<br />r
<br />
<br />83...... 005859
<br />
<br />Lender's "TInen agreemenl or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragTapb 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />jndebtednes~ (If Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless. Borrower and Lender agree to other teJ'l'a"O of payment, stich
<br />amounts: shall-be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement- at the rate payable- from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of-
<br />interest at -such rate would be -contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shan bear interest at the highest rate
<br />pennissible under appiicable Jaw. Nothing c{lotained in this paragraph 7 ~halJ require Lender- to incur any ex-pense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. 1uspectiGe.. Lenm:r may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice priC\( to any 4;IICh inspe-cti{ln ~pcc;rying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />inferest in the Property,
<br />9. C01Idemnadon. The proceeds nf ~ny award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking o-f the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu ('If condemnation. are herehy as..\igned
<br />and \than he paid ft_, Lender,
<br />In the evenf of a total taking of the ProfJe"Y. the proceeds 5halI be applied 10 the S!1ffiS secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the e"c~. jf any, p.ud to Borrower In The ('vent of a partial taking. of the Property, unle...~ Borrower and I_ender
<br />nthe-rwj~ agree in writing. there \haH he ~tpplicd to fhe sums "it'cHred ny thit{ ?\.fonp:age such proportion (If the proceeds
<br /><is to:. equal to rhat propclf1ion which the amount of the ~mrn" ",ecured hv thi... Mortgage immediately prror to the date of
<br />taX-iot( hett'f to the (:air market v31ue of the Property i[..mediatel\' prinr t(,. lhc date of faking, with the halancc of the proceeds
<br />paid tn Borrower.
<br />ff the, Property i~ abandoned b~' Borrower. n: if. after "mice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />Jfl award or settle 3 cbum for d:m13_fte-,,-, B-(\HOWCr bits h~ n:'q:~:md to I ender within ~O dav-s after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. l.ender Ii: authorized u~ collect and 3.ppiy rhe r-rocecds, at Lender's ortion. either to restoration or repair- of the
<br />Prope.n}' or !o the- 'urn, C';,CCll-re-d 1'"1\' thh. M-0f1fl'ag-c
<br />UnJe<< Lender- :ind Bormwer o-thef\\'l~ agree in \\.'rttift!!, an\' ..uen arpfj..~ati()-n of procee:d~ to rrindp:d shall not e'l;tend
<br />,1( po$tpt)fte the due date (If the monfhly i!1.'\t.f!Hment'!i n~-f!tift'd hI in l'3fi\graph'.; 1 ilnd 2. hereof Of ch3nge the amount of
<br />,>u""h lnstaUmen{!,
<br />to, Borro-_fl' Soi Rf'kawd. F-\tcnstnn (',f !he !line h'f I':1Vmenf ('r mndi-ncatu)f'l t"1f amortization ,""I( the- iums secured
<br />h~' fhi, Mt'H1g~ granted hv fender h" an\' ""UC('C';.'~..lf 1<1 miet-t'st nf Horrower "haH nN nperate to release. in any manner,
<br />the li~tHhty of t!ie p-riint'l:.ll BpIT-\)"ol.-er ~HIJ S(1rrowt."r\ '5-m.:i,.'t~~'...lr" in irllerc<,t I cnder ..hall not be required to commence
<br />f'rocccdin~ atrhtfl:\1 "u~h liu..:cc-nO-f Pf ;du':>e h' ....xr~fHj tlmc i"f f';:t\'mcnt "r othcrwi'\.C modih amon-jzatio" of the sums
<br />..e-turcd }-Iy fhh_ M('>rtg,,~ hv rea:\t'lr! "i ;1l'iy ~km:;md rnrlde ~.'<" the- ,'ri!:Hl:11 Hflff\..,wer ;wd BMrnwer's <;;:lIccc~.,<;nrs in inte-rest.
<br />11. F~ hy I-.f'miff ~f)f a W.ivif'f, An\' f<'rhe-ar:\thx' T'V 1 t'ndcr in ~'en'l!l-mt: 1Hl\-' tight or remedy hereunder. or
<br />,.;thetwtflC a~f",rdcti ~\' iippht:;lhk !i\W, \hiiH nol t"", Will\.'{'f ,'1 -it!' rredudc the nCfci.'l-e ot :.mv i\uch ri!!ht or remedy.
