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<br />83- 1j(j5893
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<br />UNIFORM COVEN,'N'r~, Borrower Hod Lender ("ovcnant and agree as follows:
<br />l. PaynH'nr of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the princip;ll of and interest on the
<br />lndcbtedne\~ evidenced by the Note. prepayment ;wd laIc charge... a>; provided in the Note. ~tnd the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by thi!- !vlorlgagc,
<br />2. Fundi for Taxes and- lusuraoce. Subject to appticable law or to a \....riHcn waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the d,ity monthly in~tallmelH$ of princip<tl :md intcres.t arc- payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a. sum (herein "Fund$~~) equal to nnc~tweifth of the yc;trly taxes and as"essments which may nttain priority- over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rent.s on the Property. if .any, plus onc~twetfth of yearly premium installments for hazard_ i1\Surancc.
<br />plus one-twelfth of ye-arly prcmiunl instaHments (('If mortgage insurance. d any. all as reasonably estimated lnidaHy and from
<br />time to time- by Lender on Ih~ basi" 01 d::.:-;~S-Sn-lt.;nt~ anti hUhi and rell\0tlab-lc estimates thereof.
<br />The Funch shaH be held in an institutt(\t1 the d-ept)~lh or J..."\.:flUlltS l)f which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal :-OT
<br />state agency t il1c1uding- Lendc-r it Lender i~ \lKh ,an instf!uti\Ul J _ I.(mder shaH apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insuralk."C premiums and ground r('nt<;: l.~ndcr m'IY n\"lt charge fllr 'j() holding and applying fhe Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or ve-rifymg and compiling said a",~ssmCI1LS and bills.. unless Lender pays Borf<l\-oer interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender II) make s.uch a t:harge, Borrower and l.ender may !If!rcc in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that lOfeTc-st 011- lh~ Funds ~hall he p.wJ 11.) Borrower, ,i,nd lHll<<:s-s such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such intercst to t'tc paid. l.ender ,hall 0.11 he n.->-quired to p.lY Rt'rn~Wef ;my inte-Test or earnlngs on the Funds.- Lender-
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, ,an ;,\nnll~i ,KC-(1.untrl1? l,if the Fund:'. ...hO\\dng credirs ~md debits to [he Funds and the
<br />purpt'\se for Vdh.::h f..-a.ch dcha it_) the F unds. \"'~l" m:_H.1c. Tnt.' l- uods ,ITe pli:Xiged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />liy this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of lOe Fund> held hy L,:ndr-L !;"lgC!!lCr \\.uh the futl1Tt.~ monthly- Hls-taIlmcOls of Funds. payable prior-to
<br />the due dOlles of tilXil,.."\., ;t~',,('ssmenh, lOs-uromcc prl'miull\s anJ ground IClH1'., ~h,lH t:'\.ceed the ,amount required to P<~Y satd taxes,
<br />assessments, insuritn~e premiums <tnd gr\lunJ l('1l1;." ,h tnl'\ 1:_111 due. :.\uch l"(C~<; shaJJ he, Ht Horrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or .;redlle-d hJ Borrower on p.wnrhly in~taJlmcnti; t)f Fund". If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender \haH not be sulfkient to pay ta\e<.. as"!\cs.:'iOmenh, in{,IIf'.tm:c- premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />BOrrtlWer shaH pay h,) Lender any :.unollnt ne':i;)Si..if~ h) jol.ll.C lip Iht:' i.k'fi",'ll!n~~... within 10 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by L~nd-er w B(mower reqll~ung pa}flu::n! d1~t('i!~
<br />Up:m paymclli. Hi fill! of aH wm;>. ~c...uc~d h~ nH" ;\kn~..l!!(', J t."ool.:r ,hall promptly rdund -!l) BMrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lender. if under paragraph i:..; h,~n:(l! !hc Pli)-pern ;' ,,~;[d ,.'r !fw Pr\tpcrl. l~ ._llhCf\\'l<;'J: a\.'qmred by Lender, Lender
<br />~haH :'lppJy, no bIer thJ.n IInmcJinn:-h pnuf ", :~h': '-.:_dc __,t fhL Pr<.\;"lC'rH ,)f lb ;\';i..!UlSlllOIl tly Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender ,it the Une of ;l.pphc:luon ,.is .. ~ n:-dI( :i~anht the 'WH~ "l'\..'ml'd 11\ thl" .\h'ff~agl'.
