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<br />r <br /> <br />83_ 005865 <br /> <br />lINIH)RM ('OVI.N^Nl~, llorrowcr and I.cndcr nlVcnanl and agree as follows; <br /> <br />I. Payment- of Prioripal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the pnncipal of and interest on the <br />Indebtedness: evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any FUlUfC Adv.anccs Sl"Curcd by this Deed of TfIIsl. <br />2.. F...... fOl' Taus ..... 1_.<. Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a wrillen waiver by lender, Borrower shall pay <br />10 Lender on the day mOnlhly instaUments of prin<.:ipat ;md inlcrest are payable under the Note, until the Notc is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to (.'mc-lYo-c1fth of the yearly ItI\CS anti as.sess.rncnls which may altain priority over this <br />Deed of Tru'it. and ground rent~ on the Property. if any. phl~ onc.!wclflh of yearly premium installm~nts for hazard insurance. <br />plus onc-lweJfth of yearly premium installment.. fur morlg~\ge insurance, if ;II)Y. all :lS reasonably estimated initially and from <br />lime io time by Lender on the ba~is of .a,\Scs:smcnts and hills ami rca~onablc estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shaU be held in an instituti(lll the deposits or accounh of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />~ate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an inStlturlon). . Lender s~all apply lhe Funds (0 pay said taxes. assessments. <br />Insurance premiums and ground renK Lender may not charge tor so holdmg and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or venfying and compiling said assessments and bHls, unles!. I.cnder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and apphcable law <br />permits Lender lo mak.e such a charge. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing :at the time of execution or this <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower. and unles:c; slIch agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest Of earnings on the Fund!i;, Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debirs 10 the Funds and the <br />purpose for whtc-h each debit to the Funds was maoc. The- Funds are pledgc-d a.'i additional security for the sums secured <br />by lhis Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held hy Lender, together with the future monthly inl\tallmenfs of Fl~nds payable prior to <br />the due dales of tu.cs, assessments. Insurance premftlms and ground renlS, ::.hall exceed the amount requlrcd to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premIUms and ground rents as they lall due, 1I.uch cxcess shall nc, al Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited tl) Horrowcr on monthly installments. of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hctd hy Lender ~hall not be sufficient h1 pay taxes.. asscs-smcOIs. insurance premiums and ground rents as th.ey .fall ~ue. <br />Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any amount nC("l.'Ssary III maL" HI' the' dcfie:,ency Within 30 day~ from the date: notice IS mailed <br />by L.ender to Borrower requntiDg payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in (uB of a.1l sums seemed b\o' thiS DeeJ (It I ru..t. Lender shall promptly rdund 10 Borrower any Fund.. <br />held hy Lcnder. If under paragraph'S- hereof Ihl.'" Property I" '.