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<br />I <br /> <br />83'-'005893 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender's wntlo...n Hg-reemcm Of .a.ppli\.'ablc law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insur.lOce premiums in the <br />manner providc-J under parngraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pu~nan' to [his paragraph 7, with interest thereon,' shaH become additional <br />;ndeb!e-dfles~ (1f Borrow!..'r s~ure:d hy thj~ Mortgage. L1nless Borrower und Lender agree to other terms of- payment-~ucn <br />amoltnts. shaU be pay..lbk upon notice from Lender -to Borrower reque~ling pilyment thereof. and shaH bear interest from- the <br />date of di~btlrsement al the rate payahle from time It") time on outstanding principal under the Note - unless payment- -of <br />Interest at such nile would he eontrarY-h. applicable law. in ",hich event ~uch amounts shalt bear _interest at the- highest rate <br />permissihIc- under apf'Jic.thlc }~n\". Nothing con-tained in fhis. paragraph 7 shall require lender to inclIr any_ expense of-take <br />anY action hereunder,.- <br />. 8~ ln$pedioltt Lender may make or cause ro he made reasonahle entri~ upt.."ln and inspections of the Propcrty.'provided <br />that _Lende,r JihaJI give Borrower "-otic.: prior to any such ;n~pc("tion <;pccifying rearonable cause therefor-, related- to tenders <br />interc<:;t in the Property. <br />9. CcmdemnRflon. The pn.'{{."Cd, af ~-HlY Iiward Of claim for dama!?:cs, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />l.:(i.ndenHlati~'lh or other taking nr the Prnpcrty. lir p'ttrt thereof. t)f for \.'onveyancc in lieu of condemnation, ute herehy-as.sigried <br />,md ..halt he paid to I,-endcr, <br />Tn the evenl of ,it t-N~f laking- (If the Pr(\pt."1'ty, ihc prm'ceds ",hall he applied to the sums _oocnred by thi~ Mortgage. <br />\\ith the eXC-t,~l,;~, if any, \"J;'.id k' fh"'lfr,'w\"f_ In lhe ~vt"'rH 0f :t partial Wolin\! ~:,f tht: Propertv, nnl~~ Borrower and Lender- <br />\\thcrwisc: agrc-.."- in wrifi~g" there ~h;jn he- apphed fO the "um1> '\t.."Con:'d hy -thr"i MO-rtg-age sttch proportion- of the proceeds <br />.1~ ;:~ .tqlh-/.J ,hl Ihat P!-flpof1tf'>O \\ hh,-h th..- amO'i!nt of ~hc ,",urn, "~(.'lfn~d by ,hi" Mnr1gagc immediately prior- to the: date--of <br />Hiktng heap> to- the fa~T ma.rkct \'flhte' of the Prf'~f!\ lmmc'diattlv prinr to the date of laking. with the haJruice-of the proceeds <br />paid to Borr{lwer, <br />ff ~h.e Propert\' i, ;lhandoH{'"d h:_. B,lunw>.'r" ,1r ~f, .lftn f'H1tkc hv r coder tL~ Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award {~r \eHf~ ~ dai-m tor d,1m~l~(,,\, R(}rr0Wt~f (Ii" u. rt'''pnnd tn I.ender wIrhin _1l) davs after the d~:.e suc.h--'noti~- is <br />m~ultd. L("ndcf i... :luth(l:rih,d fp .:olk..::t a.nd .ippiy ;-nc nroc~~d.. af l.ender'" option, either to re~toration or repair of the <br />PrOf)(I1\' pf in fh;:!l-)i, 'l't"...