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<br />r <br /> <br />83-1J(lR985 <br /> <br />9. CoacIemnatloa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Propeny. or part therrof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid '0 uDder. <br />In the event of a total taking of ,he Property, ,he proceeds shall be applied '0 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in wri'ing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by ,his Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />3$ is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />'aking bea... to the fair marke, value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after nOlice by lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to !flake <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender- is autborized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Dee<l of Trust. , <br />Unless Lender ~i)d Borrower otheJ"W"ise agree in writing, any ~uch l':I,pplJcation of proceeds to pnncipal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due, date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amolint of <br />such installment&.. <br />10. Borrowt, Not Released. Extension of the time fo-r payment or modification of amortization of lh<? sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust ~nted by Lender to any successor 111 interest of Borrower shall not operate to 1!1 any manner. <br />the liability of the onginai Borrower and Borrower's !.ucccssors in Interest. Lender shalt not be reqUired to commence <br />procredinp against such sUCC--eSSOr or refuse to e;uend time for pa)'ment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by tbis Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made, by fhe original Borrower and Borrower~s successors in interest; <br />11. F~ by '1...r:mIu Not . Waivn, Any forbearance by Lender in e.xerds;ing any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, s.hall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right at remedy. <br />.f!te procurement o-r insuran~ or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges. by Lender shaH not be a waiver of lender's <br />nght 10 accelerate the matunty (\f the IOdebtedtlMS ,sc<:u~ed by this Deed of Trusc . , . , <br />1.2. ReDledies Cumulattn. AU remedies proVided to thiS Deed of Tmsr are diStInct and cumulative to any other nght <br />Of remedy under thIS Deed of Trust or 3tfordt..-d hy law or equity. and mey be exercised concufrently~ independently or <br />iocccaively. <br />13, s..u- aDd A...... IIound: Joint and Snn'" I.bblllty; C.ptlo.... The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall hind. and the rights ht:reunder ~hall inure 10, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />'iubjeel to tbe pmviuotlS (Jf paragraph 17 h~re~'\-f. ,A"f1. covcnan.ts and agree-me-nb: of Borrower shaH be joint and several, <br />The c.aptions and hudiQP ot the t)! thlli Deed of Trust are tor ~()nvenienC"e only and are not to be used to <br />interpret Of define the prtl\lwom hereof <br />14--. ~otke. f:.x.cepi tor any nouce reqUited under apphcable iiiW 1._' b<: given 10 another manner. (;t) any norke to <br />Bor-row~f provKkd for in this Deed of Trust s.haH be gIven by madmg such nmice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property A-ddn:u Of ;u such other add~ a", Borrower may des.ignate hy notIce 10 Lender as provided herein, and <br />(0) any- notice to Lender shalt be given hy cernfied onul, return TeL"eJpt reque&(ed, 10.Lender's addres.'ii stated herein or to <br />~uc:.i, cAber addreu at Lender may designate by n-oUC-c fO Borrower J..'j proVIded herem, , Any notice provided for in t~is <br />lJecd of Trust, !haU he deemed w have be~n given to Borrower or Lender when given