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<br />I <br /> <br />83-005924 <br /> <br />L~nder"s wnHl,..n agreement or ~pplicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insLir~nce premiums in the <br />manner providcJ under parngraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant (0 this paragraph 7. with 'interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtednes.s of Borrower -~cC:t1red hy thi!; M-ort~age. Unles!i Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ,of payment.- such <br />amounts shaH he payabk upon notice from tender to 8<'l'1"'Ower -requc!irin-g payment thereof. and. shan- hearn-interest. fro'Tfthe <br />date -of di,bunement at the rate payable from' time to time on outstanding principal -under the Note- unless pa~t -of <br />interest at iuch rate would be contrary to applicable law. hi which event ~mch amounts shaH bear interest -at'-the higbes_t :ra.te <br />pennissiblc under applicable law_ Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shan requite lender 10 incur any -expense::-or-take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8~- fD$JM'Ction. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon-and inspections of the P~perty; proV.id_ed <br />that Lender shaH give Borrower ootice prior to any such in!;ptl'Ction ~pecityi"g- reasonable Cause therefor. related to. Lenders <br />InteresI in the Property. <br />9. Condunmttkm.. The proceedii; of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in-conoec:tion-:with- 'lily <br />condemnation or other taking of the Propel't)._ l.~r part thereof. or fO-f conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are -hereby -assigned <br />and $naU be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of fhe Pmperty. the proceeds ..hall be appHed to the sums secured- by this - .Mortgage~ <br />\."ith the c'xcc"s:. if ;'in,"" r~Hli t.. Rorr0wcc In the eVent (\f 3 partial taking l-'( the Property. unf~s:_ Borrower and l.'ender <br />H{her\\-"i~ agree in wriftng. there o;h-:JH he applied to the ,ums <;ecured oy thi~ Mortgage ~uch proportion of the proceeds. <br />).$ is equal Tt'\ that pwportion which ;he amount elf the '\.um.:; 'lectlred hv thior; Mortgage immediately prior 10 the date- of <br />raking be.m:, to fhe- fair m-arket value ~"lf the P!T'lper!v immediately prior 10 the date of taking, with the balance of the'proceeds <br />nald to Borrower. <br />. If the Prooenv is ahandoned hv B..rT0Wer. or if. 3fter "(alee Iw Lender TO Borrower that the eondemoor-ofteri- to make <br />an ;1\Vard or $.~Ufc -:) ctaim for d3m~ge:i. Borr-ow-er fl1t!", fl.1 re<sp<'lnt( {O Lender wiil,in 30 days. afrer the date such notice-is <br />m3ded. Lender j~ 3uthoritcd to collect ~nd apply the prl'lCeedl;, at Lender'~ option. ei-ther to restoration or repair -of-tbe <br />Property or 1-0 the <;.urn.!/. s.ecured hy tht... MOfl~age <br />Unks,<; Lender and 8or-m""~r otne-rwl'c agree 1[1 writin~, any ,;;nch application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or po!itponc ihe due date of rh" monthlv lMtaHment:$i rde-rroed to in paragraphs. t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />;;;uch in-sfaHrr-.ents, <br />10. Bonown- "'10' Relasrd~ E,rC'nsion ()f the tIme for payment' lJr modification of amortiza.tion of the sums. secured <br />hy th:s Mortgage gn.nred hy Lender h' any ~ucces"')r m !0lt"ft"5t of Borrower '1-l1all nO{ o~rate to release. in any manner. <br />the liabiJiry {'of rhe orlgmai 8orro~'er ;Jnd Borrnwtr'~ "llcctS'Mir-o;: m lrltcresr Lender "halt nt'\t be n:quired to commence <br />proceedings agaim( \.Hen '\ucre~j.or i"'f ';duse w e~tend tlme rnr ;:'Ia~'ment \-.\r >:\therwi!