-url,'(J h\- tht'- Mi1n;w~ <br />Unless Lcnder ::;nd Bo-ff(1:'ACr f\H"rt"n'd'-C a~fC~' m \~6ti~'~. ,H1\' "io>::h arr1it,-;Jtir'r'l (If pn1('ced~ h1 princip~1 shall not e.xtend <br />N rcsfl)(lflf. (he due Coile \.f !to..; m-n-mhh' lnHn!lm('iH'> n:f~'rrt'd t{~ in p:lr:-t~f;~rh~, I nr:d :2 he-reof Of change the amount of <br />"{tch rn~latftnei1t.:.. <br />10, Bon-o",t't' ~ol RHt'aMd.'n..lPll ,.{ !h-t' tnHe- h:ll" p;l\'mcrH ,'f m"xiifi..-.lflnn {If amorHzatkm of (he: sums secured <br />by t1w. M{ln;:4!~e- g'rankd h" fend;:,; 10.' iW\' "lh'--"':c"'-~,"r ':' wkrt'st ,"[ RnHO\-\('r -;hall nN ore-rale to releasc-. in any manner, <br />It~ hJhiJi~-y- fir the nd;::Hut 8.--'1'>'''-(''' .wd ROff"\.\\~f'<': '<i:I...,:t'-.;-.,.,_lh 1P tn1('fC'Of I t'oJCI' '\ihnH ont he rcquired to commence <br />,f'h:xeedin,?,,- -agsm...r ~'n\.'h "'-;.h':...'l;:'''>i.0f ,'of td~!'>t, h- e\.H'rltl flm~' f;11 r~lnl~l.;'nl "I ('llhernl'," nh-xlify ~mortilation of the sums <br />...c-t:tHl.:'d tw fhh, M{'rtg:;tg-t' b,.- r\,,~'j,'n ,~f ''1'' t1t:m;lf1d ma:dt" h lh.' Ofi~!!1~tl Horf0wer and B,'rrmn"t's ..UCt.:cssors in interest. <br />Jt. F~ by t-t'nck-r 'tlt 3 \\"ait-'..,. /\;~, f,'rbc.J.U;hL' h' I end",!" in 1~\cr;;"I"in~ anv right or rcm~dy hereunder, ('r <br />Pthef'\l;'!~' ;jlf'nr-iJl~d h- ;'N1k"-,,l-H,,' bw ,n.d! n,'; h,: ,'1 IN;! ;t"n \'! -.1, rr~dtl(.:k ih.: f:\(.'rci"c of any \uch tip:ht or remedy. <br />The prriCHH.'ml.~nt or lnqif;H,(C' n' :h{" ;'dYI'H\'P( i~! 1_\ \.~., ,'1 I,nh~r It;"il'i ,1/ ~'hMg-l"_ ~\ t ~;ndC'r ..h:tll fH)( tx- ;\ \Idli\-,(,f of Lender'~ <br />riJ,;:hl h' .K:~'dct_.ifc th..:: In;\ltlnf'. ,-~t rt'\ ':1d-t'>br~dncq ..,", :":d h\ ,h:\ \h'r(lr;)<:,\~ <br />12, R~ CtmlubfiTIt. \11 tt'fPt'(.h..., p-,," ;{kd \1,'f!\::\jl'7 ,l!',' .hlif\(\ ;llld 1.',-mwl~lli"c 10 :'in\' (\Iller right or <br />ft'me~h IJuder Ihh ~h'tn!;.}j~~" ~" .t~!i'l'd~\J h 1,1""- 1'1 ':'iLl'!\ ';~jl m;l', b~' ,'\t'r\.,:,,:.t ,',lm"Urtc;nl!\-, HH_kp~ndenfJy t'f socce:<"!li\'cly, <br />13. Suc(~ attd :\~fh buund: h..nt and Sc-\\"f'al I jabifih: {';"ptifl"~. -p,\,- ("'\,'\''';)O{<;' and .lgrCl'mcnt~ herein <br />\,.HHalflC...l "".'Ili hUHL ,~nd th\: :i~rh!.. ">;:'~';":l\kf \f',i:!1 ".,\: ?','"prd'\(; "qn,-",~"...~n" ,lfld j.l\"'~n.;; ,~f 1 enJcr and Borrower, <br />\uh~n:t t~\ rh-c tIt.n,hl~'Jfh ,'f r,:i~ j);:up~' ... ht:1l,., \!: ,"\,,','j',,!nb ' .l';:r~"('m\.",d" l,}! Htlfr\l\-\.-t-'-r 'ih,tH he in!flI and several. <br />rhe ~__apft(m:;. ani! hea..:hH_F"i ~~f r'1c p'lr;n::'f.n~h~ "j' If", \1nn?l''''ff~';H<; ~',~fl"{'mt'lh.-t' ~\nh- ,Iml ;Ht~ 11m t(1 he u'ied to <br />mtCFpl"l?f ~"')1' -define th~~ pr"','r~h':':\' ";;,",',,[ <br />14~ 'Sorice', fXI.,t<p-t t.,'r ;\,i', ".