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<br />83-005865
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<br />9. Colldrmnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In the event of a total laking of the ProperlY, the procecd_\ shaH he :lpplied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the CM,"'S'iO, if ~Ii1Y. r;titl to Ut\rmwcr. fn lhl' cvenl ()f a p:lrlial takinlt n( the Property, unless lJorrowcr and Lender
<br />otherwise agree j,t writing, there shaH he appliC1.l 10 the sums :'Ie-cured hy r~i~ Deed of :frost .such P!oponlo~ of the proceeds
<br />.IS is equal to that proportion which the amount ot the :,;ums :'.ccured hy this Deed of r~st Im,medlately pnor to the date of
<br />takinR hears 10 the folir m.lrket value 01 lhe f)ropcrty immediately pflor 10 the dale of taking, wllh the bahmce of the proceeds
<br />pmd 10 IJol"rnWCL
<br />If the Property I" ah.~nJoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that. the condemnor offers to !,"a~e
<br />an- award Of seIde- a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wifhin 30 days after the date such .nouet JS
<br />mailed, Lender is authOrll.ed to collect ;lod apply the proceeds. at Lender)s option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the .sums secured oy this I?eed of 1.'rusl.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwt~c agree In writing, ;Iny such application of proceeds to principal shaH not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change .the amount of
<br />~uch installments.
<br />10. 8orTOwn Not Rdeasett. Exten\ion of Ihe time for p.ayment Of modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this ~ o-f Trusl granted by I.ender fo .any successor in intercsI [If Borrower shall not operate to relea.5e, in any manner,
<br />lhe liability of the onginal Borrower and Borrower's- succcssor... m !nteres!. Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedinp against ~uch suc-cesS{)r or refuse f() ~xtend time for payment or otherwise'modify amortization of. t~e sums
<br />:occur-cd hy this Deed (If Trust hy reason of any de-Oland made by [he onglOal Borrower and Bor~ower's successors In Interest.
<br />1 J. FOfbtantlKc- by UncRf' Not a \\laiu-r. Any f\lfbe~ra"...c hy Lender in exexising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />OIherwise afforded hv apphcah-k Jaw. ,hall no; he :1 waiver \If or preclude the ex.ercisc of any such right or remedy.
<br />fhe procurement (II j'tl\ur:mce or the payment or t;1,\C"i {If other henx Of charges by Lender shaH not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />ri~hl to ac-ccteralc the m~llurity t'f the mdl'htcdnc.., 't.'t:urcd h" Ihi.. Oced of Trust, . '
<br />12. Re1nr4ih ('umulath'f'. All fC01l'dl\."\ pnl\;:dt.'tJ m tfH\ Deed 01 Trust .He distinct ;mtl cumulative: 10 any other right
<br />or remedy under this tlt.'ed of Tru~t or afforded h\ law \)r cquilY, :md may be cxerci~ed concurrently, independently or
<br />\uccessivelv
<br />13.. Soc-<<MOI1I and A:\5ic1lS Bound: Joint and Srvtr.d I .lability; Captions. The covenants and agreements. herein
<br />(ontaincd shaH hind, :,.nd the rights hereunder ,h~lll murc t\l. the rc-spc-CtlVl~ successors and assigns of Len~er and Borrower.
<br />subject 10 lhe pro\'lsions 01 paragraph 17 he-re~.t All. cO\ltnanlS ~\Od agreements of Borrower shall be Joint and several.
<br />rhc capuons and hc:admgs of the paragr;.ph:.. OJ lh:.. Deed \)t Trm.( are for CDnveou:nce only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret or dcline the provfsions hereot
<br />I". Notb. Fx(epl fOf any noth.:e re4ullC'd under appht.:ablc l.lw fo he given m another manner, (a) any notice tn
<br />Borrower provided tor in this Deed 01 .1 ru~t flhail be gl\ren hy m;;uling such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addr~ or .at s.uch (\t~r address .1" Borrower ma, design,:ue by notice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />\ b j any notU.-e tn Ltlnder shalt he given ~y ctrutled rn;ul. return n::~ejpl requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such uther 3ddreu as Lender may de5-lgnate hy no-tlet" to- Borrower as provjded herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />1h.'C"t! l,J( Tru~1 ..h;iU k' tk"Cnu.~ III have txcn ~I\-l.'n 10 Korwwcf <Ir I L:ndcr when given in (he manner designated h-crein.
<br />15. l,i..ifonn IHflt of -r....; (;..nrn,1I'C La,,'; S<-"rnWlh)'~ J hi" form of deed 01 trU!it .:ombines uniform covenants for
<br />n;ttionall~ and nun-uniiorm L:o\!cnanti wllh hnnted 't'ulaUons. oy JuftMhction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />..:-o\'crm, re-al property Thi~ Deed flf Trm,t shaH he govc(O('d hy the law uj the Jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located.
