<br />r
<br />
<br />83-005912
<br />
<br />Leoder\ written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereoL
<br />Any amounts dishursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with tnterest thereon; shall hec<>me additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage, Unless Borrower and lender agree to other- terms of- payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shalt bear interest from-the
<br />date of di.hunement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unl..s payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at thehigbcstrate
<br />pcrmini)'le under applicable law. Nothing contained in thi~ paragraph 7 shaH require Lender to incur any expense--or take
<br />anY action hereunder.
<br />. 8. lnspktIoII. Lender may make or co"", to be made reasonable enlriesupon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shaH give Borrower notke prior to any such inspection ~pecifying re-asonable cause therefor related to lender's.
<br />lnt'erest in the Property.
<br />9. CoIIdeJJtlh1don. The pro<:eem. of any award or claim for damages, direct or con~uentia1. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, ('rr part thereof. or fQrconveyance in lieu of condemnation. are' hereby assigned
<br />and .halt be paid '" Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking l)f the Propeny, the proceeds \haH be applied (0 the sums $eCured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the e"c~'. If any. pai.d to Borrow~r In !he I,"vent of a partial taking of the Property. unless. Borrower and Lender
<br />Ofherw~ agree in \\'1itjnM. there shall he apphed to the <,;um~ seenred hy thh Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />11!!i i~ equaJ to that proportion whi-.:h the amount (\f !he "'tlm~ 5cctJred ny thi!\ Mortgage immediately prior to the- date- of
<br />taking he---l1n rl') the faJr mark~t value of the Pn'pcrtv immediately roar t('l the date of taking. wlth the balance of the proceeds
<br />p.1W 1-f\ Borrower,
<br />If the Property is nbandon~rl ~\' B"rro""er. \,f if, after n(\Tke tw I.enckr to Borrower that the condemnor offen t-O mslce
<br />a-n ~w.ard O-r settle a claim fnr dama~. fktrrowet faits to respond to Lender ",.!thin 30 days after the dare such notice is
<br />m:J.ilC!d, Lender h autbo-ri1'e.d In c-oHe\..-; and apptv the proceed5, a1 tender's Op-tiOfi~ eithff to restoration or repair of-the
<br />PropeN}' or hi the ",urns ~ured t--v lhi, Mortp'a~
<br />Unk:r.s. Lender a.nd Borro1,l;~-r nthe-r^'t~ agree Hi v."ritln~, fin'"~ ~u('h ;tC-phcatl(10 of proceeds to principal shan not extend
<br />Of pt.~tptme the due date {)f the monthly in<<:lHments rde!'f'Cd 10 in p:lragraph" I Jnd :2" hereof or chan~ the amount of
<br />\.uch Jnfiil.lIlment'i
<br />IO~ Bonower ~()t R~~awd. F \1~n'B{\n \H rhi.' lime f'l~r ravmcnf ('r !11,~ifica!JD!1 of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy ,h" Mortgage ~ranted r,v tender ~;~ an\' <.,u..:<.:c..;...m 'n lnterC'it ,-,r BC'ITOVot''r ...hall no! operate to reiellsc, in any manner.
<br />rhe li2<.hlHty ;-.,f lhe t~n~m",l BorrC"""-'cr "nd B~)rrp\',-"er<" "dI..:CC-S\Of\ it' 1<ltcre-'lt fender ..hall 1Wt !:Ie required tn commence
<br />pH'\(;c:edin~$ 3ii:unl>! '.u\:n ~UCt:C:$..\fH i'!' rdW.1! !O ~'fcnd !lrnc ti}r r;-n-mc'1t Z'f t>lherwi"<" rnlXlifv ;:tfnortizntioo t~f the sums
<br />~o.:u~ hv thi" \f(\f1gas:e- ~ :rca,,",n .'1' _1;1" dem.\rn1 made t<v lhe \'T!~ln-l\1 RoO'r,wer ;lOd Borrower'l} "acce:S$-or.. in interest.
