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<br />83-005924
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<br />UNIFORM COVEN.-\NT~. Borrower and lender covenant and agree as. foHows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Bllrrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of ~lIld interest Oil the
<br />indebtedne~s cv-jdenccd by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. BotTower- shan pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly rnstalfmenrs of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until-the Note is paid ih full;
<br />a sum (herein '.Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may ana in ,priority .over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property, if any. pilL') one-~twetfth of yearly premium instaHments for haz:ard -irisurance.
<br />plus ()De-twelfth of yearly premium inslallments for mortgage Insurance. jf any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by lender on the basis of assessmenr~ and bilfs and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shaH be held In an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal :or
<br />slate agency (including Lencer jf Lender Ill- such <'101 institl.Jtion), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxp;s.-assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents, lender may not charge tor so holding and applying the FundS, analyzing said account;
<br />or vuifying and compiling said assess.ments and bins, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may 3gree in writing at the time of execution of- this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds- shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless :such agreement is made or applicabte--':Iaw
<br />requires such interest to l)e paid. Lender ~haH not be required to pay Borrower .any interest or eamings,on the Funds. Lender
<br />...haJl gl\'e w Borrower. 'Withom .:harge, an annual a.:countrng of the Funds !i.howing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are piedged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by thIS Mongaae
<br />If the amOunt of the Fundi held by Lender. together- \I,,-uh the future month:y installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, asscssrnents, lIlSurance premIUms and ground rents. shaH exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessment$., insurance premIUms and ground rent'i as they fall due. ~uch e_,<cess shall be. at Borrower's option.. either:
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or cret!Jted to Borrower on monthly Illstallments of Funds. Jf the amount of the- Funds
<br />held by Lender "hail not be s.ufficient [0 pay t.axes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as {hey fall d~.
<br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency wirhin 30 days from the date notice is. mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrower requesting -payment ther~ot
<br />Upon paym~nt 10 full of ail sum..; secured by [hIS ,\-fongotgc, l.endc.r shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. It under paragraph 1:-: hen:ot the PrL')pe:ny I!> <;.dd LH th~ Pn'lperty IS \)[herwi~ acqUIred by Lender~ Lender
<br />man apply, no iatt'r than Immediateh poor hJ- [he ,aic ~)f the Property Of liS a.:quislUon by l..ender. any Punds held by
<br />lender ~t [he lIme of appl1c3uon as a crCdlt agaInst the sums ~\.:urcd by this Mongage,
<br />J_ Appti(1ltiaa of Paymm:ts.- t.:!ll~s~ .?;pphcabie law pro\tldes l11huwi"e. -'lll payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraph:", I iJ.OC Z be-reot !'ihall he apphed by Lend~r M.r'i! t~1 pa} r~.em D. amounts- payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />~l-nder paragraph 2: hereol. then to :nt~rest payable (In lhe Nl.'tfC_ then Ii' th.: prmclpal o( (he NOte. and then to interest and
<br />pnncipal o-n any Future Ad"an.:es.
<br />4. Cbaqes; Lie.. Btw(o\\r-er "hall pas "ll I.l\~'_ .1s$.Cs..'\mcnb Inti other ('harges. fines and 100posiuol1'i attributable to
<br />!he Propeny ,",'nich may altain a pTlumy ,wef rhl\ \1ongagc. ;Jfld ka~chold payments ~)r ground rents. if any. in the manner
<br />proVided under paragraph:'::: hereof or, ;i nr;)( p,,-ui .n ~uch mann~L by Horrower ma\t..ln.j; payment. when due. directly to the
<br />payee thereot. Borrower ,halt prnmpti~' furm':th t\.} LenJcr all ni..Hl\:!:S \}r ;Jmounts due under thlS paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower ,hall make p..lymem -chrct;t!", k-(~rHrw~f ,h.dl prumpti} flmH~h to l.ender receiptS l:vldencing such payments.
