\l-!1IQn~111 H>:.bt~ thai h'J;lm* :(7),,,Ie-.;i~~I!:')' ,H;<:X J.'"
<br />.\lil,;It~ ~ O(..tt'..trilioti. 1:t\d~ tTlOl-:1 tI8 *\'\N~ tr; (~jmthl.'!'$jn-cn; .~o-;" H"T
<br />t{~W-~~t.;t!M'~ !~~-;;n~~;<<gi-'i-<Jtlt.>y rl"-...~!", ~l 0<1:1); H.'
<br />~.*,,"'O-t",,*~Ml $Um $."~..,..<,."..,!,,,fiW t'ht ;;1',h!;;\l1f<
<br />
<br />;r ~.T~tGt> tI.hl.l'l.i,;i< ," 1\ VH('<'.~f~l'o<". ,( ..;,\1 ,,,:,, ,h'\Il-1' ;-;t":;#;ill.;j- l~
<br />~....,.,(t.tt-fit~~ ~n:;!lJ_-t'.. "';JI";t-" If"'~ W'")~" ;,,,-,W l!,E' ;'""'~ -',);;!-M!' 5:tol.1~ ')1
<br />~~~
<br />
<br />
<br />'~~INI! parties. Ali 1nSUlOitlC8 poUclOti lnilJntlllned pUfIiUant to (his fro!!t Deed
<br />"hall lilil1le Trusty .aIlQ 8enll:fICI8i)' as ll'!!.urQda, as ,"e4r l\l.pecll~ inler...l. may
<br />appllQL. and prtlvlde that the,a -shaH be no cance.llatfon or mooillcaUon wit!,!out
<br />l11toen Gal'$. pllor \llifJllen m>iUlcatlon to Trotta. and Benelici.ry. In the evanl ilny
<br />polley tweuM8f IS not reniJllI~ on Of belore IIft"n {lays prior to lis 9XpltaUon
<br />a.te, TrU:!lee Ot Qefteflc..,y m""y procwe aUGh insurance and the cast UWK~ shah
<br />~ .tl.ddo4J 10 the fOOln $tlC\lteQ by Ihis Trust Deed and shall bUr inlorlMt at the
<br />grIMteM 01 the jnt.fesl fat. apwcifl6d In.ratn or the nighest intiltftl.l rale au[l'lOrtle<J
<br />by th6la.,.s of In.-State of Nebtas.ka, TtualOl $hall deUvor to 8otllllf!cialy the Ofiginal
<br />pOlicies 01 in.$lIf<llflC(I .rld fene-wais Ihtlf801 Of memQ copies Of 5UC;h- pallel.a -e.nd
<br />flVle...-Q1.s thereof. Failut'l to furnish insu-ral'!C6 by Truslor, or r~Mw.als as required
<br />he,elJnd<>r \Wall, 11;1 Ins opllon 01 a_nt:tllclaIY, COnstitute a tiel"I.>IL AU UI\e-8mt)tj
<br />pTbmh,rns art" htiTebv ;lh$;gOed 10 f fusttt-e as adOlllOnal securil)' ilind t\ sal" and
<br />,~onV<.l;yA"c.i> Qi lhE! PrOptlfly by tlle frutlee shall operate to ';;':;lW~Y 10 the purcl'lUe-l
<br />the 1'f,-,$tor'5 lnt&re:st In end 10 all policies oj jnsvr.;tnce upon lh;;l T!ust Propell)'.
