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<br />83--005985 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Priadpal and Int~rest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />%. F....... for Tax... ..... I.............. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sball pay <br />to Lender on -(he day monthly installments of principal and inleresl are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein '<Funds") equal to omHwelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearJy premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, aU as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is sllch an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents, Lender nlay not charge fl1f so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bJJls. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicahle law <br />permits Lender to make such a <:harge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution' of this <br />Deed of Trust that inte~t on the fund~ shall be paid to B-orrow'er. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be: paid, lender shaH not be required 10 pay B(lrrower any interest or earnin~s on the Funds, Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showmg credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />bv this Deed of Trust. <br />, If (he amount of the Fundt held by Lender. logeth('r with the furure monthly installments of Fund'!. payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes., a~sments, insurance premillm~ and ground rents. ",hall ex.ceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />~nb, insurance premiums and groond rents as lhey Ltll due, ~uch excess ~hall be. ar Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited w Borrower on mOO1hJy installments of Funds, If the. amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shaH not he sufficient h. pay taxes, a.i:tiessments, insurance premiums and grotlOd rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shalt pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon paymenl in full of aU sums s~ctJred by thiS Deed of, l.ender s.hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. if under ~aragraph 18 hereof the Property 1\ ~)Id or th~ Property IS o.therwisc acquired by Lender, lender <br />!lhall apply, no later than unmed18.tciy pnor tn the sale .flf the Pfnperty or liS acquisllJon by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of a.pplication M a credit against the ~um~ \Ccured h)' this Deed of Trust. <br />3. AppIkadon of hyments. Unles..~ apphcable bw provides othen~lIsc. all payments received by lender under the <br />Note and paragraph$ I and 2 hereof shall be applied by f coder fIrst in payment of amounts payable to Lender oy Borrower <br />under p-aragnph 2 hereof, then to interest pavable on the Note, lhe-n to lhe principal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Ad~am."U <br />4. ~; 1M... Borrower ..hajj P;l\' all [.:J\t"i, J-">Sc~mcnt\ and other charges. fines and lmposHions attributable (0 <br />the Property which may attain a pnonty over ,h!!j. Deed of Trust. .1nd leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hercof or. if 00[ paid III such mantler, by Borrower making payment. when due., directly <br />to tbe payee thereof. Borrower \bail prompdy (urmsh to Lender all nouce~ of amounts. due under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borruwer shall promptly f!lfntsh it1 Lender receipts evnlencing such payments. <br />Born)wer ~hail promptly dlscharg.t' any hen wtm.:h has pnomy ~w~r lhl:> Deed 01 Trust; pnJVlded, that liorrower shaU not be <br />reqwred to d&har,e any 'OUch lien ~u JonR; as Borrower "hall a!!;rcc 10 \\rttin!'