\lld nr the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender <br />~h.lU apply. no 'ater than. im~ediatdy pr_JOr In the 'i;~lc llt lhe Property or its a..:qui"ltlon by Lender. any Funds hcld hy <br />Lender at the time of -apphcauon a... a credit against the \ums. <"ccured by Ihls DCct.I of Trust. <br />3. AppIkadon of PayBtlllS. Unless apphcaok I.n\' provl(ic" otherWise. aU payments recclvct.j by Lender under the <br />Note and paragmph'i. I ;lfId 2 hereof ...hall tl\: apptH,~d hy I endcr tir'l III paymcfll of :mlOllnlS payabJe to I.ender hy Borrower <br />under paragraph l hcrcnl. Ihen hJ '"ten."l p.J.yahk on the Note. then hl the prancipal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />pnnclpaJ on any future AdvanCl"S <br />4. ('bId'Wf'5: I.ic:ns. Dorwwcr "ROlf! P;l)' ;111 I.I\l". ,1'SC...stnCl!h .Hld nlhcr chafgc~, fine, ;md lInpt.l'.1lions ;Jt1rihutilbJc HI <br />the Property which may attain a pT10nl}' nver thl'i Deed of 'I'ru"t, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereoi or, il t}t){ paw in su~h manner, hy Borrower making payment, when due. directly <br />In the payee thereuf. BorrowlCf ,halt promptly (urOl<.:h to Lender ;tll nOtices of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the <br />event BOfT{)\\'er- sball make: payment directly. Borrower shaH promptly furmsh 10 Lender receipts cvujencing such payments. <br />Borrower shaU pn)mptly discharge any lien ....tllch has pnonw 11\.'Cf thi.. D~ed of Trust; pro-valet.!, that Borrower shaH nol he <br />required 10 dl'il'harge any ..u..:h h~n ~o lo"g ~l'\ Borro\lter ..halt agree In wrlttng to the paymC?nl of the obhg~tlon secured ~y <br />,,>uch hen In a manne.. acceptable hl l.ender. or ..hall In f!ood i~lIlh COniC",' "iU\;h hen ny, \\r defend enforcement of slll..:h licn Ifl. <br />legal pnxcedings w'hlch operate to Jl~\'cn_t fh",' enlurccmcHI II/ lhc h\C1I llf (orlcHme {If the Property or any part I.hereof. <br />~L HazanlIa58f1UtC<<', Borrower ..h.;tlllo.ccp the Impro\'crnl'"L~ nuw c'Uqmg or here.lfter crccled on the Property tnsurcd <br />Jgaln-s.t loss by fire. haurd'S meluded \\Ilhin the tt.~rm ..c\.Icndct,1 l.:uvt.'fagc", .tod ..u\:h olher hazanJs as- J cnder may reqUIre <br />and in such amount"\- ilnd for ~uch p'truxb ,!\ Lender may rcqUlJc. JHO\'ltlcJ. thai Lender 'ihaH nol require thai the amount oj <br />such covera~ ell:cc-eo fhal amount nt lo;O\'er;lgc tt:qtlln.'d ((l pa\' th(.