<br />l'hl: prO(;urem<>"f11 of in'i~lt:m(:-c iX the raY!1)('rH Ilf 1.;'1,;:,,- ;~r ('.Ih{~r liefh \1t '.:h:tT!le-~ r.\' t t'oder ...haH not lx' a waiver nf Lender's
<br />right tn a~-et.der:n(' 1ne rmU,Ufp. d the \ndeht{:d;u,'....... "C\.:uii:'\i ~\ thl' \f,lf1~a~e
<br />1%~ R.nwc:Ita ('u......iVf<. ,-\11 r("fnni1e~ rn\",'\d~d l'; thl'- "h,rtjla~C' an: di~tmd .!lid l..unmlative tn <lll) Nher rj~ht 0r
<br />H:mecl\' und(:r Hm. Moftlo\a_J:\' t~f ;\il.;-\rd!:u h' ~,,\\ l', nltm\', ,ln~l m;n fw:- t'\<~rn<.\..;j .:"rk.tlr-n.~ntl)' indt"pcndentlr ('l-r- succt;~tiively.
<br />13, s.:~ aad A__, Bound: Joint and Sc-H'ral I iability: ('Ilption~ lnc t',-Wcnant!i MId ~Igreement!i. herein
<br />u,-lnt3m~4 dl-aH bind. ;~fld tht ~i_dt!~ !i!;.'t';'UndC'f ,ilaH ,Hun: ,,-,_ ~h,z.. n'''pel:l:Vl; \Ui-'cc-'"pr>io and a'i'i-i~n~ (l( r coder and Borrower.
<br />"ub-toct h, ~he rn,v.i-~'im' d flM:.1jtraph ! '! hCft'ni '\Ii ;:pYt'li.ant" Mh.! ;nun:-ftle-nh d BOn(l\.\,~f ..h;\H h.: 1t'I!1H ;md ",en'-ral.
<br />The; l.'aptJoru. ~nd h~lu;hnp "t ~h-e- p;u.ntD.rh'i- ,;{ ;;.i, \f,'ot:J!!I.: .It;.:' !,,,r ,','U\'.:-nll:lh:e ,'1f1!\' <\nd 3fe !mt 10 he lI"!t'd 1(\
<br />,nferpre-t m tkiine- the- -r-rf!-ld);i,,'n~ h~!ei"(
<br />14. 'lotft. Ex:.::-=~{ I-I'<r ;,HI" n{ltu;c rcq\IH~d Hnd~r ;Q'f'h-;:.lh1t:' b'>.\ ~~, b-r ,riven in anntht'f nHUHH.~r, l;.\1 ;lOY noti~e to
<br />
<br />~~rt.~:~:~;_'~~=~:H t 1~~ ~.t!~:~~~~n~~:~:~~,~~~_~,~'l"I,g; ;~:.~; r::~ :in '::::::~' (~~L) ~n ~~:~ t~~_ t::~, J:i:: t i~~dl ~T~;:_~/~~f~::~~~if~~ ~~:%~;.t~:l n~~
<br />
<br />;hl ;in,- noh~t." l;) I ~fxkr "h;iH r--.t' ~!I..t'r; h.. i. <:n,hr~i '~L-nl t','/F ;.:',--~"l~l ;;-q1JC',te'~1. [ll I !:;ndt:r\ i!dJrt!s:"I s-taf~~i herein \"f tc\
<br />,,<u<.:n ~"'\thtI ~ddu~ ..'i; I ~mkt in;;;'.- d~""'i~naw h m'fH'C 1<, H,n,O\VL-I,'; ;1\ l'I't_'>'.-ukd ht'rt'"ll! .\nv nt~{ice provld("J f'_'f in thi<:
<br />M(,-rt~~~o.e -s.hu.U he- dC(,fnrd u~ h4'.T ",<-,'"(I ~l>>:'l1 ~'J H:~:'It!-"'~'l:r ,'1' t CI1d-Cf '-'<twn ~IYl~rl ill th(" m;inner (Ie'n~!;rtafed hcn.~in.
<br />IS. l'ftiform MQ~; (;ut'f!m-iJJc r .,..; ~u.ntWliI}. !,'rrn l-'! fl'lt--"n\.1;-h,-e ,dmhil1e-s lll\lhlrm ;.:~)V("fl.afH.. for n;:jil(ma!
