<br />I
<br />
<br />83-- 005858
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<br />Lender~s written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereot.
<br />Any amoun.. disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 1. wilh interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower tlecured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />amoun.. shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesling payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at tbe rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at .such rate would be contrdry to applicable law. in which event ~uch amQunts shall 'bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragrnph 1 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8~ 1AspKdGn. Lender may make or caus.e to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provi~d
<br />that Lender shan give Borrower notice prior to any ,ttch in~peC'tion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intere..'\t in the Property.
<br />9,. C-OIMkmudon. The pT(x'eeds. ftY any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnatit.)n ('iT otMr taking of the Propeny. Of part thereof. or ((IT conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and ,hall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the e....-ent of a total t.akiog of (he Propet'ty, the proceeds shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the exec". if any~ paid to Bnrrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless .Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwire agree in wri~il1g. there \haH he applied fll rhe !\um~ sec~lred by thi~ Mortgage such proportion of the prClCeeds
<br />a.li: i~ equal ro that proportion which the amount of the :lium'i ~,curcd hy this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />raking hears to the fair market \'aiue of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borm"--er.
<br />If the Property ii. abandoned by EklfTOWer, or if. :.\ftcr notice hy Lender to 8orrower that the condemnor otfel'$ to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for Jam.ag<s. Borrower fa:b to fc-'S[X'nd tl1 Lender within 30 days after the date $uch notice is
<br />mal led. Lendc-r is. authorilcCd to collect a.nd apply rhe proceed,,-. at Lender\ o-ption, either to rest'Onuion or repair of the
<br />PrOP'!ny or !(... tht' sum3 s.ecured 1">\' this MOr!f!age
<br />UnJC:-5~ Lender and Borrower othcrwiv: a<<rCl,--' m \\-diin~. ..HW "Hch appticalioo of pfOC'eed~ to principal shan not extend
<br />Of ro~tp{lne the due daft" 0f rhe monthly insf;llment~ rder'rcd 1<'" in parngraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />9Jch instaHtr'~nt~
<br />10. BorroW-ff Sot R.kMed. F:dNl"itOn (1f !hi..' flmc f,'1r ra\'m~nt (\f modification of amonizalion of the sums secured
<br />hy 1hi\ Mortgage' granted hy t.e-nder h) any ..u<:cc~s.,-'lr 11) inlt'rl'-'it ,-If Borrower <;h.ll! nOI 0perate to release. in any manner,
<br />the liabmry {J-f the nrJgmal BO(f(\wer jnd Borrower'... $ll;.:;,;('~...{\r" In interc\t I,cndcr shan not he required to commence
<br />PHlCet.."Hnf;-s again\t os.uch sun:eS!.(lf N refll"<" t{1 c'.tel1d flme (,'r paY1nerH or othcrwi...c modify amortilstinn of the sums
<br />~ur-ed hy thh; Mortg_&ft: hy re.a~m of ,~f\Y demand made h... the (.ri~inal RonOIA'('T IHld B{~rrower's successors in inte~t.
<br />lt~ F.~ by 1A.... Not. Wainf. Any f(~rhearl.tn\.."c ~v l.t:!1d~r in eo,;ercl'iing Jny right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />(lFtherw~ at'f(I~ded by appli.:~blc l~w. ...h.:t!i /l{'ot ~ ;:\ waiver ,~f llf rredmie the e'erci~e of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pr-o<<Jfcn:.tent of _in1l-uf'aoce l,.'1-r the raVm"ffH {Jf l<n~\' \~r ,'thCf hem p" ..:harge, h\' r ,ender dutll not he il waiver of Lender'!
<br />right tn :IlC('.ekrate the maturity ""t the ~ndc_h-tcdnC',"" "'l~Ctlft'd hv !tll'- Mf1rt!tag(,
<br />]2, Renvd'w:s Cwnubitlvr. _Aft n.,rmet.he.. fIr_wIlko In fhl\ \-1;.lrt":~Jl.e ;)rt~ distinct ilnd I.:umulativc to any other right or
<br />remedy lttH,kr thi" M().rtg:)~c ~'f ltllnfdcd by 1.1\" (\f ("t1UlI\' ,ilH.l m;)v ht.' ,'\l'r,,'l"t"d c~lncurft~l1tl\'. indcpt~ndenlh-' or successively.
<br />t3. SW~-r!IiiiOI'S.... A~ Bon,",: .Joiftt _Ad ~,,~rat Dahill,,>: ('aptiom, lnc I.:on:nttnts and agreements herein
<br />cOfHameJ !t.haH hind, ~md !he righh ht'f\:u11\ier 'ih.d! ~t1IJfe to, the r~rt~(Il\'1." ""!l':C"(',,-\y~Ir-'i and a'~tgos of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the pn.whHln"\ nf r:u~-t~fllph I.... hN("-et "\11 \.'\'\'l;'ll;mt" ::inti olpt:':emcHt'\ \It Borrower 'J:hJII he joint and several.
