<br />I
<br />83,JU5859
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. PIl_I of PrlndpaI...... Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. .(Jrepayment and late charges. as provided in the Nore. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advance. secured by this Mortgage,
<br />:%. Fa_ for Taxes and IMUJ'ItBce. Subjeet to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the da,y monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds.') equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments whjch may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus ('ne~twetfth or yearly premium instaHments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-.tweffth of yearly premium installments (or mortgage insurance. if any. all as reas.onably estimated initi:?:lly and from
<br />time to time bv Lender on the basis of assessments and oiHs and rea.sonable estimate.s thereof.
<br />The -Funds: shall be held in an ins:titnllon the depQslts or aCt'ounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedeidl or
<br />state agency (including Lender if lender;'\ 'Such an insrjrution). I.ender s.hall apply the Funds to P3Y said taxes. assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not C'harge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or Verifying and compiling Srtid assess.ments .and bills., unl~'\ Lender pays Borrower inter~st on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make s-uch a charge_ Born.Jwer and Lender may i.\gre(': in writing at the- time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on 1he Funds s.haH ~e paid to Borrower. and unless -such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requira such inte-rest to be- paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower an\' 10lcr\.."St or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an -annual accounting of the hlllds !>hO\'\"iOg I:redits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which e.ach debit to the Funds \\ as mad/:_ The Funds arc pledged .lS additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage,
<br />It the amount of the Funds heW by Lendef. together \~ilh the future mCIIHhly ins.tallments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due data of faXel. MSeUment-s, jnsuranc~ premium~ ~n-d ground rcnts:. s'hali exceed the aml.'tunt required to pay said taxes.
<br />asscasme:nts. inwrark.."'e: premiums and gmund rems (is lhe\i f~!I due. :.-o.:h c.~ces.s s.h4ll1 be, al Borrower"', option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borro\\-e-r ()f" crooned to 8om.:1\%-er ~)n monthly lfhlallmenls ()f Funds- If the amounr of the Funds
<br />hekI by Lender shail not be sufficient to pay 1.:t\.CS, aS5e!\s.ffientr., !nsurancc premiums :md ground rents as (hey fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any .amount nCl.,>t~:;~,"af\" h. m~ke up the lkfi'::lency wlfhin 10 days from Ihe date notice is mailed
<br />by l..ender to Borrower fe-questmg P<1-ymcnt Iherc~.)t
<br />Upon paymt'nI In full of aU sums. M."\.:ured b~ lhn.- Mortgage. lender shaU promptly ft.':fund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held br L~ndc:r, H under paragraph! S hereOf the Property h .-,,{\ld N tho: Property i'J. i.J(herwi-.,e a~qUlrcd by Lender, Lender
<br />'iball -apply. no laler than tlnmedirlleh- pnor a. th~ ""~tk \~t !hc PriJpcrty l1f !lS .:td-lUl!UUOn hy lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the tune or applicallon J;S 3 ,::r~..lil Oga.Hl!'it the :sum_'\., _"e'uret.l ~y thiS Mongag.:'.
<br />J~ Apptir:ar.ioa of P.yDJeats. t:nih"- ;jpp-h~'ab-k !/iW pm\'hic!l: <:ltherwI"c. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and pariIJrapm I ~ 2. hcreoi iliail ~ applied by l.t'nder fi~t !J) p;t}nlem tIt amounts payable In Lender by Borrower
<br />undec paraan-ph 2. hereot. tben (() mlere-\( payable t1Jl the '\'\)l~. !hen I.. the p-rmclpal: (If the Note. and then w interest and
<br />pnllClp&1 00 any Future Ad\'ancc~
<br />.t. l~ Lhat.. &-rnHH:'f" !\"haH ii'\" all Ln.e'. .f,~-:---,,-)fnent!\ .H)iJ \'lhcf ~-harg-c'l" f1r\(:~ and mlIX1~itH.m'i: atlnoUlable to
<br />l.ile Property w'hkh may -a{Uun a pnonty j,1\'cr ~t'H\ Munga~e. .Hld ka'\t.'hold paymcnt'i nr ground rcnl~, if any, in the manner
<br />pftWwed unacr paritJ,1'lpfl :! htUl:-Ot nr d n~)( p;,mlm '"Jeh m,J-ont"f. b~- H('{l'Owtr making paymenl. when due, dUl.roctly to the
<br />pa)'-K fben::ot. Ben-ower mail ptvrnp-t!," fmm"\h ltj t.cndc_r ajj m':t/u..'c-~ ot antounts dut' tinder ttll~ paragraph, and. in the event
<br />Borrower :\ha.ii mm p-ilymCfl:l (hr~"l:th-. BtlHP.....or:f ..hatt r.:umpth-- !IlHH:\h t~~ Lender !(,>;-I."IPh <,^vldcoclllg :;.tK'h p<lyrnents.