!. to Ih~ payment ('If the obligation secured by <br />\uch fieo in a manner acceptable to Lender. or ~halllil good f.t!lh COOleSI ~llch hen by. or ddend enton:cmenl ()f slIch 111m in. <br />h:gal proceedings whll.:h t"'fICrare to preyent !he enforccmcilt (It lhl" hen t:~r forfeiture oi the Property Of any pari thereof. <br />5_ Haant Jaurua. Butf'l'l'Vo<er ..hall k.eep the: Improvements now C'\!stmg or hereaher erected on the Property insured <br />~g<<inst Iou by flrC'. bazards mcluded ",..tnm the: !t~rm "~'t~nJcJ l'I)Vcr.l~e", and >;,lKh other hazards :i.'i Lender may rcqtnrc <br />and in such amounts and for "\uch pe~f-t,.'1.h .n. I t'ndcr lna) re-qulre; pnH'lticd, that LcnJcr s.naU not re<fulrc that lhe amount of <br />~iUch cove-faie t""Ce-ed th-at am.;>unt pI nweragc rl:4U1rcu In fI.l)' tht sum, ~l...cured by thl~ I>ced of Trust. <br />The ins.urani:t.:' i,.'.ur'ier provHhng Ihe irvmr iJf1i.,(' "hall be .,:110'("11 hy Hnrr{)wcr \lIbjeCl to apPfov4i-1 hy Lender: prOVided. <br />~l such 4ppro~al s.haU not be uoreawnably Withheld .-\li pr-enuufn!o 0:0 Hl-SW.Hi\,:e p0hclt.~ shall he paJd in the manocr <br />provided under par.avb '2 herwt ()r. It 1101 pani HI ~uch maImer. -h) UOrTower makinlt pu.yment. when due', directly to the <br />insurance: carrie!, <br />AlltosW'arn:c poiuZle$ .:md rt:ne-o,loah thcfl,:or '!ih~1I ~ 1ft hn-m ;:H:;,.~~ptablc to I emkr itlltJ ..h..H mdude a standard mortgage <br />,,-'.I.use ill favor I,)f :tn.J in to:m J-\.':('eptablc r\~ I cn4Jer Lc:nJ.:f ...ha,1l h"vl,; the fight to hol\J the pulicie<t i,lnd I'(ocwals thereof. <br />a.nd Borrower ..hajJ pH~mplly !uftu~h to i ('n-J~r .'ill T1:Hc"'".li Ih~hl.t'"" <lad :ill t,;\.t!'PIS l1f p,hd prcfiHum" In the eVCOl of lo~s, <br />tlo-uo-wer shall gi~e prompt IXJlfI..'C 1..1 the ,n~Uf~Ih.:C ..:.ufICI ~'md 1 t"nU('f Lender fIlay make rtt..."'t\f tJt kO$s d not made promptly <br />b,' BorrQW~f.. <br />. Unl6.~ Lender and BorfU''4Cf ;,}lhe-rWI5t ,i-blt:.: If1 ""r!!ln~_ JlI~Ur&th.'i:: IHI_'U,xd~ ")hAjj bot:' ilpphed tl.' re'i-hHatfOI1 Of r~pau pf <br />the Property dam-aged, pfo'dJe-d :'lu~h fC:"h,:l/..IWl\ Of rep.-HI I;' l'-!;"l'l\t)mh.~H~",hlc iJnd tht~ se~(!ruy ~lf thl5 De~d of 1 rtl~f l'. <br />not tbe-reby lmpaned. H ~u-.;h l-esh)filllon l,lf repair I\. n(l-! t':''':,-~n...-;mILi.ln) ka"ilhlc l'!' !t the '>--C\,;urity ot this Deed of lrwa ~'ot.lld <br />~ ImP'tinW, the H1MlfiUh:", pri.:"('.e~s ~aH ~ applied h.-' {h(' '\-U!W' :.-e-um:-d hy thi\ D~_---ed of TrtJ:t.t, With the e\u'.,s, it ally. p:.ud <br />to 8orr-ower, If the Property I'\< ~bandonc,j by Bonl.l.....~f.. .'j 11 HOfltl\>"ct 1.111", It, l't::iiltmd W Lt.'ouer \.\olthln 30 day,,> from the <br />date ili,')(tce i.. milik:d bv Lender to 8ouo\io,c:r ~hat lht IflMJfan..:\,,' l..Hfl~r \iUcr!'. h) -;.cHit: ..t l..!;tH\) (ur In."uranc.::c bcm:th,_ Lender <br />l'i authorized to Cl~J<<i and apply the jnlJ.Uftlm;~ pf\,!<o;..e-cd\ <It [ 0,)\1011 clllH,-r 10 le;;!Oratnm or fepalf of the Property <br />(1-r W the IUrns ~ured b'\' thIS- Deed of TWilL <br />Unle$i I.entkr and Borrower 0lher\liiix dglCC H1 \\ljtmg. .my ,>ul;h applicatlQn 01 pf{,.'~ceeds to pnncipill s.hall not e.l\.(cnd <br />or postpone lhe due d.ltte of lhe Hk:lOthly JIlst4\lmcnh f~(t,':fn.~.J !~, i1\ p.ua8ri;tph~ I i.\lH..I 2 here,)1 \Jr change the amOunt oj <br />such ,nllotaUmc:nb. If under para.graph l1i, hert-oi the Pn)pc:rt) I~ .K-'1-tJlr~J by t.ender. ;l.ll right. litle and Inlefe~t 01 Borrower <br />in and to ailY tn~ur~I'U;c polll:;in- .;md 11'1 .u\d l;,) the pro,:ct'o:. tnerc,,-lt' re,.ultlllg {mOl. damdgc iO {he .Pruperl) poor {Q the saIl,' <br />or ai::'l~silu.)n ~l\all pa~ to l.C'ooer h) the t;.