<br />Borrower '!.haU promptly uts.:ha.r-gc any hen \. hh.:-h has pno(lt'i ;l\-~r dw. Mortgage; proYl<.Icd. rhat Borrower ..hall not be
<br />required to discharge <In)' 'iooch hen ..<) ]()ng. ,l.) lj.)fWWCf ~h,JH ;i~ICC In '" ruln~ !i.l lhe- pa.yment IJf !he obligation s.ecured by
<br />'iucb hen In a manner ac~plaD-k [\,1 Lender, (If .,n.liJ in !;O(~J 1,H[h ":l)nh~<,t ,~Il\.:h [I\:n hy. or dc-fend enforcement ot 'Such lien in,
<br />legal procee\hn~ whx::o ()~rall.'!" Tfl- prt.:vcnt the cnh_m:emcnt ,0[ the In.:1l ('f lortelturc or the Property Of any part thereof,
<br />s. Hazard 1n.:sunm.c1t. Borrower ,hall ~cep Ihe HHpf~l\CmC-IH" fh'\\ ;:,\;,-tlng ,-~r h~rcaftcr en..-cted on the Property lOsured
<br />~lgauut h.lS~ bv fin'.. haLards Ifl\:iUt.kd ""llh.fi the t::rm c-\.trn.jt:~! ":U\'\"fagc.' :tfh.l su;,;h other hazards 3!l. Lender may require
<br />;lod In such ii.muunls ano tllr 1H...;h perlUds JS l-t!hkr !tl-l)- rt:1.ll.uft:, pr(l'd\kd. lh;u Le!Hkr ,hali not re4urr~ that the amount of
<br />~uch CQ\,er-;tge e\...::~ th.u .tm-\.~um l)r (~)\~r~gt: f,-'4U'!reti k' p.:".1' \/-,..' '\lfn~ "'-c":l!;~d by thl... ~1ongage.
<br />The Insurance o,:.afner pWVWU'1g Ihe m.)ur.in~e ...hail be (:1....1\('11 hy Born.w.<:f WbJt(.i to .Ippro\i<tl by Lender; provided.
<br />lhat such approval shaH not be- ul\rea~}(Jilr-!y wuhhcld \11 rf!~ml\lm.. (}O m",Uf:.:mce puhj,;les. "haJI be pllid In the manner
<br />provIded under p<lragrapb ;; he-re....H or, it n....'( p.uJ Ill. "'i(h':~ nUUlilCf. n\' lli..HrcH,..er makmg payment, when due. directly to the
<br />l nsurnnce ~arncr.
<br />Ail insurance- policies and fcn('",,~s there,'! -.,n;.tli t!i: Ul t..)fm .1...:;,;qH.lbk II) L.t.'fhkl .Uld '1haU !fldude .1 'I<H\tlarU mortgage
<br />dause In favor tJf and 10 Imm a-.:~cpt~--jbie 11.1 Lcm.lt:r. [\.'nl.1a ,n,l-il ha\l: the flght tv rhJid the p0Ii;;lC) .mJ rcncwali thereof.
<br />aud Borrower ~h"j,U promptly tllTntsh w 1.ender ~H tcne'J.-..j n,)(H:t'~ dfiJ .Ill receipts ,H p;ud premium.. In !he ~,vem of loss.
<br />Borrower !t.haU g!"e pwmpc n"l1.:c tu (he ,11Jl.uf..lll..C i,..,Jfrll:r "UlJ L~l\!ja l C'f'tJcr may mal-&:: pfllL~t 1.1l loss I[ O\,l made p,"ompfty
<br />by Borrower"
<br />Unless lende-r a.nd Borw....cr oth<:rv,l:-'c agree III '<\- ritlng, In'>Ur J;Ui.:C pr\J\:ec:Ll" shaH be .tpplied 10 reMoration or repair of
<br />the Propett)' damaged. provuJed ,u..;h re-)turalh10 or n:pZUf IS c":lHlvrnh,;...Il~ !~aslble ;tod the security of thIs Mortgage IS
<br />nOI thereby impaired. It ~uch i~)lor"IH.ln 0f re-p.ur IS- :l,l( \.'(.l.lO\.lolfill..Jl!\ t~a_'lhJe ..H Jf the s'::l:urny l.)f thJ~ ~-Iongage would
<br />be ~mpaucd. the !n$u.aDCe pro..:ceds- i-haU be .tpphcd to the CiUffi) ':l~(;urt':J b) 1hl5 MlJngag~. \I.'ith th~ t!':xcess., if any, paid
<br />!o Borrowt:r. Ir lhe Property 1!! .J:b;tnd(\~t1 h Boi)rr(l~cr. ,'tr il BOf'f\\wer Lllb !;J rcspooJ to LcnJtr wuhJO 30 day~ irom the
<br />.ute notice lS malied by lender 10 Borrower that the Hl-SUfoloce ,,;Jfner ~Hlt:rs h1 ~ettlc .'I daun for Ins.urance hc:nenls, Lender
<br />IS autttor~zed to- -.;oUa.~ and apply the lO).urall<;;;t: prvceeth .U Leud"~f." optH..IO ~Hho;:;r to r~wratlon or repair of the Pro pert)'
<br />Ot to the $~ ~urcd b) [hts MOrlp&t:.