m the manner designated herem. <br />15. Unifonn DHd of Tnut; (;qft-r1tiat '~Sc,oo,t'naWUty. T}lJ~ form of deed of ttusl combines uniform cO'\--enanfs for <br />llat.lonal use- and non,uOltorm covenants With lllnued \'anallon-s b~. iunsdlclJon to constitute a uniform secunty instrument <br />covering real propC:rty "mrl f)co-ed of Trusl ",hall t~ gl,.werncd h' lh~ law ot the ,uns.diction In which the Property is located. <br />In the ('Vf'nt th.a. an?r' pr(Wi~l()-n l"I dOlUS(: of Tlll~ Deed o! Tru.s.t O,t the NlJtc n:mfhct') With applicable: law, such conflict shull <br />oot .ulcer other pn):vl$WOI, of thi!i [}eed of Tfu~t m the NNC WhKh can t"C given effect wIthout the conflicting pnwision. <br />and to illn. end the- provwum of the Deed (l! Trilltt and the No(e .lire d<<iafcd to he s~ve:rable. <br />16. llorr'ewff', (".-OpI. Borrower ahail bC' hrHil,h-ed it \ ontnrmed ;.-opy o! the Note and or this Deed of Tru~l 3.1 the time <br />,.\( c~ccution or aher recordation fw:~t <br />11. Traaf<< of au Propeny; A....,cioa. If all pr iln~' part 0" the Property or an in.eresl therem is. sold Of transferred <br />by 80rT0we-r _nh~ Lcmkr'!J prIOr wrlHen ..:ot\\Cl1:C l'u.Judmg !.;) !he ~,re3f1vn of a lien t\r erll,:urnbrance s~bordinate to <br />thi-a- rked ol Tn.t\l. t b) the cre.Uon of ;t purt:haM nU..}J'lcy \e,unly mh~re!il lor hOl,.lS<'hoid apphanc-es. (c) .~ transfer by devise. <br />des.cenl (\( h)' oper_bOO (\f lftw upon the- death 0-( -J; JIltnt lelHHU or (d) the grant (,)( .l.tly leasehold interest. (\t' thrl."e years or I~ <br />,001 cotJt8!nff'i1 an QpttQO fi) pur-.;hiiK,.l tnder mu), al J en-Jcr S tlpHOfl. -decllue all the SUlll!> '!oecurcu by tlw~ rkcd of TruSI to be <br />lnltncdiately due- and pa)-~hk-,. Leodf::r ~U\.'c Waf\i(:o 'S-u\.'h \'pUun to ~'i..:-cclc:raa: It. pnor to the sale or tran~fer, Lender <br />and fbe perwn to whom tbe Properly HI h' he wid tlf fI,.ohferred rt".;:tch oJ.ereelTlCm 1:1 writing that the credit ~)f such person <br />.;:~ u.lafactory to Lender "00 lhitt the mlefa1 p:.tYOih!e <,'" !he \Oms ~Ct:Uf!::t.I h} !hl\. O<<:d of Tru~t shaH ht: ;d such rate ~,~ <br />Lender !hAil requut.. If f..e11der m.\ warved the oplum hl 4..::ekr~te pn)'\'fded Hi rhl\ paragraph! 7. and jt" Borrower\: !ucce)sor <br />In intefa-l ha.:li txecU!ed a wntten >tULImphOn ag'n:ement a..:t;epted in ~'nllOg 0)' Lender. Lender :!-haU release Borrower from <br />aU (lb!iltl-fWO-S und<r th~ ~ ~){Tf\a{ and the Notc. <br />H Leader n:<1'C~ 5Ut;:h option tn a~C'el('[att', r ,l'"ndc( duH ,nail BNrtl\o\!c:'r nO-lice uf i!(."~el-eratum In accordance with <br />parqtaph 14 hefeOt. Such nolt!.."'e shan pn:.rndc il pefR~ t\t riot k'u than .W dll;l~ ;ru-m the \.huc the notice IS mailed w~thin <br />wNch Borrowef .nut)' pay the SUllb In-;arc:o \JIJ(' fi &1HtJ"'"e-f t.uh I;:) P-;t\- :<ow.;h ~um!> pnor hi th~ cx.piratlof1 of .\uch period, <br />l..e.-ode,t 1Nl)". w.thout lUMber n-OH4..-"'C ot demand ..1ft HCl-fro'4-ec ,W,,,'...C /:in~ rem~di(:"s pc:rmmed hy par;;.gtaph IX hereoL <br /> <br />~tN-UNlfOkM ('O'Vt'NAN'I:\ !k1trOwef ;uld Lender further ~o"'enanl and agree 3," follow!! <br /> <br />.1, -\r~ R~_ I(",,,,,........vidtd in J'll""Crap!> 17 ""....f. upon .IIorrower'. breach of any tove.....t or <br />.ftfllMel of 1loI-rowfl" ilt rllia l)eH of .,...... indudi81 Ilk t'o"~llanb In pay WMO dIM' .BY ~UIIU- ~uted b" this DHd <br />of Tnosl. 1_....... '0 IK........... _ ...... _ke to Bono........ p.o.HIed in J' 14 ""reef opedfy!...: (I) I"" <br />hrudt: (1) doe .dioa l't'qUirM '0 .ore _'h b",ad,: ,31 . date, ..... ..... than 30 d.yo from t"" date lb. notice Is mailed 10 <br />___r. by -- _II .......... mlllt "" ."'ed: .u (41 ,hat rroil..", ,,, <It'" .ueh breach on ur berore Ihe dale .per:i/led <br />ialile - _y _. in a<rfleratiorr 01 ."" ..._ ...ured by t.... 1_ or T._ and sall' or t.... p..........y, Th. DOlWe <br />..... r_ iaf_ Ben9..... or doe ria'" to _.. afler ""<<""lion and t'" richt to btlnt a .ourt I<110n In _rt <br />tIN ......