<br />8()rtower ~haU Jfrompdy d-fK:'barge 3ft)' ben .....htd) ~Ht$ pru...nt). \n'cr !hl"\ M()ft~agc; pn-.tYH1ed, {hat B-orrow(,'r "hall not be
<br />requaeU hJ dlKharge ..ny ~uch lten 'H' f..,1-nl[ .u (J-pnpwcr "hdil .>:!::n.:t.' In ..'nllt\g to the r"'x1Jltut t)1 the ubhgatlt-'ll ~ccured by
<br />such Il(:.'tllfl i,i manner ~<<ptabi-t In Leoder. ~'-l -:<!Hl;ll in ~'!C-\tj LHt~. ~-\.!tltl~t .-.til.:h hen t.,v. lH ..h::h:nd l.:n.{.,ni;CmCl1.1 01 such lien in.
<br />Ie-gal pf9Cccdmp whtdl npefatc t.,\ pre\lt:fit me <:nhlf'ce.rnC-n! "I Ill" h.:n f'f 1~)rteltiHC of Ihe Propc(1)' Of un)' part thereof.
<br />s~ .lI.az.ard J~~ !k'lfTtJ..er <u'1a.ll kC1:'p !~.-t.'- Impf\,'nt"n\t.'nh no\>, \:\!..llnf,:: (~r hcrcJ.th::r l~rt'ctct..1 on the Ptopertv lfi5.U[("U
<br />J..C-Ai-uat k"H b:,/:' fire. hu.anh mdtkkd ,",.norn Ihl; lJ:lm .c--\ten.de.l "'_O":t:l~~e ;tnti ~Odl (Hhcf hazards ,]., Lender may require:
<br />..uul U'l such amvunt.l> ;and tOf ~h pft_H..~.... 1 t:mk: WA'j' H.'~-ulfi.<, jlfP\-o-d;:,-(.L lllfll J \;Ill-k't l;,hali Iwt fC4lun: lint lhe amount of
<br />,,;ud~ ,-'~wt'r~ e\c-e<d that ,HllUunt .'i ,,:,-Wctagc rt''YHHcd hI p,a~ HH.:- 'Ill}};;' '>c....un..t.t t1," tfHI,; Mong>1~1;"
<br />The ~MUr~-c l:.arne_t f1'hl'tldmt tbe m~Ufafi~-(" ..h.tH he ..IHI:,>en by Bnrfowct :'>ub!C~'1 If) approv~ll hy Lct1i..kr: provided.
<br />that '\ud'~ approv31 ~.all tW-{ l:>e dnT~.~m.bh ~~u.hheki -\H pfClnl\.Hn.... \)0 m~ULm.;c pu!it,,;l('S ~hall ~e paid III the ltHmner
<br />Pfovi:dod under pou..,.-rapb ;:: r.t"l~1{' !on_ ,j nul riluIm "'iKh numnt..r, h\- ll\.JuoVtcr mumg payment. when due. dIrectly hJ the
<br />mWtiWCe ","Utlff.
<br />AU jnWfUK:"<' fXlh\.C1C~ iol"qlJ t~_n(''''.J,~ the_r~'(lt ~n.itH h- HI !(joHn 'h_":-Cpi.ibk h\ Lt::nd~r ..I\J "hall JlldtltlC d ,tandaro mortgage
<br />~'l-aUlC tU fialf\"!<f t:"f anu lH h)rm a:,.:\;,cpuh-!..:- :~t L<-tliier_ LCnOl<'f ,h,d-i ,>'C the Hghl l1.' lwh! the poltl...tC~ ,Hid rcnewab the:rt:-of.