\e modify ~mOTtilation of the SUIml <br />'Ii\.."'Cun"rl hy thi_1; ""v rea-q:--.-n or _my demand made ns !h.: ori~inal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. F~ hy l.erMler No, \J WaiVfl'. An\' iorbearance by t __coder in e,erCTstng anY ri*ht or remedy hereunder, or <br />,,-,therwl\c J--ffnrdcd hy -3.pphc.:a:ble ~<lW_ "hall nOI t;e ;t W:UVC'f ,li ,.lr preclude the c'(crcise of any $uch right or remedy. <br />The procurement ('If ins.urance or the N't--m-en! i\f f;nc, ~"'r ,'rhe-r hen~ i,H l.'harl'!'c, I:w Lender --:hall not he a waiver of Lenders <br />right w a-ccdcrate the matunh' ,If th-e Inde~tc-dn<<"j \~cttn.'d b\' In.t\. \h\n~a!!te. <br />12- R.......... CumuiatiYr. ,it tc-medt-es pfi.1-v;Jcd !tl In.:.. \1nr111;}Ilt: ,;re ,il...onct and 'i:tlmulative to any other right or <br />remeuy :under tj"m \1ongagt: elf 3t!nnkd ~v L,w ;'f ~~l.Hf\ .;n-d mil'.' ~ t:"\CfCl,cJ c\"lf'lcurrenfh'. independently or successively. <br />13. ~ aad Auiam Bttund; Joint and ~~..t1ri UMtriUty; CuprioM. The C('IVCtHtn(S .and ;\grttments herein <br />c,-mlainet.l ",h~H bind, .tnd !he rluhb: he!"'etlodcr "h-ali 'fltH~ 1.'. the re-..pecli\:e ..u..;ce'l~(\f''i lmd u.sign~ \)f Lender and Borrower, <br />""-l1b,ect h1 t~ prm."i->l10flS of r<.,lli.!!{r;lph: ; -: hNeQt .\!i CO'i~na-nB "n~l a~r~ments ()( Borrower ~h;\ll he jnim ~ind se..-eral. <br />Tbe <.:aptl~l-rn, and hea.d>ngs i1-t :nr: p~r;tgri1ph lIl' !ht~ 'i\'rt~:t~1.' ,if<.' {"f -..i.~nve-",f'"(,;e {lnly ;~r'ld ;tre !lot to he uY:d to <br />~nterp"re{ or define the pr\~Vi"h)n" '1t:fC'~1 <br />14. Sotke. E'l;.;:cpt (or ,my flOft(e: t<:\iinft<-d ~lndef .\Pf'ih:~i)le lJv. ,,:' he ,\i:lven In ..molhe;o manner, (:.t) any notice to <br />Borrower pn.wHkd tor ,r! th!", \l(1rf~...,e ~h.1:il h:t: !;l\::n t,,, n'l,iding ~,h..h '10tH:.;:: tly .:e-rtltkd mail ilddrc3.,;cd to Borrowc.r at <br />t~ Propc-rty .>\4dre",-, lH' ,-H 'Ht~h ~lth~r ,.Jan:"'.. .!~ B("-n,n"er tl'1J'> dC"ll#,~itlC' tw tHltic(" It' Lender as provided herein. and <br />:tH any nott;,;~ fO Lender ~hJ.H ~ ~\'>cn t-;y ,-cndle'ti rn~~i -~tbrn fl:>._"t..'lpt r;:oqu~!tted. Ii" Lcm.icf" adure!i !\fated hCr'Cio cor [Q <br />~ttch (!.ther addfe'\!- .i$ Li;ndcr Jna' d-l!~'gt1.ite h :1,-\t:.,.__e 1,\ Bt~rr~'\H~r .1$ rW"Il,.icd herein -'flY notice proVided fOf In this <br />\tnngage il\iiil he J<<m<<I w ~.1"'i" h<<o jtl\-Cl! I,t} 84:)(T<.:"~-ef ,'of I \:'Nkr ~'hcn grven in {he manner de,ignated herein. <br />15. (lnifor"nl Mortt~; Go\'entUtc taw: Se-u'rabHit).. Tl'!!.. If'rm t'f mnn:gllB-C- I.ombines i.ullfi."lrm C(l"enant~ (or national <br />use. .iod non-umform .:o\-'c-na.!-H~ ,,,ith limuc-<.i \.H"i"h...l-th r.\' _l;)tl~c~i,:;1nn !iI ,,;()n~tlwt(: a ~H1dorrn ;.ecunty instrument co'\;ering <br />real property. Thti Mong-i1@C' ..iu.n be ;..ndnt'd h ,~e b~ {\f the ain'i.I..b.:nt."lfl \(1 w'hlch (he Property I>; located. In the <br />event tn:H any Pffl"Io'i'>iOn ,'f d;iU~ d{ lnh \ft.-'rq:d,e ,'f 'he SI'I\:, d"nfh':h "",ith ttpplka.Ne law. wen conflict shall nor affect <br />other pro\l'~k>n, \.~f Ihf'" ~tonS:;lgc ,)f Ihe' '."'lie \;l,.nl,;:h 1..',.H1 hc ~,''-en t:!h.",(l '.\--i!hoUi the ::,ml1kt1ng provi~ion. and w this <br />end 1M pn)"~\~"\ns. ,)f :~ 'f(lrtg3.g~ ,HHJ lht:" ......,f~ .He- ,lcd,Ht"d tn h(- ...ev('tablo: <br />16. aono..e....s Cop)'. Born.l.....-cf ~h~iH he furtl,..hed :..; ,",','nf~lrl1\l"d .::np'i' ~l! lhe NOIC ;tnd of thts Mortgage .at the time <br />cd t"\C'cution ~}r ah('t f'e\;()tdillUon hered <br />11. of.lM: Property. A.uumption. If all ~~r !All) pi-In ~H !he Pn:.'Ypcny {'f" .10 IOlen:-$t th-er-ein ill sold or transferred <br />h}' Borrowc:r ~'Ilhout Lender's poor ......tHten "::on\eOt. e\,,;JudlOt{ (..I the ..:re:a!ion of ;i hen \1( t.':m:lJmbrance subordinate 10 <br />thu. Mo:ft&ale. (hj the ..:r-eauon of ~I pUl\:.ha.