<br />In the ('vent that any pro\'l~ttln or d~1.GC:: of lhl~ {ked {~I Tru~t or the Note ct,)nflicts with applicable taw. such contliet shall
<br />fl:(N affect other pnwrs,om. (It thtS Deed of ., nnl or Ihe Note '^ hlCh can h~ given effect without the conflicting provision,
<br />i.lnd to thi.. end the provl'\lOM (,.~f the L:kct.i Dl Trus.t itllO the NOle ;HC tie-dared 10 be severable,
<br />t.. aonowu'. Cop)'. Borrower shall b<: furnls.hed a ("(mtormed (:{,.lPY of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time
<br />ot execution or after rec-ordatwn hereot
<br />17. Tnmfer of th.r ~repaty: A_ptiDD. I! ;.U Of "or part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />hy 6urrowc-r wubout Lender'" pflor \HIUCn 4.:";,)O\CtH. l"\.duuin~ (.J) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />thl\ lked ot TrU\t, (b) the i.:fCIIUOfl 01 a purc-ha~ nH.ln~. ~'Ufllj' litle-rest for hou.schold appliances. (el a transfer by devise,
<br />dcscCfll or hy operauon .,If law upon the death uf a toml lefl,uH or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three year,; or less
<br />not conl;Hmn~ Itn ..,-puon hJ pun.::h:uc. 1 curler rn.:l\, ,It t cndcr\ optIon l.icclarc aH the: sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />Immcd-taiel)' due .lad pa~.ai;t~e, I coder ~haii h..\.t: ......uvcd ~ut:h -OptlQn to accelerate If, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br /><iOO tht; pc",--l-fl 10 ....-bOfi1 the- Propeuy l~ 1,,-" tl(' 'HJhJ ,-Ir lran,ferred reach agreement 10 writing chat lhe credit of ~uch person
<br />IS ).3lt$factory w I entkr and [hat t....c IllIcr(>~~ p4)'ahk on the ~unu ~"t.'iJreU tw this Deed of Tru\t shall be at such rate 3S
<br />J cnder shall r(-1.;tuat. If l.ender has. ~alvcd the opl1..m to- dt:;,;deralc ~lro\liOed inT thiS pamgraph 17. and if Borrower's successor
<br />!O Interest h~ c:..C'Cuted ,;;: wnltc-n :.lUUmpth,)f'l ag;ceOlcnt <ieee-plw In writing hy lender. Lender :'ihaU release Borrower from
<br />AU obh&alJOn~ under fhni rA.""C."d of Tnut ;.and the Note
<br />If Lenc;kr c..er~!~ such npttOn III ;:h,;..:dc.f.ltc, t t'nlic-r ,hall :llai! Morro-wer notice of acceleration in accordance Wilh
<br />~gr-aph J4 hern"'l{. StK'h notice :shall pro'i.u.ic J pcftnJ \.lj nul 1\."-;.") than 300ays fwm the date: the ru"tice is mailed within
<br />wlm:h Rorro\lfer may p;l~ the ~WllS d~lar('J Juc, If Horro""cr Lub It) ~)' su\:h !iums pnor to the ex.ptralion of such period,
<br />Lender may. w..hout jurthcr noI:l\.."C Of dcm....nd \~n Btlrrowcr, Ilw-o~e an)- remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />NOS-USIHlaM <. ,<y,,'t:N."-N1S. Harrower ami Lcnde. lurthcr (o...-cnant and agree as followl:
<br />
<br />Ill. An........;"; R._ .:...,..... pro.'" in ""........... 11 hereol. u_ Borro..er'. lHado 01 .ny co.......1 0'
<br />_I of ............ in ..... U.... ..i .......,. inclucli"ll 1m, co_en_ 10 pay....... due ...y ...... _..red by Ihill o..tI
<br />of Tnnt, tn..... prior ,.. ~ >ball mall noIin: 10 Borro..n .. pro.idecI i.. _...... 14 ItenloI .....ifyiaa' (1) Ibe
<br />_10: (2) .... oct_ .......... 10 clift .....b bn:lICh, (ll . ...... _ '- lhaa JO day> I...... lhe ..... Ibe ....tlce Is IIUIiIed 10
<br />............. by ...10 ..lCb _10 _ he c......, _ ,4) I.... lahR 10 c..... woeb b",,,,,b ... or helore Ibe daI. .pedfied
<br />... I'" _ice: _, m.uIt in kC.......iDn ollhe ....... ""cu.ed by I.... lleed of T..... ..... .... 01 lhe Properly. The notice:
<br />...... 1_ inform Bor....... of lbe nebl 10 ~ afl.. accol..._ _ lhe nelol 10 bria& . coul1 lICtion 10 _11
<br />I.... _.n........, "I . ddHll .... auy other def..... of Bort"..., 10 .......leratioft .......... II Ihe _10 is not cllftd
<br />o. .... before I.... dol. 'pK'iIied in lhe nod".. I.......' al u.....,.. optioIl _y dec!aft all of the ...... _..red by Ibb Deed
<br />of T..... to he i..-....ly d... _ pay..... ..it_ 1._ demand _ _y In.... lbe po_ of .. _..y ot...... ......edia
<br />............. hy; ~ 1:0... I........ slIaIl be ....itled 10 collerl all .-...we c_ _ ....._ Incurred in Punuintl Ihe
<br />,..-.lift __Wed... ,.... _...... 111. It1douliBR. bat _ limited 10, .---"Ie lIIt_y', ,_
<br />111m, _ of .. is in....... T_ slIaIl ......... a noli.,. 01 dd_ in -" <_y in whkb lhe p.....l1y 0' _
<br />part IIMftof ..10<_ ...... ...... mall <opla of _h _ in lhe ........... _ribed by apptieabk law 10 Borro.... """ 101m,
<br />other ...- _ribe4 by ...........1:0,.. ..\It.. Ihe ,_ 01 ,.cb ._ as _y he ............ by oppIi<abk Ia.., T..... _
<br />tli'. ,..wi< _ of _ 10 the __ ..... in lb. m......' p""",fibed by.,.,....... law. T......... ..~ demu4 on
<br />.........n. .balI..lllbe Pntperty III pubIk ....._ to lhe hie...., bklder al the If_ """ pia<< _ .......r lhe ler_ desi!l_ed
<br />i.. lhe _ice: of .. in ..... or ~ pan..!> _ ;.. mcb o.der ... TNSl... may dele........ T_ may ......_ .... of 011
<br />or _Y. parnl of the "-<IY by paWk ..............._ at ,he Ii.... _ pia<< of ..y P'1!Y_y ""__ """'. I.e_. or
<br />t.......... ..... may ......."- dte Property al ...y _.