\tem ,'1 fhot: :!oUI1l:), :"f,."l.'urc\i h~ lhis Dca! oi I ru\l InIO'k:dlatdy poor 10 ~u(;h ~itlc tH <br />acquiSition <br />6. PrIM....,... aad M.iDteUft(t" of Pn,~(l): L~Jble-bolds; ('omlominh.uns; Planned Link l)e"t:lopmenhi. Borl'\.Iowcr <br />...hall k<<p the Pn)pcfl) Hl g:\.,--\d ft'p,Hf .tnJ ,hdli nill u1BHlHl V.",,,lc "f f'\'(lllll Illlr.nrmt"llt llf JCktWf,tlU111 ~lf the PrOpl:r1) <br />.uhl ~H comply WIth lhe pfo,"i~tOn~ of an} teaM; if thl~ l>eeJ {\( f fH"l I~ on .1 k~choid. If thiS Deed of Tru~1 I:) on a unit in a <br />condomimum or .a pl.nnw unit d~\'elopmcnl, Born)WC-f ~hJH pt:dOHll ;l.ll oj' fk1rfOWcr'-!> ohhgatiof'ls- unJer the d<;dar<\llUll <br />Of' "wen.flab I.:reating \,.\f governing the c(){\dommium u, pi.Hlncd unH oe...-c1opnlt,.'nt. the\lo':<' ..Hid rt:gutdtlon.. ,--d the <br />.:ond~inium or p-Iannl.~ unit de\'dopment. ;tad ..:omtituen; d...K.:UllKnl<" If a ;,:oru.lOiulnium or planned UUII de'o'cl\lpmcm <br />ndcr IS f::,\,t'i:uted b}' BorrQwer ilnd r"''':-OIdeJ logdhcr '*Jth l!n~ {:ked \,t T'rw\.{, the- \~o\'cnant!l :Jnd agr('ements pt ....u~h pdcr <br />~r..H be iocorporiilLoo into and :shall amcnd and sup-ptemcnt fhe (ll\enanh ,mJ agrccUlt'OlS of thl~ l)CCJ of Tru~[ ;t:. If the nder <br />wer. . part hereof. <br />7, ~Iioa of 1~'1 Suurity. If Borro'i\.'cr falls. tn pcriorm the ct,H-(;ni:ms .Htd agrcyments ,:t~IHal!'H:J in Ih" <br />[)ced of Trust. or if <loy actton or proc:eed:mg i~ (onunenc:ed \\ hit..:h rniitcflaH~. .ttieer) 1 enJer's Interesl In the P'mperl}". <br />induclioa. but not hmite:d 10, t'ffiUlent donliun. inwlveIK:), .;~xit' enioH.:cmcal, I-..~r :.i;rangemenb or piv\:ccdlllg:s It1\'OhlOg a <br />n.niUvpt 01' decedent. then Lender at Lcrwer's. uption, l.lpOn notH,:e to Hl~ffower. ma)- make- su..:h appe~r.tlh:c~_ Ji"l-hun,e ,>u-.:h <br />s-un\5 and cake $ucn acrion as- I), neceuary i(l. p-rOU-II:l ltoder'", mtere.,,,,.r, lnclW1og, t.lH- fH1( lWIlted W, Jl\'hu~mctH ~,t <br />fl::;UOna.b-!e .au-mne-y', r~ and entt) upon the- Pro-pert) tu I'll-aLe<" H l"cmkr r~Ulred fHort8"'g,e i{hUf~UKe :J.... ,I <br />~ODd.ilioR of mUin, tM loan secllred by thfi ()e.ed of Tru~t. BOUOWCf )h~li pay the prcmiumll fl:'qum:d ,,) IH.;UlH,iHi \Lh:h <br />itW;lt~ in effect ontil such Hme it\ the! n:qulremCftl fur :'!-th.:h lIhur<iIH.t: lennin-aJ~ m ;l:c,;oHlancc wtlh U-i."nm\-er'~ ilnd <br />Leader'$. luittCl.ft ll'leement << Ia~ Bon-ov.-c! shaH pa} the aOllJUIH .)1 "It tnOflgag< I"..uranc-c premlUnrli m ih", <br />- provided uD<le, !"'taCt-ph 1 berwf, <br />An)', amoun.. d~tm:rscd by Lender punuant tn thJ~ p.u.Jg.Iaph ;'. ~'J{h i!1Ie:Ie$t lMrt:\Jn. !!!lall i,\(,l,.;~'me ,1,hJifl,)JUll <br />i.-ndeOt~.ol..Borr-owef Jie'CUl'ed ~y rhl$ ~ of Tru~. t:nl(;).\ Borrower and I r.nder >ie-fee to otner lenu:. <.1f pa"t'llltin:, ~Ili..'~l <br />arnounti.U.n be p&-Y4b1c upon w)h~'t" born ltfld~f to &.\ffu-~'ef requ.;3,W\ji payment there.of, and. ~halJ l~'tH UlhtreM tr\HH Ihe <br />4atc of. ~m il the rate p*-yabk ,from time hi hmt'- on (ItJbtaoiHoe- prirK:lp-al under the NOi~ l.ltik~~ p..ymenI (l.f intcr~-\t <br />a, $U(.h- nile- wouM b:. k:oott,il)' to apphcahk law, In Whl(,,'h e,"'tfH \H(h aniouf\l.. ~h."U (leat' IlHeft.~.\! at ch<- }uSJ)e~( rlit(: <br />POf~ liUJdct ~Qble J.~. NOt.hin. COrttA~n.e-d In Ihn~'aph 7 ..h~H f\.."quilt' 1 endtT 10 I{KUr any t.~<\pe.os(. or lake <br />""1 ~ hetewlder <br />... ~ Le.mkt tn.)- ma~e HI ".HJ~ h,l h<;k t:nln~ uPO.....O -'tnJ IOtpo;:tmf\\ 01' the Property, pHwldeJ <br />tbal Uf1:dcr lb.U 'l\'-e fJotf\t"nn rn..~l~t' PUQ.f (;;.) "'.11)' #\.1-;;-11- !-n.'lipe~{!Oll ?pec~fYHl& re"~~Hlah-k ~.jU-'ioc th('.fdnr !ehHi:'d J;:l l,.u,,jtr.... <br />'''W1IOI In tl", P,oout". <br />