<br />3. Applicatioe uf Paym~n"", t'flk"s .'i.pph;:ilh!;; i,g\ rrcHhk~ t';ha\-\h~' ,tIt p;iymCl'lt\ r~n:l\'l"d by I cnder under the
<br />~l)te .:UlU pJ.ragr.ap-n' I ~nd::! here'-1l ",.b;ll! DC- appllt.'d h-v L,:ndcr rip,t m \',nHlCn1 d! amounts p~ly~thle t~l Lender by Borrowc-r
<br />un~r paragraph:' hereof. then t(l HHcre-~t p.i)-ah!c t-'il the :--'ll1l..'. !hel \,\ 1h\.' f'flIKlpal ~H the NOh.'. +,nd then It' interest nnd
<br />pnt1c.pal \"0 <illY Future- Advance!'.
<br />4, C~rt.:: IJt.m. Ht'flo'U.ef ,h;lil il,~\ .11i ; 1'".'," d'....,_."'-tt;Vflb Yld ,llhr:f ,h.H'~,....~ liq~, :.J!ld Hl)r,.I"UIOO<; :tttnbulahlc h)
<br />the Propen}' 'which m-ay ;lltam ;\ rrh'l,il\ ,We! t!1J' "'Hi k'_.i'-t'h(IJd p:l\mt~nb tlt ~rol!nd rems, if allY, in the manner
<br />jlrovHI~d untkr raragnph 2. ht:!{'\;! ,'1 ; n,lt P.I':.J " :nann,-'f t'\ li,'n,n\~'1 l1l;d'lni-! paHlll~nt. \du'n due, dIrectly to the
<br />payee Inc-rC{1t B~)rrowt"t ~h;jU rtt.11nr!!'o' (lH1W,h l,' i <;Jhh.'! ..ii \i\'il~;,:... ~!l .lHH1unh d,H.' l.illth:r till'. par':lgTaph. a.nd in {he event
<br />Hurf\'l'\.i"er ~haU rlUl..<.' p,wmenl d,t~'>.l!\, Ii",:,"-.... :'ll'Hlpl'\ :::rnhb I,' I ",ukl rt:;..'<:ll'l\ c'HJeOI.'wg :::>udt paymcnh,
<br />Ih.'H'fower ...hAil prompdy Itl~.31~r~c ;H\) :!.:n \, ,,:~!': ,- ~~.. I" j.\f 11 \ ,,\ ,';- 1t1l" \If;! lj.:,~~:." p~-tl\'Hh.'J. rh<,if Burrower shall ntH be
<br />requ.ued h._~"hJlich~t"l-"C .wy ',!~h h~o '", \'_'ii~ h.,,,,'.-A<i ,,!l.lj, .,~P,X q, "tHill~ 1,1 lhc !u~rn\"m (11 Iht' "hh~,HI"ln 'oc\.':urcd by
<br />~uch hen In a mannel ,",~i:~:P!ah-k i,' L.:nd~r .1>.,. 'I: ":,',,,...i i.'1'11 __"m,',,: ''':h..h t:~n b', ~d defend i.:n!l'rl.:cnlcnl 01 MlCh lien in.
<br />kga; prni,:l:ed-m-g_" \\rH~h -i,'PCf'dl<: 1,-, P:I:>.ClU ~h ,;q~"~cxm~'nl ,,! ~:'~, Ll';' .'1 h)rk~lil"': ~,! fhe PI,'pl.'ny Pi ;\n\" part thereof.