<br />>\nd Borrower "h...u p-Wil1ptJ~! hunuh h' 1 emkl all (t;~l1cwa; iltl1l~'C'" ;!nu aH 'c~cipl~ t}l pJid prt.mlUm.... 1n the event oj I{)ss,
<br />8om~-c-r ~haH gIve:: pn.mtpt !lull.....: !,) the Ilt)i,.lr .Hl:.:r: ...o\rtlt'f <>.ud l,t,'ndt:l" I t'nt1\:f Illa} 10"10.,,' pf\iol tit l(n~ H not made promptly
<br />by tk"f.Jwwcr
<br />Vnle>> l.eoo.et ;mJ B..)f'(o\ll-.cr llthef~fW >J:~lCl: III .....!;hng. m\UraH...J; ph.....~ed'\ !\hall be "pphed h) ft:-\.lpralion Of rep.w' of
<br />the Pf'l"PCn)' Jam.w. ~)f~n,'jded ut'~h fC-'J.tVf-iUt\.lH '--'I t;;'pllH " e(()lwm<<:~tny t'C-d!}Ihh.~ ilIHl the '1-ccunty of tfll'i Mortgage I'
<br />nl..~ thereby impaired. II "u.;h t~hJ(iHl1.m \~r rcpaH' U 11\\( e"':('n..>i'llh__4il~ tt.'a!Hble <:}! It the ~,unly ,t! thl.s MortgitgC wuuld
<br />be lmpai-t~. the ttu.\1nm~-e prOl.:ce.J:1 ~h~U be >lpphef"i W the ..un>> ~~tlfeJ by (hl~ M~Jrtgagc, \*>ltb lhe C;"l:'C!t),. if any, paid
<br />h) ~rrowct" If the Propc.n~- f~ ..i.nandLlAN tl''' B\)H\~\%-Cr. d d fk1rh)~ef taih h.\ n-:~p\'\Od h' Lend-er wnhlO :W day~ Hum the
<br />d.ue nut.tCe 1~ matted by Lc-n.Jer li..' BonowC't !h.tt the Hl.!oU!ulh::C ,,'jrncr ,'fh:t>. h> ...cHIc .1 ,:htUU for Ins.uranl,;.C bent:ti{~. t cnJ.cr
<br />ii- :ii'"~TlOJ to'rolkx;t and Olppiy the mM.lf<tft1..:<- pn.)c<<4s. 4.( l_eHd~1 \ upBon t':uhcr t-o lCbtoratlOfl -m repair of the Prnpefl)'
<br />ut' to tbe- ~ ;jO<<uted h)' -ftU$ M~,
<br />UnkM L~ildet' dllG BotfHwer nlherwl....e .l-gH.~ ill Ij<!ltmg. .1.0)' ~U'i.:h .tppl\l:_ali~)tl .\1 pri~ccds to pnnclp..lJ ..h..1l 0\..\1 c:\tend
<br />Ul' ptl$l~ the due d-Me ..'I lhe m,mtht\ itUiilHmtl\b rdern_-d II> 111 pitragri:tphs' ; ~lnti 2: hcrc{)f Of ..:hangc rhl: amuun! IJt
<br />such tnuaUmcuta, Ii under pal"Oi,grap-b J. ~ hCft1J1 the Pr0pl:ny I" ,h';>iUlfcJ h~ ,1."Jh.kr, <i_U nght. {lIle and m!era'lL 1)l Borw'.\<cr
<br />in And to :itn) H.'lMllaru:e polu:.tC$ ..'Hl-d in ..ad ,n i~ Pro"-t.'t.--d3 :hef-e-or f(",ullmg irom d-am..gc to (he Property pnor t.o the ~~le
<br />,)Of a~WMn-on ~haU pti4 h) Lend<e:f W the, e,~-lc-nt vt lnc :;~mb. ;,e-,-:ufcd hv (hi'" I\'hHt.g.igC HHlllcthalcly prwr l~i ..uch ~.11t;- I.H
<br />~,