<br />The ",'aptu:ml and hcadinp of the pau-flraph-\ ,A ~rl>'i Mnrtglt~ .i.ln: fN (tlnV,m~ll'i.'e o;,lv ;ind are not 10 be l1'icd to
<br />mtcrprct (!-f define the pH:)\'r\i\"n~ h,(,f~,-'I
<br />14. Notiu<# EX..-epl r_. --" t)<t-tl;,.( fl;:4UJred lffltkr ,lprHclhle 1;,\\.'0 w he gIven m MhHftC'f manner. UtI any not fee 10
<br />Bnrww-er prl.Wt ,t~ . ,pgc \h~il '''-" .;:,'q:-n h~ rn~Hlin!! \l1d1 aor!<.~c r,y '..{'f'lified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Pn-;.pc-rty Addr~" N at \.u~h "ther :-.ddre'vo "., H~--"I rn*t:f f1l<1\ dl.~"!W'dl~ hv o\'tIt..C f(\ I (!htcr in provided herein. an{1
<br />tb) .U1) notk:-e!{) Lender :duJt he g''''~~l1 h" ~'eft!fk-~f m;'.,l ((ktom fC>;..'t,,+'j11 requc'ited, 1<' Lender'" addres:\ stated herein ()f 10
<br />..uch other :U:W~, ~, I_tnder fn;h de"jpt.atc hv n..,(:\,.',," t,' B{Tfn~Wt"r i'" rr\l\'!oed herell) An\' n(ttke pnwldeJ for in thi~
<br />Mt1rtgagt: shaH be ~i<<med h1 h~\t' ~\-'n ~1\('n If! n(~rn''''H:!- ~"'f I (nder ",hen ~jH'n in th( mannN de!ignaled herein.
<br />15~ lJ-nKortft ~t~~: (;1n~mi... I.aw: Sf<\'("ntbil-it). nIl.., form n! rn..ngage ....tlmhlOC1 uniform C;Jvenant'ii for national
<br />u'$ot; and nNl-I.Hl:tf\.,>,m\ ...~<}'!.-~n\lnh oI.lfh hmlh.T..i V;H ;..t.-,}fl.", tv,;- Hif,\.!'dhttl Ii' -..:nn\t:hH(" ~ \lHift~fm S\."\:Hfltj' _lno;,trumenl ,,(werin-g
<br />real JlfOf1'Crty ll'n.. Mtl!"tg;ijtt.' ,hil!! ::x. r~'''-lo:"rned r.v the l,.l\l,- "j !he d;fl-,dlC1H:H1 ifl whkh the Property i... located, In the
<br />e~"t th-'it any pf(~"'I'lon \If dau"K d Ihh M('}11f~~(" ,"r the 'SOli: ";()llih~ t.. ~~ un ,'ppli\'"ilble lav.-. :H:-ch ~onthc' ..hall nor affed
<br />otncr PH)W"k--..n:\ .)f Ifll'.. M(lf1gll~t" ,'f lnl.' ~I.'ltc ~,hl..;h ~-aH t.>t< ~n:r.n dft:"d ""':tlhNH lhc t.:ontlit.ting pn.wi..inn. and to this
<br />end the pm\'t..iO!l~ of !ht: "1ongagc .;nJ the ','lte ;uc ~k..:I.Hcd 1(' t-< ..~\'etilr.le
<br />16. Iorro*K~1 Cop)'. Rorrp'ln:l' ,hall t\'.' flfflH"he,j .l \:;,'llh'nn~d .:npy of the 'Sote .mll of lhi... Mortgage at the tinle
<br />,if eXe'(~Hh\1,n ~'r ;.lher f\,'1:Ndalklfl heft~df
<br />17. Tt"ltIUifn of 1M Propaty~ A_Lamption, If tlll ~\f any j"'..iit ~,f !he Prflpcrt\. ..n <in mtt-re~1 therein is sold or transferred
<br />hy BorHl....cr wlrrnJUI Lende,\ ftfhH 'htlUC'T\ ,'nw.elH n,duding l~-l;~ {ne ......ft'3Ii..ln d il \Jen nr eocumhrance ..ubordinate to
<br />thiS Mot1ga~. Ib) tilt- \.'rf'lltt\.tl} \,r ~i pun.'ha...e m,-~ncv ..~\.nfH\ <n!ert.~"f f{'\r hnus.ehnh.l appli~uh:':cs, 1(,;) .t trans-fer hy devise.