<br />5, Hazard IftW-f1lQ('(". B~'nll'."\-G .,.rl.lil "-'-'';-1' nIl" . nile:'! '-,.,. ~'\P.I1H~ ~;i 11\'fl.:;t!!l,,'! \.'it',,:rCJ \\n the Pl.:'rH:rty m\llted
<br />~lg)Ulut k,:,._) P\: flff_ [.,lJ:.ard... In.~hHj;,:d ...~;:h:;; lh..: ',,'ffj; ,--'ll"ltk.; ,-'.'1.,_1-.;.... .ill.! "i;...t1 {,!her h,\l;l:,d... ~l\ [,ender tn_ay reqUIre
<br />JuJ iO"!f.{lj,:h .HH'!....tmb id~H_1 hy- ""_'" (b;,-,;;\,J." ";', i,' :,"J>i!:\'_ i""-"tk-d. 'f:,J.t I ~'o\-k! 'dull !lP1' n:l1l!1fC thai thl,; ..tn1t1Ilnt nt'
<br />-;uch -.:.,.t\'~!age e\~t:'N 11:..1 .,nh'dl'.l '-" __'"d.:i,l?>:<. '--i-' "'.; j< . 'd !'\ it:Ji \h'f!~a~c
<br />The- lmufau-.:c ;,; ;un!,;"! rrnn~h:l~ lh,,- F~:,;;-J _"1,,,' :-~:",jj ;-""'~ .^ ",'~,C!l h,- Hi'r~I".\ ,'; "d'f(,''-'! H' ;:PPT\)\ ,11 hy f ctllkr; provIded.
<br />that ~u,h appk1V;tl .,haJj fk'>l t"!' ,:Hc-a"""n.i-~'h -""I,hhdu \ii ;1'I:l1ltUU, "11 Hl"~il .iJh.:~ ri\IH.:l\:~ 'h;.ti! b..: p,liti Jll the manller
<br />PHlVIde-d urn.:kr p;.H-ag,a.ph ~ hen:,.l .'L ,'1,1-\ l'-F'-; ""dl Hl..~nH..'j -~'\ lL U,',q~f lllj\1.ln~ p;l~tncnt. v.ht:n due, dIrectly to Ih~
<br />lfi\t,Jr&lli,."1: carner
<br />,'\U inSUftt;}....~ r.~KI~' <>.ad .~n~~n~j.,., ;h('t~,~-f ~~"jj_ h. ijl j'-'l;r, .h~l("i",.lh~' :,; I ~:~,;,j,,~i _ifj~t '1ft,ill ,1h.1\Jli.k ;1 '<.IMldarJ llH.tngag~
<br />dause In fol\'('l-t (\i ii.aJ 111 ~,-'rnl .t....I.:t:pl.;hk :,' L:iH.ll-J ll';"kl i-,.", Uh.' fi,.::rl1 ~-,) hdid ~h:: p~llJ~.lt''1 dod rl'n~~.II... thtr-cIJf.