~ sum, '\~curcd by 1111\ Deed 01' Trtlsl. <br />Inc.'lm.lHillltX ,:,1101." phl\-'Idm~ Iht." Hl"HI.Uh.l.: ...hall tl\. tht'wll hy Borrower !illh!Cd to appru";ll hr Ignder. provu.lcd. <br />that such approval s.haH nUl be unreuonably wllhhetd All prcltlium~ on insurance poliCIes. shall he paid in the manner <br />provided under parapapb 2 hercof Of, It not pau.! In :such ma.nner. hy 8orrower making payment. when due. directly to Ihe <br />tDlUraDtt carrier. <br />All msurafK,."e poh.Ltc~ and renewah lhc-reuf ,hall tJc 111 form ;Jct:cplablc tn I.emler Otnd ~hali IOclude a standard mortgage <br />clause in favol'" of and in hum Olct.:C'ptatllt' h~ I cnder Lender "t.hall ha....-e Ihe fight to hold lhe policies ..lOd renewals. thereof. <br />and Borrower- shall promplly !urnrsh III 1 C'nd-cr .111 n:n~~..t nolKC'\ .ind aU rCl."'elpts of pall.! premIUms. In the event of lOb, <br />8orrower shall give prompt notice 10 the lIlsuran,iC ....trrlcr ,Jud (,cntler. I cuoer may ma"e proor of 105s If made promplly <br />by Borrower. <br />l1nles\ Lcnder and normw~f \!therwl!'.C a~fi.'C Hl \Hl(lng. Ill\UI.JHl..'C prf)l.<ecds ~haJl be applied to r~"'toration or repiuc of <br />fhe Property t.I;imsgw. provJJcd ~och n::tloratwn lcpalf :-... Cl(11ltJH1Kally tca~iblc and the security of this Deed or Tru~t 1\ <br />not lher'eb)' impalre<I- If ...u..::h restoration or repair I" IHlt \.'>.:"-)f1l1miL:ally feasible or Ii lhe ~t.:urity of thi\ Uced of Tnl~( would <br />he Imp.ured. the lll'iUr~lll('C: p(f~;~('d~ ..hall he apphcJ hI the ,~IIl" ~c\:un.,"d hy lhi.. Deed or TrwH. With the Cl.I.:C\'i, If any, p.ult <br />10 Borh,:~wer. If the- PTto'pt:'fty I'" ~bandt.\ih:d h). B;.lfl\WH~r. \~r If timf\)~cr l~llls to respond t(l l.ender within 30 day.. from the <br />dale notice is mailed by Lender h) 8O-fH.l~Cr lhal the Iluuranu.' l.:arner UflCf'i \0 settle a daml for lO\uram:c bcnetit'i, I.cnJcr <br />'" al'lho-nl~t.1 hl l,"\lUCt:1 Jnd Oippty the IOsu-rarh:C P"k..l.,t."d, .11 I cndcr'll> option either 10 re\lOratlon or repair of lhe I)ropcrty <br />or 11.1 the .sum.. M.xU(\'u hv thl'1t. ~-d of TruM <br />Unless Lender and Borrow<< (lihcfWI~ 0I8ree Hl wrulng, .ill} ~u~h app!lI:alion of proceeds 10 princlpill shall not c;(leoo <br />Of postpone the due, Jatl" 01 the monthl) Im~aHmcnh referreu tll In paragraplu I and 2 hereof or t.:hange lhr amount nl <br />\uch Installments. It under paragraph l~ nercol the Propcfl~ ",lc'iulfcd by l.ender. ail nght. Htle and IOlereM of Borrower <br />In ami to any tnsurarn:e J-Xllicl~ and ill .wti hl lhe rnx<ed:t the-reof rc~uitlllg Jrom damage to lhe Property pHot' (0 the ~ale <br />\}r a'Q~t.sHion shaH paSo:!. 10 Lt:'odcr 10 the n.tcnr ot the sums ~l:u'cd by thl~ f.k"ed 01 Trust Immediately pnor to ~uch ~alc m <br />acqu~~uion. <br />6. Presen.tioa ao4 Malatraanc~ o( Propel.': l.~lIM'-hold,,-; Condominiums; Planned Unit OeY~lopAlt'ftts. Bnrrowcf <br />"h;lU keep the pft.lperty m ~;.k...i fcpan ,WU 'h.lH IIlo'! ..lo'HUHII \I,~bh: llf f"~'UJlll Imp..llmH.:llt or dct(,f1'lralltln of the Pro~rty <br />~md shaH comply wlth the JlhWIlt-lOflS ot .10) leJ~c tf thiS 0eet.I \If 1 nJ)t 1'\ nil ~ leasehold. If thi!! Deed of Trusl ts on a lItHt In ~t <br />.:ondomirllum nr a planned unH d.:vdopmC'nt, 1k,1f',)',\Cr "\t.h.all pctfmm ~11I (11 Borrower':\, nhligalions tHu.ler {he declaration <br />.H u!