<br />tl. F'orbtoaraace b-v L~Ddf'r 'lot a Wain',-, <\nv f<"rhcOl:r,c'h..~-:..- l"v [ t'nder in nen.'l<;inJ,1 ao\' ri~:ht or remedy hereunder. ()f
<br />I\therwnc .:J.fft.'rded h..- ~'rphcabie h.~, ,h.;tH 11('! ~e .. Wi\:\ef ,~t .\f preclude 'he l'\t~r~iSf c,f an\' '\l.lch right ()f remedy,
<br />Th~ prf'CUfC'tncm ".t' il1suran~C' .t( the f'.l'/n1t"nt d Ln.!:'''- (': ,'lhr.-r f;"ns ~\r \:t;a.rgc"- \"Iv I endet !,ha!1 nlJt 11c :1 \-l,lIver of I.ender'!i
<br />ri&ht to iJcl..-:cl~'r;.tft:' !he- mal>:ri!v "f ih(' 'ndchkdnt.....", <.e,.YtnJ .1\ !~ll' \lnn~il~e
<br />12. Rt'IDrt'Iie-t C\lm-G.....~, -\!l ~!m::l._hf.~ pln,dct1"1 l~ll~, \fnng:.t~{, ;Ht~ d~"\IH\\t ,-HId (umUI31iv(' W ~Inv i"tht"r fl,!tht or
<br />remedy nnrle-r d,l'" ~on~.'l:~r ,'~ iHf,'rd--ed t--y :_\~ ,'F f"qU:~\ ,(1,; 11"1-(1\ h, t"'I~,:~,!..t'd ,-nn-....Hfr1:'nlly_ ~nd~pclldt:ntlv (\or Hh;.:t:~.;;ivdy
<br />13. S4K'l'ftl\OtI aad .\"*t:~ BoUM: J.lt01 ~nd ~,~nd I iabilif)'. ('apdoa--. I1w ~-l'''l:'lHHlh and ,tgr<<n1cnts herein
<br />'<_~ml-1tiOed ~haH ~tntt ,lnd Ht(' ri~hh t-H:fl:'w't.Jef ".,~;j ~-j!IH' Id ,"e fi"f'Cdi~-e ...~t.,:'l.rv..('r" and a",.,j!ln.. ~'f f coder ,lnd fJ;oTfo.....er.
<br />"\ubj:cd 1\.' rOe l"It...n:i..tcn'l i'I ?;)fa~f.Jp-h 1--- hr',r"_'~ \11 ,'\tT,W!\ ,"!-( xitn't.'!Hl."!lI' d' B,lff"\H"f '\hali be jnllH J.od 'l-cvcral
<br />lk ;':.<l:pt,-ll;h- .tr::d h~IlJ-m)r" ,.'1 !h-e piH3~r,I~lll'- 'hj~ \f"ti)t-,tt:,~ ,l't- t;,! "r\\t'nH:'n(~ onl\' ,wJ dH~ lwl !t.1 be ll'i~d to
<br />H'Hc:rp-fd fir tktine ~h(- p-f0''',~*,,~n'' ;-,eH~,-.,t
<br />14. -:'\Ii~. E.:\-.:C'pt fnr an\: mfijl.:~ .C'\.j\iHn1 ndt.! ,tppl!-;"d..,.i~" Ll'A t" h.: lH ,Hlntht:f ll1iH1.neC fa) ,Wi mt[",.::e in
<br />Bont.-~\~,;C! pr,'\-aiect !Of ~n !tH~ \hlttg.agt.' '\-hail ~'''' ~' 'C~l h... ~~"{I;,nJ.: ~l!'.h n"!l;.';'~ ".t!itl-ed rtt,lil ..J.ddrcv'i.c:d Ii.' BOHO\,"CI at
<br />the P"fVp<"fn' ;,._hjr~!. '.'! ..'d ',4:h \'thct ,\J.drc....., H n,,!~,...,.,~, ",.j.\' ~h..-,,-'gn;ik ("tv nulk'e 1(' Lender ;lS pn:n'ided h~rdn. ,!nd
<br />\h~ ;:-H'i-)' l1i.~~tH.:C' ~,l ! -emk-r ;;.h,dl he ;-'-~el~ h ,l't"!d,,__,J ;'\,Li '~'l,,\:;i'! ','qUi:,tt''I.! ~" lell,fer', adJh,"'\" 'Hat~d herein pr 10
<br />'\oen "the! .'ldd~" ;.i'- i CIlO<f 1'1.1\ dt"-'<j~-rHile ?'.. '-',->l'~.. ! ' Hntr,'\~~' ;1' lllih-\lJe-d h!.~r\'ln \0\ n~\fk:c rrl-1vidcd ft'f in 1hi..
<br />M.''-ng&g(' shaii ~ ,1<<ntcd (" h.l"~ ~n ~\"f~, '.} H;"n,~""<;[ .\' I.";"kr '.~hC'lj :.;,\Cl1 11\ (he fn~nn('f d~~jgn,t!cd h~rcii1
<br />U. LDifnnn \10.......; Gg,,-~ntinc. La,"; St:;"~nd"'h, ~\,h '.';-;\', pwnF:,,-~e \ \!mblnci. \J~1).j:Q~~~:rllrrl'~QI"'. r,:~" n~~'\I\n.tl
<br />u~ ~!nd tlOtl.t~lHt,")fm ,.,"'cn-.\tl!~ '.",un linw{"d ... .H..llh'fh h..- ,I unftOfnl ;.-ecutity'4n,,-tnJU\tA i.:(.tenng.