<br />;tnu BO-ff\,)W(J'~."h~l.H p-r...,mpfh hln,~h ~" I..:nd,'f l~':h:i,l._l' :"':'ll" ,ijj l~":...'lp,;. t>1 p.lh.i rrCnlltl;ll~_ In Ihe, C\cnl of IQ~,:\:
<br />Borrdwer ~hilH 81\e- pt'-lt11pt i1,';{;,,',: I,' !!1-!;;' ,1j",Cj[,,!i,<.' ;.:;:n,l:~ .t~hj t ..:~...kf_ [~j~,~~; m,l; ma~(' pn.,,[ l1! itl~~ II nOllnadc pnHnpHj
<br />by &nowCl
<br />Unl~ I cnJet J.nJ 8011 \lV,l;, ~Irjh'l\~ L~(.' ,tp c(.' ;;" \~ llt!l!g. n-i~W '!,h,;': pr,)~~\.'\j,> ..h.d! b.: ,tppll\:d w I'l~..lOr,llioll \)r repair of
<br />the Pn)pcnl d~ma~\t j1(\'\':dc\1 "'h.1< li....{'-'t;i,lH';' \'f [\'"r;l:t ;~ (~,"i1omh;,;jh It';i'\lhk ;.tfHJ ttw 'n:_urily of thl~ Mortgilge I'
<br />OO( fMleh)' imp.tlred It ~,h:h fl.",,{dU\!l'l! 01 ~>:pJlr Ii fl.,'! ,:~\Hl\qnh',.:i\ k~l'lhk (\]" l! the ~l~I.:Uil!Y I'l this :\'10rt~.lgl.' wlluld
<br />be lmpau cd , the lll$uralh':C f'IV\;\,."t'th ~huH bi.' >lppil-t:d t<, Iht' ...tJm~ .,c~urt.'d tl\ mis M\lrtgi.\gl.', with Ihl' ~\i.:CSS, if any. paid
<br />It) &)ft()WeL l! the l)ropt:l1~ I" Ji1.t"dp!l\~~i h H,'fl.,Wl..'(', t'! If U.'rr"",-'cr Ltd" ~i-' !c~p{lnd Ie I cnder wnhlll 30 day~ trom lht'
<br />4.lte Uvl<<.'c 1:\ mal!t.--d b) Le_flJer h'- D.)Hl-'V>C:f l!),jJ lht' tn~Utillh..'~ ~-_illlcr uH~r~ h' ~.:;-nic .1 down i'()f ,n'\UfiUKc bencfit~, Lender
<br />l~ autlkuu.cJ It'> .;:oHcct and J,ppi~ the In:.llu.n....;,' r,~'C\:'e-J:i- ~t 1 \.'o..kt '-'_ ';lftth.H\ t;lthcr (.j n:~h~Lttlo-n nr repair ot tho: Pn:'Iperty
<br />Of to lAc ,wm If.('\:ureU 11)' dilS Murtgage
<br />Unk.-~ Lendt::r and ~'Yf(l-w(\r ,"-'lnef'o\ ht: -J:~u:-e lit v.. f1tmg. .:Hj~ ..i,ll.-n ;lppliLi.in..>n ("if rrl'\~C~d5 h) pnnclpal shall not c:\tcno
<br />Of postpt>>lC (he- due date (tf the mOi1thl~ ll.1\iaUm-Cnh r~-f':fn:d h'l ill pari.l~r"ph~ l ;.i.nd .: ~h'f~",ll 01 lhang~ ihc aOl.nmt l)l
<br />s-w;b t-ru.Wi~nb> It under paraglaph I t\ hcre~A lhe pr,lpcrtj l' ''';;'iwreJ h~ Lender, ,Iii fight, tnk anu intcf(~t 01 BOrrll\\CI'
<br />m a.nd 10 an}' nlSUfanc.c POht:.les .loci H, ami Ii; the p-r..:,,--cct1~ the-Jc-nl It'~uhUlg Ift.'HI d;-unagt: h~ the Pro~rt~ prior to the ~ale
<br />or acqWs.dJi."lD ihaU pass to Lender In the C\tcot ~'l Ihe "l>UtH!> ,"t:'.:un:,d h\ lhl~ \1'_'1 t~;.t~.; llHfI1\.7UHtlciy pnor l~\ '\uch s~lie or
<br />~llon.