<:' ,;r~-;'h~ Lp, r,' rw H' .,lwlhcr m,mnc-r. Ll! iiliV oOlfce to <br />BonHVo'<:1 pf'1)\1l..:kd f~lr :" :hi" \'-t"tf~'lpt I i-l ,,' ",-.;h n"\J..'( ,,-I.,<rnn\"d m'ld aJdrc-~,,~,i !f~ Borro\\'-er at <br />ttw ftrorn::rn- ,>\Jdte--,.. .'f ,<; -,lld~ -tht-r .ddn::,,', <."- ih~;r-'H'; "." .:k, '~!'i.l:,' h\ !Hl-li\.'c t.-I ll'J1de.r ,1'i prnvitkd he,rein. arHi <br />!h'1.'t,f)\. n,'t!':i: 1<' 1 i."n-;.l-\.~ dull ).;1.... r'~\1dl.'...lCtL I;' 1 c-ndi.'f\ atldrc:\." sh\h'd herein 0f to <br />>Inch \'4-hcr 3dd:rc'!:'S ;:l'i t \"ltk:r m~~\ ~k,l(;'n~,!l' I', H,>ff"~H'1 1'1'\:\ 'lI..:-d h~>r~"l \H\-' Ih~ticc rrov,d~d fpr in Ihi~ <br />M,~H*a~ \n;"tH he ~t>;.'('m~d !,' h ~'\'--\..~ !~;:'-'-~; ~;,,":n H,\f"'-""-'>'l ,ct t ,_'m:h:r ".dH:n ~;'cn t!~ the- manOCf dc-,igu;ifed herein, <br />I!.. L'nifot'''' \-Iut1Ia;c;-t'; (;o~~mj-ng I.~_~ Sr,,('ral,{Uh_ ~ hn 1.<1 r~l ,,'>J 1~lt\1 !_p~\' ",,-'mbin\'iI ond('l-rm ; "v("nanN for national <br />,t'\le- and t1()ff-urtih1nn ,,:i\-\en~n;" -... .n~ 1tmll!;,1 " ,\t"JL,~",~ h,_ 1~'1 b,L~j;"H ", ,,,n\lHdl,,' .1 \ln~r(~rll\ 't.''.-\lfHl' in~trllmcnt t:t1vcring <br />~l pr\)ptn~ Thl;\ ~h1rqw:g<.' ...h,.il be ~\''-,U~l-L~J tn, ,th' \...... ~,{ ~h~ Jt,h..~_h,..'!!\ktl Yt. hich 1~H' Propc-rt\' l~ l(X'atcd. tn the <br />C'....cof that ill'i)' pt~'\'n;;.,,\n ,~j ,,;,1;J"t" '_"' '~"~ _\f\'n.;,~~,,' {!-;<.' ""~,'l<.. !;.j"-". 'l,Udl ":'ilt1tlicl ",hall not affect <br />{1-ther pn,I"<d\l....*' ~"f thh. ~ti.1rh~,I~'" d 1',~' ,-,'h .~h,-.'h \.-l'il ~':!t'';l 111(: .:nnrh,,'ting pnwhion, and w this <br /> <br />tfld f::'Pf~~~~:f ~::,;.h\~:~~::~\:;;~~~:~~i; i~'~;~:f~::1:i;~;I.:.'::",',1,\!,',:~c~;:~'~lrl:~~1::~1 lh\~ ~t)t~ ,HHI i,f Ih.. \'1ortgagc at rht' time <br /> <br />()f -(ll;-(("Mlkxl or>l;f r('~,:-(~fd,.dh\f1 IWH'i.f <br />I'~ T..._uof' the Propr~: J''JWtmpdoa. I' ,~!; -i~H1 tnn ,'I ih.: Pr"-~r<:q~ ,_If -,In inten~\1 fht"relTl j... sold t)f tnm\iferred <br />0)' 8s)rf\.i"-H "\\itnoUl I end<,"~ rn(\f ~rH~~~) ~<HI"'t'II;_ ('\"hJmg ~ht" ~-r"<.l1it1n {If ,1 lten (If ~n~llmhrancc ~uh.)r\Jjnatt h~ <br />tht:4i. M(lf1~~gt', n:l} the- ..::te",ll(~n I'l ,I pUi'dl~"(' ilh'LJ;\ '\\,.',-Hi n.. ;r~kr\;'q t<'f hnl.l\eh\lh.i dppli;.ol.:-C5.. \d a rram.ft:r by devise, <br />~ent i:"t hy ;,'-pcratulO (If l.t',\ lip.)ll rhe dcalh .,r " iel'!ll h"";.tn! \\f - I rR, If' . ,i' 11 r t J ut (hi' 'niHil r?f tAft :'uun La filii: <br />-,1 J1r1l.1- ltlli,.. II .' l' l.r tt.~l1dn f1'l-Ji ,;J 1 o'd';i" " dpHOll_ dcdan: -dll the "'unh -.ecW't'd 11\' this \tortgagt to be <br />fnunedi~ttfy dm-: And pj,~ahk 1 ~nJ~'r ...haH h.H-\.~ ...~!.<J ..n..h IlpllUfl: ld ,.C,.t"ie:r:.\C if, prior 1;1 lhe '101lc l)r tra.nsfer, Lender <br />and the pcr~m hl "hom the Prnt"loi;'H~ h !,- h-: ",(lj,l ,-n !nHH-h'n-:J n::;i-.:h dgre-t'ment In W!ltHlg th;lf the >::rcdit of ~uch pen-oil <br />ll, lahslJKhl-I")- h'l Lenocr and Tha~ !ht" WitH':..: pd);.tl:'>k: nil iii... 