<br />u~ ~H1d htm,tHuh.~rtn (l"H.':tanJ,,; ;'idih hmHl:.~"l ~,n,;,>thlln t~~ '1~-h.ti\.:tl'-'l1 !,\ ,'\,t!htt:nte ;\ 'Indo!'nl <"t\,:Hfflv !l)'\lnllHe-ol t'ov~ring
<br />~!/Il pn')peNV T1u'\ Mn-H~-'l~C ....tun be- jt"n'!llt:"(} r-'\.' t~(' ~"''''' .,! !he ,'.lfH-di(fl('lH I.vhidl rhe Pnlopeftv i..; hx:au:d. In the
<br />~~vent !h.n ~HW rnW!~I-('t-f\ ;'_f \ !.au<..c \;: !hi""_ .\1nn,!L!gt: d lho:' '<J;<' ,'n:1Ido. ...uh ,Jf'rh\-,lhll." bw. ~a~h (,i1nth.;t *;halJ n-ot affect
<br />o-thtr p-hWH.l\lO' ~'f HH\ \'1t1n~ii):c ,'r !h..- "1:..' ",iI.,.!, '. ,m ~ \'l~\'''n ~',k(t ..."-nhnu! loe (.'nnf\!{'t1!lf rnwi...iol1, ;md t(~ this.
<br />~mi the p-rn""k',n" <.'\1 Int' ~f('n~a~, ,."h: (he ....ote .F'\~ .je" i;l:'i'cd t" ly "eV1:filhk
<br />14. Bono",u'tj (~op,-. Ik,Wflr~t'r .,h3il f'...: L:rm..hn,i " ~,'rdnrn\{.-cl ..-\'P\ d ,he 'ote anu ,"'\of lhi... MOft~~gC .It the time
<br />,...t "e\:utK\i1 I'f .d~('r t\.......~\hbtkH.. ht'"!('\lj
<br />17. l'tae.tfu nf __ Propert,~-; '\lrllMJmptwn. ii <lH '-'1 ;H1~ PAI\ I.tt lht, Prf\p<~n"" 1"1 :\n mtert:-<i.t the-rem i., ..~)jd or tr:tmfe-rred
<br />h~' lk)t'ft~""'t"r ....lthl,\Hf I ~nd"r'... pn.'{ \'dIO<;.'q ~l~rh1:[H_ n.,. illdlH~ q I !he ....f\~l.tlh_lH \1,1 ..I lu:n (If cncllmhnuli.:e ')l,lOOnl,nMc It)
<br />IhK M(lftt.a!tc". lh} the: dC';ltl(~-n pf ) PUh'''1.l''l." :,~~'nn' ,;~..."qp, \nkf\~""! 1.'f ht.)u~h~\ld appIHH'h:f.'''-. k1 it !ran,f!.:'f h\' {ic\.ille,
<br />~'efH (".r b,,' ~~1(':f.:!tton .....t' Ii;;''' !;t}{~n ~ht:! d..'i;ilh _,$ .J ~''l~H h::n~nl ,'f !t1t' ~,~Hll ...,( 'lfl\' il.~"'I-wh~~id in!c-rc~f i,f three ';C'.1f'.. or Ic~s
<br />m"t n:mtaifung .Ul \~I'{J\m t.) pHr.;:ha~. I t;lhkr mill-. .tt 1 :.::rldu'-., ,'~Hltm, d~(brt: ~dl !hc ii.lnh ,\<,'\.url.'u rw [hi,. Mnnga~"C h' he
<br />!m~t-ald,,' dut' .md r.a.,\:abk. i ('ntk! ..h;)J{ M<i\.I.' ',,",u'I,'":d ,;...,:h "Pll.m 1!' .H.'\..dt\r;ltt II, prinr w the ..,,'lie or lfalldcr. I.f.'ndi!f
<br />Mh.l tbe p<l~~n It) \Io.'hom the Propern ~" h' h..' "l.,~h! ()f ~LlH_~h:l red [1.':1..:/-1 .l.gr'C'\'"menl ;11 ~-\'millg tl:1;41 thl,' ..:retht of ...u;..:h fX~rsnn
<br />r( QIisilk:lQf-Y -t..., Lender ;J.nd In;"!l rh" 1i'l!l'fC"! p-O:l\.;-lblt> vn Ihe \um.... '{~.:ufed h\ I!W.. ?\.hn1~-<lc.~ <;haH he at j:t!I.:h r:.tte :i'i Ll.'ndcr
<br />'ihaU req~L !f l. ('n-.;i(J' Wt"$ ""'arveJ the t"f~wn I..' a(.;_~!t'L.lIX pw\'!dcti ", Ihi), p;Ir~lgrarh 1'7 :.tnd It' Horn.rwt:r'f, "llL\.'C~5.\l-r Ul
<br />d)tCfeu has. t'-e\.'1Jted 11 w'ntte-o Assumpnon .igf't;'e-rnenl ,.';;~'cpt(;d in ~l,-rillng hv f end'Cl. LenJer ,naIl rd~.a~ Bnnnwa (rom :.tU
<br />ilblipti..mii -vnder thl"J: Mor-tgalC aoo the- ~O(('
<br />H te-ndcr ~'~-n:r~~ ~lli~h ~'lpfh_;.11 H.' a":lo:'-derl<lt('. Lcnd,<:r ~h.:dl m.l-l! fkHfclwl..'r rHlH...c- pi ~fL'I.:c!eflHIt'ln If] ac;..orJan..'(.' wilh
<br />}~fiilntPh- l--i h{'"n~"'f. Such noh-c~ ...hall prolrlth: .; reji~'>;j of n"l \;..<s.. rh<l:f1 11,) day" fr(nn the Jate- tnt' fh'liu: i" Hl4Hcd wilhin
<br />wtu;.-h Bor-n"\A~r fft..~' ~1;<l)' lhe :>-UlJts- d...xi~ili'd due, If BNTt.""",C! i._ill<. ',-I l';lY ,-,,>\.'h <;'~lm~ l"ri~'f h'\ tht' ,,'\pirahnn ,,f "u,,-~h pt'fiod,
<br />I..:ender may, WIthout h1f1.ner m,tiCe -t1f d-cm.and en HOrWl,!,ltf. .'lw'!.1",:: ;';'} !l:lnt'l.hn perm~Hcd hy f"lr~gf:lrh 1., hereof.