<br />rt:a.i PWp<f1\ rhl~ '\h\ft~4-~(: ..:h>ili he ,;,....:1iH:~...1 h [~t :_"..... l'~ ~~H. ~"hjdl lhe Prope'tt\' j'l: Int:,IQ!.d. fo the
<br />c,,'cnl In...t "H'i~ r(.;''''-,:!ol...m .'f ..:lauM:' d ~!'H,- \h':-I~ol.t1c '!1l' ......,'~\: ,.' ;:\k!' ~~\'n 'l:~f'h:.;.hle l.t..... ;,u,:,h (pnfli'l s.hi3I1 not atlcc1
<br />(,ther Phl'wI'WU", "t d\l~ \-1lJfi~4~(, ,'l ~~,c ......'.k c,~;,~ _,,~': _ ~ lk-.1 -....l;hl~tll iht.' '';(In!lKIIrl).!. rr;y.j"".\fL ,md t~l thi~
<br />cud {he r-f..'\'I!<j.)~h \!l lnt> !\t,'ngli!if ~'hl t:l;; "'-,'k .,:\' ,',...;.1'''(\ ;,' "Lv~Llt'k
<br />16.. BontH"'('f'S ('op~, Bon..., ""..:_, ...h,;o!: ~,f,;1.~h!'~1 ,\ " \!;!,'Y'oH.'d ~.'!" ,,~ I~W '\'II: .;lll.! ;-'f It'll' \1(lfl~d~~ ~( !ht~ ume
<br />,\{ ""\,,~,~11l...)r, _'1 .d!t:l ;,(:"...~.,d.d{h.)fl h:1Cd
<br />11, Tl"illtSfu of '1M Pruptn,"; -\~~umphun, l' .~; ".' 'r,;:' Pr"I~:!\ ,'; .11\ ,'nten.."'i{ ihelc!l\ i... \\,1>-1 \'1 Ifan"fcrrcd
<br />!-.y BotrV'4Cl '..\,thOl.lf J.(,IlJ('t'~ pr.~H' ""Cilic ,,!,~:;! (\...:,;In:,.: .1 '~h~ :,-'..(\~m ,'1 ,j i.en i"f t'lh.:\Imnran...c '1Uhflrdlo,itc Ii.>
<br />\\ thl'. Mongagt: r.l :n<:: -..'C~t!\---'lj ,t ! r'l:rd .1..... 'h', t.: "h:rt~..1 i_'I h'-'d-.;~rH)iJ .1pplUJ'h.C"-, 'd .' Ir.tll,tcl by dt'\ist:
<br />~ ~ de~cm ,-'f h\ "fl(:I.Jt;t.\1\ '- Ill" ..lp.)f\ the ,\ea;:' ~', , :,'f\d1l1 ('f iii. W.. i't1 .'. ~ F1 / J (lJrJ\.t f tAru] ~4a.r r iioJ'fr
<br />
<br />~ i 'nl:tl<<:~.:{eh- ~~1l ~n~ r:Y~hi~- w I :nd~r! ..~~:~r!:,~~~~'" ,\".~~n~~~ffl' :~~)!~:':_::,~ . ,:e..~~:~~~~i~ii~!~~' 't~l;~~! ~~~,;~:d ~~~~ :;~;' !~<::~:~~:.~~- ;'f:d~~
<br />
<br />~nd {he; pcr.....':"; l(. \\--h\JU\ tfK Pr\,)pc:.-n~ ,,> ", /'1-t n'L..~ .': (;,In...;nrl';J ;:::....dl .l~ft:e:ml.'n[ \'t w[,t:n~ ;h_H (hi' "r~dq "I' '\u....h r~r\l.)n
<br />l';.:\A{}'\i<n:hlf"'\ !,1 !_t'nJ,er ~wrl thAi iht; i!lh.'H.':~{ i';fj.'iblC lh.:-'~ ,rth ,.~'-:'Il~J h ff1\.., \11'ngJf:'" ~hall p~ d\ H\,,;h I.',iii.' ,b t l,.^nde:
<br />\haJ: i~ue~t H t cnue!' ha-" ....<ii'..e..l the ,}plt\n\ :<. ,JcJ ''', th~" f\tl.q~~r<lph 11 ,lfl.j if Hc'H,)....cr.... '!1I<.:I,,:C\\lt1r m
<br />J:lte-rut h.:\. C.\C\:U!N a ~-rmt'n ~),~Umplh.m .J.~.<<m-t:n\ ng b.,. I ('tide: ! Cfh.kr ,hall r'l.:'it:;n,<." Bt"'rll".~l tfom .dl
<br />.:JbliiiUn:m~ under tim. Mt~ngdg:e and the Sl,.)te
<br />If !-ender ("l::n..~J~ ~u;:h ~'fH-llH! tu J,C>:'-t.:'kf.lIt" I ~IIJc-f ~h:..li ;}}....d H~)I~C;"'{:f ~h,f'"J,; "t .1,~..d-ei..IFm \11 .,,-..:..'rdauu: \-\.lih
<br />Pilfagraph \J. nel'C-of ~uch :~-iJHcc ..bgJll~f'~\,,-~<k ,~ _'i '1,',: i~'~, ~!'J"n 'i\ ,13.\" fr"1l1 th(' date the Ih.-.ti((- I" m;llkd \\I!hln
<br />~-h-x,;;b Born'1,4'Cl mA)' pa~ the ,,-.Ji]V.. de..;i:i'reJ d:,}e Bnn'."......:'! "d ;~,n .,;;.,1'. dn~ f'fj,lf (,\ :h-: t^\plfaunn ,Ji ,.\H;h pt'flol..!.