<br />Up", re<<ipl of fUlY- of the price bid. T..-.. .... del..., 10 lhe p.~ T......... dee4 con'.Yine lhe Propel1y
<br />....... TIM _ltaIo .. lito T........ 4ftd .,... he priNe f1l<ie ..lderou of the Inrlh of lhe __ ....... lhenia- T.........
<br />.....llfItIb' .... """.... of tile .... ia the fuUowine ...." lal to all _nabIc <_ """ n_ of lbe ....., i""Ira..... bul
<br />..... KrrrlIed ... T_'. I.... of ..... _ lhaa .05 "" 01 lhe 11'- .... ,ria. .-.-.w. .._y'. lea and cos," of
<br />::.:........1 flit.. all _ _...... by I.... Deed of T......, and 1<) I.... en.... If ..y, In lbe ...... or ......... lellally ...1lI1ed
<br />
<br />t,,~ "_~........... NmwttJ'l1(.mdma Lender's, ii"l.'"\:lefi:d'Of1 (,.)f Ute s.um-s M,,(,UreU by thi\ Deed ot TtU~L
<br />~to~r ~~t hat",.... ttw:- 'lIbt Hl h!\\>-c .~n'f f'f'~l:~d:lf\t" ~f.ltm hy t _ClldCf' tn c:oftm:e UJi" I~ Hf Trm,l dt~'\:mfH1\~d At
<br />.jtft-Y, h-JU:ll- pt"<<w. ~u.thc- .C;.trlh;f to tJC\.ur Hf ti! Itw:. tifth Jlil hd~lh.' the ,...~ ~.tr fhe Prof)eny punuant to the pO'M:"r llf s,,a,k i..'~mtauh."d
<br />~ th'::" Oe\."d.td Trt.tM. tlf t_'d \7-fib)' ~(. Jl.tUJmc-tH l~nfvh:lO~ ttu'\ Dc"" 1,1' 'fnt~d If: (it.. Bnrrower pay~ I.t"rwJcr ;,JU ,un-I-.,. whu:h wtluld
<br />::-j t fJo;, due uAdcf.lhn. [~01 ft.u;.t,. Ute N~tt .HuJ n~lt-(:, \1,it;HflOg Future Advaocc:'$, If <tny. ha-J no ;\e-.:elcralhlf1 ,"'('"unCt,1;
<br />~tj ft4tif~=:: fau~:it~ ~,h~~4~he-;\ ~-")t ~"Y t:ttrur' c.n'l--C:1'l:uH~ ")', ;JJ~:ret:"'!Cnh of Bormw-er i:onlaincd lH lht\ IJceod of Tru'L
<br />ftut. _~)! ,.\;) \(~hI\; ~:\,pl-,n~' .f'l\.llffnf ~v f \IHh:r .Hld lnF'lc-\: In cnfof't'tntf. the t;,tJ\;en.anh 41nJ agn.'cmC!lh ..I
<br />~f:~~t::r~th~/fl ~~ht t~dtJ ul I fl.,....l ..and m l.-tlh~'f\ Htjt f \.'mkf\ ,Hid '-rtU.,h.'t:'\ r("mcd~ .., pmvldt"U itl p.u-agrilph I ~
<br />r'~i:~ 't-u M~~ t"'~f f7bc, jl-::i:tr(~~e=b-~ ~:,tHfl;C\:\ '1;\- .mu hI) IJ(~HU\\'N lakt"1i \\udt ad.~ln 3). 1 t....ftd~f OHl) H~,~:<,uojShl~
<br />(, - fUlfi__ em 1" IlllerN In fhe Proptny Clod J)(tf'f\lWt'f'>\ (jhhpiion 10 Pi:!)
<br />