<br />I
<br />
<br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing thi. Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />this MOI'IJllIge. .be Note and notes securing Future Advances; if any: had no acceleration occurred: (b) Bom>W1lf cum 011
<br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this MotlgaJe: (c) Borrower paY>' all ._ablit
<br />expenses ineurred by Lender in enforcing tbe covenants and agreements of Borrower conlained . in this Mort.... and in
<br />ent_ills Lender'. mnedies.. provided in par..,.aph 18 ben>of. includins. but not limiudto, reasotlable attomey'S:f~:aDd
<br />(d) Borrower lakes sucl> action as Lender may ~ably require to assure that tbe lien of this Mnrt8aae. Lender'. in_
<br />in the Property and Borrower'. obligation to pay tbe sums secured by this Monsa... shall c01ltinueunimpalred, .. Upon lltich
<br />payftlellland cure by Ilotrower. Ihis Mortgage and the obliplions secured hereby shall retnain in full fon:emd.elfect.. If
<br />no ~ had occurred.
<br />20. ~ of R_ A~ of ReWftr': Lomler in p~ As additional security hereunder. Iloliower
<br />hereby ...... 10 Leoder the reots of the Propeny, provided thl Borrower shall. priorlO a"""mOOn under parallJaPh'18
<br />bem>! or abandonment of the Property. ha...he righl to collect and retain such tents as they beeomedue mdpll\lahle,
<br />Upon a<:celeration under paragraph 18 hereof 0' abandonmenl of the Property, Lender. in person, hyagentorby
<br />judicially appointed receive.., shall be entitled .0 ent... upon. take possession of and m...... the Property and to collect the
<br />ml8 of the Property, includinltMse past due. All rents collected by Lender or the =iv... shall be applledfttstlO pajltneltt
<br />of the costs of mana........t of the Property and collection of rents, includin8, bul not limited to, receiver's fees; premiumS on
<br />receiver's bonds aDd reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums sccuredby .his Mort'.... Lender and the receiver
<br />shld! be liable to account only for ,hose rents actually received.
<br />%1. F1mmo A_ Upon request ..., 1\ ",""r, L.nder. at Lenaer's option prior to rei..... of thil Mort,.. may
<br />make Futu'" AdvODCel to Borrower. Such Fuw", A4vanCCL ""th mterest thenoon. ahall be secured by this M.........when
<br />evida<:cd by P"""'-'Y notes stating that Illld noteS are secured hereby, At no time shall lhe principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness secured hy Ihis Mortgage, not including .um. advanced in accordance heRWith 10 protect the security of this
<br />M<<tpp....,.".o the oncinal amount of the Note plm USS. 5.00,.00,....,...
<br />n. R_ Upoa payment of all sunu """,red by th.. Monp,.. Lender ahall disella... this Mongage witbout
<br />charga to~. Borrowet' ahaJl pay all coots ot recordalion. .1 any.
<br />1.). AJI iQl).~ ,U tha Ho&'"t.~.,. ill held by 'tn. Nli!-b.raa.ka JIlOrtq.~ .rlnall.~ Pundt the Leader lMY~ at Len4erJ-. opt10n,
<br />a.el.tt'e IIll.. ...... .4tC~.d by t.hi.$ MO-r-t.q.a9* to be l~i.uly due and ~y.b.l. it 8orro....t: Q1Ut-. or &18repreae-nts a fact
<br />.II 4n .'Ip",hC4tH>n to::.r .t.!11:i PIortq.qe~ i~;::li.KUnq. 'Oi'lthou~ l.l.au...aUQn. ..uydlinq cmntAined .In tho Mo-rtqa9o.-'_ Affidavit a.nd.
<br />I.~r-=:'J f l':;<j:t..ion ...t'ute.a t;y Bot'i'D'WIer ~ n ..~ar.lunCt.1Qr:. WI t..~ t.ltlo flk>ctq-aqa.
<br />
<br />Is WfTNI!SS WHI!J.EOF, BorrowI:r has cxecuted Ihis Mortgage.
<br />
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<br />---
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<br />STATE or NlIllllAiiAA j
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />Cot.rNTt 01' Hall
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<br />the !Oreqo~nq in~tr~~nt ~a~ ~c~nowledqed before me thlS . .2ath. . .day of.
<br />0<:.t~.r~ . . l:i.B~~ oy .Y4vp:n,J.. .(;qe~1.,?i~Hj.t'!#U'.9,,\.r.~1<M; ~l'.L.h:U8.ba;nq ~ ~i~e.
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<br />In sa.id COW\ty.
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