<br />~efU (.If hy I.~r-at~oo of 1.\\10 upon t~ death 1,lf .i ,!,'Hni t.;nant ';lr id, the tl.rafl! of ~illl, le~\~hold interest pi thrt..~. years or Je\s
<br />not co-ntainio8 an (\ptir'tn M pun.~h..sc. I.I.~nJe:r nu)-, :it I <oJt:'t \ t'tptll\O, dccbr!: all (he 'iUtn'i ~uln.~d l->y thiS Mortgage to be
<br />immedi.ately due and pa}'ablc. Lt:'oder shaH ha\,c ~-,H\ic:d ".th:h (lptlOll I" dc(derah: d. rrior III the ".ile n-r transfer, l.ender
<br />..oJ the pefM.'m to whom the Propert) i-:. k b\~ ,,~~hJ I.>;' tran:l.te-I'ft':J. n:a..:-h .l.~.recment Hi \HHtng (hat the (f~l.ht ,)f such pers-(\n
<br />;, ulisfaChJf}' to Lt'ndcr and tnltt the i-ole!'e~l r..yabk (.n the 'Hm.. secured fly thi..; ~h)rt~agc i-haH be at such rate ~l~ Lender
<br />Nh.U rcque-S-l. If tend-t:r has- 1o\'aived tOt ~\pli-nn 1(\ .h.....e-Icratc provHJed In thi~ p.uagraph 17, ;:tn-d if Borrowe(~ s,u(,:cessor in
<br />intefest h..., e!(ecuu~d a written i'iiS-Ulllp,tion tigreement ~...'Ct:'r-H::d in \.Hhing hy Lender, Lender ...hall rclea~e Borrnwt'r from aU
<br />oblilatk"""tfl$ under thi~ Mortg~ and !ht Note-
<br />If Lcrnkt eAcrd~ ~h QPlfOa h) a~.-:defd.tc, L...~a-dn \h",1! mail Borrower n...h,-'c of .H.>tdCralion in acc(!rdan"..c with
<br />paraaraph 14 hcret.'\f., Su;;h nob~e ..hall PhWldt i:1 pcrt:)d .'1 !1t\1 \~~., ihan .l~) JaH from the o3te the notk'c is mailed within
<br />whkh Borr(llA1:-f may r~Y the \um\ de",'j;u-eil due_ If BOfH1W{<f Lid... f\'1 P<iY Mh.:h ..u!m- prh1f to thl: expiration l)f '!iu1.,'h peril..~.
<br />l~.ndt:t- may, WitMut tunher nOli"e "~-r ,kmand FH BoHO\;;U. m''-p,,~ an) r.;mcdi-e!l peuiHueJ by paragraph 1 R hereof.
<br />
<br />NON~UNIFOk~ Ct.wENA.S'rS_ Borrower ~:HW. LcnJt'f fwsher (p\ef1,wt and agr<X;i'J. h)ll(lWS:
<br />Ia. A~ R..,~ E__~<<pt _ pnnidflJ in ,<lntrap" Ii Mfffif. up04J 8orw"<...r"~ bre....h 1)( aQ)' ('()vrnant 0-1"
<br />-llilfNllKat of Borr&""u ia ttta _Mo.....~, iPcluding ttw "'O,.-~t;iUU" fo pa) '"' hc-o d~ >>n~ ~um~ srcu<<d by thill Morta..tt.
<br />........, priM to acnltnlkm .. IMiI ....tke to ............ .. p",'idfll in p....1tfI.aplt 14 h..""f .""dryIOll; (II the b.....h;
<br />11) u.. ~.....orlnd'" '..... """b .......h; ill. date, _tie", lha" 30 day. r<<.m .1\< dut. II\< "011,. I. mailed to B............,
<br />"" wlokII Mdl "'*"<h _ be ,lRfiI: .04 (4t that r.llvre '0 'u'" ,u.h bfta<h on ,.. b."o.. II\< d... .....ifl<,d 10 tl\< ""tin
<br />..., _ ... _....... ..r lite ....... ........t by 11m i\l~_., r ....d...."'. by Judldal pm...edln& IInd ..Ie or the Propert),
<br />TlIIO lillIIic:lo.... 1.rI',,, WortII ..........er of lite rlabllo ...imtat. .1Ier "",'d<<.atioo .mltb. rlab! '0 _11 in lhe fMff.........
<br />~ lite .............. of a dtf..... or ""t otlte. def..- or ....."'..er In o<,elentl"'a and r.................. It tlte lire"".
<br />II '"'" ......... at w..... I'" daI. 'l'K1fled In list ....11...., b"""r .. I ,,"""t". opl"'a may d.......r. all of tlte ....... ........t by
<br />tliIlo ~ ... be ~"'y due .ad pay..... ,.It._ 1>,,11,.. de..and .om! may ru_k_ by jvdldal p_tt'di"ll' I .ad.r
<br />..... "" ........ to ......, lft_la .......tflIl... all """If"" .If "....1m....., lad..dintt, b... _ Iimltod to, ,'om' or do,u_nt.ry
<br />~,.......... ""'" tiIJo Rpom.
<br />l'. .......r. 1ltiPU, to Jt...,....~ NUIWdhJ!i{iAHd1f11 L-c.'fk.lef'j, ,J{.~ek'lath)tl ~,f th-t "IlnH '.t.~o::m...d h-~ tin.. M-(.rt~"'I'r~',
<br />BOffU'liiiCf' .~b...H -hA"\". tbt ritht t~'l hav~ I,HW p-nx<<din.i< ~iun i':Iy 1 endcf h~ rniOfi'J:: dw. MOHI,!:'-\l>'"t' di'U.t-tlclnucd ;;t ill1\' 11itW
<br />