\'cn..uh \'.-I\:'~HU~ \11 ~\'\'c.rllHlg tht: \,-luJumHlIulH ~lr rl.HlIl",.J H1t1( de \ c1l1pmcnl, the .wd rc~ulaIHlIl' "," Ihe <br />\:on~llnjum 01 ptanned 1I1lt( Jevd,,~pmcflL .lIld ,,'-.lthHtucnl ..h'-~..umcnl'. Il a t.:omiomintum or planned \I-Illt Jc\'clopmcHI <br />nder ,.. ex<<utcd hy BorrO'A'Cf and recorded logether ~,lth Ihr\ Deed lit "1 ru~l. lhe covenants and agreement... of 'luch rider <br />t.haU he mcorporau:d mto and ~haU amend aoJ 5upplcmem ihe ,"tn-cn.1I1h and .iigrcements ot (hi:r. Deed ut Tru~t a.. If the micr <br />we~ II part hereof. <br />,~ PIwtedioe .o,f u.....~ ~1H'i.l. If Borrower !all.. lu pcrhtrm [he- \:ovenants :.inJ agreemcnb l.:ontaincd In thi, <br />t>.eed of lrust, \:If If auy aChOu or pmc-t:-eulOg ,.." ..;mnnien~\.'-ti ""hn:h mat-cnaHy atft.'CIs Lender's Intcr~t '-'1 the Property. <br />tnc!udt:ng. but not Jtnttted to, em-ment d\,.lf1lalO. mS~Jh-.enC). (ode cnlort;cment. or arrangcmer\lS O-r pnK:"ceOlIlg", Hwohulg ,j <br />banlrupt or ~nt, then lcmkr-!lop1t-on,_ upon notu;c to Rurrowcr, may make \uch\:c:\. t,h\h(lf~l.: ~th.~h <br />'itQ,n.. and take weh ~u,:uon a$ IS n~essary to prvtei,'( Lender\- mlerest. mcludlOg. hul l1<)t IUnlted !(l. d,....huf')\...IIlCnl pI <br />r~abk OlUorney's,. fees. .mu emf)' Upll-H the Propeny In m:t~e rep.aih, If Lender n:4uit~d mortgage lIl'HJHIIlL:C ,J." ~\ <br />~onctittU:n of maluRe lM ft..\i-n ~uted h)' thiS lle:eJ of Tru\1. Borrower :.han pay the prermum!o r~ujrt.'d to Ol.llllfOllrt ~u;:h <br />r,"~-c in df<<t un',l s.UC'h lime a.l\ the requtrero.ent ft"lr ~lIch IIl\UHlOce terminat~ in accoruan\:c wIlh !:iortuv..-er''), ~llH..j <br />Lf1Jdct',;te'tt .sr"me-n~ Of .ppH~b-te law. Bt\Jlower !lnall pa} ihe .aUlount 01 aU mortgage lo~uran\.'c rremmm~ III th\,. <br />....._ providold un<lof paralraph Z h._I. <br />f ~.':t..l-ft1O\fAtl- dis~ by. Le~r puf$t,I~nt to thi.~ pUOliraph 7, with In!ere1it Ihere...,n. '.h~tll h.c.'come at.Mi-IIon.!1 <br />...... . .of Bert\'tWcf *utcd l?-y .nti Deed ot Trm-t Unln" Borrower and Lender :ilt;fC'e to orner lerms,..H p>~ymeni 'Hl..::h <br />~":::t be payable upon notte."t fn~m I e~er ~(~ ,B-ormWf{ rctt-u~ltng ~ymeO-l. thereof. ilOd s.hall hear ml,erC-S1 lrn;n tht <br />b netnuil at tbe rate pa)'a.blc trom time h.~ lime l~n oUI$landmg plloctpal undc:r the Note Hnh:u paymenl t,}1 inHH"t'"\1 <br />~'~ ,-tate Would bt', :.,'ontr.a~ tu ap~he-a~k law. In V.hi\.'h ~'''ent 'inch amoun(,. sh.all mleros.f i1t the h!lthc\t r:.lle <br />=:yA~"=,~K:.b" i-aYt. NOfhm, l:OflI3tl'lni 1f1 Ihl'~ p~' 1 shalf require Lender h'l mcur any t"xpe:me or take <br /> <br />ltgt t:nl.~ l.~r m.y ma..e nf 'l.:au\€ h'l be made re.a__\4..Jtl~Wt' elltf~ l~pon and lm,pe(:t~l:.!{'~ of the P-ro-~tt)'. Ph,\"it~t,1 <br />t~ fft thi P~... lffVWCf n()1K"(i Pf1ut to .ton:) lo-uch tn'iPfi'htlO ..pci;ltym, re-"Wllil~ ......t,ue thcrchH rd3tC'd hl i.{'ntkh. <br />