<br />6. ~alIoa'" M....c~t' ...f Propert); l....ea.~h().jd~. Cow:lominiuw\.; Plan~ l-'nit Uc,'rlopnwnts. Horro-"",cr
<br />~l tecp the P~y in rood- repair Jnd iihall not ~(,l-mmtl '''lbtc Qf permit Hnpanment or deterioration of th~ Prl'tperty
<br />and $hiill C\1mply wIth the provt!f.l(){u oi .ijll~ IciJ.St ,f thl:\> ~-h"ngiigc h PO oJ. k~!ochold, It l~U'" MUflgag~ 1\ tIll ;,j "nn in a
<br />..~wum Of .t pl.anned una de...-ch.lpnlC-nt. HOn(t~Cf .,.huH perlonn all of lk'lrro....cr:'> \..\bligaiions. undt:r the dcc1aratlOll
<br />or c:ovcmanb crealm, Of gO\:'e.ffi!ng lOe \-ondommium n pl~nrll:u W'Ht dcvd"-lpm<:tlt, the ny,law;;. ,lOci reglllat1(m~ of the
<br />~~um ..)t- pla.nncd linit de-"cJopment. J.ml ,,::ouJi.limcm Jlxume-Hrs. II ;i: i.;:l.n1.1t.IrTHmU-0l \lr pi"nJlcd l.lfHt d('vel()pnl~fH
<br />ndet u. e..q:c~ by Borwwu and Tn-on1ctJ h..\~l~t wu.h lhl'i 1\.toftgage. the ':~l'n:ndn(); and ~gTct::l11\.'.nb e.t 'ioucb rider
<br />MlaU be ~-&I.ed tnlO and. mail :AtltC-nd and \Upp-tC:tlWnt the o.;tl\'cnanH. .iJthl agf~CllJ4~nh (,If th)jo, ^'fortgage a.-Oj H (hit rider
<br />......., A put llcreol,
<br />.,. ........,...- of IAIIIidu-'t. SetvrifJ. If tk~nower flHb w ~X"dlJ-fm the ~ovcnaut~ and a~T<<ment!l. .:~mlamcd Itl thl';;.
<br />~., 0'-1 it :an)' Ai"tion (tr pr~-dml- i5 .;;nm~nced WhKh ffl,lterially uttech I.cmler'"li wten.'st in the Prop:n~\',
<br />_~. but jt<< 11m~ted to. ..,muncnt d.omanL jn~1-i:ye-fl.{.'Yo ((.\tk tmf\_\t<:ement.. ,)f arrang.:menl:!> ~lr proct:'-cdinRlO involvm, II
<br />bla.nktu-pt tW ~~.-,dent then tender kt t -talk!'" ,!pH~)n. upon :}<,ltl\,.-,C h' Bnrrnu.-'cr. lIla) make <;.udl appeanliKcs, d",.h-\l~e ..w::h
<br />~~ .., .....e ,PCb IjQ;.t,~tG ;a.." J~ fi"e-~.r.1 't~l p-n~e,i,;-l LenJ(,{~ l!lI_~fc'!;-L H\dwjlO~. .nut ril1{ iinUlcd hI, .lJ.J:!-Ui'$Crncnt p!
<br />~,..tl~)'\ tet~ .AtJ emf;' Upi)-f:l I.he Pr",'l-p('_H)' hJ ffiJ,tc n.'p,w.~, 11 1 (:IHi\~x H.'-<,,\lltn:-LI nl1\ftg-Ot,I!.\i HlSU1!llh:l.." <l" ,\
<br />~~!it~~ of m-u'uli l~ k~":!l M.'\:.un:1.1 hy lhJ'!!_ ,\i')rl8~SJ;-, tl\.lf~tl\'\<-t:'r 1ilh.~H p~1\ !f'i{: pQ"mWiU\ f~qpm.+d f.' mal!1l;llll "-Ud'l
<br />~~~ ~~ ~ft-6"'1 u~,t-N 'j.,,-~'>;n hn:w:- >1'\0 !he- n:.''lui-rji.'nte;1f fm \\H:h m~VnUl(t;: 11f:fmtHatC''fIc In .H .:.nfdalh:1.' \~ !!h D.'>f!'HU-a'-, aH,d
<br />