<br />LeuUci l'l\.t). witht..l\H ftItthe::r fl~~th':;,," ':\r ,Jemsnd ;'1\ Bon\:,>l,cr J;;p}..c .:in ,;'nil,:,JHz-~ p<.n1iucd t'\ ;',tfilgTaph l-~ tWfCO!.
<br />
<br />"
<br />rJ'\ N
<br />I\~ .
<br />
<br />N()N~UNlfOit.M CO'lt"f1'loA""; b- fi,,:>ftO\o\l t;r ,..nd l end('r liJuhC'l ,;.y. \.'0.1,;( ,P1J ,l.p.:..:' .n 1:;110\1,-'....
<br />Sa.. i\i;;('dnaticm; R-f'mediu. f:'i.-ept tb Pf1.U'm-d it, par~(!.Iph 17 hereof. upon BOtf'l)\H'r\ bre~u.:h of ;U1J count"d or
<br />"ICfft-.... of Bono-wet ia ftU& :\-tortgqt'~ iu.dudiTt& lilt:' nH--tU:Uih In pa) ~"'beu dlXi lift: mID!! sc4.:ured b} .bitt Mo,.t&ilI(e.
<br />fAtllller prim ht at:-(~.fobaQ mail n(tt~ '0 hrf't}-l"e-t ~" pw\.de-d in paracraph I-l- h~teut \-p<<-if}lq: lIt the hreat.'h;
<br />fl'. ..1ld1ge It:quired to- nl" 1ucl\ bn1tch: 0) a d.te.. no' I~ th.tUl JO da)'!t fft,..., tM datr &hfl' nuti(t.is m1li1(d hI BOnowfr,
<br />by -.t:akfl .qth Mtadl _._ 1M ('~ aad (.a) that faQun to ..'ure !out'h bRa\'h no or bef()r~ the- dllt<<-- .pcd6ed ill the notkt'
<br />..., ...... bt _.....u- of fa. ........ ....0.-..1 by Ihili "......0;:., lor..."""" h) jorlkial "ro."..U"II and ",I. ,,[ lhe I'r"",,'f).
<br />'fH ~ ,... fW'lkf bdwm llor-ro..-t<J of lhr fllk. fo r1:iMtatr .aftef at:\"ele"aliooft alld the ridJf to a!:o'W'r1 in thtl fo-tfdo~u.r-e
<br />"...... ._ ....~._.-.~t of a del_. f)f An) olhel ~f"1\H o-f BofnjM"t'f to ao;,-ekntlioft and fu(~~~u*U". U fbf" ot4tJk'h
<br />..... ",*"" "'" (lie befCH't' tlH dat. ...ifkd in Ilw hUfKt. l.e:fid-t'f it! Lf.'n4n'& uptiof.t nUl) d...d>3H' oUt of (h~ 'UUU.tio ~utl'd h)
<br />IIolo ~ ... a. h.._laWy ..... _ paloblo ..I.""ot .,,"lM', <1._ au" .....y ..."'d.... by judk..l "'.."'.<<11.... l.orI..
<br />~.. ~ kt (~f ie ~. f<<"'f"~ .u r\_pt'~ 1lt fQt-t-t')uf;-ttn. i-ndtJdtq. but nut timkf'd .~. rt.ftl.l", lIf dtM.'UnKotaf)
<br />~~, ......'''''._ lit'" .........
<br />l'~ ~...r..... h) 1tri....C'. \.";I..~.ilil<Jd'I~I.u\d;n~ I i'n-dii_,-" .k,.,:d\"iO!tH.~n ,.; lilt' .,1m;. {.t"''I--!.;It~d h\ :h\'\ M;'n~..gt
<br />lk~n~yw(,T <>.h.H h,lJ;"'€- t~ djbi IF hA","( ijlny pn;l,:\'i.-d:H'Ig:< i-~i,H"! l'v 1 'I'-"fdt'"j f" ~<r:;o~i;J ;1\!J,. \.,1;:'1\~~~'- \H"_'<'fHlfHlh1 .It ~j\\ r,m,,-
<br />