<br />
<br />}, r.....net A....ument... Trusla, lOhall pay an laxus and sptW1a! all""~Hs
<br />l;!Y'6U or .a;;se:!s'tld against Q( OUt) upon the PropeHy o.;.lQtt) dElllnquency. and wm
<br />je;,HH 1-0 ge-nelu,;laf)' <:opiEt~ ,l! rtK;ei;lls sl'lo\lti~ p$)'m~nt o! sllch 11>>6-$ and
<br />s;::;.,ci-al a$S&IU,menlS. II BQfll):nciary ahailw EeQul!'lIl, T tuslOr -lQr&8& lnalltwre stlil;H
<br />~ a-ctde-d to each perIOdic paymanl reqUIred 10 be mao$ h(t18vndar an ~mount
<br />~il.\imlllmi by Tlu'itOO 10 l:1:E1 sufflder;1 to e!lab~9- Twslor 1(1 pay. at leasl 30 dal'~
<br />botton. dt'j'n<llJen<Cy, all t<u:ti$, ll!fusJj.menl:! -Of oit)el pl.lbHc Chill'''..! ~lliflS! t11.a
<br />T:u<}{ ?fo,-.~f!y, the Note $e-Cu(f.K1 oy !ttiB. Tr,jst troea. Of lip,m itccounl a/lhe oebt Ot
<br />l-t'.1} ;'en o! tt'l.1l> TruSt D~, iDliilthtlt ",..,Ill pramiutTls for Il1s;.,tii!ncu reqljtf$d to !Ie-
<br />l-'Io~;d.\lti l.lr>o:jtlf ~J'1j$ T<utol Doeeu ;""<1 n') 1ntllm~! :;.h;tli t,t\' pilydbJe tu truSIC'>t ;n
<br />>')~p-ect (h'lf6d I)pon det'NIn>j tit Trustt'e, TI1lSIQf S.hllll! dl>Jhe-r to 1'Iu!lIOO 5-lH';!'1
<br />:,u<Jilii..>ni!; Sum!! 01 rtlilnt'!y <11; ;:II(e ntte.cs.slIly h~ make lJp any tlil'hClt'fICY 'It H'l>
<br />"'r<10Win f;c{:(IS:;<t', to ..."'!!obl.. Tru-s.llffi:O P<)} <JflY of t!'le fCh?Qo!nQ ill!<n~
<br />
<br />B Addltlc:.n&1 1,1.nl., j~\i~tQf J;j"'ol;!l11lIlK'" ai' po!lym"i1tll (Ii 'lIhner.! alia pfmClpallJ(~
<br />p~)'mO}f!t't 0,1 ..JiY oinllol Ct,<lIf\ftl~, tf\<llt,s" ...1\0 d<lo:pen$l>> (;ont:..,ctoo to be ~llJ 10 ..n~
<br />e"l-l!<lllllJ lien h\~-id~I, 01 pne! Cel\llfu;:iaH$l:\ ,mdef oJ"" ;I,riO' tfU!lt ~ Mtlft~Oiue.:if
<br />O\!'\ef ~l..lfl!): li\j:l'l!llf1\-tlfll, boilcttl-ltitt """1$11\4) ",rll 11/:1l1f111uj,mll\f1v IQ pAy "r.y Qthg'
<br />,'iaim wh,.;h }e{l,?lltdi.to>> tile $~,<j-1UY\lr"'!II"d llell!'in
<br />
<br />,.. Pt~<<oll Qt ~f~'&ry'. S~utlty. :S~OJ,;I.1 TfUSllt<' tjjij iO tr.;p.~ <lily ll(lr~t\.ll1t
<br />t;oil ~D (,\0 /WI' i:clMi h~r~lll ",ra"ill'ld, <Ii if .al\,!, a;:1ion v~ ;''l\h;;$<ldlt.'1l1:l t;i:lrnt1:Wl'1:~-oU
<br />....!'If..,'1 rt'I;J~.fi:8J'y .t.n~ B<!ltH!H6a,yOs Intt1I",,,i ;tt tl'!. P!op&ft), 11\Gihi1Jif1Q, but net
<br />[F.'i1tttd ill" tl""i".!)flt ~10<<'~i"l, lrl-!:\o<.?hef';('!. ~".a11g./t.'f>tont'- 'J' ~~fOCeq,jjf'lvl> ,n..l,lh/nQ ~
<br />Mr'""",,;,,.)t oe'::'irL~~',I. 1"-,;;",' BI!'I',i!(;-C\';:;;~ 0' f:liiliti'M;- t"il..,H-.~)j.f1 L>bnil~l;(tn k' a.:,;;o
<br />..~J ~'I~nQ>.,Jt !J<,1j,;;;;Q m I)j diomll/!rj \lpO.>'1 i'rust~t, am:.! i:\i!t;hQ.n I<!iJi'!.!l$:W,g rf:llllnl 'ron'
<br />"-"~1 ..;f:l<~h,)r. ~--I~'t'\c.'i'i. ""',\I." ,"'~\,,@ ('j' ,j;;, tho; $~, ~/"d '1>;tt' Pili t"'.","f1~tor,
<br />,}d'<l~!, (" f:~i>':)V:)Y'''~'l-a''l "ll""n'ka~';;:l!:, ;~"~I)ll1- "1 Hell. N!,;J,c.-l'< ,f; II,,, NI:<i,l",m#ffl \~,
<br />,~.H~ ;o,.'iA<'l;'''' '" *1'fr,;:1 \..it~ ~-iX\~H:r, I/-;:\;'<Ii;'.'t;;',,:: $"t "~H:i'> ;'1-O!f*rif$ 1~~
<br />~',~f,;.','i':",- 0< 'rfu~tM ~'jh ""jo,-,< "p,t>t;,!,>, J!l"<! "'~M"oJ ..--t>M!tI...~ >tr"'J.\,nt~
<br />';'\W':-<~l'':i Ip.,,,, <II'"';,,!". ,', :hl;! ;m,'W'U"li'
<br />"'''iN''' 1"",1 f'>(:l;h), .f"'4!J 1".1 ": ,,,,,;,"-,,.'t\
<br />\!,'\I~ ".,
<br />
<br />