<br />6. ~......, "taiate......-e o( ,~)'; Le-awhnl-. Cundom.imum't; Planned Cnit O-e-H~:ItJp.ncub. BOHO'-\Cf
<br />sball keep the- Pmperr:f in it\......"''Qj repair .1)4 ~hall 1101 .:~~nmJt '.\ a.Uc ~:'r permit II11p;ilnnent or J.eleriaralton of the Property
<br />..\\d_ -thAU ';OOitMY w~th [~ pro",is.ioru. ()(- aoy le-~ If thiS .M~HIgasC- Po tJon .1 k,)~h(lid. H thi~ .\Iougagc h 011 ..\ \Hut Ul ,l
<br />~Ofw.,lmuu:um ,,')of a. pianned VtHt de-~"d'nlllnent. Boff(\~(:f ..ha:H p<'fl.t'rm JlI ~.l! ik~ff'l.)W~(S l\b-h~..Hwn) under the JCl..'lar .sW.m
<br />Of (;'{).~lS l,1'..-Atmt Dr gQvernmg t~ ("('I(u.:lt:munwm N ;'ll.itnned Unit de\'dopm",~uL the v~'-h\\\'s ~~"d fc-gul~UlJn... of the
<br />..~_imqQl '.If pUIm.ed unit ik!,(dopment, ,1Od \;(m,1i.uIV,(:fH ~h.lCumcfli~ 1t il -i..~.ll'hto_mtntUfU or piomncd 1I;'lt dr,..~iopm~lH
<br />n-dot lj e-..~ by Botrt'iWCl .ad re.;'{~fUcd h."Ieth:cr ....ith .Iu.. Mpnga>>e, the l'O\'\'fK.JHs. :mu :tg-recmcnh (\1 "Ih.:h nder
<br />.. be- ,~~ated UlW olnd: iliaU amend .uui ,uppkmcnl t"", I..'L',",'en4nb "ud agft-"itmcnb- \Ij Ihi'\. Mortg.ugc_ ~'l- If Ihe cider
<br />.....10 ;i /kit'! bu.,,,,,
<br />,. ~.... 1_........... ,Sec-urity. If B:Otn~""~f huh it' peffftrn'J the ;,.:o\."'C\naJWi .:dhJ ,Jg:t-~m1,,':ou: nlflhuned HI lht~
<br />M~ 0{ t( all)! ..ctioo _-'f pt(lo(~:hn&, .'> ..'-c,.'Jfl\tJ)e-u~t'-d "",hieo maie-dillHy ,lIfe-cho Lend~r'~ i1Ttcn~,l In the Pt'O~ny,
<br />~ b\tt not limited .0" mtinc.nt domam. ~n-w.lvcoc,:, :;,{'H.'h:1 <'-tllorc('meflt, ,1l' .\ffllngeme-!lb lU pr'l-x<<-dlngs tnvol' lng a
<br />~ (}f ~4 tbtif! t~- .$ll.ender'~ optiOn, upon l1fflwe w B.on\)wi:,f. rna.,. m..ke ~Udl appearao...-c.'\, I"h~bun:\~ "'l.h.h
<br />'\Ufta _ ta-c i-'uch- .tf;tkttJ ~\ tj UtK:Uf.-M)' tlJ PHlttX;1. L<-nder'",- iOlt::feM., 'H-t;:h!dmlil", but nd hnlilC\i t{\. th'\;hUf~rnt.~rH \1i
<br />~- .11_~~ ~ ..t,\d en-xry up('tfi the Pm;:M:r~y io miik-t fe-p:.-mL H l_<,uder fett1JH'td mnrtg-ast' im-Hfun<:t: ;;<:'i ,1
<br />":~WA 01 ~ the. kWi M'Xiwt-d tn' Ihi~ MUl1:i.lllC-. fW.T;,ov.'-C:-f shan P-"_~ l~ prcmJun'l~ ft'quI'HJ:d t/" ITHtltH<lm 'ilh.'h
<br />~MW'~ in ,f;ftKt unlit i-ttl;h haM ,u ~he ft'q.\.UnfDtlft' f9f ;.u~h mWI';U''-':e l-en'tllna{~" .11 ~,,;'('ortia!l;:"C' wIth 6{)trf~w~'(~ and
<br />