<br />Ul1ias lender and Borrowcl' lHherv.1S-C agr<<: ;n ""filing. .in~ "u~h J.ppllcalJon ~lf pro~eeds to ponclpa! shall not extend
<br />or postpone the- due date ot the mon!hl~ i05ctaiJmcnts fde:rr~d h) lf1 para~raph'S J anJ 2 h~reol or ..:hange (he amuunt of
<br />such rnsuillmc:nLs. It urukr paragraph I ~ hereof (he Property I) J.'-"-tlHfe-d b:-- Lender. .ill right, tnle and interest ot Borrower
<br />in and U) an}' l.MUraru::e poh<:tCS- and in .lnd Iv the pn.x:eed5 thereot re.suJt1l1g irom Jamage to the propert} pnor 1.0 the .')ale
<br />or ~tlOO s.haU pus to lender to the e.'\lcot d the .s-um~ s.ccured by lhl!'t Mort~ag(: immediately pno( Ii) ~uch sale or
<br />>CqUlSllion.
<br />6.- PIeIen'..... aed M.-.eaaac:e of Pl'Dpert); l~bold.; C ondolniniulIl!J; Planned Lillit D~".~Jopm~uts. Borrower
<br />shall keep the P~y in good repel! ;and :shall nOI. commlt waS-te or permit Impairment or delerioratio~ of the Pr.o~rt)'
<br />and stull tom-pi)' with the proviswns of an, ieue it thiS Mongav,e IS un J. ie~ch0Id. If thIS MQrtgag~ l~ on ,). tlnl! lU J.
<br />co.ndomimw:n l)r OJ. phwned Ulht deveiopment. BOffll\lwer .\haH perform all ot BorroYocr's ~,lbhg.Ulons \JIlder the dedaratlon
<br />Of roveDUll ChtllUltJ or govermog the condl.)Jmmum or plann~d IHlIl de-\'clop-mcm. the by-laws. and regulationl' of the
<br />'\.:-orulotninium or pluuaod uwt devc-ioproent~ .and cOils-tiuJCfll Jocumelll~, If a I.:ondormnium or plann-ed UlHI development
<br />-r-idK 13 ~ by BorroWOl and ro\;orded together wllh thu. Mortgage. the covenants .tnd .<lgreemena ,'II such rider
<br />tbalI_Oo incOfpOtatcd. urt-o aDd: shall amend aruj supplement the CQ'o'enant!l .mJ agreeme-nu of thiS Mortgase <i5 it the rider
<br />....... a .POI1 hereof.
<br />,~ ~ of lAadeC. Seelltity. If Borro-<.~;(':r htb tu perform the COVCllants ..nd agreemenu I..':ontalned in thl:<
<br />Wortpp. or it my itC_tioD ()f pllXe4d-iDl is commenced- whu.:h matedally aff-ects Lender's Inh:rest in the Propeny.
<br />iodudifta.. but DOl hmltC\f f-o, C'.:IUli1Ctlt domain. I~V1tnc_):'. n)(je enio-rl.:ement, or arrangements (\1" pmceedi.ngos; lnvolving- a
<br />~tupt Of d~~t. thell Lmdor .l Lc.n>ief':\) opti~;)tn, upon nOtice It, B-orro\lr--er, may make: $u\:h ;-tppc-3.fa.lil;~. ;']l$b-Urs-C ~u\:h
<br />jUftlj. * tak..- _wd:t .:K:IWll il\ 11 tle(;-e~ H;\- pn1-t<<t Lender'$ .nl-CfC1U, l:rl~h-itin\l. ~Ul ntH limited 10, du,bune-ment .:.f
<br />~.. .-UOrtMl)'~l te<:i lUlU ellU!)' upon the, 'I-rupeny ~IJ m.lik~ ~f:plllP.. It h:-ndt:r r'C4111(~d IlWrlgagc ir..sur.am.:~ .-L' ,}
<br />J.,:.i'~tiOl\ Q.t ~taJ tht:.: loan ,~ute4 by ih~ ,\h)rt~1\g(:" aurro-~-c-i' ".h->lli PiAY the preml\.un~ r~qUin:-d h' malntilHl 'Hh:h
<br />~MUI'.:D(:$ in e<<~t urt-dl .\J:~-h ti.nx .l!\ lbeo f~l{lJj!~,mc-;)t for ~~Kn lrtwriln..;:t h"rmm.ij,tc.>J, H) ;t.;..:-(miau{:'C ,-nth Borrn\\cr\ and
<br />