<br />
<br />N~V~n'OJlM Ci:JVf:N_<\N-t~, fW-nflwer ~lmj t_eni.kr tun-nti:l v'\cc:nm ..nti .Jgn:.\.~ ~!... f~~ij,;)\l;:r.
<br />l8... .1\~ RemeditL l:-.upt * pnn'idf.d itl parS'J{rltpb 11 he~uf, upun Bm'f'(J\\t-r1s breadt u{ any ,'un';uut or
<br />~ of ~....' ia rtdf !\~.- llldHiq I~ nJ\eJi#bl~ to Ilft}' "'Mil dIU' an,..- wltm s.et.'u.nd b~' tnk: !\tortc-.:e,
<br />I....... ""'" to ___ .... .....u _" ,.. _,...... ~, p""jdw in ""_,,,pit 14 ",,<<of ....df)"ln&: {lj ."" l>r.""''':
<br />11).............."""" to'fIR _It 0.-...: i3l . dat.. no' ~ ''''''' 3" day. rro", ", ,hot. ,,,, noti... I' malk:d ,.. lktrroWtr.
<br />""-w:tt:kl- MIt.b hMdt __ ,k ("tmrii; .... ,4t thaC hail-ufe (0- CUf4! i-udt. bte-adil un u,. befme ritt d.t~ ..~-iliflt ill .hi!: Dotkf:
<br />_ .....'" ~ of ,... __ _1P'<!d by .It.. ~~, "...,d....... b." judicial pro."OflII"ll ond ..I< ..r ,... Property.
<br />1loo........... .-w_ _'" 01.... ,.hI ." ""...."'. ofU. ",',"d<".tlo" .."d ,... rillt>t ,.. :"",,1 in .h. I",~'''''''''''
<br />,....,."...... .... _~~ of .. ........ '" .... ..,.... ddr_ ..rBur...".. I.. .....$...J.m .ud r..",d_w.. If.It< .......h
<br />.. _ ....... _ ur ....,.... lltc...... .,.,lllm ,.. .... ....tin. l.<_. ., t."dr,', "",loa may drda", "'I ..r lilt> ,_ ""\lud b,
<br />.. ~ II> "'~y lift ....r "",.... ..11_' fl"''''' dtmaud MOd "llO, f,,,,,,,_ b. jlHltel'" p""'OflI.I1C. I...de,
<br />.... ... ....... to .........'" .""It ,.-~ all ..__ of 1_,,,,,,,,,,. ilKI...... b". ..... lilt>ll.d ,... r-' ..I d"""",rRf.',
<br />..................... ..... ~ ,~
<br />1-"', ,......i~ Ia:~ to ........, ~ntwlfh.mH:Tdjn4i i.erH.ic(,. ;H:.;:-\~~enH~{Jn 0-$ {he _t_\U~~ ~{~t:utvd hv HH' MtJH~ltS...
<br />8Qt~.t ~ tA't--e HI(, .fiftH l,,~ h.l1'1t'e itrl} .pnx;>tcdU1i-1'< ~fUM h)' t ".r<<f h'~ -1;~nt.m{..; lh-l'> ."l,)rt~lf.~ ~!Is.(:'\mlmlH.~d ;il <toy !lme
<br />