-~ of . dd..h Of U) ofbef .fll"8w uf Bo"ow~r to &Cede-ration and saIc~ If the breach i'i not fund <br />.... ... ....- lile ...... _iIied Ie I"" notke, I.,,_r at L.ader', oplion may <lee..... all of t.... .u.... ..cured by Ih.. Dred <br />of Trwotlo "" l-.IialeIy 01""..... J'lly- .._, r......... d__ and may po.... of uI~.nd my other ..n.reIies <br />......... ..,. ......- -, l.endu -. "" .n.itletl to toll<<t all '_able "om uti ..P<..... i""urred in punol... Ih. <br />~ _ioIocI Ie t" ~ 18. loci...... btoc DOl limited to. ._nobIe ano......y.. r.... <br />U lite pow<< 01 sale is un"'" T~ shall f'<<Ofd .. fIOfKc- of defaoJt in r",'b ("QUO" in which the- Property ur some- <br />1*1_. loc_""" oWl _ <opin or __b .....k'" ia t'" ............ p~ by appllnWe I... to Borro.... _ 10 tbe <br />odlu _..-ribed..,. appIic1lble _, Aft...... Iapoe or ...cb ti"", lIS may be "''1ulred by applicable Ia... Trust.... moll <br />py. ........ ......... 01 .... to Il>e _ aDd in ..... ......ow. pto>e.lbetl h,~ appllcable I.... Truot..... without de_d on <br />.......... ... ....1Iw ~ lit puWk aoct"", to ,he bit..... bidd". at I.... II"", and pia<< and uade. t'" ,..n.. designated <br />Ie dot.....,., of.... Ie - Of more pot<do and in.....b ..... .. T........ .....y d.......... Trust... may "",tpo..., IilIIe of all <br />Of ., ........ eltlle .........y ..,. pooWk __ at ,.... 11"", and pia<< of any pre........y ...betluled 1ilIIe. 0. <br />t........ ........ -, ~ Il>e '.........., at .., ..... <br />u,o. ........ el pay_ of .tIIe price bid. 'n..."" _ "dit~. 10 the purch.... T....t"".. d.ed c......y.... the Property' <br />..w.. TIle _iIIik Ie doe T_', deed .w "" prima fade nilln><< or ..... lrutb of the __ mode tberem, T........ <br />oWIllIlPl1 ....,~ or.tM IilIIe .. tM. f........... \I.""''' (allo all ~ .... _ .._ or t.... ~. lncludl.... but <br />-......10. r-.. f_ or - _1"-_.. 0, c. , _ ..., '" or Il>e 1l......1ilIIe pm" re--we au_y. r_ _ .-. of <br />:::... ~ (!alto. - _Uftil .., thloi llft,d of Tl'tJOt; au (clt'" ""_If any. to the penna or P"""'''' l..oIIy ...lkled <br /> <br />.... .."....,... R.Apd Ie-....... Not1A:1thlhmding LCf~def\ 4,I.'ceieu.nofl oJ' r~ ~lJnl-\ Sl,,"Cured by thl,i\ Deed of Tn.I'1t.L <br />lkH-~t 'hal~ M:Y.t tbe flint tQ have' -il-ny p-/O\::eed:ff\~ De-J,un by I.end!:"r h) t"uton-:-e this Det:d ~'!f Trust dUCOfHitW.:d :at <br />.Y!.imC Pf,KU, to t.he t.rIHu- to ('\CellI ,.of iil the:, fifth ~ht)' ht:-fOft (he t;.ak ~\f (he rtdJ.'Cny pm'5uam t{~ the rx'W~' .A ~.lth.- ":'~lolained <br />!$1 dktt_d'ol T:r~Qf t-u) t'n.try of il tudfn\Cl'Jt t-nrordna Ih,,,- t:>t.'Cd of 1 nm 1f: {{Ii 8()rn)~'(f pay' J endc! <tit StlJlU Whh;~h 1'o'\JHld <br />~, C.,due, u.~ tnq. flcw:4 91, 'rnw. th<.: NOit. atld rwtC'$ ~'HfHlI Future .~dva.r\{'e~, If ;111\\ h:a.t no <,u:.'..',ek:ratwn ix,'.;'urre-tl <br />tl}) h'u)Wfl t:~ ,,;i;ll hl~~bq t)f any Qtht-f i:'-()~..Uh ,'11' "*e:reemt:nh vi Rmrow-t'l' ('t,;m,amcu in ttm. [kt:d of Tru'\t: <br />~(;..j ,80t~t ~y) .~n ,fMWfiabtc -e"J,~'.niC.S int'",l,tHed bJ' t..~f~r and TntW<<;"H1 eoil~n~wg the ,,',l\i\:n.ants Jlnd <fgrecm~nh \~j <br />&un.~.. 'Ct~:a~ it'! thM ~ uf lfU\( M1l Hl -eufoh,.lrlg L.en-tkr't ~nd 1 nXiCe'1> n."m-Wl<',j ,.\ j)ftw!d-ed HI pi'tugravh Pi <br />~., i~~~na. hut ~ hmftN h), .1t'Jl.J.Qf\.b~ jf.UQfney'i'i", ;.md tUI IN:)tw,":e;r J.ak~$J s'u>;:h ll.-.;'t<nn iH l.ender ftljl;r, t(''.<!;Ji:01:JJhl\, <br />!"~mt. W ~tt: t.ho., d\t IJt'f\ ~),f Uti" ~ l.1t 'rru\.L t~I,.def'\ H1tefc.~.l If!. d'l<': f~rt~JJtTl.) ;:mu B'-,HTP",'l.~(!. ..l~il~atlltn Ip P,'} <br /> <br />L <br />