'il;[ll" '>-l'..;-uu:_d tw fhh Ml}ng~-\g,c "hall ~ at such r-ate as l.ender <br />sha-H ~t It tender haJi w,atVW tht- ('pilOn :;,< ;~'::u:lcr;\!(' f!!(IYll.kd iH !tw,,gr<l-rh l?, ;md !f Unrr,)wcr\ ".il1('cessor in <br /> hall< (~~,med.. written .u-'SumpHofl ,agn~'t'ment a(...~pf{:,j !f\ .".ritmg hv I cnJ('f. I.ender "hall rcka!ic Borrower from all <br />t."iplKms undc-r ~h..~tga&-'C and lh~ ;o.;ote . <br />If L~ t:\(!rc~SC) .'ul\;-h (~pti..~'n 1(\ .ilC.:ekt;tte. I-i.~jldi;'r ,..;,~.t!l m'ld B(~f'lm~'~f nmli:t.~ ;,.'d ;H.'.:i'!cratlon in .tc~l.mjance wilh <br />pa.raaraph 1.1 hereof. Such niJ-tK:~ mall pni'.-a.k ;'1 y..;tH1(i ,""f fhJl lc~'\. lr..H1 10 day~ r'f,>nl the date the ol.,ticc h mailed within <br />wha:-h Borr\'1W-e1 ma)' pallhe ~um~ ded,ned dlu,'_ h Bl.)f(, t~d" !P P,lY ~,h.'h" pm'r lil the C\pir_3U(:-q) of 'io\."h period. <br />Lender MA)^, without turtht-:, n.}tH..'C' nf demand ;.HI BO-flw'l....:r, ,:w\\l..e ;,i/\) n..'medie-!!' pt'flnIW:,j by paragraph I S hereof. <br /> <br />NoJr;i..UNUi(*M Cm"T_NM..r!> &)-rt(~WeI ;tad Celidc, fmther (,;l~C"-n;~nt -i-lnd Jpr~t.: a!' !I'lH(w;$ <br />IL. A~ It~ E-I.ce~ M providc-cI iff p;uacraph- 11 b~rt'Ol. upon Buno~~r~~ brt8t;h of any co\'e,ftadt or <br />....-ot "'.....r .. .... ~~ ,..dHl.. 1M ........""" to pa~' ..hen duo an~ ..._ _'um by' Ihlo Morta.... <br />........ priM .. ~ duiII ..... JOGllu to ......ow... os pt." itkd b. _rapl> 14 b.roof ",.<ilyla&: (I) 1M blUl'b; <br /><.... ...... ....... to _ _to "-'" III a dal.. "..I Inti th.... YU day. from 'h. da'. 1M 0011<. .. mallrd to a..rro...... <br />lit ..... - ...... - ... .Aft<!, ..... (4) 1M! f10llun 10 ...r. .ucb broach on or be/OR lbe dale """"llird i., lito oolk. <br />.. ...... --..... of tho ._ "".und by ibl> '\1......... '""",iolI..r. b~ j"didal ......Rdl.. ....d ...Jc of Ih. p......rly. <br />n........... t.tlIu a.f_ ........wet at Ilw rillhl 10 afl'" a,.rlrrlllu... ..... I'" riltbllo _11 ,.. 'b. f~. <br />....... .... _.......... of .. old...... .... any Olbtr .,._ 01 B........... to ""..Ir..uo.. ond '0....100_. II I'" .......... <br />10.... ...... ... Of W.... .... dIIIu .,...illod ia lito _'e. ..",., al I,........... optin.. .....y d...... 011 of lito ....... by <br />............ to> ... .~) ..... ..... pay..... ...lIloootl '''nher ~ _ ....y 1.....1.... by j....irllll proc.-.dlatl. ._r <br />..... ... tlIItIIIH to .~I loll _h p.....rdI... all ..""._ of f.......I.....1.. 1..<i....Iu.. bul ""I limb" 10. .'m" of d"".._y <br />........ ~.... 1Itle........ <br />t.~ -...."................ In R~, ~-;..t\<\<jl4A-l:itj')~hn$. L~.~xlt'f\ .t,,';..t~krafam d' ,he ~wn'\ \{'(Hrcd tw ihi, "-toH~;.lj,te, <br />lkltt'OWlt: ~1 b+\~"" t~~ rtam -h. h-.:\.''i'. i!l:,H}' i'lftX~~<<11fl~' t!oli,}l;~.l:n h.. {i"IHie, '", ,'nh'r~.t: lhi~ Mnf1Ii~i,,' dn,....',mttnued .it "'11\ tl1)i(> <br /> <br />