\C monc:'y \r.:":Ufll\ ,rm:rt:st iN household appliances, ~Cl J transfer by devise. <br />descent \)f by ope-tabOO \.)t la.... upon the ..ieat-h ,)t- ,I p)HH Ienam ,..If J t~1.I3r . t i2l1l. I 1 L.11f 'ftUlI" jf tRr.. ~"Ul I1r 1." <br />[1 'tf . ' 'Tl, FI rft" If J fT' Lender moiY. at lc:nder'~ "pW..lO_ Je-dare all the sum,,- ~;;:ured hy thti Mortgage to be <br />ifl).ft) due ami paYAble, Lendltf have- '" J.l\."ed :.:uch OP(j.I,)fi t(I ::.s-.:celer3fe If. prior to the ...ale or transfer, lender <br />and the person to whom the Properry 1~ to ~ 'tok1 Of [ransierr~-d r~a.(h Jgreemf:nt IU writing (hat the I:red-it of such person <br />is salisfaclOf) h) Lender and that :M imt.rt!>t payable en the ..urns. se:.::ured by this Mvltgage: shall be at such rate as. Lender <br />shaH rtques-t.< If Lender hu waived the l.)ptH)n h'" .Jccckrate proVided in rhi"i paragraph P. and if Borrower's successor in <br />int-erat bas executed -a. wriuen assumpuon agre-cIneOl 3l.:ceptcd in ""rHlng by LcnJer. Lender shall release Borrower trom all <br />obliaallO/ls under II". MOl1gagc and ,h. :-101<. <br />If Lender ex.erclses ~och option t(, acce,i-er;u.e. LtnJer ,,/1J.ll mall Borrower \lot Ice of ao.:.;:c.leratllm :n ..ll.:,ordance With <br />paraaraPh 14 hereof. S\H;h I'iohc-c ~han provide- a penod l"\( aot !e~s rhan 30 Jays fl'~mt the dau~ the notice is mailed within <br />which Borro\\'"C.r may pay the SUID-l declared due. I! ,.j!j~ !t) pay .uch ~um~ pnvr t(, the c'-piraHon ,)f \uch perloo. <br />Unde:f ma}', without furth;:r ootu:t: -or demand ~}n lk-HOv.~r. :nl.oi...c ;,H:;.- remedle~ rerffilued hy par:tgraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />NoN~UNt~N CO'ltt-."lANTS_ lklrrtl'We:r aoo Lendoer further ';()'o'ttUnl <lnd .J.1~J<< ii:' foiioWi: <br />II. A~ b_d\es. &<<,. as p.ovidod in _raph 17 h.....f. opon Borro..."', breach of any con....... or <br />........ ,of Bono_a m this Mort&..e~ iadudiq tM ('UVeMUt$ to pay wh'tn due ltR~ ~Utns ~cured by lb. ~to.rtaaat'. <br />~ pdof ... _1onItlea .w..a11 nolie. to Borro...r ..<<<I in l".....naph 14 h.not ,,,,,dtylAg: It) lbe bruch: <br />1;1)_..... requlnd... c.... _h~lo; (3) n data. nol ... t..... 30 day, lrom ,.... date the nolic. Is mailed to Bor......... <br />.., wIoktI >*II ....... _ boo cured; 1OIOll141 that laIIw. '0 ClU1: ,..h breach on In befo", the dal. $fM'<'ilhod in tbe noll<< <br />..,..-It" ____...... of u.. ....... ....n<! by' this Morte...., 10..._ by judicial proc.edl", and ,.... 01 I.... Properly. <br />1loot ~ ...... ~llaI_ Bono.... of ,be .....1 to .....iAslJlt. atl<< occelulllloo and tbe richl 10 ....11 in the 10TKklo..... <br />.............. .... -..;oklh<< of n .""'1 or .Dy ol""r dnf_ of Borro...r '0 nc.titrntion ....<1 10r""I........ If ,be brucb <br />110 .... ....... De or ber..... the .... ."".Ulod in I'" ....11.., t.nder at l..ood.,', ""ion mil! d<<lart all of ,.... ...... ,<<ul'td by <br />... ~ ... be lIlo....uacd, d... aod ","yoblt ..i....... lurther d<omnnd aad .....y ,......"- 1>). jodkilol procfedi.... Lemler <br />oW be ttdItIod 10 ...u..:lln '\Kh _-lac all .,.""_ ul I................ ;Mh.dl",. but .... IImlled to. <_. ", du<um'OIIl} <br />.-ldnso<e. .........10 and !ill< ~m. <br />t9.. ..row..... R..... to JtriMtate. N{,)l-..~th~ia.rHjlllg Lt'ndef'~ .~c,-e'kriA~tNt -A- ihe ,,\.;m, ~(:t.Hf\"d b\ Ifll\ ~t..)ftl!;i1g(. <br />6tltt"OWCf }h",H h.,,'-e the- ritht !i.~! !ln~ f"h~cedittg~ ht:ifun ~'; l.f'fHJ.ef 1<': ~~t'1fo~":(' !h,~ ~h~fti'li~l ;J!h~~nf1gl1-ed ..$I ;111>- \1111<: <br />